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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Aurore
    I was floored by David's performance in "Duet" and mind you, I still have to see the ep with David's voice so I think I'm in for an ever bigger treat.
    Oh, no! Voice overs?

    They can still be funny though. I watched Boa vs Python in Spanish and Italian purely for the laugh factor. I could just see the guys doing the voiceovers for DH in my head and it made me laugh even more.


      Aurore! Hi! Wow, good to see you again! A few days ago I was thinking of you and also Meredith, wondering where you are and if you are alright! Great that you're here again, thunking for the one and only DH/RM!

      Bye, A.

      P.S. The fanfic, do you mean "Freedom's just another word..."? Still my favourite, I simply love this fic!

      P.P.S. Still haven't seen the eps, won't be able to do so before tomorrow. We have visitors and I'm just dropping by for a sec right now. Hmmm, maybe I manage to watch the eps after dinner tonight.
      ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
      ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


        Oh, no! Voice overs?

        They can still be funny though. I watched Boa vs Python in Spanish and Italian purely for the laugh factor. I could just see the guys doing the voiceovers for DH in my head and it made me laugh even more.
        Actually Rodney's French voice's not so bad. It can get slightly high pitched and whiney when needed and the guy can sprout the technobabble really fast too.
        I'm just careful to not watch any old ep with David's voice while they air the French version on TV because then it reminds me how much I prefer the real voices of the actors (except maybe Joe Flanigan who tends to mumble).
        I can't wait for the second season box set to be released so I can watch it all again (and finally see "Coup d'Etat" that I missed because my DVD recorder acted up while I was on holiday). I hope it'll be in September here like last year.

        P.S. The fanfic, do you mean "Freedom's just another word..."? Still my favourite, I simply love this fic!
        Yep, this one. It broke my heart a hundred times but it was worth it.


          Wow, I didn't log on yesterday and look at what I missed!

          A big congrats to Arlessiar and Syera on 2000 posts!

          Welcome to the thread lizzyana, Spacegirlnz, and SGA_Love!

          Arlessiar, I hope your grandma is feeling better and get's to go home soon. That's too bad she is back in the hospital so soon after her stroke.

          Re the weather - sounds like it is cooling off in many places FINALLY! We had a major cooling off here just yesterday 88F. Blessed relief!

          Originally posted by smushybird
          Sometimes I like what he wears and sometimes...I think he's lacking a certain sense of color coordination.
          I don't mind.

          I read the tv guide article w/DH and AT: those two are so funny together!

          battmeals, thanks for the lovely pic!

          Originally posted by Aurore
          PS : a huge thank you to whoever gave the link to that fic with post-Atlantis Rodney as a teacher. The BEST one I've ever read.
          Hi Aurore. I think I began posting about the time you took a hiatus from the thread. Oh, I so love that fic! It's my favorite! There is a vid that was made to go with it This Is How It Works. Have you seen it? It's as great as the fic.

          a candid moment

          sig by Pandora's_Box


            Clickety here -

            It contains spoilers for a new eppy...

            The new eppy's called 'The Tao of McKay'! It sounds like it could be great!
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by pavaneofstars
              Oh, I so love that fic! It's my favorite! There is a vid that was made to go with it This Is How It Works. Have you seen it? It's as great as the fic.
              Thanks for the link pavane. That was a cool vid!

              sig by SheppyD
              Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

              I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
              So he just looks crazy


                Originally posted by sueKay
                Clickety here -

                It contains spoilers for a new eppy...
                Ooohhh... sounds interesting!

                Originally posted by McKayRocks!
                Thanks for the link pavane. That was a cool vid!
                You're welcome! Glad you liked it.

                sig by Pandora's_Box


                  Has anyone posted this link to a video of David Hewlett answering questions about the shows?
                  Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


                    Originally posted by pavaneofstars
                    Hi Aurore. I think I began posting about the time you took a hiatus from the thread. Oh, I so love that fic! It's my favorite! There is a vid that was made to go with it This Is How It Works. Have you seen it? It's as great as the fic.
                    Just watched it. It's technically impressive and you can feel that the person who made it put all her heart in it.
                    Btw, I've also read "A Long Gold Sliding Into Dawn" by the same author and it's as beautifully poignant as the other one (and much more slashy, just so you know).
                    I've just finished an absolutely hilarious piece "Rodney McKay is a very bad manager" that you would swear is real, it sounds so much like him. I'm always impressed by a writer who can write emotional/serious and also really funny stories.

                    Clickety here -
                    It contains spoilers for a new eppy...
                    Call me sceptical but that's not the title of the 15th episode
                    I DO hope it's not an hoax though, because any episode centered on McKay is a treat. God knows I'm already impatient enough to see "McKay and Mrs Miller" (you should have seen my reaction when I read the summary of that episode. It involved a lot of jumping around and squealing).


                      Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                      Don't read my post then. I say what I think it is a bad habit.

                      Yes still here waiting for the bf to get out of the shower *fansinating stuff... yawn* So any caps yet of these brilliant eps?
                      I haven't got the first idea how to cap eps, but there should be plenty of good moments to cap. DH had some of the best expressions in both eps, some really adorable smiles. Shep was pretty cute, too, and Beckett and Zelenka.



                        I tried making some caps but is it me or were a lot of those scene really dark?

                        I will try again today when I have had some coffee. But I did make this one of McKay/Sheppard I love them.

                        Rodney smiling, episodes where we never see any smiles and all of a sudden smiling! Yay!


                          What a sweet pic! Cute smile!

                          Wanted to write a lot this evening after our guests had gone, but I'm deadly tired now and a bit drunk, so I better go to bed now and thunk tomorrow. And in the next days, as I don't have to go to work!
                          PMs, posts, SG eps, will care for all this tomorrow. Until then!

                          Bye, A.
                          ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                          ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                            Originally posted by Arlessiar
                            What a sweet pic! Cute smile!
                            You know I hate the whole reset button thing. But I also love seeing the happy, I have a conflict going on as to whether I want to keep watching, these episodes are nice but not the way the show is normally. Oh and you know those spoilers for the next ep where
                            McKay has a personal medical problem, I think it is the dart, the one they use to drug the Team, McKay escapes back to Atlantis, I think he takes a dart in the um, his um Dignity. Well it makes sense to me.

                            now and a bit drunk
                            It's going around.


                              Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                              Oh great I remember last year Torri said NZ didn't have the eps even though she went there for a Con. We are waiting on Season two here but I have seen it.
                              That is true. When she came they screened Rising Part 1 and 2, but there were still lots of people who went to that Armageddon to see her. Ahh the wonders of the internet. But it still took like a year and a half to get SGA here, on free to air, or cable tv (it was on free to air).

                              Armageddon is the only convention thing we have here, and it happens twice a year in Wellington in April and in Auckland in October. My friend and I keep asking the organiser if he can get different guests, We keep asking about SGA people, and he keeps saying he'll see what he can do, so fingers crossed he can get David Hewlett.

                              "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                              "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
                              My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr


                                Because some may not have seen SG-1 yet I am breaking these up into the two episodes.

                                Spoilers for the episode...SG-1 The Pegasus Project

                                I had some doubts about this, I mean we were told in the spoilers he would say something to Sam about GUP and I immediately went into 'cringe' mode. I was happily surprised when it turned out to be a rather nice exchange, well in McKay verse anyway, he actually thanked her! Thanked someone! Sure he also had to admit Sam was not entirely clothed at the time 'she' helped him in GUP, but it was I think a sweet moment and showed that when McKay does feel genuine appreciation he will stand up and make it known.

                                The big thing in this ep for me was McKay/Sheppard/Mitchell and that lemon. I know a few posters have seen this as mean, and I agree when Mitchell 'threatened' McKay with the lemon on the Ship it seemed a little mean spirited (I actually don't think when Sheppard gave Mitchell the lemon he thought Mitchell would pull something like that, maybe my Sheppard bias is coming out; but I think Sheppard was just kidding around and didn't think for one moment Mitchell would do that) I also think McKay was not as threatened as he seemed, no I don't believe it was a lighthearted prank, but I don't think for one moment Mitchell would have shoved it down McKay's throat... it was there to make a point, Sheppard told Mitchell that McKay works (in Sheppard's mind) better when he is under pressure and the threat of eminent death. Mitchell was I think, (giving him the benefit of the doubt) just trying to emphasis to McKay how serious this situation was, and this was the shortest route to that, I don't in retrospect see it as totally malicious, no it wasn't nice *some see it as funny* but the hate or bullying I thought it had in it initially is now not there for me.

                                The save the day McKay. Yay! I loved that SG-1 verse didn't fall into the McKay has brilliant plan but it doesn't work until Sam "the magnificent do no wrong" Carter can came along and see the faults in his plan. They for the most part let him be the guy with the plans that worked and with the sensible caution.

                                I admit I get a little lost in all the techno-babble so I am not entirely sure what they were doing or how they did it, but I never felt here like McKay was being set up to fail and that is what mattered to me the most.

                                The lighter side of the ep, the meeting room, some great moments, even the Vala exchange I liked. Finishing Sam's sentences was cute and yes annoying. Already talked about the lemon but will say for Sheppard to even bother shows me he likes McKay, it is a warped like but like non the less also McKay's line about Sheppard... *squee for another thread I think*

                                The moment on the Ship when McKay was about to say to Sam how she was sexy when...cut off by a protective Mitchell was funny given how many times in his small appearances on SG-1 McKay has managed to 'get away' with thous unprofessional comments, I'm surprised Sam left him able to walk!

                                David Hewlett just rocked this episode! Might be the fangirl in me but it seemed when he was there the episode really came alive, brilliant stuff. This SG-1 McKay I want to see more of on SGA please! SNARKY!

                                Spoilers for SGA Irresistible.

                                Where to start?

                                Fluffy episode, very fluffy. I liked it for the most part and it was the McKay interactions with Sheppard that made it fun to watch for me. Nothing too mind shattering or character developing here, mostly as this was not that kind of episode... did I mention fluffy?

                                First banter, it was so much more even then in recent episodes, both McKay and Sheppard seemed to be working from the same page for a change, working as a real team (or dynamic duo, sorry couldn't resist) up until McKay is brought under the influence they had all the little exchanges both verbally and physically that they use to have, I know in the darker *cough* episodes it is harder to write their banter but I don't think with these two that it is impossible to write it, both play off one and other so well it must almost be like second nature for David and Joe when acting.

                                Watching McKay fawn over "the guy" was wonderful from a pure fangirl perspective, seeing him smile and behaviour so out of character even wanting to go and fetch some jello ( Blue jello *squee* ) I couldn't imagine McKay ever being that compliant.

                                No this was not a development episode for any of the characters, I can live with that, and for the last scene alone it was worth it... Sheppard as McKay's maid, now Payback (for the lemon) is a bi**h and her name is McKay.

