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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
    Oh OK it is just that some have said it was a little too structured this year compared to previous years, I thought maybe the cast changes had something to do with that. I suppose AT/Carter was welcomed with open arms? *sorry can't help it*
    There was no negativity towards her whatsoever, the cast changes were not even talked about for all intents and purposes.


      Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
      There was no negativity towards her whatsoever, the cast changes were not even talked about for all intents and purposes.
      No one asked about Torri? Or Paul? *other then what you said before* I find that odd. Did it seem edited?


        Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
        No one asked about Torri? Or Paul? *other then what you said before* I find that odd. Did it seem edited?
        The video?? I don't recall noting any edits during the panel, there were during gary jones' banter at the beginning. But i suppose there could have been, i didn't see any though. And from the type of questions being asked, it wouldn't surprise me if they weren't brought up. But to answer your question, no, no fan brought up paul or torri (she was not mentioned at all) in the video. About the only cast change question was "Amanda, how does it feel to be a part of the Atlantis cast now?"

        There was no mean-spiritedness or very heavy questions at all, just typical fan-type questions. How is it to act with so and so, are we going to see this or that next season, what advice do you have yadda yadda, if you could have one thing from stargate to be real, what would it be, things like that.

        Oh, gary did ask joe how it was to be outranked by carter now, david exclaimed, OH YEA, bring THAT up (jokingly), but joe said he enjoyed it, and that it brought him back to his season 1ish bucking of authority. And he asked David is McKay is the reason Carter came to atlantis, and David said "McKay is the reason... for... everything..." *applause* All fairly benign chatter.

        Gary did ask if Rob Cooper thought Atlantis could go for 10 seasons like SG-1, Cooper said, funny you should ask since we have Nora from SCIFI here. She just repeated the company line, WATCH LIVE, DON'T TIVO. That will keep the show going longer and longer, and lets hope it does go for 10 years, that would be great *applause*.

        How does David look (old question)... He looks, YOUNG and hot. Really, he looks really young! And preppy. Really cute. Hawaii and new clothes do good for him.
        Last edited by LogicSequence; 28 July 2007, 09:12 PM.


          My suspicion mind says people's questions were vetted before they got anywhere near a mike! Hey it happens a lot with 'live' radio broadcasts, been vetted myself.


            Since it seems only US folk can view the SGA comic con panel, I've done up a transcript at




              Ah! There you go Willow, have at it . Sorry i couldn't get the vid for you, SciFi's website's a mess. And now, i sleep. Which i assume, is was David will NOT be doing for another, oh about 2 or 3 hours. Heh, if he had a hangover today.... (NOTE: David mentioned he had one himself in a twitter message today, this is nothing new and not meant in an insulting way [/useless explaination, because everyone already knew that, but it had to be said because you know why ])


                Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                Ah! There you go Willow, have at it . Sorry i couldn't get the vid for you, SciFi's website's a mess. And now, i sleep. Which i assume, is was David will NOT be doing for another, oh about 2 or 3 hours. Heh, if he had a hangover today....
                I did read it and commented. And yeah I think Mr Hewlett is having a last hurrah!


                  First, good morning, I just got up.

                  Second, concerning David and hangovers, he twittered again:

                  Sci Fi Entertainment Tonight sweet it is to be a nerd!

                  Seems he's partying again, let's see how he'll feel in a few hours.

                  Third, Willow, saw your pm(s) - THANKS!!! - can't answer right now as the pm box is full again, but I'll answer some things here.

                  Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                  Question For Joe and Amanda:
                  I was wondering if you have any advice for fellow cast members who are new parents, and if so, what is it?
                  Joe: Kids don't need to eat as much as you think they do. Their bones are very soft. Uh, Amanda?
                  David: Uh i think you covered it all there
                  Amanda: Yea, i think that pretty much covers it. I was always told to sleep when the baby slept, which never happened to me because i was reading scripts. *looks at david* But David, sleep when the baby sleeps, and good luck.
                  David: I sleep all the time anyways.
                  Martin Wood: David is closely watching Jason Momoa now go through the first few days of having a baby
                  Originally posted by PuddleJumper42 View Post
                  And someone on my LJ friends list mentioned that Jane is looking "incredibly pregnant & glowing & gorgeous."
                  Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                  OK I give in *Arlessiar call me a hypocrite if you must* IT MUST BE TRUE!!!
                  I wonder why he hasn't shared with us yet? His business and I certainly RESPECT that, but jeez David the kid will be 10 before we know officially.
                  I'm certainly calling no-one a hyprocrite here, don't worry. There have been times I've been one myself, so I shouldn't talk (example twitter: "I'll never join that!" I caved in after only a few days ).

                  Anyway: (more behind the tags)
                  I didn't doubt that David & Jane will become parents soon for quite some time now. Too many hints (cancelled cons, delayed wedding, comments, friends talking about it). I was in fact 100% certain that it's true now. I was just wondering why David didn't say anything. Guess he has his reasons. I never felt that talking about it here is disrespectful, but since it caused an uproar I finally shut up. Yet I don't get why we are not allowed to talk about something so wonderful and sth. that's pretty certain by now (it's really no wild speculation anymore) just because David didn't give us his blessing. I mean, he also didn't give us his blessing to talk about certain films, to make caps, slash his character with another, discuss his clothes or even his body, his relationship, his friendships or a thousand other things, and we do it anyway. Every day. As long as it's done in a respectful and decent way here, I never saw the problem. But it's always the same, some people think it's ok, other think it's not, and in the end we discuss some things and some not, and sometimes we're all hyprocrites. We obey the GW rules pretty well I think (ok, lately we had some problems here), and it should be allowed to talk about facts, even when it wasn't written in the sky by the actor himself. And after so many hints and comments and no doubt photos I think we aren't speculating anymore. But ok, of course having a child is a private thing, and things can go wrong, so I understood why D. didn't say something right away. But I don't get why he doesn't say something now. Not that he has to, don't get me wrong! I respect that he hasn't done so. I'm just wondering how he managed not to! That man twitters about everything and we're nearly at a point where he tells us when he goes to use the restroom! But ok, I could still understand that he wants to keep the pregnancy private. He only posted small photos on dgeek, people said he looked a bit uncomfortable when the topic was brought up at CC... But why oh why does Jane accompany him to one of the biggest cons in the world then, where hundreds of fans will see her? Not that she should hide in her house, hell no, but a convention???? And why doesn't DH ask all his friends and colleagues not to talk about it ON CONVENTIONS? I don't get it. I really wished, just because it would have been fair to D&J, and sweet too, that he had told us fans about it first. This is still a private thing, and the parents to be should have the honour to announce it proudly, not the friends, or photos. It also seemed that way when he announced this "project" that would take up more time than expected, he said then that he'd write about it soon. But it never happened.

                  Anyway, whenever this baby will arrive, I wish D&J all the best. Bet it will be a very cute baby! And to imagine D. as a daddy makes me go "awwwww!" constantly! And I'm a bit jealous, too, can't deny that.

                  D. has so many projects lined up for this fall and he even worried that he might acutally have nothing to do this hiatus, I think he underestimates what it means to have a baby.

                  And don't worry everyone, that's all I'll say about it for the time being.

                  Bye, A.
                  Last edited by Arlessiar; 29 July 2007, 12:43 AM.
                  ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                  ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                    Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                    First, good morning, I just got up.

                    Second, concerning David and hangovers, he twittered again:

                    Sci Fi Entertainment Tonight sweet it is to be a nerd!

                    Seems he's partying again, let's see how he'll feel in a few hours.

                    Third, Willow, saw your pm(s) - THANKS!!! - can't answer right now as the pm box is full again, but I'll answer some things here.

                    I'm certainly calling no-one a hyprocrite here, don't worry. There have been times I've been one myself, so I shouldn't talk (example twitter: "I'll never join that!" I caved in after only a few days ).

                    Anyway: (more behind the tags)
                    I didn't doubt that David & Jane will become parents soon for quite some time now. Too many hints (cancelled cons, delayed wedding, comments, friends talking about it). I was in fact 100% certain that it's true now. I was just wondering why David didn't say anything. Guess he has his reasons. I never felt that talking about it here is disrespectful, but since it caused an uproar I finally shut up. Yet I don't get why we are not allowed to talk about something so wonderful and sth. that's pretty certain by now (it's really no wild speculation anymore) just because David didn't give us his blessing. I mean, he also didn't give us his blessing to talk about certain films, to make caps, slash his character with another, discuss his clothes or even his body, his relationship, his friendships or a thousand other things, and we do it anyway. Every day. As long as it's done in a respectful and decent way here, I never saw the problem. But it's always the same, some people think it's ok, other think it's not, and in the end we discuss some things and some not, and sometimes we're all hyprocrites. We obey the GW rules pretty well I think (ok, lately we had some problems here), and it should be allowed to talk about facts, even when it wasn't written in the sky by the actor himself. And after so many hints and comments and no doubt photos I think we aren't speculating anymore. But ok, of course having a child is a private thing, and things can go wrong, so I understood why D. didn't say something right away. But I don't get why he doesn't say something now. Not that he has to, don't get me wrong! I respect that he hasn't done so. I'm just wondering how he managed not to! That man twitters about everything and we're nearly at a point where he tells us when he goes to use the restroom! But ok, I could still understand that he wants to keep the pregnancy private. He only posted small photos on dgeek, people said he looked a bit uncomfortable when the topic was brought up at CC... But why oh why does Jane accompany him to one of the biggest cons in the world then, where hundreds of fans will see her? Not that she should hide in her house, hell no, but a convention???? And why doesn't DH ask all his friends and colleagues not to talk about it ON CONVENTIONS? I don't get it. I really wished, just because it would have been fair, and sweet too, that he had told us fans about it first. This is still a private thing, and the parents to be should have the honour to announce it proudly. It also seemed that way when he announced this "project" that would take up more time than expected, he said then that he'd write about it soon. But it never happened.

                    Anyway, whenever this baby will arrive, I wish D&J all the best. Bet it will be a very cute baby! And to imagine D. as a daddy makes me go "awwwww!" constantly! And I'm a bit jealous, too, can't deny that.

                    D. has so many projects lined up for this fall and he even worried that he might acutally have nothing to do this hiatus, I think he underestimates what it means to have a baby.

                    Bye, A.
                    I agree with what you said and the stuff that I know was not aimed at me but could be *g* I also understand.
                    I was just hoping he would tell us, oh well I can't see dgeek not getting at least one thread opened on this after the photos come in, and the related posts... but he must have his reasons so we have to respect that and understand. And really that is all I ever wanted to respect him and his silence on this topic. It was never a go at you or anyone I just thought if it was really true he would have told us *as in his fans* before it was so obvious. I am also wondering if he wanted to keep it secret why Jane would appear at such a public event at this time... as you say she doesn't need to hide but it seems odd... *shrugs* Oh well, not important for us to know.
                    I am just so happy for them.


                      Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                      WELCOME PHOENIX!!!
                      (I was born in 1987 )
                      Great to know, that I'm not the only young Hewlett freak

                      @ all the others: thanks for your great welcome!

                      Originally posted by Arlessiar
                      Sci Fi Entertainment Tonight sweet it is to be a nerd!
                      Seems he's partying again, let's see how he'll feel in a few hours.
                      As long, as he didn't end that way:

                      I like the way he's fascinated and sold on everything. His twitter makes me always smile.

                      That pic too, by the way:

                      Did I mention, that I know almost everything about almost everything?


                        Prion, thanks for the transcript!

                        Um, I wasn´t here only 12 hours!
                        And about *that thing*, it´s great, great, and I hope everything will be OK. But I agree with Arlessiar completely. He twitters about everything, so this is a bit ilogical. But I think he wants to protect Jane a little, I would say. Lots of stress could hurt her. But god knows that I so wish it to them, and good luck, too!

                        "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                          Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                          And about *that thing*, it´s great, great, and I hope everything will be OK. But I agree with Arlessiar completely. He twitters about everything, so this is a bit ilogical. But I think he wants to protect Jane a little, I would say. Lots of stress could hurt her. But god knows that I so wish it to them, and good luck, too!
                          Yeah, he does twitter about many things. But these are only little, daily things of his private life. Nothing really important in my opinion.
                          On the one hand, I agree completely with you. He wants to protect Jane.
                          On the other hand he maybe thinks, that everybody will see her baby belly soon and would rather enjoy the quiet time before the baby will be here than have all the media around Jane and him.
                          Best wishes from Germay! He did practise dealing with kids in the larst time a lot, so I hope, it will be a great time for them.

                          Did I mention, that I know almost everything about almost everything?


                            I keep trying to think of ways they could have made those comments and Jane NOT be pregnant, and i can't think of any.
                            You just don't say those words if someone's "trying" to get pregnant, or "wants" to get pregnant, or is "thinking" about having kids. Thems is "you is pregnant" words, and "you is far along in pregnancy" words at that.

                            I too, am a little sad David didn't tell us, he tells us most everything else. I know, i know, he has his reasons, but that doesn't mean i can't be a little sad he didn't tell us... Still HASN'T told us. You would think he would want to be the one with the burgeoning good news to tell us, rather than us gather it from things people like Paul McGillion say, and con convo that comes up. Maybe Jane put her foot down and said "no talkie," or perhaps it's David's extremely over-protective parenting instinct kicking in already. Or maybe he just doesn't like us as much as we thought he did! *disillusioned sobbing*

                            David REALLY skirted around the whole issue when it came up, it's very unlike him not to have addressed that actual comments. Judging by the panel's comments, Jane can't be THAT far from her due date. I would expect some kind of official announcement in the next month or so. I certainly hope he says SOMETHING, especially after the little one gets born. At which time i have a feeling we won't get as many twitter and blog updates thereafter.

                            Perhaps he'll address the issue after he returns from ComicCon, seeing as the cat is kind of REALLY out of the bag now. I certainly hope Jane isn't out at 3am boozing it up with him at the parties this year! I just wish he would have told us himself.
                            Last edited by LogicSequence; 29 July 2007, 04:18 AM.


                              Originally posted by sunday View Post
                              Hey just thought i would pop in as i am a fan of Hewlett and i love McKay he is a great character. I think Hewlett is a fabulous actor and def worth thunking.
                              Welcome to the thread!!

                              Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
                              Joe Mallozzi has some con photos at his blog. David is in one of them, with short sleeves and his video camera.
                              How lovely are those arms?! He should wear short sleeves more often.

                              Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
                              Hmm, I want a poseable Rodney!
                              Don't we all...

                              Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                              Question For Joe and Amanda:

                              I was wondering if you have any advice for fellow cast members who are new parents, and if so, what is it?

                              Joe: Kids don't need to eat as much as you think they do. Their bones are very soft. Uh, Amanda?

                              David: Uh i think you covered it all there

                              Amanda: Yea, i think that pretty much covers it. I was always told to sleep when the baby slept, which never happened to me because i was reading scripts. *looks at david* But David, sleep when the baby sleeps, and good luck.

                              David: I sleep all the time anyways.

                              Martin Wood: David is closely watching Jason Momoa now go through the first few days of having a baby

                              Amanda: Yea

                              Martin Wood: and Robert Cooper has just had a new one as well. Uh and Paul Mullie as well, and oh boy you have no idea what's coming.

                              Joe M.: And i'll be getting a new French Bulldog on monday.

                              David: Sleep when the bulldog sleeps.
                              HELLO, could they be more obvious that David and Jane are expecting?
                              Originally posted by PuddleJumper42 View Post
                              I did!

                              And someone on my LJ friends list mentioned that Jane is looking "incredibly pregnant & glowing & gorgeous."
                              Well that seems to confirm it don't it!!

                              Honestly, not all that bothered he never told us - it's pretty personal stuff that, i don't blame him for keeping quiet.

                              Originally posted by prion View Post
                              Since it seems only US folk can view the SGA comic con panel, I've done up a transcript at


                              Thanks for that! Being one of the great undeserving (as it sometimes feels living the wrong side of the pond) i wish i could see the vid but the transcript will do nicely - i'll use my imagination
                              The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                              l My LJ l


                                Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                                Prion, thanks for the transcript!
                                You're welcome!

                                Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                                I keep trying to think of ways they could have made those comments and Jane NOT be pregnant, and i can't think of any.
                                You just don't say those words if someone's "trying" to get pregnant, or "wants" to get pregnant, or is "thinking" about having kids. Thems is "you is pregnant" words, and "you is far along in pregnancy" words at that.

                                I too, am a little sad David didn't tell us, he tells us most everything else. I know, i know, he has his reasons, but that doesn't mean i can't be a little sad he didn't tell us... Still HASN'T told us. You would think he would want to be the one with the burgeoning good news to tell us, rather than us gather it from things people like Paul McGillion say, and con convo that comes up. Maybe Jane put her foot down and said "no talkie," or perhaps it's David's extremely over-protective parenting instinct kicking in already. Or maybe he just doesn't like us as much as we thought he did! *disillusioned sobbing*

                                David REALLY skirted around the whole issue when it came up, it's very unlike him not to have addressed that actual comments. Judging by the panel's comments, Jane can't be THAT far from her due date. I would expect some kind of official announcement in the next month or so. I certainly hope he says SOMETHING, especially after the little one gets born. At which time i have a feeling we won't get as many twitter and blog updates thereafter.

                                Perhaps he'll address the issue after he returns from ComicCon, seeing as the cat is kind of REALLY out of the bag now. I certainly hope Jane isn't out at 3am boozing it up with him at the parties this year! I just wish he would have told us himself.
                                I do sorta think Jane might be pregnant due to Amanda's remark. I swear, there's something in the water out there However, if David doesn't want to spill the beans, it's his perogative. I mean, Rachel never came out with the introduction. Mallozzi made some remarks on his blogs instead which made fans speculate forever until it became apparent, yes, she was pregnant.

