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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Aha moment #9 (because sometimes love is in the small things)

    Officially, he hated being checked up on. He badgered Rodney whenever he interrupted him, from anything. Ronon knew to wait until he was finished with training sessions before he came to look for him. Teyla would wait calmly close by for when he had a spare moment. But when Elizabeth first dialed in on his mission even before his scheduled checkup, he didn't say a word. She continued to do so for each mission afterwards. The third time he was amused. The fifth time he realized he looked forward to it. The seventh time he hoped she'd never stop. The one time she missed, he couldn't focus on the mission until he dialed her to make sure all was right at home. It wasn't until Rodney complained that Elizabeth checked up on them like she was their mum that he remembered his own mothers phone calls to his working dad. "Dad, why do you and mom talk on the phone so much?" he had asked, shortly after realizing none of his friends' parents called each other at work. "Son," he had answered, "you're never to busy to listen to the woman you love."


      Originally posted by Lizabeth View Post
      Aha moment #9 (because sometimes love is in the small things)

      Officially, he hated being checked up on. He badgered Rodney whenever he interrupted him, from anything. Ronon knew to wait until he was finished with training sessions before he came to look for him. Teyla would wait calmly close by for when he had a spare moment. But when Elizabeth first dialed in on his mission even before his scheduled checkup, he didn't say a word. She continued to do so for each mission afterwards. The third time he was amused. The fifth time he realized he looked forward to it. The seventh time he hoped she'd never stop. The one time she missed, he couldn't focus on the mission until he dialed her to make sure all was right at home. It wasn't until Rodney complained that Elizabeth checked up on them like she was their mum that he remembered his own mothers phone calls to his working dad. "Dad, why do you and mom talk on the phone so much?" he had asked, shortly after realizing none of his friends' parents called each other at work. "Son," he had answered, "you're never to busy to listen to the woman you love."
      Oooh, I like
      The Geek shall inherit the earth

      Proud Sparky Supporter
      Keeping the Heart and Soul of Atlantis Alive
      "They can take our Elizabeth, but they can ne'er take our SPARKY!"


        Morning Sparkies. Looking for ideas, for A Moment in Time. Where and when would you like our Sparky pair to turn up next? Past, present, future (Earth) or on another planet entirely. Need ideas.


          Originally posted by Lizabeth View Post
          Aha moment #9 (because sometimes love is in the small things)

          Officially, he hated being checked up on. He badgered Rodney whenever he interrupted him, from anything. Ronon knew to wait until he was finished with training sessions before he came to look for him. Teyla would wait calmly close by for when he had a spare moment. But when Elizabeth first dialed in on his mission even before his scheduled checkup, he didn't say a word. She continued to do so for each mission afterwards. The third time he was amused. The fifth time he realized he looked forward to it. The seventh time he hoped she'd never stop. The one time she missed, he couldn't focus on the mission until he dialed her to make sure all was right at home. It wasn't until Rodney complained that Elizabeth checked up on them like she was their mum that he remembered his own mothers phone calls to his working dad. "Dad, why do you and mom talk on the phone so much?" he had asked, shortly after realizing none of his friends' parents called each other at work. "Son," he had answered, "you're never to busy to listen to the woman you love."

          *claps* Oooooh, I love love love that one! You nailed it! Great! *claps*
          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            I have something for ya all!

            Of Sunday fathers, chapter six
            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


              I was attacked in my kitchen about 45 minutes ago by a plot bunny and i'm looking for a Beta? anyone here willing?
              Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
              Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                Originally posted by Lizabeth View Post
                Aha moment #9 (because sometimes love is in the small things)

                Officially, he hated being checked up on. He badgered Rodney whenever he interrupted him, from anything. Ronon knew to wait until he was finished with training sessions before he came to look for him. Teyla would wait calmly close by for when he had a spare moment. But when Elizabeth first dialed in on his mission even before his scheduled checkup, he didn't say a word. She continued to do so for each mission afterwards. The third time he was amused. The fifth time he realized he looked forward to it. The seventh time he hoped she'd never stop. The one time she missed, he couldn't focus on the mission until he dialed her to make sure all was right at home. It wasn't until Rodney complained that Elizabeth checked up on them like she was their mum that he remembered his own mothers phone calls to his working dad. "Dad, why do you and mom talk on the phone so much?" he had asked, shortly after realizing none of his friends' parents called each other at work. "Son," he had answered, "you're never to busy to listen to the woman you love."
                Nice way to start my day.

                To kick off B= day of icons, here is a repost of one I did yesterday

                B=Best Friends

                Off to work now!


                  Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                  I have something for ya all!

                  Of Sunday fathers, chapter six

                  omg XD more please *drooling* love this fic!


                    I never usually write fics, but this one is to hard to resist. Its turning out to be longer then expected, so i thought i should post a bit on ehre jsut to see if you guys think i should continue. Thers not a real lot of sparky yet.

                    The plot of the story is that John and Elizabeth are married; With a Child on the way, Sam Carter comes across to take her position while she is on leave. When Samantha Carter Sends John on his last mission, before he takes leave, The Routine Recon ends badly when John is Gravely Injured.

                    Its a Romancy Angsty fic, i'm trying to work focus alot on sparky ansgt as well as the Relationship that i think Sam and elizabeth Share. It's hard to explain what i think their replationship is like so i'm gonna try and write that in this fic. anywya enought of me rableing. hers what i have written so far for this untitled fic.

                    spoilers for length

                    Elizabeth Weir sat at her desk for the last time this year. Her large swollen belly could bee seen from the other side of the desk. Her arm draped over it protectively as she read a science report. Today was her last day as official leader of the base for a year. Colonel Samantha Carter was taking the position from Elizabeth While John and her took some time off before and after their child was born. A small smile appear on Elizabeth’s face as she ignored the 28 page report a certain Doctor of Science wrote, and remembered back to the day when Doctor Keller had told her the good news. John and Elizabeth had been married just over 8 months. The foreign object on her left hand still made her giggle like a school girl. She was broken from her thoughts when the gate activated signalling the arrival of Colonel Carter.
                    Elizabeth Struggled to rise from her chair as she got up to walk into the Control room to meet their new guest.

                    “Have we got an IDC yet Chuck?” She asked her hand still resting on her stomach.

                    “Yes Ma’am, Stargate Command.” Chuck replied. Elizabeth turned and walked to the Balcony overlooking the gate room as Samantha Carter walked through the wormhole.

                    “Colonel Carter, Welcome back to Atlantis.” Elizabeth Called from the balcony, as Sam made her way up the stairs to meet her on the balcony.

                    “Thank You Doctor Weir, I trust you are well?” Sam asked signalling to her swollen stomach.

                    “Very Well, and yourself?”

                    “Well Enough” Sam Replied. Elizabeth signalled her to follow her into her office.
                    “I’ll have my things put in my quarters so you have space Colonel.” Elizabeth told her as she lowered herself slowly back into her desk chair. Elizabeth taped on her head set.

                    “Dr McKay would you please come to my office. Our guest has arrived.” Elizabeth smiled at Sam as she tapped off her earpiece. “I suppose I should start to get you up to speed, since you will be starting on Monday”

                    “That might help” Sam Joked. They shared a small chuckle. Before Elizabeth could continue, Rodney McKay came panting through the office doors, ignoring the presence of Sam and walked quickly up to Elizabeth.
                    “Elizabeth, are you ok?! Is something wrong?!” He asked frantically.

                    “Rodney, I’m fine, everything’s Fine. Colonel Carter has arrived” Elizabeth said gesturing to Sam sitting in front of her.
                    “McKay” Sam Acknowledged him
                    “Sam” McKay nodded curtly. It was an awkward moment, and the silence needed to be broken.
                    “Uhh, I thought you could get Colonel Carter up to speed, while we showed the Colonel her quarters?” Elizabeth suggested.

                    “Ah, of course, this way Sam” Rodney directed her as he picked up her bags.

                    “I got it McKay “Sam Said taking the bags from him and rolling her eyes at him. Elizabeth tried to hide the grin forming on her lips, as she rose from her chair. This is going to be fun she thought.

                    Ronan was bored; kicking the ass of your Commanding officer had got boring to him very quickly. Although John was improving and occasionally blocking some of his strikes, he was promised not to beat the crap out of him that much by a very pregnant and at the time angry women that was John’s wife. As for John, He laid breathing heavily on the gym floor.

                    “Elizabeth will kick you ass, if she find out about this” John said as he sat up and gingerly rubbed his face.

                    “Its nothing more that Jenn will do when you go complaining to her about I kicked your ass again.” Ronan said Grinning at John.

                    “Yeah fine, whatever. Now help me up.” John said. Ronan grabbed his outstretched arm and hauled him to his feet. “Lets go, I’m meeting Elizabeth for dinner.” John and Ronan walked out of the gym. There was silence for a while as they walked to the transporter. When Ronan asked John a question.

                    “Are you scared?”

                    “ Scared of what?” John asked as they exited the transporter near the Mess.
                    “Of having a kid” Ronan said. “I never really thought about it back on Sateda.”
                    “I dunno, I’m nervous obviously, I mean having a kid changes your life, or so they say. I dunno, it’s weird, I feel I’m read, but what if i screw up or smoothing?”
                    “John Relax, your gonna be a great dad.” Ronan said as they walked into the mess. They grabbed dinner which was Roast beef and vegetables, and walked to their table. Elizabeth, Teyla, Rodney and Sam, where already seated at the table.

                    “Colonel Carter, Your here early” John said sitting down next to Elizabeth and taking her Bread roll.

                    “Hey!” Elizabeth said, trying to snatch the bread roll out of John’s hands, but he promptly shoved it in his mouth.

                    “What? You weren’t eating it” he told her. His words muffled but eh bread roll in his mouth.

                    “In answer to your question Colonel, Dr Weir recommended I come earlier as to get up to speed with things and find my way around your fair city.” Sam said. She looked between the two of them. Her eyes picking up the looks and her ears picking up the bickering in their voice. Her heart ached for Jack. Soon Jennifer and Teyla had joined them and They spent the night basking in the company of each other.

                    Monday came and as promised, Elizabeth desk was clear. Over the weekend break Sam had put her sentimental items in the office. Along the back behind the desk she placed pictures of her team mates and friends. A Picture of Daniel in a tux from her and Jack’s wedding, a picture of Cassie, One of Teal’c and one of her and Jack Fishing. On the desk she placed various knickknacks and a photo of her and Jack from their wedding day. She smiled sadly looking at it while fingering her rings on her dog tags. A knock on the office door brought her back to reality as she placed the photo back down on the desk and looked up at the person who had disturbed her thoughts.

                    “Colonel Sheppard, What can I do for you?” Sam Asked as she sat down in the desk chair.
                    “My team’s just about ready to go offworld, for the last time. Well, for me anyway” He added. “And I realised that i hadn’t congratulated you on your promotion to Full bird Colonel. So congratulations” John lazily saluted her. “I heard from Elizabeth that there is another thing i should congratulate you on Colonel?” Sam smile and nodded.

                    “Thank you Colonel Sheppard” She said. “How long till you team is ready?”

                    “About ten Minutes ma’am” John said as he took in the new look of the office. “This is weird.” He commented.

                    “How so?”

                    “I’m so used to seeing Elizabeth’s things in here. I mean, I know they are in out quarters, but it’s still not the same you know?” John said as he looked at the photos along the back on the office.

                    “It’s only a year Colonel, then I will be out of your hair” Sam said smiling. “Be ready to head out in ten.” She said, pulling the computer towards her.

                    “Yes Ma’am” John saluted as he walked out of the office.

                    Ten Minutes later, Team Sheppard was ready to head out.

                    “You have a go Colonel, Good luck” Sam Said from the balcony over the gate room.
                    “Thank you Colonel” John said turning away from the balcony and facing his team. “lets move out.”

                    any help would be loved
                    Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                    Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                      *kicks the thread*

                      Sparkies!!!! Where are you????
                      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                        Heh, they have this part in the Memorial Quotes on Elizabeth's bio at the scifi page.

                        Steven Caldwell (referring to Sheppard): You two are pretty close, aren't you?

                        Elizabeth Weir: Well, we've been through a lot together. Yes.


                          Originally posted by Vixen View Post
                          Heh, they have this part in the Memorial Quotes on Elizabeth's bio at the scifi page.

                          Steven Caldwell (referring to Sheppard): You two are pretty close, aren't you?

                          Elizabeth Weir: Well, we've been through a lot together. Yes.
                          Remeber how any Elizabeth episode was John - heavy? and the same thing about John episodes, Elizabeth was featured in almost all of them. They are close, connected at a deep, personal level that goes beyond duty or friendship and they've been through LOT together.
                          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                            I'm here, I've hit a hole in my fic
                            Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                            Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                              *kicks the thread*

                              Sparkies!!!! Where are you????
                              Dozing. Me anyway.
                              BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                                I can't help but think about "Before I Sleep". Wasn't that the first big character oriented episode? And it was for Elizabeth. Now I remeber John being around her constantly, and here is an interesting thing - a fellow poster over at the anti S4 thread (Falcon Horus) is doing the screentime and word counting for all main characters, every episode, alls easons. Sheppard's wordcount was smallest in BIS, yet I have the feeling he was always there, with Elizabeth. (He had least screen time in Hot Zone, yet his impact on the plot was amazing) I can't help but think how he is always present there with her - they don't need to speak, or interact or anything - they are always together, they come in the same package.
                                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.

