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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    OOOOHHHH KAAAAY. Those photos of David Hewlett with shirt undone....

    Where do they hide the cold showers when you need one....

    I always think McKay's sexy in a totally McKay way, but gotta admit those pictures of David go WAY beyond sexy to... *speechless*

    Wonder if TPTB might consider varying the typical McKay high collared blue shirt/very slightly undone zip, with a very much more undone one...

    Ahem ahem. Yes. Well. Er, yes. *opens window, drinks glass of cold water*
    McKay, "I'm not sure I can fix this."
    Grodin, "You can fix anything."
    McKay, "Who told you that?"
    Grodin, "You did. Several times."


      Originally posted by Cassiopeia
      Wonder if TPTB might consider varying the typical McKay high collared blue shirt/very slightly undone zip, with a very much more undone one...

      Ahem ahem. Yes. Well. Er, yes. *opens window, drinks glass of cold water*
      Well there's Joe Mallozzi's comment (not sure if it's a joke or not...remaining hopeful) from over on the Q&A thread that like us, David keeps on pitching for lessclothed McKay too...


        Originally posted by Purpleyin
        glad you like the pics, took me a while to do that whole scene.
        And oops on the quotes, I've been busy and noone else seemed to do that, but yes everyone should make sure we always have pics and quotes a page!!!

        I love your quote, I love the whole episode so much. That grin too, right after just before the quote comes in! Awwww, 'here we see the rare happy!McKay'. must cap that sometime...
        It was a job really well done.

        Yes, lovely rare happy McKay. And the look of sheer delight 'I don't care. I mean, I REALLY don't care...'


        Gotta go, computers closing down for the night. Back soon as I can
        McKay, "I'm not sure I can fix this."
        Grodin, "You can fix anything."
        McKay, "Who told you that?"
        Grodin, "You did. Several times."


          Originally posted by strivaria
          You'll get a some evil!david in Darklight... and it's a good look on him :

          Random thought - McKay when he finds out someone drank the last of the coffee in the whole galaxy... As to why no shirt - hulk like rage I'm betting


            LOL... I'd hate to be the person responsible for that when this version of McKay gets ahold of him/her.


              Another bit 'o randomness... While I was watching Nothing last night, I was poking around IMDB, looking at the entry for that movie. One of the things I checked out was Vincenzo's entry... and he's got two new movies in his director listing... one of them is called Necropolis. Intrigued, I went digging further and came up with this bit:

              Uncubed: You are currently in pre-production on the thriller Necropolis, a ghost story written by the director of Resident Evil and Alien vs. Predator, Paul W.S. Anderson. Have you got more info on that project?
              Vincenzo Natali: Paul conceived of "Necropolis" as the first part in a trilogy of ghost stories which occur over one given night in Chicago. The first one, which I'm working on is a kind of 'biological' ghost story that takes place in a hospital. Like "Echo Beach", "Necropolis" is at a very early stage. I won't begin working on it until Paul is free from AVP.

              Wonder if he'll be able to drag David away from SGA to play something in it....


                Ooooo lots of lovely pics posted while I've been working today! Shirtless David....yuuummm. Love the Atlantis ones from the office scene in an episode which I can't remember the name of right now. How bad lol. Love McKay and Elizabeth in that scene. So cute and he looks so adorable and yummy in the blue uniform. It really brings out his eyes...



                  Originally posted by McKay's girl
                  They could meet when McKay comes through the gate. I don't think theres much of a chance that Sam will come through the gate, she leads a team.
                  There's not really much reason for her to go through, allthough if I were her I would go. Too much technology there to ignore!
         it may be a matter of who has the first free time or urgent-problem-that-requires-gating-to-Earth/Atlantis. Kind of a toss-up there; both are extremely busy and both have the potential to find such a problem. It would be interesting to see him go to Earth and hear about or see her interactions with Jack (if TPTB does develop that ship next season). He'd be taken aback, to say the least!


                    I think it would be much more entertaining if Sam was to come to Atlantis instead of McKay going to Earth because she would be on his turf like he was on hers in 'Redemption'.

                    The character of McKay was created in the first place just to annoy Sam and to be wrong but now that he has his own show he might have a chance to be right while Sam was wrong. Maybe thats just wishful thinking. But I'd really want Sam to see how much he has grown since 'Redemtion'.

                    Edit: I just realized what an ironic name that is for the ep. because that was where the character of McKay was 'redeemed' from how he acted in '48 Hours'.

                    5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                      Originally posted by strivaria
                      Wonder if he'll be able to drag David away from SGA to play something in it....
                      Well the film sounds great and I'd love another DH film, however short his role maybe...


                        No matter how small Davids roles are he always, always seems to make an impression on the viewer. Thats an amazing gift to have I think and just shows what a great actor he is if even in a few minutes he can create enough emotion to leave the person watching with a memory of his portrayl.


                          Originally posted by Purpleyin
                          Yeah, boa vs. Python was so bad it was funny but people had said Darklight was just...bad.
                          And no words are needed - if it has David in it I'd watch it anyway...but shirtless is good, only if my flatmates catch me watching that I'll be in for merciless DHobsession teasing, ah well, not that that would put me off. wonder what they'll say if I manage to convince them to watch Century Hotel? (I'm so evil...)
                          You know, I had a bit of a DH marathon on the weekend with my newfound McShepper buddies and we realised something...

                          Out of all the movies available to us so far, there is only one love interest/kissing scene...

                          and it's with a man!

                          Not that I'm complaining mind you...

                          And I haven't seen Autoerotica or Traders or Boa vs Python yet...


                            I saw "Elevated" 3 times now and I still don't fully comprehend it. It might not be something that you're supposed to comprehend but can someone explain it to me...

                            Do the whole (spoiler) 'white writing' thing........

                            "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

                            My clone:
                            Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread


                              I'm guessing that Elevated is like Cube... you're supposed to walk away from it wondering what the heck just happened. But I'll give you my take on it:

                              It's some kind of mass mind-wacking thing going on like an airborne contagion. It would explain the 'alien' that David's character describes in the beginning to the two seemingly sane people in the elevator. Then the two people in the elevator go a little nuts. Then you have the stampede of people trying to get into that mess of an elevator with no thought to the... uh... splashy new decor.

                              But again, that's just how I'm seeing it.


                                All my room mate said when we were talking about this was "Why are we analizing a movie that can't be analized? It's just like someone going on stage and saying 'I...' and then walking away... or 'twinkel, twinkel, little...' little what?"

                                She read your response and said "I'd see the new decour... and not get in" but she hates the red stuff. I enjoyed showing her "Elevated" for that reason. I get some weird enjoyment in grosing her out.

                                "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

                                My clone:
                                Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread

