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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    I miss Rodney!

    Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


      Hi, just a brief visit, since I have RL stuff to do today. Have you noticed the Gateworld news about the upcoming podcast? Am I the only one who worries about our geek being classified as "overused" and people linking to this in every discussion on "who's the best actor/character"? I know some of you don't read/post in those threads, but... I'm so tired of having to defend poor Rodney ( and even David at times, from narrow-minded comments like "if he's capable of [ playing a character different from Rodney ] ). There's already so much Rodney-hate going on. And now the Gateworld people ( Darren & David, I think they're called. Don't keep track... ) are going to give them more "ammunition", because what they say is more "true" than what we say. [/rant]


        Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
        Heavens to Betsy! You guys have been busy while the cat was away!

        Great pics Alder!

        Love all the sigs Varda! Snurched one far.

        Teyla also wore the red

        Nice to see I'm not the only one doing that!

        Teyla wore red too! (diplomatic yes?)

        Hey, blue also happens to be David's fave color too... and mine.

        Well, then I'm not a real geek either because I HATE coffee.

        And most likely this...
        Get. Me. COFFEEEEEEEE!!!!!

        *kicks their rotten stinking no good butts*

        That is my fave scene in the whole entire movie!
        When he catches the rocks thrown at him and throws them right back! GO MURRAY!!!

        OH MERCY! David in a suit! GAH! ...I mean GUH!

        Unfortunately I had to quit due it being late last night and due to work, I went to TNT's website this morning but it wasn't there. Thank you for not giving up!

        He even went "Hmm." just like Rodney!

        Welcome aboard!
        Thanks, glad to have jumped on the Rodney train!!!

        That picture of Rodney sans coffee was funny lol!!!

        Now I just have to figure out what station here shows The Closer here in Vancouver. So I won't miss it!!!!

        CON*CEPT MONTREAL 2006
        MARCON COLUMBUS 2007
        POLARIS TORONTO 2007
        CREATION STARGATE VANCOUVER 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012
        GATECON VANCOUVER 2008 & 2010
        VCON VANCOUVER 2010
        FAN EXPO VANCOUVER 2012 & 2013


          I am the pot calling the kettle black.

          The thing is... everyone is entitled to their opinions! (sucks huh?)

          I have never made any bones about the fact I don't like Keller or the Rodney/Keller pairing,


          I know other people who do like Keller and Rodney/Keller!

          Now I HATE seeing certain people always Ragging on Rodney! Drives me nuts! *grumpy sigh*

          Just like other people who like Keller have to read how much other people (like me) dislike Keller!

          I LOVE Rodney!

          I love David (fangurl here)

          I just keep defending Rodney!

          Just like other people defend Keller.

          If some one is harping on DAVID, then report them, that is a big No No! (harping, not reporting)
          Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


            Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
            If some one is harping on DAVID, then report them, that is a big No No! (harping, not reporting)
            Excellent point, particularly since the new 'mission statement' or whatever it's called...

            Anyway, to cheer us up! :


            Rodney auditions for The Italian Job: "I've got an idea...!"

            Puppy-dog Rodney!

            Something funny going on with his hair here...

            "Come to me my melancholy baby,
            Cuddle up and don't be blue . . . "

            And *that* smile...

            Last edited by Alder; 07 July 2009, 03:15 PM.


              Yeah, I know... I'm not used to being in a community where people disagree so strongly about things. I used to be a huge Sean Bean fan for five years, and we were mostly agreeing with each other, and when we didn't, nobody felt the need to start a debate or defend a position. But that was an actor community, this is a franchise community, so I guess that's the difference. I guess I'm a bit of a "black pot" too, but I try to keep my negative opinions to myself, or at least under spoilers.

              And I think the only bad things I've seen them say about David are that he's not sexy enough to play the romantic interest ( which a mod told them was bashing and not allowed ) and a disbelief that he could play a character different from Rodney ( which no mod took any issue with, but I assume it isn't really "bashing" ). It's annoying, feeling the need to jump in and defend somebody I appreciate, when it's just a matter of opinion really. I guess I care too much. Rodney's a fictional character and there'll always be people who love him as well as people who hate him, and the Gateworld mods are good at stepping in to make sure real people are treated with respect.

              It's sad, though, that he's the only one of the team who has "haters" ( by "team" I mean the people who go on missions with Shep ). Like with the movie where his character is stuck in a tree, I feel strongly about when one person is singled out for bad treatment out of a whole group. Due to my own past, this gets very personal to me.


                I have always found David to be way sexier, cuter than any of the other guys on Atlantis/Sg1 *shrug*

                I just said in another post that a lot of people confuse the writing of Rodney with the way he SHOULD have been done!

                I love fanfic because Rodney is done more justice by fans than he was by the writers on SGA!

                I roll my eyes when people go on about what a jerk Rodney was...I never saw it. Or I have blinders on *nods* yea cause Rodney is an *cough* Ang *cough* el, "Excuse me"

                Just ignore them! No really! Put them on ignore! It works!
                Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                  Well, for me the attraction to a character is based on three things: the acting, the writing, and the actual looks of the actor, with the first two being the most important. An actor can be very attractive and yet I don't form any "connection" to the character so he's not attractive to me, for example Ronon.

                  Me, I admit that Rodney sometimes is a jerk, but I also understand why ( and he understands it himself too, based on what he said to Zelenka in "Tao of Rodney" ) and to me, in combination with all his good sides, it just makes him an even more realistic and loveable character. And in my opinion, David's acting is damn good, very honest and emotional, even though I understand others may have different preferences.

                  Rodney makes me feel things, like admiration and sympathy and an emotional connection, he makes me laugh, he makes me identify with him and he makes me care. No, he's not perfect, but that just makes me feel that maybe, maybe I could teach him something, maybe I could be a good influence in his life.

                  EDIT: And putting people on "ignore" just because they disagree with me on one point ( albeit one that's very important to me ) I feel kind of messes up the communication. Even if they want to see poor Rodney dead, they can have interesting news to share about the movie, or whatever. You don't just block out that opinion, you block all of their posts. Besides, there's lots of people who don't like Rodney, so in some threads I probably wouldn't even know what's going on, since maybe 1/3 of the posts would be gone. ( Like for example the thread "Would you like to see Joe, David and Chris in a series together?". ) And especially some threads, like "Stargate: Extinction - speculation etc" I really want to read even though the anti-Rodney sentiments are painful to read.
                  Last edited by Tinah; 24 June 2009, 03:00 AM.


                    Originally posted by Alder View Post
                    Excellent point, particularly since the new 'mission statement' or whatever it's called...
                    Anyway, to cheer us up! :
                    Rodney auditions for The Italian Job: "I've got an idea...!"
                    Puppy-dog Rodney!
                    Something funny going on with his hair here...
                    Love this picture! The hair and the facial expression, just go together!

                    Originally posted by Alder View Post
                    "Come to me my melancholy baby,
                    Cuddle up and don't be blue . . . "

                    And *that* smile...
                    Good job of cheering me up! Love his smile! GUH! And the thought of cuddling up to him....yep, cheered me right up!

                    sig by Varda



                      Off topic moment... I just got a callback from a job application and I may have a good chance at it! Ok... not exactly what I want to do... graphic design for a Renewable Energy company... but tis a *job* which is better than *no* job... fingers crossed I get to second stage interview

                      However... anyone reading this that needs to hire an Animator? I will work in return for food and a bed...

                      Even Rodney is happy for me
                      sig by me


                        Originally posted by CarsonsKitty View Post
                        Off topic moment... I just got a callback from a job application and I may have a good chance at it! Ok... not exactly what I want to do... graphic design for a Renewable Energy company... but tis a *job* which is better than *no* job... fingers crossed I get to second stage interview

                        However... anyone reading this that needs to hire an Animator? I will work in return for food and a bed...

                        Even Rodney is happy for me
                        Hey...good luck!! I will have my fingers crossed for you and will be sending "hire Kitty" thoughts to tptb..hope it works!

                        sig by Varda


                          Originally posted by CarsonsKitty View Post
                          Off topic moment... I just got a callback from a job application and I may have a good chance at it! Ok... not exactly what I want to do... graphic design for a Renewable Energy company... but tis a *job* which is better than *no* job... fingers crossed I get to second stage interview
                          Best of luck with that! Even though it's not exactly what you want to do, it means a steady income as well as references for future employers.


                            Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
                            I have always found David to be way sexier, cuter than any of the other guys on Atlantis/Sg1 *shrug*
                            Me too! Those other guys do absolutely nothin' for me what so ever!

                            I just said in another post that a lot of people confuse the writing of Rodney with the way he SHOULD have been done!

                            I love fanfic because Rodney is done more justice by fans than he was by the writers on SGA!
                            I agree! I've seen sides of Rodney in fanfic that I can only dream about seeing on the show... the side he hides from us even though we know it's there.
                            I roll my eyes when people go on about what a jerk Rodney was...I never saw it. Or I have blinders on *nods* yea cause Rodney is an *cough* Ang *cough* el, "Excuse me"
                            Again, same here. Those naysayers, it seems, don't give Rodney a chance or the benefit of the doubt. They're judging this book by it's cover, so to speak.

                            Just pretend it's Rodney.

                            Just ignore them! No really! Put them on ignore! It works!
                            I do ignore them.

                            A for what it's worth I do not believe that Rodney was being "overused" on the show. He's the CSO of Atlantis for crying out loud! As well as one of the lead characters, so, you're(we're) gonna see a lot of him whether you(we) like it or not. We like it! Also, Rodney is the only one who can do certain things and he's needed all the more because of this; therefore used more. Also, the writers love to write for McKay... so I hear.
                            Sig by ME.


                              Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post

                              Just pretend it's Rodney.
                              Just because:

                              A for what it's worth I do not believe that Rodney was being "overused" on the show. He's the CSO of Atlantis for crying out loud! As well as one of the lead characters, so, you're(we're) gonna see a lot of him whether you(we) like it or not. We like it! Also, Rodney is the only one who can do certain things and he's needed all the more because of this; therefore used more. Also, the writers love to write for McKay... so I hear.
                              I always thought that even the worst Rodney episodes were a hell of a lot better than the best Ronon or Sheppard or even Teyla episodes. But maybe that's because I liked Rodney more than the others and loved it when an entire episode was alla bout him. Even when it wasn't about him, I loved it when it turned into a Rodney episode like Doppelganger.


                                Originally posted by Ravenheart View Post
                                Just because:


                                I always thought that even the worst Rodney episodes were a hell of a lot better than the best Ronon or Sheppard or even Teyla episodes. But maybe that's because I liked Rodney more than the others and loved it when an entire episode was alla bout him. Even when it wasn't about him, I loved it when it turned into a Rodney episode like Doppelganger.
                                Hell yes! I guess I just can't get enough of him... The more Rodney the better!
                                Sig by ME.

