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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Purpleyin
    Mainly I'd find the airports scary, never flown completely alone, or atleast never flown alone and then had to get off and make my way to some place elsewhere. I don't like traveling alone a tall.

    If you don't mind me asking, how much did it cost you to go to the Vancourver con? Like airfare, hotel, ticket and all (I'm presuming you live in UK... can't remember why but...).
    Ah, yeah.. airports can be pretty intimidating. I've been traveling on my own since I joined the Army in February of 1991 so I've gotten used to it. However, I am extremely paranoid about getting to the airport and to my gates very very early. My first flight by myself was to get to Ft. Jackson for Basic Training and I missed it because I thought they started boarding at the time on my ticket when in fact that is supposed to be the departure time.

    I don't mind relating the expenses. Keep in mind that this is in US dollars and that I flew out to Vancouver from the Washington DC area all the way on the east coast. I also stayed at the convention hotel 3 extra days so I could get some sightseeing in. And I got the Gold Ticket with all the frills.

    Plane: $425 (through Orbitz)
    Gold Pass: $500
    Hotel: $596 (got the convention rate for all 6 nights)
    Getting to meet some of the cast and a writer and some Gateworlders, set foot on Atlantis and run around beautiful Vancouver... Priceless


      Originally posted by buni1161
      this is how you can tell how happy somebody is with what they for a living- here he his- soaking wet- probably FREEZING- and he's smiling- not just smiling for the camera mind you- but his whole face is just happy-
      I think this "wet David and Torri" is possibly my favorite DH/TH pic right now. I never saw it before yesterday and now I can't stop staring.......*sighs*

      Renenutet- thanks for the great pics of Mckay's arms/hands. You can never have too many of those!
      Originally posted by ra hanna
      I just got caught up over there and loved the question! I love the Mac or PC one too! That's always the sort of thing that I want to know.
      lol...yeah..I was a bit embarrassed about asking but I though I might as well. Only asked 3 Q's in hopes that he would answer them all fully *fingers crossed*
      Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
      :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


        Originally posted by buni1161
        this is how you can tell how happy somebody is with what they for a living- here he his- soaking wet- probably FREEZING- and he's smiling- not just smiling for the camera mind you- but his whole face is just happy-

        Hmmm, must have been some joke, because Martin Gero told us that after 3 days of getting soaked, Tori Higgins became ill and was NOT a happy camper and she's smiling. Maybe that pic was shot on the first day of filming. Wonder if they were both smiling at the end of day 3????
        On fighting:
        Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
        Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


          Thanks for all comments of welcome. Those, coupled with all the lovely pictures, make this thread a wonderful place.

          I must remember for future reference though, not to come here before I've had my morning coffee. It's bad for the heart to be confronted by those biceps before I've been caffeinated
          Last edited by Girl Clone; 30 April 2005, 12:36 AM.
          "Never offend people with style when you can offend them with substance." --Sam Brown


            Originally posted by GatetheWay
            You know what makes that even more funny? He actually had his jacket off when he was activating the sheild so that means he had to of put it on again to rap the bandage over it. My theory was that he was looking for sympathy.
            Oh definitely looking for sympathy

            It's like he thought 'well fine. If nobody is going to attend to the wounds I received in the line of my duty to this city, then I'll show you just how hopelessly inadequate my medical skills are and you'll all feel bad for neglecting the guy that saved Atlantis'.

            Or, um, something like that...

            Particularly loved the withering look Shep threw at him...Shep knows exactly what Rodney's about (which is why i started this thread just for the boys )
            Last edited by SaharaGate; 29 April 2005, 05:20 PM. Reason: for the link


              Here's the ultimate hand shots, from The Brotherhood.

              No words needed. You know exactly what Rodney is saying. Ah, those very expressive hands!

              The Brotherhood was hand heaven. Rodney, John, AND Radek!

              My kind of guy:
              "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
              Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
              (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                Originally posted by aaobuttons
                In "The eye" at the end when Rodney bandaged his own arm up, he wrapped the outside of his jacket instead of taking off his jacket and wrapping the arm itself. Why do you think he did that? Do you think that he didn't know first aid and didn't know any better? Or do you think he did it that way for attention?
                I'm making this all up, so I don't think it needs spoilers.

                My theory is that Rodney only trusts Carson to fix him up. After all, the chief of medicine should be attending to the chief of the scientists. And besides, medicine is all voodoo. Might as well have just one person attending to Rodney instead of trusting others.

                Rodney had taken his jacket off because it was wet and cold.

                Carson was suffering from a concussion. Rodney takes the concussed Carson down to the infirmary. Rodney grabs his jacket before leaving the control room because he's feeling cold after the adrenaline rush of the moment wears off. He realizes that he really isn't all that warm after being rain soaked to the skin on the balcony. His jacket had dried out during the crisis.

                While they're waiting for the medical staff to return, Rodney scrounges around in the mess left by the Genii and finds some pain killers for his arm. Rodney pops into his mouth more pills than he should, but since Carson is all concussed, Carson doesn't notice. After a bit, the medicine takes effect and makes Rodney kind of loopy. He notices the rips in his jacket and decides that he needs to wrap it up. So he does.

                The medical staff returns and attends to Carson, but since Rodney doesn't look injured, they think he was just there minding Carson. Rodney is too loopy to offer the fact that he, too, has something that needs medical attention.

                After seeing Carson is being looked after, Rodney wanders off to find some food, still pretty much out of it. He has his meal and then goes back to the control center to check up on things. After looking at some readings, and getting a status report from the gate room techs, he spots Elizabeth and John on the balcony and goes out to give them a status report.

                How's that for a theory?

                My kind of guy:
                "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                  Take 'em off, Take 'em off!!!..................................such beautiful hands.
                  Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
                  :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


                    Wallpaper time!

                    Again, it was originally 768x1024, but who knows what Photobucket did to it. Just click on the thumbnail below.

                    Last edited by Tracker; 30 April 2005, 05:14 PM. Reason: Directions are good :-)

                    See the Clips | IMDB site | Official Site
                    Proud Rodney McKay Thunker | Proud Jayne Cobb Thunker | Keeper of the M.A.L.P.-on-a-Stick


                      I really like mckay, look forward to what arogant funny thing he says next! But u can tell u havent seen all his layers yet, but in my opinion i think he has awsome chemestry with wier!! They have a familiar agreement with eachother, i like it!
                      Xander: Damn it! You know what? I'm sick of this crap. I'm sick of being the guy who eats insects and gets the funny syphilis. As of this moment, it's over. I'm finished being everybody's butt monkey!


               postings in 22 hours? Did all the thunking on this thread take its toll??

                        Am I all that's left?!?

                        Hmm...on second thought...just me and Rodney....

                        See the Clips | IMDB site | Official Site
                        Proud Rodney McKay Thunker | Proud Jayne Cobb Thunker | Keeper of the M.A.L.P.-on-a-Stick


                          Originally posted by Tracker
                 postings in 22 hours? Did all the thunking on this thread take its toll??

                          Am I all that's left?!?

                          Hmm...on second thought...just me and Rodney....
                          Wait up, me too. Probably to do with Gw being down. Forums are up for some but not all... alpha site had explanation of what was going on.


                            Yay! The thread is back! *wiggles* Yah, the forum was down for a bit along with the site. Some people could access the forum by bypassing the site (I was not one of them, unfortunately), but some people will not be able to access the neither the site nor the forum for a bit I hear. Depends on how long the DNS transfer takes to get to their computers or whatever. lol I didn't totally get what they were talking about on the alpha site.

                            I'm just happy I can get back to this thread! Wheeeeee!

                            "I'm not crazy because I take the right pills every day" - Jimmy Eat World
                            "If I ventured in the slip stream/between the viaducts of your dreams ... could you find me? ... Ain't nothing but a stranger in this world" - Van Morrison
                            "It's a feelin'/In your heart, in your soul/In your being, yeah/It's a beautiful obsession" - Van Morrison


                              Originally posted by watcher652
                              I'm making this all up, so I don't think it needs spoilers.

                              My theory is that Rodney only trusts Carson to fix him up. After all, the chief of medicine should be attending to the chief of the scientists. And besides, medicine is all voodoo. Might as well have just one person attending to Rodney instead of trusting others.

                              Rodney had taken his jacket off because it was wet and cold.

                              Carson was suffering from a concussion. Rodney takes the concussed Carson down to the infirmary. Rodney grabs his jacket before leaving the control room because he's feeling cold after the adrenaline rush of the moment wears off. He realizes that he really isn't all that warm after being rain soaked to the skin on the balcony. His jacket had dried out during the crisis.

                              While they're waiting for the medical staff to return, Rodney scrounges around in the mess left by the Genii and finds some pain killers for his arm. Rodney pops into his mouth more pills than he should, but since Carson is all concussed, Carson doesn't notice. After a bit, the medicine takes effect and makes Rodney kind of loopy. He notices the rips in his jacket and decides that he needs to wrap it up. So he does.

                              The medical staff returns and attends to Carson, but since Rodney doesn't look injured, they think he was just there minding Carson. Rodney is too loopy to offer the fact that he, too, has something that needs medical attention.

                              After seeing Carson is being looked after, Rodney wanders off to find some food, still pretty much out of it. He has his meal and then goes back to the control center to check up on things. After looking at some readings, and getting a status report from the gate room techs, he spots Elizabeth and John on the balcony and goes out to give them a status report.

                              How's that for a theory?
                              Love it! That's too funny.

                              Throw in that in rinsing off Kolya's smack to the head he goes overboard and washes his hair in an infirmary sink, and that explains it all.
                              Don't say "ka" until you've tried it.


                                Originally posted by aaobuttons

                                In "The eye" at the end when Rodney bandaged his own arm up, he wrapped the outside of his jacket instead of taking off his jacket and wrapping the arm itself. Why do you think he did that? Do you think that he didn't know first aid and didn't know any better? Or do you think he did it that way for attention?

                                lol, that was funny! I remember watching it going... wtf? But yeah, Rodney just thinks medicine is all voodoo anyway. *giggle*

                                Leader of the Genii strike force: I thought you said your plan would work?
                                McKay: In case you haven't noticed, I'm a very arrogant man who tends to think all of his plans will work!

