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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by McKay's girl
    Not many people talking on this thread. Come on people! I need McKay mobius part 2 shirt pics!!!
    My, aren't you the demanding one? We do have over 700 posts on this thread, so I think we've done a little talking here.

    Besides, Moebius hasn't aired in the US yet so the pics may be a little spoiler-ish. I've seen some posted though, I think on other sites. You don't to spoil the fun for others, do you? Someone can post the pics as links, though.

    My kind of guy:
    "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
    Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
    (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


      Oh, sorry, new page. Some caps from David's short film, "Elevated" (1997). The man loves the odd movies, doesn't he?

      Don't let the smiles fool you. There is nothing to smile about in this film.

      My kind of guy:
      "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
      Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
      (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


        I love Rodney, he's the best coward ever .

        ... And before you all start neg-repping me, i'm not saying he's a coward. Well i am a little. But i just love the way he'll moan and complain about anything remotely uncomfortable or hazardous, and yet when someone's life is on the line he'll do whatever it takes.

        Have you all seen seige yet?
        I love all Rodney's scenes- the first one, which is now in my sig, and all the ones on the satellite. Honestly, call yourself a genius and you don't know that stone paper scissors doesn't work with three people! And i loved that little scream when the gravity came on. My brother and i rewound and watched that part six times in a row! I also thought he was adorable in part two. He looked so tired and tense, i wanted to give him a massage.

        How can we survive until season 2??

        McKay: In military parlance surprise... is an element on our side.


          I love how human McKay is in the 2 episodes of The Siege. If you haven't seen it yet, you'll understand what I mean when you do.

          That's one of the reasons I like McKay. He's not a super-hero. He's not even a regular hero. He's scared and tired and hungry and angry and frustrated and let's everybody know it. Along with being a genius, which isn't bragging, it's the truth. McKay is all about the truth, to the point of talking too much about it.

          And his scene with Teyla in The Gift was just too funny, yet it was so very touching, too. McKay and all those walls he has to defend. He thinks he's hiding behind them, but the walls are all made of glass and we can see right thru to his heart. His eyes can't hide what his mouth tries to declare.

          My kind of guy:
          "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
          Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
          (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


            Oooo I'm intrigued now. Saw a little clip of it on the Nothing dvd. Is it freaky?



              Elevated is on the Nothing DVD? Interesting. And yes, it is freaky... very strange. I'm still pondering what the heck happened in it.

              On an almost totally unrelated note, I got my Rodney Bear:

              I've also got plans for his "I'm with Genius" outfit.

              Next up... a working ZPM.


                Working my way through Hewlett movies. Made it to Century Hotel today. Let me just say ... guh!

                HUGE thunk. I thunked so hard I hurt myself.

                Oh, and the rest of the movie is pretty darn good too.

                *smiles happily and goes to watch again*


                  If it is on there, all the more reason for me to work a few extra days so I can buy it.

                  "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

                  My clone:
                  Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread


                    Originally posted by watcher652
                    And his scene with Teyla in The Gift was just too funny, yet it was so very touching, too. McKay and all those walls he has to defend. He thinks he's hiding behind them, but the walls are all made of glass and we can see right thru to his heart. His eyes can't hide what his mouth tries to declare.
                    What you have said is so true. It would be interesting to have a character that was given the ability, through Ancient technology, to "read/hear" inner thoughts and feel their emotions. Now, if this person, hopefully a woman, was around Rodney; she'd get an earful even when he's not talking.

                    "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

                    My clone:
                    Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread


                      When he made that "Other then crying our selves to sleep?" comment in 'The Gift' I really think by how he said it that it was just a joke because if I'm not mistaken I think he had some serious stubble on his chin when Teyla ran into him at Kate's office. Or I could be wrong. Poor Rodney, I really don't think he's selpt at all since 'Brotherhood'.

                      Anyway on the up coming episode.
                      I've been trying to avoid spoilers but the suddel stuff I've been hearing about 'The Seige' makes me worry for Rodney's safty.
                      Last edited by GatetheWay; 12 March 2005, 09:47 PM.

                      5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                        Originally posted by Renenutet
                        What you have said is so true. It would be interesting to have a character that was given the ability, through Ancient technology, to "read/hear" inner thoughts and feel their emotions. Now, if this person, hopefully a woman, was around Rodney; she'd get an earful even when he's not talking.
                        That's a really cool idea. I'd love to see that happen on the show. So who should receive the mind-reading ability? It would be funny if it was Ford - i can just picture the scene with him and Rodney. Or maybe Zelenka - he's a sensitive kinda guy. I don't think Teyla would handle it very well - she's not the most tactful of people. And Weir seems to know what Rodney's thinking already.

                        McKay: In military parlance surprise... is an element on our side.


                          Originally posted by watcher652
                          My, aren't you the demanding one? We do have over 700 posts on this thread, so I think we've done a little talking here.

                          Besides, Moebius hasn't aired in the US yet so the pics may be a little spoiler-ish. I've seen some posted though, I think on other sites. You don't to spoil the fun for others, do you? Someone can post the pics as links, though.
                          it hasn't? lol! well if you do know where i can get them, can you give me the like? i've already looked through every link i've been given, but i still cant find it!
                          maybe i should wait, when's it airing in the US??

                          Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                          Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                            Mind reading?? Forgive me, but no, I can't say I like that idea in the slightest. Sure, telepathy has its uses, but I think it's also a bit of a cop-out. It's far too easy to fall back on the "I can read your mind" thing and to rely on that to solve every single problem. If it was a one-off character, maybe, but not someone who's a permanent part of the show.

                            I know B5 had the psi corp and used them to pretty good effect, but that was something established right from the beginning and- while I didn't watch an awful lot of B5- I never felt that it became overbearing.

                            Stargate has an entirely different mentality, if you'll pardon the pun. Psychic powers are NOT considered natural, there are no established rules for their use, and given the kids of things TPTB have done in the past, I just can't imagine them making proper use of it. It would be played for laughs and used as an overly-convenient means of getting out of any sticky sopts they write themselves into. Just look at what they did to Ascension, for instance.

                            No, I think it'd be funnier if Rodney met up with a girl who just knew how his mind worked and managed out-guess, out-wit, and generally out-snark him every time, leading him to THINK she must be psychic, especially since she has an annoying tendency to answer his questions before he can ask them. He confronts her with it and she fires back that he's just so simple-minded, it's like reading an open book. Who knows, maybe she's good at "reading" the others, too.

                            Now, this in itself could lead to trouble, especially if a spy or some other non-friendly got wind of her "psychic powers" and set up a plan to kidnap her and force her to serve some dark purpose. Except not being actually psychic, she can't do anything of the sort and suddenly finds herself having to rely on her OWN wits instead of depending on understanding the people around her.

                            Rodney, of course, would be busy riding to the rescue.

                            I dunno, I just think it'd be more interesting that way, even without the kidnapping plot. I think most of us have probably had instances where we've just known what someone else was thinking or where we've done something we knew our boss would want done and stuff like that. So maybe some people are a lot better at it than others.


                              I just saw elevated - and I so agree!
                              It's the same amount of screwyness in Cube squished down into 20 minutes!
                              I have an idea what as gonig on but it's still very freaky.

                              David was great and I loved this part - really crazy and yet almost a hero maybe.

                              Paraphrased a bit because I can't quite remember exact lnies, but...
                              Ellen whispering into the SOS phone, begging for some one to pick up and DH character says "Ellen, no one's going to pick it up; I am the guy who answers the phone."

                              oh and there's the blood bit, and he's like "Oh, holy cow, holy cow. Ah,... don't worry it's not mine."

                              Off to do stuff, might get round to nothing caps when my computer has been updated fully...


                                I think it's airing next week in the U.S.. Somewhere on's Stargate Bboards, either SG-1 or Atlantis, there is pictures of Rodney from Moebius.

                                "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

                                My clone:
                                Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread

