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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Woah...That's a whole hell of a lot of thunk. I'm quite surprised everybody isn't thunked to death.

    (Although that pretty much happened to my friend when she saw the leather jacket pictures!)
    by Kaaatie


      I don't get it though - how many geeks wear expensive leather jackets? I know I'll get flames for this, but leather just seems too cool for 'our' McKay.


        Originally posted by Jersey13
        I don't get it though - how many geeks wear expensive leather jackets? I know I'll get flames for this, but leather just seems too cool for 'our' McKay.
        Well you do not get flamed when you are the get pay back. Leather is not cool it is JUST another way humans use animals.


          I would only kill animals for eating, not for my own vanity. There are alternatives to wearing animal skins these days, like that wonderful stuff called cotton, not to mention less expensive alternatives. But I suppose this thread probably shouldn't turn into a PETA for/against thread.

          I consider myself a geek though. My point wasn't to defend the ethical treatment of animals, but to rather point out that a lot of geeks like myself would sooner buy a top-of-the-line new video card for the price you'd normally pay for a nice leather jacket.
          Last edited by Jersey13; 23 August 2006, 06:46 AM.


            Originally posted by Willow'sCat
            Jeez we have been distracted by SG-1 being cancelled NO one picked up on this.... Yes this post by CP... being our

            POSTS in the THUNK!


            Yes it was necessary to use that many smilies.
            definately necessary to use that many..if not more smilies!!!!!!
            happy 15000 everybody!!!!!!!


              How can anyone not like this pic?

              Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
              Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                Originally posted by Jersey13
                I consider myself a geek though. My point wasn't to defend the ethical treatment of animals, but to rather point out that a lot of geeks like myself would sooner buy a top-of-the-line new video card for the price you'd normally pay for a nice leather jacket.
                Well maybe it's just chilly in Atlantis...

                Seriously though, in 'Sateda' John was wearing a leather jacket that looked to be military issue since it had the US flag on it and definite spaces for the Atlantis badges. Maybe it's just an extra new part of the uniform.
                by Kaaatie


                  Originally posted by iLemon
                  How can anyone not like this pic?

                  That might be the best picture EVER! He has such a great sense of humor. Cracks me up.
                  I just bought the entire 3rd season on iTunes. It's a bit pricy at $40 US, but this is for all of us who don't have cable *cough* and I know it will be a year or two before it comes out on DVD. They only have the 1st 5 episodes up, but it will download each one after it is shown on SciFI. I am still waiting for Season 2 to be released. I was hoping it would come out next month (I read it on some random site a month ago, but I think it was false) for my birthday, but oh well. Now I can watch the last scene of Irresistible as much as I want "Hey Buddy..."
                  Sig by im_meli
                  More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


                    Originally posted by doylefan22
                    Well maybe it's just chilly in Atlantis...

                    Seriously though, in 'Sateda' John was wearing a leather jacket that looked to be military issue since it had the US flag on it and definite spaces for the Atlantis badges. Maybe it's just an extra new part of the uniform.
                    I know it sure is usually chilly right here where I work because they crank the A/C up for the computers. Who knows, maybe you're right and the Lanteans liked it chilly. The team must like chilly air too then, and you know there's only one REAL purpose for the place having to be chilly... it's great for keeping your significant other snuggled up next to you under the bed covers.

                    As for the uniform - I've never seen any the navy boys around here wearing leather jackets who were supposed to be in uniform. Unless it's an Air Force thing, I imagine that the costume designers pushed for something cooler and more comfortable-looking for them to wear on off-hours, and they worked in the SG patches to make it seem like part of the uniform when they couldn't keep consistent about when they're allowed to wear it.
                    Last edited by Jersey13; 23 August 2006, 07:23 AM.


                      The leather is a new part of the Atlantis kit...I think Beckett was wearing one in some of the promo pics on scifi, and
                      in the M&MM promo pics, i looks like the velcro bit for the flag patch.
                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Wecolme gravelgerdie and simona! We are insane but we don't bite.
                        Well, I don't


                          Hello All....
                          Thanks for the welcome Aurore

                          Loving the pics of DH


                          By Kidwizz

                          By JessM


                            I know the leather jackets are from promo pics...
                            I saw those MM&M pics with Rodney wearing one with his hair all messed up standing in front of that AU device. I don't think Rodney looked all that awesome in the leather jacket in those pics. I can only hope, I mean, assume that he's the AU Rodney and isn't the geek type there in the AU.

                            Don't get me wrong, I think Shep looks great in his leather jacket, but that's just my opinion. I just don't think leather jackets belong with geeks. They're too cool to worry about it and most admittedly don't care about looking rugged and wearing leather. If a geek is cold, they should go get themselves a good nylon and fleece parka that's half the price or less.


                              Woah, a lot to read! Where did all these new posts come from so suddenly in the last few hours?

                              Anyway, Willow is right, we were distracted by the cancellation of SG1 and completely forgot to celebrate the thunk milestone!

                              Yay for
                              ~°~ 15.000 posts ~°~
                              in the DH/RM thunk thread!!!

                              Originally posted by iLemon
                              And this photo has been posted by a man who complained about "bad moment" screencaps...

                              Bye, A.
                              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                                Happy 15,000 everyone!

                                Originally posted by Arlessiar
                                And this photo has been posted by a man who complained about "bad moment" screencaps...
                                lol! That's a good point. I hadn't thought about that.

                                Welcome to the thunk simona!

                                David from Cube:

                                sig by Pandora's_Box

