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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by xfkirsten View Post
    I gotta say, I got a huge giggle out of
    "I'm all yours! Put me to work, colonel!" My mind went straight to the gutter, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
    You put that quote with '$200' by it and my mind immediately jumpes to pimp!Shep.

    Originally posted by Celcool View Post
    Does this apply to some other areas as well? LOL
    That's straight where my mind went.
    Last edited by SallyLizzie; 23 January 2007, 11:38 AM.


      See, people who don't even watch the show see Sparky! How can the TPTB be blind to that?

      It's like they think if they close their eyes and plug their ears it doesn't exist. But well, we all know that never works.


        I actually think that each writer has their own view of Sparky, and some of them might not see it. Looks like Ken C. does see it, though. (and Carl Binder, omgz)

        I wish they'd all check out each other's scripts and do some constructive criticism or something, especially concerning characters' behaviour. XD


          Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
          You put that quote with '$200' by it and my mind immediately jumpes to pimp!Shep.
          LMAO! He's go hos... in different a-re-a cooooodes!
          "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
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            Okay, so lights go off where John and Elizabeth are and I'm thinking: "oh good for them, more romantic (to do stuff)." *splash* LOL
            Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
            at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

            R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


              Originally Posted by Celcool

              Elizabeth: Well, we have a lot of exploring to do.
              John: We?
              Elizabeth: Until Rodney delivers the preliminary status report, I'm all yours. Put me to work, colonel.
              John: All right let's make up some time, break into teams, Ronon you're with Teyla, Elizabeth, you're with me, or... I'm with you, anyway you wanna put it.
              Elizabeth: Either way or either way. (why does she pronounce it in 2 different ways, I wonder)
              *they leave*

              From reading this I'd guess
              she's having a little fun referencing the song Lets Call the Whole Thing Off. Which is about opposites attracting and silly reasons why 2 people shouldn't be together, the implication being "Lets call the whole thing off. NOT!"

              Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
              That is about it sparky wise- but it made me go *squee* none-the-less.... ^_^

              The only Sparky-less thing that I saw in this episode is the fact that Elizabeth kept calling him Colonel- not John... *sigh*...That scene though was great and they did share some good looks.
              But correct in this situation, where she's not his boss but a member of his team.


                Originally posted by Celcool View Post
                Okay, so lights go off where John and Elizabeth are and I'm thinking: "oh good for them, more romantic (to do stuff)." *splash* LOL
                Oh yes...totally yes!
                Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
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                  Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
                  That is about it sparky wise- but it made me go *squee* none-the-less.... ^_^

                  The only Sparky-less thing that I saw in this episode is the fact that Elizabeth kept calling him Colonel- not John... *sigh*...That scene though was great and they did share some good looks.
                  I agree with ddc and as Celcool said in the Submersion thread, she called him colonel for the sake of flirting and she put herself under his command so to say.

                  My mind is sooo in the gutter.


                    Originally posted by ddc View Post
                    But correct in this situation, where she's not his boss but a member of his team.
                    True...but Teyla called him John....

                    ...then again Daniel always called Sam, Sam and not Carter so... *shrug*'re right..... I just like it when she calls him John.
                    Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                    |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                      Aww there was sparky, I will not watch. *goes to youtube* lol
                      My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                        At the end I was so expecting Lizzie to walk back in and tell Shep to get his lazy ass out of bed, lol.

                        Also, those beds... looked too big for one but not quite big enough for two. And as I didn't see visual proof of other rooms, I choose to believe the scientists had to rough it out in the control room in sleeping bags, while the team got the luxery crew quarters. Where they had to share.


                          I only saw six beds so yeah, or they'd double up. I can imagine what most of the scientists would say to that.


                            Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
                            True...but Teyla called him John....

                            ...then again Daniel always called Sam, Sam and not Carter so... *shrug*'re right..... I just like it when she calls him John.
                            yeah! there is no reason for her to randomly call him "colonel" when she hasn't before! it doesn't make any sense! I like just plain John a lot better!



                            "At the crossroads of our life, when we pass in the dark like two silent ships. . .please hand me a flashlight" ~fyd

                            "When life gets weary and we can't stand alone. . I'll meet you for pizza at Papa John's"
                            ~ Me


                              I think Elizabeth sometimes calls John "colonel" for the sake of propriety. Since this time in "Submersion" they have
                              several more scientists around them than usual. Elizabeth reverts to formal addresses, even though she is in the room with the usual e.g. gang, Ronon, Teyla, and Rodney.

                              But John did call her Elizabeth the whole time. Hee. I love how he's been calling Elizabeth by her first name more and more frequently now. I guess it helps that when she tells him "I'm all yours!"


                                Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                                I think Elizabeth sometimes calls John "colonel" for the sake of propriety. Since this time in "Submersion" they have
                                several more scientists around them than usual. Elizabeth reverts to formal addresses, even though she is in the room with the usual e.g. gang, Ronon, Teyla, and Rodney.

                                But John did call her Elizabeth the whole time. Hee. I love how he's been calling Elizabeth by her first name more and more frequently now. I guess it helps that when she tells him "I'm all yours!"
                                That's true, but what about
                                when he stopped responding and she was yelling "Sheppard" over the radio? It seemed a little odd to me. When's the last time she called him Sheppard?

                                Sparky on youtube

