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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
    You're having trouble taking caps? What's it doing wrong? You trying to use the print-screen button?
    Originally posted by sueKay View Post
    try using BS player or VLC player
    I'm using VLC, since I can only work wit my laptop at the moment (new computer's still not working properly). Never tried to make caps with VLC before, never had to, but I've heard it's easy. But when I click on snapshot/cap (don't know what it says in English as I use the German version) there's an error message, saying "VLC doesn't support this format".
    And where is the print-screen button on the Apple keyboard? I know how to make screenshots with a standard keyboard, but not with the Mac keyboard.

    I never eat foods when the animal's been mistreated - like Veal or Lobster for example.
    Because of that I stopped eating calamari. The way they kill them is brutal.

    Too much OT in this post, so here are pics now.

    Funny, these shirts look very similar. They are not from the same time/show though.

    Bye, A.
    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


      YIKES... all those posts... gone...

      Short version:

      I'm home. Foot not better. Need a David Hewlett to comfort me. Jane lucky.


        Hey guys! How is everyone?


          Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
          YIKES... all those posts... gone...

          Short version:

          I'm home. Foot not better. Need a David Hewlett to comfort me. Jane lucky.
          lol short version: I posted some rubbish talk then some caps then went away.

          Actually I subscribe to this thread and I have all the *missing posts* in my email.


            Heehee, seems the roll back was a roll back of more then just posts, I changed my avatar yesterday to Sek the Dalek... I have David back again! Not that there is anything wrong with that.


              Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
              I just remember that watcher wrote about David's fav vids on youtube this morning, I replied to that, but of course these posts are gone now. Can you repost what you said, watcher?
              Oh, I just said that David used to have a fan fid as his one favorite (the suncreen one by Purpleyin), but it got deleted in The Great MGM Purge. So now David just has his Spacey Awards presentation with Rachel, and a couple of his ADB Q&As made by some fans. Plus his contest vid. I suppose technically the Spacey Awards is something he shouldn't have either since the vid was captured by a fan, but I don't think the Spacey Awards people care since it's an award show.

              Hmm, I guess my vote at that poll sueKay wants us to vote in got deleted. Yup, it did. Go check to see if you have to re-vote.

              So Willow, did we say anything interesting worth re-posting?

              My kind of guy:
              "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
              Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
              (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                Watcher - yeah a few votes got deleted

                And SOMEONE PUT ELEVATED ON YOUTUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!


                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post


                  Funny, these shirts look very similar. They are not from the same time/show though.
                  Well, a black t-shirt tends to look the same no matter what year. Here's another one.

                  My kind of guy:
                  "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                  Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                  (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                    Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                    I never eat foods when the animal's been mistreated - like Veal or Lobster for example.
                    Hmm, never? I will leave that where it is as this is rather a heated topic for me and also way off-topic in this thread.

                    Lets have some caps! The ones I posted yesterday before the hick-up.

                    Copy and pasting from my email 'cause I am so lazy!!!

                    These made more sense yesterday when no one was posting.

                    Or shocked.


                      I LOLed at this clip

                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                        David's hair was, well,

                        Funny, his hair goes back to its usual look later in the film. He was having a bad day, though! Are those subtitles Portugese, it doesn't seem Spanish to me.

                        It's funny Rodney is claustrophobic, what with Natali sticking David in a Cube and an elevator.

                        My kind of guy:
                        "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                        Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                        (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                          Okay, voted again and Rodney is up by 3.

                          I had made some post asking if you guys have noticed that Hewlett and other Atlantis people seem to focus on Rodney's negatives and never talk about his many positive qualities. It's as if they all just label him as the show's resident ***hole genius and that's it. But David's performance of McKay and many of the episodes show much more depth to McKay and many wonderful qualities.

                          Maybe I haven't seen enough interviews re McKay to have a balanced view. I hope that the people involved with Atlantis(ie writers, producers et all) realize that there's more to McKay than being a jerk. Of course, the writers write the sweet McKay moments too so.....

                          I'm just very defensive when it comes to McKay.

                          I think I'll shut up now because I'm confusing myself!


                            Come on guys! Rodney's just 9 away from winning!

                            Rodney for President! I mean for smartest male stargate character!


                              Ok. the short film link SueKay posted...well...was just bizarre to me. gory, wierd, a nightmare. Thanks for the link Sue! that Natali is some kind a unique individual.


                                Originally posted by MmmmMcKAy View Post
                                I had made some post asking if you guys have noticed that Hewlett and other Atlantis people seem to focus on Rodney's negatives and never talk about his many positive qualities. It's as if they all just label him as the show's resident ***hole genius and that's it. But David's performance of McKay and many of the episodes show much more depth to McKay and many wonderful qualities.
                                Well we do have a discussion thread for McKay but sadly no one uses it, so... I posted recently on dgeek (my first official post) basically saying it isn't a wonder that on GW and other forums that some hate McKay as tptb do seem to go out of their way to belittle the character,
                                they gave him a girls name (whether men can also be called Meredith is beside the point) 99% of people think of that name as female these days and that imho is why it was used, Martin Gero *imho* wanted people to think less of McKay.

                                And really if you read the posts from McKay and Mrs Miller discussion thread, that is basically the impression you are left with, people think less of him, people think it is funny... blah, blah, blah.

                                It is the same thing with his allergies, the lemons, the other stuff that happens to him like an arrow in his butt.

                                It isn't as if I don't have a sense of humour, but it wears thin pretty quickly when you realise that hardly any of the other members of the so-called TEAM are shown in a similar light, even briefly. No the other so-called TEAM members get to be big dam hero's as they get their asses kicked. McKay just gets his ass kicked and made fun of.

                                As for DHs take on McKay, well I am in two minds on that, it is not David's fault McKay is written this way (he isn't bad he is just written that way ) but I also think David's take on McKay when describing him is a little out of kilter with how I see McKay. I think David has said stuff like you wouldn't want to around a guy like McKay all day.... or similar stuff (I can't remember) but even though I understand that, and can see where DH is coming from I just don't buy it, I think McKay has changed a lot, at least I see him as having changed... it can't all be in my bloody head! I am sure he has changed from the guy we see in SG-1. I am sure he was the guy who stood up and walked into a mist monster thingy and saved Atlantis! I am sure he is the guy who shed tears when
                                Carson died.

                                No McKay is not the ******* so many in fandom and at Bridge Studios want to make him out to be, he just isn't. *so there*

                                Originally posted by cindyz View Post
                                Ok. the short film link SueKay posted...well...was just bizarre to me. gory, wierd, a nightmare. Thanks for the link Sue! that Natali is some kind a unique individual.
                                Huh that's nothing watch CUBE!

