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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
    Willow!!! Wow!!
    We are not discussing this.
    I wasn't the biggest Weir fan of the world, but now that I see the office pics I miss her.
    Oh dear it would take a lot more then this to make me miss Weir. *runs away*

    Nice pics cindyz

    *ooh the GW add an image thing has changed & isn't working!!!*

    Had to enter the tags myself... dam it! That is too much like hard work.


      Hmmm, reading The Chosen at the moment (ok, but a bit disjointed and what is their problem with McKay?!)

      Surprised to read this bit referring to Rodney
      His childhood had been defined by belittlement and an utter lack of compassion. To escape that, he'd had to become the best, at everything. Yet somewhere in his pursuit of this goal, he had in turn become equally dispassionate; indeed, some would argue, lacking in humanity

      We know he had a tough childhood form what he said in Redemption
      I had a not-so- comfortable childhood. My Parents hated each other, blamed me
      and that he was bullied (been mentioned a few times)

      But i think the author is taking it a bit OTT and it didn't feel like Rodney she was describing!

      For a start
      i don't think he made himself become the best at everthing to escape, i think he just was the best at everything! (And as such, doesn't like it when someone else "shows him up" as he'd probably feel.)
      And i get that he maybe lost some of his compassion along the way, being so single minded about science, but to say he lacked humanity!?! When has he ever done that?
      Ok he was a bit harsh in 48 hours but he was trying to be realistic, not inhuman!

      Maybe it's just me - but anyone else got any thoughts on this.

      And do you think his parents
      really blamed him for them hating each other - or whether he did the classic child thing of blaming himself for his parents problems?

      Huh, and people say McKay has been developed!
      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

      l My LJ l


        Willow, blame authors, I know. I agree. But I tried to write what positive I see in Katie´s presence there.
        I refuse to hate character (or actress) for something she hasn´t done yet. And so far, I don´t know much about her, so I just will give her a chance.

        MmmmMcKAy Well, I like friendship between them. They have chemistry but if I should pair everyone who have chemistry, I could pair even Glmli and Legolas Anyway, the problem is, as you say "enjoy the idea of them together". Idea-it will never happen and I have to admit I´d never want it but it´s my personal view and opinion

        So I have an idea, we take sunshades and many bottles of water and we will go to Vancouver before studios and start demostrations for McKay´s development

        But seriously, I am very pesimistic about S4 and I am *this* close to stop watching after first mistake. Especially if they screw with McKay. I think that one sentence in spoiler to the Seer where even Wraith will make fun of him by this "he works good under threat of death" doesn´t give me much hope.
        I am too pesimistic but...hey, I am Czech. Our national mood is to be pesimistic and sceptical.

        "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


          I wasn´t big fan of Weir either. But I still prefer her above Carter and the office looks like...well, comfortable and permanent.

          Great picture spam, girls!

          "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


            Wow, there seems to be a lot of displeased McKay fans around these days. It makes me feel sad. I'm a bit worried about Season 4 because of Carter. But I still have to watch Season 3. I'm really looking forward to it and want to enjoy it. But some of you think McKAy gets treated/written ? poorly in Season 3. Or do you just have issues with a few scenes? For instance, Willow's Cat says that in The Tao of Rodney she

            hates that Rodney is made to apologize to everyone. Who makes him apologize? Or does he just feel that he should because he's dying and won't get another chance. He's just trying to make amends while he can.

            It seems to me that while Rodney can be the butt of jokes or the guy that gets the arrow in his but or hung from a tree, he also gets much more interesting emotional scenes than someone like Sheppard or Teyla. In Duet, Trinity, Sunday, M&MM, Tao etc, he gets to show many sides of himself, not just the whining complainer.
            Maybe I'm wrong, or it's all in how you look at things.

            I just know that I'm sensitive about Rodney and don't want him portrayed as a buffoon. Some humour is great(especially Rodney's cutting, sarcastic smart lines) but I want to see his bravery and compassion and overall decency too, because it's definitely there. And as a McKay fan, I can see it in everything he does. Hewlett makes it easy to see all the facets of McKay.


              Originally posted by MmmmMcKAy View Post
              Wow, there seems to be a lot of displeased McKay fans around these days. It makes me feel sad. I'm a bit worried about Season 4 because of Carter. But I still have to watch Season 3. I'm really looking forward to it and want to enjoy it. But some of you think McKAy gets treated/written ? poorly in Season 3. Or do you just have issues with a few scenes? For instance, Willow's Cat says that in The Tao of Rodney she

              hates that Rodney is made to apologize to everyone. Who makes him apologize? Or does he just feel that he should because he's dying and won't get another chance. He's just trying to make amends while he can.

              It seems to me that while Rodney can be the butt of jokes or the guy that gets the arrow in his but or hung from a tree, he also gets much more interesting emotional scenes than someone like Sheppard or Teyla. In Duet, Trinity, Sunday, M&MM, Tao etc, he gets to show many sides of himself, not just the whining complainer.
              Maybe I'm wrong, or it's all in how you look at things.
              Overall i'm not all that displeased tbh! lol

              The answer to your spoilered question is pretty spoilery for the ep. but read on if you want to...
              They think if he does nice stuff and apologises to people he's been nasty to (well Zelenka anyway) he'll be at peace with himself and therefore till be able to acscend which he needs to do to avoid dying

              Yeah, i have some issues with some scenes and think they could have been handled better cos they put McKay and the team in a bad light. But that said, you're right that he does get the more interesting emotional scenes. I certainly think he's the most 3-D and complex character.

              Don't let me or anyone else taint your view on S3 till you've seen it. Despite certain scenes, i really did enjoy Tao and M&MM and Sunday (sniff!).
              And i really liked Duet too, i didn't feel he was been made a fool of. And lets face it, who else could have handled that role better than David did!
              Trinity - i just felt so bad for him. And the backlash he got afterwards as well was just out of proportion to what others receive.

              I just know that I'm sensitive about Rodney and don't want him portrayed as a buffoon. Some humour is great(especially Rodney's cutting, sarcastic smart lines) but I want to see his bravery and compassion and overall decency too, because it's definitely there. And as a McKay fan, I can see it in everything he does. Hewlett makes it easy to see all the facets of McKay.
              Agreed totally there!

              My main problem where McKay is concerend is fans of other characters seem to think he gets all the screen time and that he's really developed and that we souldn't get anymore McKay episodes becasue of that.
              Last edited by Squonk; 06 June 2007, 10:46 AM.
              The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

              l My LJ l


                Thanks for your reply! And I'll do my best to enjoy season 3.

                Regarding Tao:

                I wonder if the gang's theory about Rodney doing nice things and apologizing to gain a sense of peace would apply to each of them as well. I mean would Sheppard suggest to Ronan, were he in Rodney's situation, that he should apologize and do kind things for everyone. Or does the episode give off the vibe that it's only Rodney who would need to do those things? It would be better if Rodney decided to make nice on his own(if he genuinely felt he should) rather than needing the suggestion.

                Ah, well, I'll have to wait and decide for myself.

                I agree that the fans of other characters always whining about McKay's screen time gets annoying. There are plenty of episodes where McKay takes a back seat.


                  I love Tao and M&MM. Those were fantastic episodes and even when I see Willow´s point in her arguments, I can´t fully agree.
                  What annoys me is that there is no constant change. Martin Gero wrote M&MM for Rodney and Mallozzi then makes from him total idiot in Irresponsible. Rodney can makes fun by himself, or not "funny fun" just good comments and lines. It´s why I fell for Rodney in S1. There is no need for arrow in a butt or constant whinning and complaining. I liked Duet becuase it was, well, more David´s exhibiton than "Rodney´s episode". It wasn´t even embarassing, just good fun.
                  I hope they won´t write him scenes like the one with arrow any more.

                  "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                    Twitter update!:

                    "1st day of Spoils of War & the new
                    Gear Room set too."

                    (Highlight the "blank" area to read the mini-spoiler)

                    Ohhh, new set! Nice. At least Twitter is working from David's cell again.

                    "Save McKay, save the worl... Galaxy! Fool!"

                    Sorry i've been absent the last few days, i'm still on this little mini-business trip... Yuck. Anyways, should be home in the next day or so, so then i should be posting more again!
                    Last edited by LogicSequence; 06 June 2007, 09:11 AM.


                      Originally posted by MmmmMcKAy View Post
                      Thanks for your reply! And I'll do my best to enjoy season 3.

                      Regarding Tao:

                      I wonder if the gang's theory about Rodney doing nice things and apologizing to gain a sense of peace would apply to each of them as well. I mean would Sheppard suggest to Ronan, were he in Rodney's situation, that he should apologize and do kind things for everyone. Or does the episode give off the vibe that it's only Rodney who would need to do those things? It would be better if Rodney decided to make nice on his own(if he genuinely felt he should) rather than needing the suggestion.

                      Ah, well, I'll have to wait and decide for myself.

                      I agree that the fans of other characters always whining about McKay's screen time gets annoying. There are plenty of episodes where McKay takes a back seat.

                      i think it was a bit suggestion and a bit Rodney making the decision. Cos of the nice things he does, he had to put thought into it himself and he does some really caring things.
                      As to whether everyone would have to do nice things - i guess it would be down to the individual and how they feel about themselves cos it was an ascension thing. It was somehting that was holding him back from acheiving it.
                      I'm guessing anyone would have felt the need to put something right before they went, if you get my meaing.

                      Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                      I love Tao and M&MM. Those were fantastic episodes and even when I see Willow´s point in her arguments, I can´t fully agree.
                      What annoys me is that there is no constant change. Martin Gero wrote M&MM for Rodney and Mallozzi then makes from him total idiot in Irresponsible. Rodney can makes fun by himself, or not "funny fun" just good comments and lines. It´s why I fell for Rodney in S1. There is no need for arrow in a butt or constant whinning and complaining. I liked Duet becuase it was, well, more David´s exhibiton than "Rodney´s episode". It wasn´t even embarassing, just good fun.
                      I hope they won´t write him scenes like the one with arrow any more.
                      Yes, i can see Willow's point too but do not have the same strength of conviction - and each to their own, that's great!

                      He can be written for inconsistantly and you can usually tell who wrote which ep.

                      And the arrow thing? I actually didn't have a problem with it cos at the end of the day, he went out and saved the day despite being injured. I'll even admit at the risk of being battered that i laughed like a drain when he said "you've got to be kidding me!" Though i did wince at the thought of how much that must really have hurt!
                      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                      l My LJ l


                        Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                        We are not discussing this.
                        Too late.
                        Nah, I'm shutting up already. No need to tell everyone that you obviously have no life.

                        Just kidding, sweetie.
                        Love your "love" sig, by the way!

                        Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                        I wasn´t big fan of Weir either. But I still prefer her above Carter and the office looks like...well, comfortable and permanent.
                        Permanent, yeah, that's the word I was looking for that fits best. Still not liking it.

                        Mini OT rant concerning crossover:
                        *sighs* Why is there so much SG1 on SGA? On JM's blog he and the fans only seem to talk about that (if they're not talking about JS/JF - fans actually made a "sendJFtospace" site already! I wonder how serious JM was, he was probably joking and is laughing now because all the fans would jump from a building in an instant if he said so...). AT/SC, Picardo/Woolsey, Teal'c, the biiiig crossover ep... can we actually concentrate on SGA again, please? That's the show you're working for now, dear TPTB! Please don't forget that, or spare us the trouble and the heartache and rename the show to SGA-1 now!

                        Sorry about that, had to vent a bit.

                        Squeeeee! So cute!

                        Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                        Twitter update!:

                        "1st day of Spoils of War & the new
                        ...set too."
                        Ah, he's been twittering again. From the set. I like that. It's a bit as if I go online at work although it's forbidden.

                        I discovered that it's worth to take a look at Alex Levine's blog every now and then, because he talks a lot about the eps of SGA that are just airing in the US. Lots of background info! For example, go and read what he had to say about the 'special effects' in "Tao of Rodney", and about David's "Dr. Strange" gesture (May 4th entry)

                        And has anyone noticed that Snickers bar in "The Ark"? *g*

                        Bye, A.
                        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                          Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                          Ok failing memory time again!! Which ep is that from?! *hides from watcher*

                          Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                          And has anyone noticed that Snickers bar in "The Ark"? *g*

                          Bye, A.
                          I missed it when i watched it and now my *cough* source has dried up i'll not see it again till the DVD's. Any one got a cap?
                          The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                          l My LJ l


                            Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                            Ok failing memory time again!! Which ep is that from?! *hides from watcher*
                            It's from The Return, part 2, when
                            the team is trying t get out of the underwater bay.

                            Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                            I missed it when i watched it and now my *cough* source has dried up i'll not see it again till the DVD's. Any one got a cap?
                            See the alien candy here. Oops!

                            My kind of guy:
                            "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                            Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                            (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                              Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                              Mini OT rant concerning crossover:
                              *sighs* Why is there so much SG1 on SGA? On JM's blog he and the fans only seem to talk about that <> AT/SC, Picardo/Woolsey, Teal'c, the biiiig crossover ep... can we actually concentrate on SGA again, please? That's the show you're working for now, dear TPTB! Please don't forget that, or spare us the trouble and the heartache and rename the show to SGA-1 now!
                              I don't get the feeling when I read his blog that he cares whether he is answering about SGA or SG-1 but he also said he isn't working on SG-1 movies so he can't really answer those questions. As for cross-overs... WELL I posted early last year on GW saying the only reason SGA was having SG-1 crossovers was because SG-1 would be cancelled... SG-1 fans laughed in my face... well what do you know... I was right. I said back then these crossovers were to make way for one or two regular SG-1 cast members to come onto Atlantis when SG-1 got the axe... they laughed some more... well I don't see anyone laughing too much now, I mean even if you are a Carter fan you cannot be happy with the response and hostility from some fans to her arrival. If you are an SG-1 fan two movies cannot make you feel that happy. A small glimpse of another character is cold comfort surely.

                              SG-1 Characters on SGA,
                              well Woosley I understand (and like very very much), Teal'c not so much... they could have used a random peep after all, and well what can you do about Sam?
                              It is all a little too late now... even if people stop watching out of protest... with BSG gone in one more season... it is plain that the so-called SciFi channel is quite happy to have less scifi in its schedule. In other words no amount of protesting is really going to change anything. SciFi doesn't seem to want to promote their own shows, no it isn't all down to SciFi, the show/s themselves need to be watchable but lack of promotion and quite frankly 'allowing' one show to slam another (BSG having a dig at SG-1/SGA) on its own channel is ridiculous! At this point I would be shocked if SGA gets another season, I mean really shocked!

                              And has anyone noticed that Snickers bar in "The Ark"? *g*
                              Yeah almost immediately in the GW ep thread people pointed that out... old news I'm afraid. People were afraid it was SciFi's way of making more money out of Stargate! *product placement*


                                I for one wish that everyone would just accept what's going on with SGA and the new cast members. .

                                *This is MY opinion. you do not have to like it...just respect it. Just as I have read and respected other's opinions on this matter. I just felt it was time to give my 2cents.*
                                Last edited by cindyz; 06 June 2007, 03:28 PM.

