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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post

    Now, my last picspam before I'm off to bed. ( I used paint, don't mock )

    Did you ever see that episode of SG-1 where it had that scene where replicarter was first shown...?
    Sorry, couldn't resist.

    Actually the wall behind John looks kinda like shag carpet. Something I'm sure they'd appreciate. They no doubt get pretty crazy in those closets.

    Anyway. Love the second pic. John really looks like he wants to kiss her. And cute captions. I can just see John acting so goofy at a time like that.


      Originally posted by SazZat View Post
      Captain Jack Harkness He was in the last 3 episodes of season 1 of Doctor Who...and he's also the lead character in the spin off Torchwood (although I never got into that and only saw a few eps)
      He's a time agent and kinda became an extra companion for the last few eps of Christopher Eccleston's Doctor.
      Very funny character. Lots of innuendo. Tres amusant.
      Ah, thought for a moment that Dr. Who went back to the 1700-1800 and met Jack Sparrow *squees at the new trailer* sorry, there is only one Captain Jack- and he's a pirate... ^_^

      Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
      <snip>Ah sorry OT. Ah I miss Rose, but at least it was the actress decision.
      Well at least it was her decision- we don't know if Torri becoming reccuring was her decision or not...if it was then these changes- whatever they are is fine by me. OT- but it's like on Corrie with
      Mike Baldwin dying and dying through Alzhiemers (sp). It was the actors decision to leave and to go out with a bang. He had the option of just moving to Spain or Scotland or Canada or anywhere but he wanted to go out with a storyline that impacted a lot of people.

      Originally posted by Kales View Post
      I love Sparky and Zen forever, but there's no way I'll keep posting in this thread if it just... keeps... cycling... back... to ... the ... same... point.
      kay x
      I agree... whether it be season 4 spoilers/specualtions or old memories. I'm sorry but there is only so much damage my Zen can take (actually I can't take anymore) and as for old sparky memories...well, there is only so many times I can squee over certain moments....

      ....with that said, I am no where near that point yet (the squeeing over old memories that is). So here is this.
      Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
      She is totally smitten with him here...totally smitten. That's all the analysis that it needs. I mean, this is the way I look at my fiancee when I'm just totally adoring him... ^_^
      Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
      |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


        Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
        And if John and Carter run off together and Elizabeth moves to Planet!Fooooord to make superbabiez then we'll still talk about past Sparky moments bc WE LIKE ALL THE SPARKY MOMENTS THAT GIVE US SPARKY IN THE FIRST PLACE.
        *Snicker,* now that would be interesting. I can totally see it; Elizabeth all hopped up on Wraith drugs making eyes at the dirty people Ford's hanging out with, and John and Sam abandoning their posts and stealing a Jumper so they can fly off into the sunset together.

        “Le monde a tellement de regrets
        Tellement de choses qu'on promet.
        Une seule pour laquelle je suis fait
        Je t'aimais, je t'aime et je t'aimerai...”

        ~ Francis Cabrel


          Originally posted by Lady Lethe View Post
          *Snicker,* now that would be interesting. I can totally see it; Elizabeth all hopped up on Wraith drugs making eyes at the dirty people Ford's hanging out with, and John and Sam abandoning their posts and stealing a Jumper so they can fly off into the sunset together.

          By the way guys, I totally had a dream where John and Elizabeth kissed, and she still had blood on her face even, like she had just regained consciousness and hadn't even been tended too yet. It was a pretty casual kiss too, the type when it's just normal to see your sweetheart and kiss them before moving on to other things.


            Originally posted by Lizabeth View Post

            By the way guys, I totally had a dream where John and Elizabeth kissed, and she still had blood on her face even, like she had just regained consciousness and hadn't even been tended too yet. It was a pretty casual kiss too, the type when it's just normal to see your sweetheart and kiss them before moving on to other things.
            There was a great kiss just like that in BSG. Episode where Starbuck gets back to the fleet after being on Caprica to retrieve the arrow of Apollo and - who else - Apollo hugs her, naturally, then kisses her, naturally. it was awesome .

            OT! But I had to tell it because it was that same kind of kiss! Hopefully your dream turns out to be prophetic!!!

            Although it can come across as really cheesy, I'm a big fan of situations where characters realize how strongly they feel for someone when they're near death and just do something crazy out of the blue to express those feelings... it's happened a handful of times in Stargate... but unfortunately it always gets washed away. Like in the "zatark detector" SG1 ep for jack and sam... and I know there have been a few instances of intimate hugs and yearnful glances between Shep and Liz.

            I'd totally love to see that in the infirmary right after she comes to, just a sudden kiss.

            "Remember how I said, when I thought I was going to die, that I had somethin' to say but that it was just 'take care of each other'? And you asked me again... well, I lied."


              Originally posted by ElessarUSMC View Post
              There was a great kiss just like that in BSG. Episode where Starbuck gets back to the fleet after being on Caprica to retrieve the arrow of Apollo and - who else - Apollo hugs her, naturally, then kisses her, naturally. it was awesome .

              OT! But I had to tell it because it was that same kind of kiss! Hopefully your dream turns out to be prophetic!!!

              Although it can come across as really cheesy, I'm a big fan of situations where characters realize how strongly they feel for someone when they're near death and just do something crazy out of the blue to express those feelings... it's happened a handful of times in Stargate... but unfortunately it always gets washed away. Like in the "zatark detector" SG1 ep for jack and sam... and I know there have been a few instances of intimate hugs and yearnful glances between Shep and Liz.

              I'd totally love to see that in the infirmary right after she comes to, just a sudden kiss.

              "Remember how I said, when I thought I was going to die, that I had somethin' to say but that it was just 'take care of each other'? And you asked me again... well, I lied."

              Oh we'll get that ^^ We've got quite a bunch of mediums here

              WOW 800 POSTS !!!!!!!!!!!! *Squee* nobody's here.... I'm alone *drinkis shots of vodka*


                Originally posted by Lady Lethe View Post
                *Snicker,* now that would be interesting. I can totally see it; Elizabeth all hopped up on Wraith drugs making eyes at the dirty people Ford's hanging out with, and John and Sam abandoning their posts and stealing a Jumper so they can fly off into the sunset together.
                I needed a good laugh, thanks for that! I wonder if anyone will write something along those lines?

                COngratulations BG! *Passes vodka*
                Banner by Stef.

                The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

                HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                  Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                  "Quick! We're going to be late for the church!"

                  Originally posted by Lizabeth View Post
                  By the way guys, I totally had a dream where John and Elizabeth kissed, and she still had blood on her face even, like she had just regained consciousness and hadn't even been tended too yet. It was a pretty casual kiss too, the type when it's just normal to see your sweetheart and kiss them before moving on to other things.
                  I find that kinda hot, lol. Even hotter if it was a proper kiss, although I like the idea of just an everyday kiss bc it's still intimate but not OTT that people would complain the Gates were trying to sex things up or that it was taking away from the show.

                  Originally posted by ElessarUSMC View Post
                  I'd totally love to see that in the infirmary right after she comes to, just a sudden kiss.

                  "Remember how I said, when I thought I was going to die, that I had somethin' to say but that it was just 'take care of each other'? And you asked me again... well, I lied."
                  I'd LOVE for an infirmary scene. And a balcony scene, especially come the time when Elizabeth goes... wherever she goes and Sam comes in. It would be nice to have just a little scene with the characters making a nod to the changes.

                  I don't think that's what he was going to say. But I do like the idea. I love it when they throw tie-backs to past eps. Maybe address the line in S3 about them stopping making think the other was dead, or have Elizabeth tell John his bedside manner is no better than hers.

                  Woo, another milestone for BG!


                    Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                    "Quick! We're going to be late for the church!"

                    Woo, another milestone for BG!

                    SARGATE ATLANTIS SEASON 4

                    In the near futur, in a galaxy far far away, in a little white wedding chapel, two drunkards........ Elvis' ghost is about to pop the ultimate answer !

                    I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.

                    What ?!?!?!?

                    Really ?


                      Hehehehehe!! They even look like they're wearing Pegasus Style wedding suits.


                        Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                        Hehehehehe!! They even look like they're wearing Pegasus Style wedding suits.
                        No they're not ! May I introduce to you Johan Solo and Princess Lisa Organa Solo


                          Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                          No they're not ! May I introduce to you Johan Solo and Princess Lisa Organa Solo

                          Brilliant! Love the pics!
                          Banner by Stef.

                          The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

                          HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                            Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                            Brilliant! Love the pics!
                            ( Season 3 Picspam )

                            E-So how are you two doing ?
                            J-We're good...
                            E-John, could I talk to you for a second in private?


                            R-No, no, no, no, no. You can't talk to him right now, I should win soon enough though...
                            J-No you're not. I'm always beating you at chess, you should focus a little more on the game than on your speaking rate.
                            R-I do focus...
                            J-No you don't...

                            E- *sigh* Too bad. Oh, and I'm sorry John but I can't join you in section C tonight... I've got lots and lots of paper work to do. My oh my, that could take a week!

                            E-Have fun boys!
                            R-What's section C, I've never heard of

                            J-Would you please shut your mouth, okay?

                            John's thoughts : thank you Rodddnnnneeeyyyy



                              Hey Sparkers!!! I can see our unique sense of humour is back, and that is good!!! I love the pictures!!!

                              I was seriously tempted to buy me some Pringles today. (I don't drink wine)

                              Here is my pic spam. A mushy pic spam


                              It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
                              Without saying a word you can light up the dark

                              Try as I may I can never explain
                              What I hear when you don't say a thing

                              The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
                              there'sa truth in your eyes sayin you'll never laeve me

                              The touch of your hand says
                              you'll catch me whenever I fall

                              You say it best
                              when you say nothing at all

                              One of my favourite love songs.

                              *happy sigh*

                              I'm off to get me those Pringles!
                              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                                Ah, pic spam to make you smile Thanks guys, they've put a big grin on my face.

                                Anuna, I love that song too. Not sure which is my favourite version though.

                                I want Pringles too... I think I'll have Easter egg instead. Even though it's not Easter yet.
                                Banner by Stef.

                                The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

                                HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.

