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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    David was brilliant in it (and so very adorably gorgeously cute heh), even though his role was quite small. Really kinda sad though . I felt so bad for his character.
    a little bit OT here-for those who've seen Century Hotel-but it kinda bothers me that the government got involved in people's lives like that- its really none of their business- (buni quietly climbs off soapbox now)

    back to thunking!


      Originally posted by watcher652
      You actually read my sig? Oh, ah, er..

      That's just a club name I made up a long time ago when we where discussing what we could name ourselves if we ever got an official Dr. Rodney McKay fan club going. I'm the founder, president and only club member. But I did tell the Hewlett Harem that they were all honorary members. At least I think I did. I made up the club name ages ago.

      You're the first person to ever ask about it. You can be the second member! No rules, except to thunk McKay and David Hewlett as often as possible. And to note McKay's genius, of course.

      I had made up another club name for David. I wanted to use DHD. But David Hewlett's Devotees sounded kinda overboard. David Hewlett's Disciples sounded too slavish. I didn't want to scare him off! Maybe David Hewlett's Domain. "I belong to David Hewlett's Domain" didn't sound too bad. And domain is a computer term. But I finally settled on David Hewlett's Dimension. I felt Dimension had a Doctor Who feel to it and we all know how David likes Doctor Who. "I'm a member of David Hewlett's Dimension".

      I'm not in my right mind, am I?
      lol! I'd love to join the club if you ever make it! And I'll advertise it on my site. DH's domain sounds kinda dirty lol
      But I'd go with DH's dimension, that would be cool.

      Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
      Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


        Originally posted by buni1161
        a little bit OT here-for those who've seen Century Hotel-but it kinda bothers me that the government got involved in people's lives like that- its really none of their business- (buni quietly climbs off soapbox now)

        back to thunking!

        And the scariest thing is that it is still happening today...something so trivial as a person's orientation is played up to be something unclean and criminal.

        But that is another discussion for another thread.

        So yes. Back to thunking:

        DH be cute, yes he is.

        *points to sig*

        See? Proof!
        Last edited by SaharaGate; 20 April 2005, 06:13 AM.


          Originally posted by SaharaGate

          And the scariest thing is that it is still happening today...something so trivial as a person's orientation is played up to be something unclean and criminal.

          But that is another discussion for another thread.

          So yes. Back to thunking:

          DH be cute, yes he is.

          *points to sig*

          See? Proof!
          CH spoileryness I guess

          Yes, it upset me dearly when I was watching it. I made such noises of protest my boyfriend asked me what was going on in the film...(which he refused to watch but kept on wanting to know what was happening )
          I mean, they were in love! It's just unfair. Even if they weren't it'd still be unfair.
          When was that set? 1945? You'd think people would have gotten over such prejudices by now but nooo. grrr.


            Rodney is the most annoying character ever in all of the Sg genre. There were times I shut off the tivo because I could'nt stand his insessant whining or complaining!...Obviously thats what they wanted out of his character, and to his credit hes a natural!. It's hard to like this guy isn't it?...
            the Fifth Race

            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


              If all you can read is his arrogance and whining, then yes, it'd be hard to like him. But some of us see a little deeper into his character than that and some of us read his attitude as more amusing than offensive.

              You wanna think he's a jackass, that's fine, but please don't act incredulous that anyone could possibly like the guy. Me, I can't understand how people can like the taste of fish when it reminds me of the taste of tinfoil on a filling, but I don't think less of people who DO like fish. It'd be about 99% of the world, for one thing, and I do understand that not everyone has the same taste, if you'll pardon the pun.

              If you want to know how/why people like McKay, you can take the time to actually read through this thread and see. Otherwise, we aren't really here to justify our interest, we're just here to discuss the character.


                I did read through this whole thread, and I still don't care for the whining and complaining. I can see why you might take offense considering you like him. You don't have to take an attitude about it!...I stated that his charcter is whiny and arrogant (which he admits to in the latest SGA/SG1 special they did last season). He's trying to come off this way and I praise him for making the character as such and being very good at it. I stated my personal opinion, if you don't like it, then fine, I'll respect that and agree to dis-agree. No hating here my fellow SG brethern.
                Last edited by the Fifth Race; 20 April 2005, 07:48 AM.
                the Fifth Race

                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                  Originally posted by the Fifth Race
                  Rodney is the most annoying character ever in all of the Sg genre. There were times I shut off the tivo because I could'nt stand his insessant whining or complaining!...Obviously thats what they wanted out of his character, and to his credit hes a natural!. It's hard to like this guy isn't it?...
                  Well David does do annoying well, in fact I'd say he can do pretty much any role really well though this is drifting into something that should be discussed on the appreciation thread. However, as ShadowMaat pointed out there are alot of people (especially hanging out here and the DH thunk thread) that don't find it hard to like him at all.

                  It's a bit unfortunate for you not liking McKay if you like SGA otherwise. There was that discussion on how hard it could be to watch if you don't like McKay and obviously you have that problem, and it doesn't look like they'll be toning down McKay anytime soon, if ever. Of course maybe his depth will become more obvious next season 2, which could help you, or not.


                    LOLOL well said,,,ok let me clarify, I carefully stated I think McKay is annoying and whiny, but his character is fantastic!!. I love the actor that plays him. I loved him on SG1 and especially the back and forth between Carter and him!. I just hope he becomes a little less whiny thats all....SGA would'nt be half as good without Rodney. Trust me, I would'nt want to see him not on the show or playing his character any other way. He did open up more towards the end of season and showed the warmer side of Rodney.
                    Last edited by the Fifth Race; 20 April 2005, 07:22 AM.
                    the Fifth Race

                    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                      Purpleyin-spoiler for CH-

                      Yes I believe it was 1945 ish because David was playing a WWII veteran- i don't know who makes me more mad- the police for arresting him- or the persone who called the police? grrrrr!


                        Originally posted by buni1161
                        Purpleyin-spoiler for CH-

                        Yes I believe it was 1945 ish because David was playing a WWII veteran- i don't know who makes me more mad- the police for arresting him- or the persone who called the police? grrrrr!
                        Yes but it was understandable considering her position and the mindset of the times - still what intrigued me most was what her fiance said back to her at the end.


                          Since we're talking about Century Hotel, lst me re-post my favorite shot from David's performance. It may be my all time favorite.

                          This isn't a conventional screen cap. I took this before I had a screen cap application. It's off the TV, taken with my digital camera in a pitch black room. Bizarre that I had a digital camera but not a screen cap program, right? I didn't have a DVD reader for my computer at the time. Took me a while to get a shot that didn't have those lines across the screen.

                          My kind of guy:
                          "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                          Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                          (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                            Originally posted by watcher652
                            Since we're talking about Century Hotel, lst me re-post my favorite shot from David's performance. It may be my all time favorite.

                            This isn't a conventional screen cap. I took this before I had a screen cap application. It's off the TV, taken with my digital camera in a pitch black room. Bizarre that I had a digital camera but not a screen cap program, right? I didn't have a DVD reader for my computer at the time. Took me a while to get a shot that didn't have those lines across the screen.
                            *thunk* *drools* *thunk again*

                            Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                            Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                              Originally posted by in circles
                              Here are the results of that. Thanks to ToasterOnFire for the idea and strivaria for the Rodney Bear
                              Mwahaha, wonderful! So good that it's now my wallpaper at work (and all those poor people that have to share this computer are going to be awfully confused...) Thanks!!


                                Originally posted by the Fifth Race
                                LOLOL well said,,,ok let me clarify, I carefully stated I think McKay is annoying and whiny, but his character is fantastic!!. I love the actor that plays him. I loved him on SG1 and especially the back and forth between Carter and him!. I just hope he becomes a little less whiny thats all....SGA would'nt be half as good without Rodney. Trust me, I would'nt want to see him not on the show or playing his character any other way. He did open up more towards the end of season and showed the warmer side of Rodney.
                                From David's earlier interviews, I get the impression that he'd like McKay to be even more annoying! Most of us have warmed up to McKay, too quickly for David, I think. You just can't hide McKay's decency under all that bluster.

                                I think McKay should never loose his arrogance and his superior attitude. That's almost justified, since he's a "genius". Although I'm sure the Atlantis expedition is full of others who can claim the title "genius", they just aren't as loud about it.

                                He should always have his forthright way of speaking. He doesn't have military rules to obey or diplomatic postures to maintain.

                                Oh, to have the freedom to complain and moan like McKay!

                                (huh, this board doesn't like the word for a female dog.)

                                Oh, and that comment about being the most annoying Stargate character? There's a thread in General Discussion about that. Kavanagh beats McKay in Atlantis. So far, no one in that discussion finds McKay annoying, at least not now after watching Atlantis. Jay Felger (played by David's "Traders" co-star, Patrick McKenna) gets mentioned quite a bit for SG1. Hmm, come to think of it, McKay is a lot like McKenna's Marty Stephens in "Traders"...

                                My kind of guy:
                                "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                                Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                                (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).

