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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    1. Athosian tents on the mainland, which Teyla gratefully sets up for them.
    2. The Hologram room, under the stars. (not under the hologram lady, though, because that would be just freaky.)
    3. In a puddle jumper orbiting Lantea. (Can we say, mile high club?)
    4. In the control chair. (Their love makes drones fly...)

    *works on questions*


      And now for something... completely different.

      Over on LJ, peanutbutterer has just posted a hilarious DVD-style commentary for irony_rocks's Sparky!fic Any Other Way. Your commentators for the evening are irony_rocks and... Elizabeth! And boy, do they have an insane amount of snarktastic fun!

      Happy reading!
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.



        If you’ve ever been interested in learning about Livejournal, but didn’t have the time, here’s your chance! Join a live chat right now and ask away! All are welcome, no matter your favorite character, no matter your ship. Just click on the banner below to join in...


          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
          It's JoeF's necklace! His wife made that for him, didn't she? *squees* That is so damn awesome that he doesn't even take it off while he's on set.

          As for in-show Sparky!canon... I'll propose that it's something Elizabeth got for John off-world, and when she gave it to him, he gave her his dogtags. Yeah, that's it.
          I think the green thing is a ring. It looks like jade and was not there at the con when this pic was taken. Either NZ or Burbank. The shirt was the same. lol

          I didn't have the heart to crop this. But this is the original necklace which he said they made one day when he couldn't surf due to a shark attack and they got bored. *tries to wrap head around that* The bracelet he made with one of his sons.

          Then this was at ComicCon. Clearly a ring. Hmm? The cuteness of this makes me breathless.

          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


            General Season 2 Questions:

            1) What was your favorite episode in Season 2?
            Coup D'Etat.
            I would say the Seige III but mostly I love it because of sparky sparky moments but that is not fair because the episode wasn't that great. In the end though Coup D' Etat wins because the story was good and I'll take good story over blatant sparky. And yes we still had subtle sparky in Coup so I was happy either way.

            2) What was your favorite Sparky moment?
            I'm sorry but I do not comprehend this question because YOU CAN'T MAKE ME CHOSE. Basically every moment that John and Elizabeth interacted were my favorites. But here are some that are way too obvious and I love.

            The HUG.

            The starring before the hug. I would have been happy just with this at that time.

            The kiss

            Elizabeth being the only to go to John.

            "they didn't offer you king"

            The looks at the end of Coup D' Etat.

            Flirting over coffee. Yes please.

            John looking at Elizabeth after Cadwell asks to talk to her.

            I don't remember what was going on here but it was cute.

            Now words needed. It's like they read each other's mind.

            The end of Critical Mass when John comes to Elizabeth's office all adorable like to tell her about Zelenka. And then they have a talk.

            "It's better for both of us"

            The beard.

            And I'm out of pics.

            3) Compare Ronon and Ford--who did you like better? Are they comparable?

            I don't we ever really got to know Ford. It's sad but true. By the end of the second season I felt that I knew Ronon more than I knew Ford. Heh. I liked him but not enough to care if he was actually on the show. He did provide a contrast between Rodney and John but I guess it mostly went unexplored.

            4) Season 2 featured Atlantis taking some risks. What was your favorite?
            Honestly I don't remember enough to answer this question.

            5) Rodney, in this season, seemed to lighten up a bit (compare "Grace Under Pressure" to his attitude in "38 Minutes"). Do you like goofy Rodney or do you prefer him as he was at the beginning of the expedition?
            I like Rodney when he a fully developed character and not just cranky I know everything Rodney. I like his growth, even though he will never be my favorite character.

            6) Who were your favorite secondary characters to rise to prominence in Season 2?
            LORNE!!!! I wish we had more.

            7) Earth--dial 'em up or no?
            No. I hated it and thus I think contacting Earth is what made season 2 not so great.

            8) Name the episodes that these characters looked BEST in:[/b]
            a) John- Conversion, Epiphany, The Intruder.
            b) Elizabeth- Conversion, Condemned, Coup D' Etat
            c) Teyla- Critical Mass, Inferno, Michael
            d) Ronon- Runner, Inferno
            e) Lorne- .......
            f) Carson- Duet

            9) Do you have a favorite line said by anyone this season?
            "It's better for the both of us"
            "Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're all very sorry. Where's Elizabeth?"
            "You're a hopeless romantic, you know that?"
            "You know, they were husband and wife. Anything could happen."
            "You two are pretty close, aren't you?"
            "Well -- the beard is interesting!"

            10) How could season 2 have been improved, in your opinion?
            Don't know. I didn't hate it so I never really thought about it. I think some episodes could have been better handled like Epiphany and The Tower. It would have been also interesting to see more of Elizabeth's negotiating skillz. Less contact with Earth and more exploring the Atlantis. Exploring different dynamics between the characters, like I would have liked more Elizabeth and Ronon. Explore the second characters more. etc, etc. You actually make Atlantis just more than the team plus Elizabeth.
            My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
              I think the green thing is a ring. It looks like jade and was not there at the con when this pic was taken. Either NZ or Burbank. The shirt was the same. lol
              Yeah, he seems to have a new "convention" shirt each year. Diggin' the flannels he's had this year and last year.

              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
              I didn't have the heart to crop this. But this is the original necklace which he said they made one day when he couldn't surf due to a shark attack and they got bored. *tries to wrap head around that* The bracelet he made with one of his sons.

              Then this was at ComicCon. Clearly a ring. Hmm? The cuteness of this makes me breathless.
              Hey, what's that I spy with my little eye in that first picture? Ooooh, peekage! Heehee! So cute.
              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                *loves our busy thread*

                Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
                Thanks, Eri13. I'm glad you liked the marines in chapter 3. I wanted to show that Elizabeth impacted everyone on the expedition and IMO, her absence would have an effect on everyone. Whether they knew her a little bit, or a lot, she would leave an impact on people.
                I so wanted an episode where the entire expedition stood behind one of Elizabeth's decisions, preferably one that went against the IOA.

                Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                General Season 2 Questions:

                1) What was your favorite episode in Season 2?
                Critical Mass - I just love this eppy because everyone's there (except Lorne I think) and we get great interaction between so many different characters. And I love the Teyla song at the end. Giving second place to TLG because it was fun to watch J/E be Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

                2) What was your favorite Sparky moment?
                Of course it's the hug from Seige III. How about second place to Elizabeth talking to John in the infirmary during Conversion (see fav. quote).

                3) Compare Ronon and Ford--who did you like better? Are they comparable?
                I think they are totally different character types, but I like Ronon better. Of course Ford got the short end of the stick, and I do think there was potential there for more development. Ronon just made more of an immediate impression on me.

                4) Season 2 featured Atlantis taking some risks. What was your favorite?
                Probably Elizabeth trusting Radim in Coup. I always enjoyed Genii stories, until the idiotic way they got rid of Koyla.

                5) Rodney, in this season, seemed to lighten up a bit (compare "Grace Under Pressure" to his attitude in "38 Minutes"). Do you like goofy Rodney or do you prefer him as he was at the beginning of the expedition?
                I hated Rodney at the beginning so I think that answers that! lol Actually, after I warmed up to him (more in season 3), I found myself seeing things in season one Rodney that I hadn't appreciated before. Not so sure about Rodney in season 4 though...

                6) Who were your favorite secondary characters to rise to prominence in Season 2?
                She wasn't prominent, but, CADMAN FTW!!! I wish we had seen a lot more of her.

                7) Earth--dial 'em up or no?
                Absolutely not. One of the biggest mistakes they made in this series IMO.

                8) Name the episodes that these characters looked BEST in:
                This question defeats me since I haven't seen the episodes in so long...

                a) John
                b) Elizabeth
                c) Teyla
                d) Ronon
                e) Lorne
                f) Carson

                9) Do you have a favorite line said by anyone this season?
                "M.A.L.P. on a stick!" - I can't help it; it makes me laugh every time.
                "Don't scare me like that!" "Sorry."
                "You really suck at the whole bedside manner thing."
                "That's Lieutenant Colonel Errand Boy to you."
                "Then I say we call it a night."

                10) How could season 2 have been improved, in your opinion?
                It's hard to explain, but season 2 seems a little random to me. There's no build up to something either at mid-season or at the end. It doesn't have to be something major in each episode, just a thread woven through the entire season that culminates in the last few episodes. They had that in season 1 with the wraith waking in the start of the season, a couple of episodes thrown in here and there throughout the season, then in the end we get the three-part Seige arc. In between we also had at least 4 Genii episodes, kind of a mini-arc. Season 2 had too many stand alone episodes.
                sig by SueKay

                My Team:


                  Season 2 Q&A!

                  1) What was your favorite episode in Season 2?

                  Coup d'Etat. It's a well-rounded and tension-filled episode with lots of play for all of Team Atlantis, it has subtle Sparky threaded throughout, and it's got the Genii at their conniving worst, even without Kolya. Delicious.

                  2) What was your favorite Sparky moment?

                  Oh damn, do I have to pick one? Conversion. Elizabeth went to see Bug!John twice, when even the rest of his team had abandoned him. That still sticks out in my mind as an example of the strength of Elizabeth's friendship with John, and John's commitment and loyalty to her that her safety is more of a concern to him than his own deteriorating condition.

                  3) Compare Ronon and Ford--who did you like better? Are they comparable?

                  I have to admit, I like Ronon better. Maybe that's because we've had more time to get to know him; that's kind of relative, but the bits and pieces we've gotten make him (to me) more of a well-rounded character than Ford.

                  Ford was endearing and a lovely sort of "everyman" to give viewers a glimpse into Atlantis from the experienced, yet still young enough to have the wide-eyed naivete viewpoint. But at the end of the day, he was just kind of there. He didn't have any unique skillset or other quirk to set him apart from the other characters. One could've replaced him with any other member of the military contingent (such as Lorne, for example), and it probably wouldn't have made much of a difference in terms of how each episode ended up. Ronon, on the other hand, is much more of a wild card because of his background. This is the one casting change that TPTB actually did good on.

                  4) Season 2 featured Atlantis taking some risks. What was your favorite?

                  Michael, hands down. Both because it was so ballsy of them to attempt, and because it totally blew up in their faces. It proved that our heroes are human; they're not perfect, they do make mistakes, and they've got to live with the consequences.

                  5) Rodney, in this season, seemed to lighten up a bit (compare "Grace Under Pressure" to his attitude in "38 Minutes"). Do you like goofy Rodney or do you prefer him as he was at the beginning of the expedition?

                  I find both goofy!Rodney and anal retentive!Rodney to be two unpalatable extremes. Brief spurts that are in context with a particular episode are fine, but, like the other characters, I want to see growth away from the extremes in his personality.

                  6) Who were your favorite secondary characters to rise to prominence in Season 2?

                  Lorne and Zelenka.

                  7) Earth--dial 'em up or no?

                  I agree with everyone else. Worst decision EVAR! (well, at least until the b******* killed Carson, Elizabeth and Kate...)

                  8) Name the episodes that these characters looked BEST in:
                  a) John:
                  Conversion ('cause I've got a kink for Bug!Shep), Coup d'Etat
                  b) Elizabeth: Condemned, The Long Goodbye, Coup d'Etat
                  c) Teyla: Critical Mass, Michael
                  d) Ronon: Runner
                  e) Lorne: Condemned, Lost Boys/The Hive
                  f) Carson: Duet, Michael

                  9) Do you have a favorite line said by anyone this season?

                  From The Long Goodbye:

                  : You're a hopeless romantic, you know that?

                  Not!: Well, you're just as hopeless, otherwise you wouldn't have agreed.

                  10) How could season 2 have been improved, in your opinion?

                  No reconnect with Earth. No fraggin' Daedalus ex machina saving the day every other episode (even though that means losing the coolness of Caldwell and Hermiod). Stop turning the Wraith into a bad joke and make them scary. Give more time to Ford's obsession with the Wraith.
                  (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                  Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    *Lemming crawls onto soapbox*

                    Dear Sparkies!

                    Can I have your attention please?

                    I noticed something in Broken Ties (watching it 6x can make you notice things you didn't see before, even if it's in fast forward)...

                    And since Anuna wants canon Sparky...

                    What is this around John's neck? He's clearly wearing something because the chain is visible during a close up, when he...

                    ...looks at Tyre who has just announced he's going to stay behind with the detonator.

                    Is it a ring? Since he hasn't been wearing dogtags for ages.


                    Can't figure out the green thing though... What do the Sparkies think?
                    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                    It's JoeF's necklace! His wife made that for him, didn't she? *squees* That is so damn awesome that he doesn't even take it off while he's on set.

                    As for in-show Sparky!canon... I'll propose that it's something Elizabeth got for John off-world, and when she gave it to him, he gave her his dogtags. Yeah, that's it.
                    Ooooo, I like this explanation. Joe helps sparky so effortlessly, and he is one damn awesome guy. Gotta love that!

                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    I think the green thing is a ring. It looks like jade and was not there at the con when this pic was taken. Either NZ or Burbank. The shirt was the same. lol

                    I didn't have the heart to crop this. But this is the original necklace which he said they made one day when he couldn't surf due to a shark attack and they got bored. *tries to wrap head around that* The bracelet he made with one of his sons.

                    Then this was at ComicCon. Clearly a ring. Hmm? The cuteness of this makes me breathless.

                    Geez, what is with lot of men and flanel shirts? I'm not a big fan of them and that white shirt was way better, but eh, whatever. As long as he keeps being so cute.
                    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                      Ooooo, I like this explanation. Joe helps sparky so effortlessly, and he is one damn awesome guy. Gotta love that!
                      Yup yup! JoeF is The Man!

                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                      Geez, what is with lot of men and flanel shirts? I'm not a big fan of them and that white shirt was way better, but eh, whatever. As long as he keeps being so cute.
                      He makes flannel look cute. It's the whole scruffy thing.
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                        Yup yup! JoeF is The Man!

                        He makes flannel look cute. It's the whole scruffy thing.
                        Hmmmm. Now I'm tempted to put John in a flannel shirt in my next fic. Pocus gave me smut inspiration!
                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                          Hmmmm. Now I'm tempted to put John in a flannel shirt in my next fic. Pocus gave me smut inspiration!
                          Yes! Do it! Do it! *runs around in circles squeeing*

                          'Cause you know, Elizabeth would totally think a flannel-clad John, all dirty and sweaty after a long, hard day's work, would be totally hot.
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            oh gods, Ruined. XD You posted your beard love at the right time... right, Anuna? *cough*x-files*cough*

                            Which, by the way, I love your comparison between MSR and Sparky. Much love and agreement...

                            Welcome to new members! And sorry I haven't been around. I was too tired after work yesterday and 'net was out today. ;.;

                            I'll post my response to the survey thing as soon as the brain is functional. in the mean time...have a mini sketch done in probably less then five mins...So it's not a masterpiece in the least... Just so I can feel kinda ontopic. hehe.

                            "Scientists say juggling is good for the brain....Or...was that...Jelllll-o?


                              Sorry to barge in

                              I run an icontest in the Icons of SGA Social Group, we are voting at the moment and there is one point between the top three so we need more votes to seperate them! Linkage is here Icons of SGA, voting closes at noon BST, so in 3hr 10 mins. Thank you!

                              Cazz x
                              What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                                1) What was your favorite episode in Season 2?
                                The Siege Part III

                                2) What was your favorite Sparky moment?
                                The Hug in the Siege Part III

                                3) Compare Ronon and Ford--who did you like better? Are they comparable?
                                Ronan. No they are not they are two different characters

                                4) Season 2 featured Atlantis taking some risks. What was your favorite?
                                Atlantis alliancing themselves with the wraith at the end of the season

                                5) Rodney, in this season, seemed to lighten up a bit (compare "Grace Under Pressure" to his attitude in "38 Minutes"). Do you like goofy Rodney or do you prefer him as he was at the beginning of the expedition?
                                i like both.

                                6) Who were your favorite secondary characters to rise to prominence in Season 2? Radek

                                7) Earth--dial 'em up or no?

                                8) Name the episodes that these characters looked BEST in:
                                a) John-Coup D'etat
                                b) Elizabeth- Cou[ D'etat
                                c) Teyla- The two-part
                                d) Ronon-runner
                                e) Lorne-runner
                                f) Carson- Duet

                                9) Do you have a favorite line said by anyone this season?
                                no i dont.

                                10) How could season 2 have been improved, in your opinion?
                                they could've had a better season finale.

