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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ERoyalty View Post
    Hey there, I'm kind of new! I got my ticket the other day and have only just got around to looking at the details of the thing! Impulse buying! Whoop. Haha. I know its not thunk but I was wondering if you could give me advice? I'm coming from Chester to Heathrow, I can either get the train to Euston, from there go to paddington and get the heathrow express OR I can go to watford junction and get the bus to heathrow. both get there around the same time. Not sure about the bus though. Any other suggestions or advice on my options above?

    Also! Will I meet people there? I'm coming down on my own! Eeeek.

    You can also Tube it from Euston to Heathrow - but that will require changing lines. It's actually pretty easy.

    I'd be unsure about the bus too tbh. And with the Express or the Tube, you can get a Hotel Hoppa (H4) from Terminal 2 which takes you right to the front door of the Thistle!

    And i'm sure you'll meet people there - everyone is pretty freindly at these things and if you say you're on your own, i don't know anyone that wouldn't be glad to let you join them.
    The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

    l My LJ l


      And David posted YET AGAIN! What's wrong with him?

      "Wet Wednesday updates!" he calls it on twitter. *g*

      Website update about the weather, SGA, his family and a special birthday and the presents he already got

      I didn't send him anything, I'm one of those who rather donated money to DWB. But I cannot deny that I'm a tiny bit jealous that he mentions those people who send him 'real' presents. Something like that tempts the fangirl in me to buy him loooots of stuff.

      The 18th is also my grandmother's b-day, so I'll be celebrating a lot on Friday.

      Bye, A.
      ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
      ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


        Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
        And David posted YET AGAIN! What's wrong with him?

        "Wet Wednesday updates!" he calls it on twitter. *g*

        Website update about the weather, SGA, his family and a special birthday and the presents he already got

        I didn't send him anything, I'm one of those who rather donated money to DWB. But I cannot deny that I'm a tiny bit jealous that he mentions those people who send him 'real' presents. Something like that tempts the fangirl in me to buy him loooots of stuff.

        The 18th is also my grandmother's b-day, so I'll be celebrating a lot on Friday.

        Bye, A.
        I didn't send him anything this year either, the postage alone seems such a waste (not that a gift to David is a waste ) so I too did the donation thang. I have to admit somewhat to liking the donation thang as I can claim most of it back in tax... I know. Hey I WORK for a charity, I do my bit everyday by turning up for work.

        I wished him a happy birthday... not sure if he will post anything else about his birthday before Friday so, take the chance now while he may still be reading the comments. I always get fangirly when I post there though.

        Now I have to go and work, charity work.


          Awww.....I love that Rachel calls her donation to DWB a "Hewlettarian Gesture".



            David Nykl updated his blog today, after Joe Mallozzi told him fans have been asking Joe to ask Nykl to update his own blog! Why do I mention this here? Because Nykl posted this very nice photo of the 2 Davids.

            Read Nykl's blog and see a beautiful shot of the Gate.

            My kind of guy:
            "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
            Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
            (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


              Details of "The Shrine" (the D+K Hewlett episode which script excited DH so much) have been published: (SPOILER!!!)

              "The shrine" - This could be interesting!

              Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
              David Nykl updated his blog today, after Joe Mallozzi told him fans have been asking Joe to ask Nykl to update his own blog! Why do I mention this here? Because Nykl posted this very nice photo of the 2 Davids.

              Just saw that pic on DN's blog and went 'awwwwwwww'!! Too cute!

              Bye, A.

              P.S. For those who like Rachel Luttrell - she posted a pic of herself with her son Caden in her blog. Look at the sign they put on the door of her trailer!!
              David wrote that Jane and Baz were on set two days ago, wonder if they put any stuff on his trailer's doors, too. Or maybe they put signs there to tease David somehow, I can imagine that very well!
              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                Details of "The Shrine" (the D+K Hewlett episode which script excited DH so much) have been published: (SPOILER!!!)

                "The shrine" - This could be interesting!
                Thanks for posting this but...but... where in this am I meant to change my mind about this episode? *sigh* I am not saying another word as I know if I start on how badly this show does episodes like this, well I won't be able to stop and I have to go and have dinner.


                  Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                  And David posted YET AGAIN! What's wrong with him?

                  "Wet Wednesday updates!" he calls it on twitter. *g*

                  Website update about the weather, SGA, his family and a special birthday and the presents he already got

                  I didn't send him anything, I'm one of those who rather donated money to DWB. But I cannot deny that I'm a tiny bit jealous that he mentions those people who send him 'real' presents. Something like that tempts the fangirl in me to buy him loooots of stuff.

                  The 18th is also my grandmother's b-day, so I'll be celebrating a lot on Friday.

                  Bye, A.
                  I know what you mean - he says he doesn't want pressies and to donate, but then mentions people who do send him stuff! lol.
                  But donation's the way i go too.

                  Originally posted by Wilson3Girl View Post
                  Awww.....I love that Rachel calls her donation to DWB a "Hewlettarian Gesture".
                  I thought that was sweet too.

                  Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
                  David Nykl updated his blog today, after Joe Mallozzi told him fans have been asking Joe to ask Nykl to update his own blog! Why do I mention this here? Because Nykl posted this very nice photo of the 2 Davids.


                  Read Nykl's blog and see a beautiful shot of the Gate.
                  Hee - he's so cheeky. Love the smile.

                  And my word, that is a gorgeous shot of the gate!
                  The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                  l My LJ l


                    Eyelash! porn.

                    Spoilered for size.

                    Ooh, look at the eyelash shadow!

                    Sig by ME.


                      Oooooh so pretty! There are women that would kill for those lashes! Is it too early to wish the birthday boy Happy Birthday? It's the 18th in some parts of the world!



                        Sheafrotherdon is having a David Hewlett is 40 years of awesome picspam at her LJ. Featuring pictures of David from pretty much everything he's ever been in. Including that picture from Century Hotel.

                        Also, some info on Splice. Nothing on David specifically though. Spoilers, obviously.

                        Splice, the genetic experiment movie starring Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley, includes a very "lax" laboratory that looks as though the couple is doing DNA experiments in a slapdash manner, very much under the radar. Their "child," Dren, ages rapidly but her room in a nearby farmhouse still looks like a child's room, including a teddy bear. Delphine Chanéac, who plays Dren, had to shave her head and also wear weird clothes that allow the VFX crew to superimpose effects on her body, especially her legs below the knees. Dren develops into a deadly winged half-human creature.
                        Source here.
                        Last edited by PuddleJumper42; 17 April 2008, 06:45 PM.


                          Some info on Splice. Nothing on David specifically though. (Also posted on the McKay/Hewlett thunk thread.) Spoilers for Splice, obviously.

                          Splice, the genetic experiment movie starring Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley, includes a very "lax" laboratory that looks as though the couple is doing DNA experiments in a slapdash manner, very much under the radar. Their "child," Dren, ages rapidly but her room in a nearby farmhouse still looks like a child's room, including a teddy bear. Delphine Chanéac, who plays Dren, had to shave her head and also wear weird clothes that allow the VFX crew to superimpose effects on her body, especially her legs below the knees. Dren develops into a deadly winged half-human creature.
                          Source here.


                            Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                            I think tptb need to keep Rodney in the jerk mode at times. He is the only one on the show that is allowed to be that way, and although true, in most eps last season I would have said he was shown less jerky... fact remains if they want a jerk, McKay is where they go, never Sheppard, Ronon or Teyla... like somehow 'normal' peeps are never jerks. Come live in my world! Peeps have bad days and they do act like jerks sometimes. A little sharing out of the jerkdom (I love making up words) in season 5 wouldn't go astray. Personally I think Jeannie has been a jerk in the past, but you know family tree.
                            I agree, keyword being sometimes. I think even David said in an article that he couldn't imagine how he would keep that kind of energy level up (talking about the McKay character from SG1) in a series full-time. I like that McKay gets to say what everyone else is thinking! We all know someone like that (or at least I do) and they certainly make life interesting!
                            I think Jeannie has been kind of a jerk at times (thinking of the whole Rod thing and the cafeteria scene where she was spilling private family info. about him......yeah, yeah, I know everyone likes to say "But that's what siblings do!" but not in my family. We give each other Hell, but we don't do it in front of our siblings' friends/co-workers etc.) and I think you're right about the family tree thing. At any rate, I don't want McKay to stay as jerky as he was on SG1 or even in Season 1 of SGA, but I don't want him to become unrecognizable either. Right now, I think the character has been moving at a nice progression......although some writers put him right back into his old SG1 character when they write for him so........there has to be a balance imho.



                              OMG! Thank you so much for the link! Those pictures were fantastically yummy!

                              I...ah...snurched quite a few.
                              Sig by ME.


                                Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                                OMG! Thank you so much for the link! Those pictures were fantastically yummy!

                                I...ah...snurched quite a few.
                                No problem. To be honest, it was easier to share the link than to post all the pictures over here.

                                Hey, I'm not going to stop you from snurching. (One, because it's not my journal, and two, because they were most likely snurched from somewhere else.)

