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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
    I think the site is mostly marketing *nothing wrong with that* and you have to keep your market happy. *yeah I am cynical*
    Oh i have no doubt it's marketing, i'm just saying i think there's a certain core group of fans that surprised David with their support for ADB. And i think he appreciates that, and thinks highly of his fans. I dunno, did that make sense?


      Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
      Oh i have no doubt it's marketing, i'm just saying i think there's a certain core group of fans that surprised David with their support for ADB. And i think he appreciates that, and thinks highly of his fans. I dunno, did that make sense?


        *pops in*

        Icons anyone?
        Last edited by AnnaBee; 08 June 2007, 11:00 PM.


          Originally posted by AnnaBee View Post
          *pops in*

          Icons anyone?
          They are nice, spoilers!!! but nice. Although I am not in awe of
          Rod. I can still appreciate teh Hewlett.


            Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
            They are nice, spoilers!!! but nice. Although I am not in awe of
            Rod. I can still appreciate teh Hewlett.
            Oh, me neither. It just happened to be the best pic I had.


              Delurking for a moment...

              Hello all! ::waves::

              Thought I'd post some pictures you know, just because.
              I took these at the ADB screening in San Jose back in march, Jane's in them too. I know, what you're thinking, something along the lines of "and you're just posting them now?!" lol, what can I say? I'm slow.....

              They're kinda dark so if anyone knows how to brighten them up, lemme know

              ^ my favorite

              Last edited by Eve04; 08 June 2007, 11:39 PM.


                Originally posted by Eve04 View Post
                Delurking for a moment...

                Hello all! ::waves::

                Thought I'd post some pictures you know, just because.
                I took these at the ADB screening in San Jose back in march, Jane's in them too. I know, what you're thinking, something along the lines of "and you're just posting them now?!" lol, what can I say? I'm slow.....

                They're kinda dark so if anyone knows how to brighten them up, lemme know

                ^ my favorite

                Those are good! Think you could post links to the full sized versions???

                David loves that jacket. I've seen him wear it so many times. Oh to be............ HAVE... Have that jacket... Yes... Have. Not be...

                *sigh* I hate being single... Now where's my snuggly Hewlett clone? I need someone to hold me!
                Last edited by LogicSequence; 09 June 2007, 12:53 AM.


                  Ok, why am i seeing an add for that crazy wacko b*tch Ann Coulter on the bottom of the forum? I have half a mind to complain to the admins... That woman is hate wrapped in evil flesh.


                    Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                    *sigh* I hate being single... Now where's my snuggly Hewlett clone? I need someone to hold me!
                    Aw, I sometimes hate being in a relationship! *oops don't tell the other half*



                      I sometimes hate being single and sometimes I like it. But I think that my mum really doesn´t like the idea because she speaks about my ex way too often My answer is always the same. Find me cute Canadian and I´ll marry him (maybe David has a twin we know nothing about )
                      So far, clone has to be enough.

                      "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                        Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                        I sometimes hate being single and sometimes I like it. But I think that my mum really doesn´t like the idea because she speaks about my ex way too often My answer is always the same. Find me cute Canadian and I´ll marry him (maybe David has a twin we know nothing about )
                        Yeah, sometimes being single is really nice, but then again, on these lonely rainy nights I wish there was someone to hug and cuddle and to share thoughts with.

                        My Mum also still talks about my ex. Ok, he and my parents were very close, sometimes I think he misses them more than me. My parents always urge me to go out and meet people, to find someone new, but usually my answer ist the same as yours, Klenotka: Find me a nice Canadian or Scottish guy and I'm married.

                        Damn, why does David only have sisters! Then again, marrying a guy while lusting after the brother is bad style, I guess...

                        "Say, should we visit your brother again?"
                        "What, again? We met yesterday!"
                        "Oh really? Seems longer."

                        Bye, A.
                        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                          Oh, and David's Mum was blogging again. She says she owes David her life because he insisted that she'd go to the hospital when she had appendicitis this year when Kate and David visited her after P2. Since her appendix burst I think this was a good decision. Ah well, a doctor's son.

                          She also said that she's very proud of all her children, and that she'll think of some nice (embarrassing) childhood stories as many people (me included ) asked for that.

                          Bye, A.
                          Last edited by Arlessiar; 09 June 2007, 04:57 AM.
                          ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                          ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                            Heh, my mom talks about one of my ex's too. Mostly something like "Remember that jerk you used to hang out with? He scared me." OOPS... Heh, if only i had listened to mum back then it would have saved me a lot of heartbreak... and money.

                            Hmm, but my last ex? We don't talk about him, mainly because we both thought he was the perfect guy for me. But appearently he thought otherwise. Go figure. So after you guys find your nice Canadian men, pass a nice gay Canadian man along to me, as long as he isn't named Scott . David's a nice name.


                              Great pics, all! I hope to have a good screencap program soon, so I'll be able to contribute more, myself.

                              OT: **Waves passport**

                              Sorry, Logic, but I'm invoking my citizenship to call first dibs on other available and amiable gay Canadian men. I'm sure that such is included in the legislation that allows us to legally marry, somewhere: LOL!


                                *gulp* it's been bugging me for ages, that picture was always faintly familiar. Just realised he looks exactly like one of my primary school teachers.......don't know who to be more scared for, him or her!! (Is it bad that i can't remember her name?! )

                                Originally posted by Eve04 View Post
                                Delurking for a moment...

                                Hello all! ::waves::

                                Thought I'd post some pictures you know, just because.
                                I took these at the ADB screening in San Jose back in march, Jane's in them too. I know, what you're thinking, something along the lines of "and you're just posting them now?!" lol, what can I say? I'm slow.....

                                They're kinda dark so if anyone knows how to brighten them up, lemme know

                                ^ my favorite

                                Lovely! And i have to say the last one was my fave too!

                                Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                                I sometimes hate being single and sometimes I like it. But I think that my mum really doesn´t like the idea because she speaks about my ex way too often My answer is always the same. Find me cute Canadian and I´ll marry him (maybe David has a twin we know nothing about )
                                Something tells me he'd have told us by now

                                Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                                Oh, and David's Mum was blogging again. She says she owes David her life because he insisted that she'd go to the hospital when she had appendicitis this year when Kate and David visited her after P2. Since her appendix burst I think this was a good decision. Ah well, a doctor's son.

                                She also said that she's very proud of all her children, and that she'll think of some nice (embarrassing) childhood stories as many people (me included ) asked for that.

                                Bye, A.
                                Awww bless, they were traumatised by it! Still that's what parents aremeant to do to their kids!

                                She seems such a nice lady though!
                                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                                l My LJ l

