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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    @ Eri - Maybe I'm overcautious, or just plain paranoid because I don't trust the writers, not even Brinder. I simply don't, ever since Sunday.

    Okay, enough of me, I'm just very angry and I need to write something better than stinking canon.
    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


      Originally posted by Reiko View Post
      » Welcome petaarab!

      » And I finally finished my scifivariations icon John/Elizabeth Claim. All here!

      ^ probably my favourites.
      Stunning. Love the hero one.

      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
      Heh, here's my major gripe with this.

      If they somehow turn "the real" Elizabeth into something evil, with some plan to harm Atlantis, I think that's the lowest low they could go. Remember that respecting the character thing I mentioned? If they pull something like that on us, they will enter a Boigfoot foot into their mouths because of everything Elizabeth already IS (I'm refusing to use the past tense) and what is established about her. Furthermore the story will be even harder to believe because it's not Torri playing her, which may be a good thing.

      Now somebody please slap me out of this mood.

      I just watched X Files 2, and while the movie creeped me out because of what the case was about (that's a very disturbing issue for me), BUT
      the intimacy between them? They are so sparky. Or rather, if Sparky had Chris Carter that's where they would be now, or maybe in few years. What I love about Sparky and Mulder and Scully is that they don't stand and hold hands and we're supposed to melt into puddle of goo because they're cute. (Nor does he put a long lost necklace about her neck in the pilot episode. So. Cringeworthy. So. Lame. Somebody please tell me I didn't hallucinate how lame that was. What I love about both pairings is how they develop and grow and change; and how they induce the change in the other. I loved when Mulder said in this movie "I'm only a half of this team", or something like that. Forever and ever meant to be vanilla romances make me roll my eyes.

      Somebody, please remind me of sparky cannon. I need it.

      Welcome new people!
      See your gripe and share it in part.
      But I don't think she will be truly evil. I'm just afraid they won't let John give a flip about her one way or the other.
      I'm getting a little cranky about this too.

      Originally posted by Reiko View Post
      » No, you weren't the only one that emitted a shudder at that nauseated cave scene. Now I can't ever watch it without giggling, it's so contrived and cliche. It's a scene that's not meant to be funny, but in an odd way, it is. For some reason, it always seemed like they were making homage to older cheesy sci-fi movies and western romances of the 70s. Or something like that - I'll stop there, before I continue to outdate myself. *sporks self*

      » Vanilla, star-crossed romances like that cave scene *cough* are something I despise, and it's always something I see coming. It's not hard to spot, because it's so blatantly artifical. If you've sat through as many 'chick flicks' as I have, you'll know what I'm referring to. You can smell the outcome from a mile away, and usually that's just the trailer.
      Aaaannnddd cave scene. Too true. vanilla, contrived and staged. It's was a "insert potentially romantic moment here" moment. As was the
      dinner scene in S&R which still puzzles considering what we know will not happen in S5. I guess they're keeping the options open. lol
      It just boils down to writers who couldn't write true romance if someone held a gun to their heads. True romance doesn't have to be so blatant. What's next? Soaring strings and wind blown hair. Throw in a heaving bosom and you've put Danielle Steele to shame. Even if Shep takes off his shirt, I don't want to see that. *shudders*

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        People we need to talk about something *bit* cheerier here. Or play another game. Or do something creative. This negative energy isn't good. *sighs*

        I can promise a fic in a day or two.
        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
          People we need to talk about something *bit* cheerier here. Or play another game. Or do something creative. This negative energy isn't good. *sighs*

          I can promise a fic in a day or two.
          I've actually got a fic coming, too *everybody looks 'round in surprise*. It's called 10,000 year old plants and it involves John's reaction when he finds out Elizabeth's asked the military to do the housekeeping. Somewhat Sparky, but not fluffy.

          Cheery isn't easy when we're constantly being reminded where our favorite character is not, but one of the reasons I stay in this thread is because people are generally positive--and they like to discuss, too. So how about I make up some discussion questions for Season 2? I can add discussion questions for No Man's Land later this week.
          Last edited by Eri13; 05 August 2008, 12:48 PM.
          Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


            Originally posted by Eri13 View Post


            Keep your Hands outta my popcorn!Sparky

            You're totally out of your mind but you look sexy anyway!Sparky


            Defending UR Honor!Sparky

            Plain ol' good ol' fashioned we love this Sparky because it's SPARKY:

            OH - how I LOVE this post. SPARKY RULES!
            Signature by Erin87


              General Season 2 Questions:

              1) What was your favorite episode in Season 2?

              2) What was your favorite Sparky moment?

              3) Compare Ronon and Ford--who did you like better? Are they comparable?

              4) Season 2 featured Atlantis taking some risks. What was your favorite?

              5) Rodney, in this season, seemed to lighten up a bit (compare "Grace Under Pressure" to his attitude in "38 Minutes"). Do you like goofy Rodney or do you prefer him as he was at the beginning of the expedition?

              6) Who were your favorite secondary characters to rise to prominence in Season 2?

              7) Earth--dial 'em up or no?

              8) Name the episodes that these characters looked BEST in:
              a) John
              b) Elizabeth
              c) Teyla
              d) Ronon
              e) Lorne
              f) Carson

              9) Do you have a favorite line said by anyone this season?

              10) How could season 2 have been improved, in your opinion?
              Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                People we need to talk about something *bit* cheerier here. Or play another game. Or do something creative. This negative energy isn't good. *sighs*.
                » Well, it is gutter!day (or is it smutter?) here today, so in lieu of the chaining some of us did last week, why don't we be creative and list *places* in the 'Lantisverse to frolic in the gutter, figuratively speaking

                » I'll start with a few.

                1. Athosian tents on the mainland, which Teyla gratefully sets up for them.
                2. The Hologram room, under the stars. (not under the hologram lady, though, because that would be just freaky.)


                  Originally posted by reiko View Post
                  » well, it is gutter!day (or is it smutter?) here today, so in lieu of the chaining some of us did last week, why don't we be creative and list *places* in the 'lantisverse to frolic in the gutter, figuratively speaking

                  » i'll start with a few.

                  1. Athosian tents on the mainland, which teyla gratefully sets up for them.
                  2. The hologram room, under the stars. (not under the hologram lady, though, because that would be just freaky.)
                  whoa! Bad mental image! Starts off bad then adds daniel and vala to the mix!
                  Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                    Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                    » Well, it is gutter!day (or is it smutter?) here today, so in lieu of the chaining some of us did last week, why don't we be creative and list *places* in the 'Lantisverse to frolic in the gutter, figuratively speaking

                    » I'll start with a few.

                    1. Athosian tents on the mainland, which Teyla gratefully sets up for them.
                    2. The Hologram room, under the stars. (not under the hologram lady, though, because that would be just freaky.)
                    Oooh, that sounds like fun!

                    3. In a puddle jumper orbiting Lantea. (Can we say, mile high club? )
                    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                      Where did everyone get this idea she's going to be evil? There's nothing that's indicated that to me...mysterious, yes, but how on Earth would they make the real Elizabeth go evil? Or if she IS evil, then she's not the real Elizabeth--she's being manipulated somehow or it's a clone version. Skiffy always spoils everything, and they've done their darndest to make this promo look like this 'twisted' version of Elizabeth is doing something bad, which means of course she'd not doing anything bad. *headdesk*
                      *nods* That's my take on it, too.

                      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                      Keep your Hands outta my popcorn!Sparky

                      Hah! I loved that scene!

                      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                      You're totally out of your mind but you look sexy anyway!Sparky

                      Irresistible stunk, but Lizzie was so damn pretty in that episode.

                      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post

                      Whoo Hoo! Eye!Sex for Smut!Day!

                      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                      Defending UR Honor!Sparky

                      RAWR! Go get 'im, John!

                      Plain ol' good ol' fashioned we love this Sparky because it's SPARKY:


                      Sparky!personal space. We loves it!
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        *Lemming crawls onto soapbox*

                        Dear Sparkies!

                        Can I have your attention please?

                        I noticed something in Broken Ties (watching it 6x can make you notice things you didn't see before, even if it's in fast forward)...

                        And since Anuna wants canon Sparky...

                        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                        Somebody, please remind me of sparky cannon. I need it.
                        What is this around John's neck? He's clearly wearing something because the chain is visible during a close up, when he...

                        ...looks at Tyre who has just announced he's going to stay behind with the detonator.

                        Is it a ring? Since he hasn't been wearing dogtags for ages.


                        Can't figure out the green thing though... What do the Sparkies think?


                        General Season 2 Questions:

                        1) What was your favorite episode in Season 2?


                        What? Don't look at me like that.

                        2) What was your favorite Sparky moment?

                        Intruder - the scene in the Daedalus messhall? *shrug*

                        Oh, wait... The Long Goodbye was also in season 2, that infirmary scene ... *snort*

                        Oh no... wait, The Siege III - the HUG!!!

                        3) Compare Ronon and Ford--who did you like better? Are they comparable?

                        They aren't comparable. They are too different as characters. I like them both, but when I saw season 1 again I realized that I missed Ford more than I thought possible. He was such a sweet, innocent young lad. He was the naive one and playful, and I loved that about him.

                        4) Season 2 featured Atlantis taking some risks. What was your favorite?

                        Michael - that was risky business, and it bit them right in the Lantean behind too.

                        5) Rodney, in this season, seemed to lighten up a bit (compare "Grace Under Pressure" to his attitude in "38 Minutes"). Do you like goofy Rodney or do you prefer him as he was at the beginning of the expedition?

                        I prefer him evolved, and GUP is one of my least favorite episodes of the season. No Teyla after all.

                        6) Who were your favorite secondary characters to rise to prominence in Season 2?

                        Who do you think? KATE HEIGHTMEYER of course. *bounce*

                        *settles on Kate's shoulder*

                        Yay for Zelenka too and Lorne.

                        7) Earth--dial 'em up or no?

                        The worst mistake ever... It was way too soon to do that.

                        8) Name the episodes that these characters looked BEST in:

                        a) John - Conversion, The Long Goodbye
                        b) Elizabeth - Conversion, The Long Goodbye, Michael
                        c) Teyla - Critical Mass, Michael
                        d) Ronon - Runner,
                        e) Lorne - not a clue
                        f) Carson - Critical Mass, The Long Goodbye, Michael,
                        g) Kate - Michael

                        9) Do you have a favorite line said by anyone this season?

                        Carson in The Long Goodbye:

                        "They are heading straight for divorce."

                        The song 'Beyond The Night' in Critical Mass, sung by Rachel Luttrell herself.

                        10) How could season 2 have been improved, in your opinion?

                        If they had remained cut off from Earth for a longer period of time. Of course, episodes such as Critical Mass or Intruder would never have been possible in the concept they were written. The would have existed in a different format. Or at least the idea would have been written differently.
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                          » No, you weren't the only one that emitted a shudder at that nauseated cave scene. Now I can't ever watch it without giggling, it's so contrived and cliche. It's a scene that's not meant to be funny, but in an odd way, it is. For some reason, it always seemed like they were making homage to older cheesy sci-fi movies and western romances of the 70s. Or something like that - I'll stop there, before I continue to outdate myself. *sporks self*

                          » Vanilla, star-crossed romances like that cave scene *cough* are something I despise, and it's always something I see coming. It's not hard to spot, because it's so blatantly artifical. If you've sat through as many 'chick flicks' as I have, you'll know what I'm referring to. You can smell the outcome from a mile away, and usually that's just the trailer.
                          Yeah, if the lameness of the cave scene was just a hallucination, then pass me some more of those magic mushrooms!

                          A cliché becomes a cliché because it's an idea that is so badly done over and over again. Isn't the definition of insanity doing something repeatedly in the hopes of getting a different result? Sure sounds like TPTB's tactics, whether it's writing "romance" or just good old-fashioned friendship. They're so doing it wrong.
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            *Lemming crawls onto soapbox*

                            Dear Sparkies!

                            Can I have your attention please?

                            I noticed something in Broken Ties (watching it 6x can make you notice things you didn't see before, even if it's in fast forward)...

                            And since Anuna wants canon Sparky...

                            What is this around John's neck? He's clearly wearing something because the chain is visible during a close up, when he...

                            ...looks at Tyre who has just announced he's going to stay behind with the detonator.

                            Is it a ring? Since he hasn't been wearing dogtags for ages.


                            Can't figure out the green thing though... What do the Sparkies think?
                            It's JoeF's necklace! His wife made that for him, didn't she? *squees* That is so damn awesome that he doesn't even take it off while he's on set.

                            As for in-show Sparky!canon... I'll propose that it's something Elizabeth got for John off-world, and when she gave it to him, he gave her his dogtags. Yeah, that's it.
                            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                              It's JoeF's necklace! His wife made that for him, didn't she? *squees* That is so damn awesome that he doesn't even take it off while he's on set.

                              As for in-show Sparky!canon... I'll propose that it's something Elizabeth got for John off-world, and when she gave it to him, he gave her his dogtags. Yeah, that's it.
                              Awww! That's so sweet! Jensen Ackles does a similar thing with the ring Dean wears on Supernatural--it's become a part of the Dean mystique, but it's actually a ring Jensen's mommy gave him. *wibbles*

                              I say, canon wise, that:

                              1) As far as the green charm goes, meh, I don't know. I'll give it as something his father had that he uses now that he's passed on.

                              2) but the CHAIN/Ring looking thing: Well, that's part of Elizabeth's watch chain, o' course, which he wears around his neck. Can't be disproven until it's stated otherwise.
                              Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                                It's JoeF's necklace! His wife made that for him, didn't she? *squees* That is so damn awesome that he doesn't even take it off while he's on set.

                                As for in-show Sparky!canon... I'll propose that it's something Elizabeth got for John off-world, and when she gave it to him, he gave her his dogtags. Yeah, that's it.
                                Mystery solved. Thanks... it adds to the Spark.
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

