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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by smushybird
    Oh I didn't realize. Tho' I must've greened you sometime before because it won't let me now.
    Lol! You need to spread the love, I have to admit I forget to green people, and to answer your question as to why I have it turned off, when I first joined it seemed everyone was obsessed with their post counts and number of green blocks *propabley still are* and I just thought it was a little over rated and distracting, so I turned it to grey, along with my on-line status. I do still like reading the comments that are left, so sometimes it does get turned on because you can't read the comments without turning the rep back on.

    Anyway where are all the caps people!?!


      Originally posted by Willow'sCat
      Spoilers for the episode...SG-1 The Pegasus Project
      First, I have to say yes yes yes yes yes because you just hit the nail on the head about everything.
      You seem to have forgiven Cam a little... Giving him the benefit of the doubt. I've watched both eps twice now (and of course the Sheppard and McKay scenes many more times than that ) and tho I still don't care for Cam's harshness (and still see it as OOC), I like that Rodney proved himself and snarked Cam into line by the end.

      Originally posted by Willow'sCat

      I also think McKay was not as threatened as he seemed
      My view of McKay's reaction was that he was initially just startled by this guy, whom he barely knows, threatening him (with seeming seriousness) with fruit, and that reaction segued to a sort of speechlessness as he struggled to figure out how to even reply to such a weird, out of the blue threat (I think Cam's tone should have been a little more joking or something--he was so serious about it, I think that's what really took Rodney aback.) It almost seemed to me that Rodney was thinking, "Ok, I don't know what's with this guy..." and he just mustered up his dignity (and not the code definition of dignity ) and went back to work.
      I don't think Rodney was having playground flashbacks.... I hope not....but I admit I felt badly for him. Maybe it's just me, because I was picked on at school--but every time I see that scene, part of me wants to pelt Cameron with the lemon. And Sam, too, for just standing there amused by it all, like some cheerleader chick whose boyfriend is beating up on the geek who has a crush on her. Part of me laughed...but part of me didn't. But I guess that's just my personal reaction and I don't expect it to be a universal one.

      Originally posted by Willow'sCat
      I admit I get a little lost in all the techno-babble so I am not entirely sure what they were doing or how they did it, but I never felt here like McKay was being set up to fail and that is what mattered to me the most.
      Me too! I was so glad about that. So tired of Sam (as much as I like her, and I do) always being the one who is right.

      Originally posted by Willow'sCat

      Already talked about the lemon but will say for Sheppard to even bother shows me he likes McKay, it is a warped like but like non the less
      Awww. I thought it was a cute Sheppard McKay thing....and I agree, I don't imagine Sheppard expected it would be used quite as it was.

      Originally posted by Willow'sCat
      David Hewlett just rocked this episode! Might be the fangirl in me but it seemed when he was there the episode really came alive, brilliant stuff. This SG-1 McKay I want to see more of on SGA please! SNARKY!
      Agree with you %100. He's so much fun to watch. You can't take your eyes off him.

      Originally posted by Willow'sCat
      No this was not a development episode for any of the characters, I can live with that, and for the last scene alone it was worth it... Sheppard as McKay's maid, now Payback (for the lemon) is a bi**h and her name is McKay.
      rotfl Felt like it came around full circle, didn't it? Ha.


        Originally posted by Willow'sCat
        Lol! You need to spread the love, I have to admit I forget to green people, and to answer your question as to why I have it turned off, when I first joined it seemed everyone was obsessed with their post counts and number of green blocks *propabley still are* and I just thought it was a little over rated and distracting, so I turned it to grey, along with my on-line status.
        They do seem really focused on it to an unnecessary extent. It took me a year of posting here to really even remember about greening or redding anyone. I don't think I've ever redded anyone, that I remember--and often I forget to green the deserving, because it simply doesn't occur to me. The whole thing seems awfully high school-ish anyway.

        I love those two pics you posted.

        :melt: The man has eyes that can just break your heart.

        I love this one because of the look of wonder on his face. I love that quality in Rodney.


          Originally posted by smushybird
          The whole thing seems awfully high school-ish anyway.
          It is! GW is! With the cliques, geeks *smile* and the cool kids...

          I love those two pics you posted.

          :melt: The man has eyes that can just break your heart.
          I have to say his eyes are one of the best things about him, he can convey more in one look then most actors can using a string of words. He really does break your heart sometimes, the end of Trinity still makes me teary. It is all in his eyes.

          Of course we do get a small knowing smile of relief as well.

          Oh and there was this!


            Originally posted by smushybird
            First, I have to say yes yes yes yes yes because you just hit the nail on the head about everything.
            You seem to have forgiven Cam a little... Giving him the benefit of the doubt. I've watched both eps twice now (and of course the Sheppard and McKay scenes many more times than that ) and tho I still don't care for Cam's harshness (and still see it as OOC), I like that Rodney proved himself and snarked Cam into line by the end.
            Well I have to say on Cam
            I have watched all his episodes now and he strikes me as a harder flyboy then Jack or Sheppard, he still has the slightly lighter side but he is NOT Sheppard and I actually think Brad may have been aiming for that, to let everyone know "hey this guy is not a carbon copy of O'Neill or Sheppard deal with it!" that is also why I am willing to let it go, plus as you said in the end Rodney showed him why Rodney is a genius and why Sam would want him on board for this. And did you notice *I couldn't help but notice* Cam reaches for Rodney's arm when the first Wraith missiles (thingy) hits their Ship. Oh yes he does.


            If he really didn't care he would have let him fall on his behind not grab him hard!


              Originally posted by Willow'sCat

              I have to say his eyes are one of the best things about him, he can convey more in one look then most actors can using a string of words. He really does break your heart sometimes, the end of Trinity still makes me teary. It is all in his eyes.
              Yes! He has very expressive eyes.

              Pegasus Project:

              Loved the range of expression in his reaction here:

              Ack! Lemons!

              sig by Pandora's_Box


                Originally posted by pavaneofstars
                Wheeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! I really love that cap. If this wasn't a PG forum I would tell exactly what that cap does to me! *gutter*

                [Pegasus Project:

                Loved the range of expression in his reaction here:

                Ack! Lemons!
                Lol! *poor woobie Rodney* He is so sexy like that!


                  Originally posted by pavaneofstars
                  Yes! He has very expressive eyes.

                  Oh you guys are soooooooo right! This pic is a really good one of Rodney. His eyes, that grin....gotta love it and Rodney!



                    There are scenes in Nothing that really bring out the blue in his eyes.

                    sig by Pandora's_Box


                      Originally posted by tiggerific
                      regarding P2 - keep your eyes on the wolf forums theres is going to be a guest announcement for P2 in the newxt week or so keep those fingers crossed guys!
                      Awwww! I wanna go! That was such a great time... but I'm supposed to be a poor college student.. not sure if I can swing it this time around. May buy a ticket anyway... regardless of who's coming. Will keep my fingers crossed for this really cute guy who plays a certain astrophysicist though...


                        Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                        Well I have to say on Cam
                        I have watched all his episodes now and he strikes me as a harder flyboy then Jack or Sheppard, he still has the slightly lighter side but he is NOT Sheppard and I actually think Brad may have been aiming for that, to let everyone know "hey this guy is not a carbon copy of O'Neill or Sheppard deal with it!" that is also why I am willing to let it go, plus as you said in the end Rodney showed him why Rodney is a genius and why Sam would want him on board for this. And did you notice *I couldn't help but notice* Cam reaches for Rodney's arm when the first Wraith missiles (thingy) hits their Ship. Oh yes he does.


                        If he really didn't care he would have let him fall on his behind not grab him hard!

                        OMG! I so missed that! I'll be running back to my room to watch the episode again.

                        And as for Cam:
                        He's the one who got McKay to work. Not only with the threat of the lemon, but also when he when was talking to Sam about him right in front of him to egg him on.

                        I also have to say that I hated McKay in 48 hours, but he was funny. But, he's my favorite Atlantis character. I would not watch it if McKay wasn't there.


                          Originally posted by smushybird
                          My view of McKay's reaction was that he was initially just startled by this guy, whom he barely knows, threatening him (with seeming seriousness) with fruit, and that reaction segued to a sort of speechlessness as he struggled to figure out how to even reply to such a weird, out of the blue threat (I think Cam's tone should have been a little more joking or something--he was so serious about it, I think that's what really took Rodney aback.) It almost seemed to me that Rodney was thinking, "Ok, I don't know what's with this guy..." and he just mustered up his dignity (and not the code definition of dignity ) and went back to work.
                          Yeah I agree...
                          That exactly the way I saw it. It was a "where the heck did that lemon come from, is this guy serious?" look. He didn't look too threatened, just a bit surprised.

                          Though I did think that Cam was a bit harsh on him and acted like a jock. It seemed that SG-1 was acting like the 'cool crowd' who everyone wants to be in and Rodney was the geek they throw in the locker. I must admit I was a bit dissapointed at Sheppard for some of the things he said to impress SG-1 and win over Mitchell.



                              the newest dvd (UK) has a thing about martin gero, david is in it and is funny as always and he does 2 commentaries on it too


                                Originally posted by tiggerific
                                the newest dvd (UK) has a thing about martin gero, david is in it and is funny as always and he does 2 commentaries on it too
                                What are the comms?

