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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by i found forever View Post
    When I started shipping sparky, it was mostly because everyone shipped them. Eeverywhere I looked, everywhere they talked about SGA, it was always sparky. I never saw a Sheyla shipper until I came here (and still, our thread is bigger, better, have more views!)
    They'd never expected so many Sparky shippers. I think we're larger than Sheyla shippers (and least on the internet world). And like Southern Red said they had never thought about it before Atlantis was brought to screen. For them it was Sheyla all long.
    The just hadn't expected the chemistry between Joe/John&Torri/Lizzie and that that would turn to ship once on screen.


      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      I may be a rabid shipper, but the Sheyla anvils are coming too fast. If that's how they are going, it's unfortunate. I think they have seriously miscalculated, but since I'm one of the ill-informed they don't care what I think.

      But Sparky will always be alive in my heart.
      You know, I really don't see how they can cut our ship out of the show. I mean, let's face facts here people; there are more Sparky shippers out there than Sheyla shippers. Am I wrong? I just can't see TPTB being so stupid as to alienate their biggest group of shippers. Of course, I have been wrong before...

      “Le monde a tellement de regrets
      Tellement de choses qu'on promet.
      Une seule pour laquelle je suis fait
      Je t'aimais, je t'aime et je t'aimerai...”

      ~ Francis Cabrel


        Well- they can cut Sparky out all together. All they need to do is dump Torri and never mentions Elizabeth again....that would effectivly destroy our least on screen....
        Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
        |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


          Originally posted by Lady Lethe View Post
          You know, I really don't see how they can cut our ship out of the show. I mean, let's face facts here people; there are more Sparky shippers out there than Sheyla shippers. Am I wrong? I just can't see TPTB being so stupid as to alienate their biggest group of shippers. Of course, I have been wrong before...
          Exactly, all I have to say is 1,025,882 views on this thread in a little over two years. And recently I've observed that our average a day is at least 1,000 views a day. There are only about 20 or so people who post daily. That just mean we've got quite a few lurkers.

          So if the TPTB decided to rid the show of Sparky... that quite a chuck of their audience they will most likely lose. It's in the numbers. I'm just sayin'. Besides I love Sparky too much to let it go.


            Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
            Well- they can cut Sparky out all together. All they need to do is dump Torri and never mentions Elizabeth again....that would effectivly destroy our least on screen....
            They did that in SG-1 when RDA left, but the S/J thread is still going strong 2 years after RDA left. It's all how you perceive things. As long as they are alive, there is still a chance even if it has to happen in our imaginations.


              Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
              Exactly, all I have to say is 1,025,882 views on this thread in a little over two years. And recently I've observed that our average a day is at least 1,000 views a day. There are only about 20 or so people who post daily. That just mean we've got quite a few lurkers.

              So if the TPTB decided to rid the show of Sparky... that quite a chuck of their audience they will most likely lose. It's in the numbers. I'm just sayin'. Besides I love Sparky too much to let it go.
              I won't let it go soon neither. I can't imagine the show without any Sparky at all. Though I can easily go for the friendship if they decide to never made them act on what they feel, I'd still love my Sparky moments, and we've had quite many of them through the first three years.

              And about TRW:
              Wasn't it considered as the shippiest ep of Atlantis even by Noromos? And it was Sparky? And they want to go with Sheyla after having given us that?


                Originally posted by Lady Lethe View Post
                I just can't see TPTB being so stupid as to alienate their biggest group of shippers. Of course, I have been wrong before...
                I think certain storylines on 10 YEARS of SG1 proves TPTB can be very stupid, and arrogant about the show. Plowing ahead with an arc just because they can. They are creating it, of course. Whatever.

                I'm not a Sam/Jack shipper by any means, b/c I won't watch that show anymore. But, IMO, ANY show that can have Ben Browder & Claudia Black (who basically EXPLODE, when onscreen together) never interact, are lacking... eyes, to see what's right in front of them.
                (I guess thats why TPTB "magically" handcuffed Vala to Daniel. Vala & Daniel, you WILL have chemisrty beacuse we say so!!)

                Just IMO.


                  The definate ship I saw in Sunday
                  was Katie/Rodney, and Mike/Elizabeth.

                  I didn't see any Sparky, not even at the end where he looked at her as she came back to stand beside him just before he carried the coffin through the gate. I went to my first funeral this year and it's still very vivid in my mind; that look was no different than the way anybody looks at each other, making sure everybody is 'okay'.

                  Neither did I see Sheyla. Yes, there was one moment when Ronon said he thought Shep and Teyla might have hooked up... but considering it was bookmarked with "Besides there isn't really anyone here that... Yeah, you know..." and him chuckling a "Really?"...doesn't sell as shippy to me. (Tho as a shipper I can see why fans of that pairing would like that scene as it does draw attention to their OTP).

                  I think the one thing that does stand out Sparky wise (again, only shippy to shippers) is when John tells Teyla "[Elizabeth] could use a little time out of the office." This could lead one to believe that not only has he noticed the ammount of time she's spent in her office, but he's also thought about it, urgo, thought about her.


                    Also, about telling Joe not to act angsty ... ... he's such an expressive actor, he doesn't need to be given lines to show emotion, and even if they told him to go a different way, it could still come out differently than they planned.

                    I'm not saying Joe can't do as he's told, or the directors can't do their job properly, just that I'm sure's lots of little looks that weren't taken into account that made it to the screen. Little looks that have helped build this ship.


                      Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                      I'm not saying Joe can't do as he's told, or the directors can't do their job properly, just that I'm sure's lots of little looks that weren't taken into account that made it to the screen. Little looks that have helped build this ship.
                      Exactly! Like the 'No personal space' policy they seem to have. Not sure it was in the scripts... *will write that 'no personal space' essay one day*


                        Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                        The definate ship I saw in Sunday
                        was Katie/Rodney, and Mike/Elizabeth.

                        I didn't see any Sparky, not even at the end where he looked at her as she came back to stand beside him just before he carried the coffin through the gate. I went to my first funeral this year and it's still very vivid in my mind; that look was no different than the way anybody looks at each other, making sure everybody is 'okay'.
                        Finally, someone who agrees with me!
                        I hadn't stated it yet, since anyone I'd seen mention it so far interpreted it as shippy, and I didn't want to ruin peoples hopes or anything, everybody being down and all, but I didn't see the look as shippy at all either. So now that you've said it, I'm coming out to agree with you.


                          Originally posted by Lizabeth View Post
                          Finally, someone who agrees with me!
                          I hadn't stated it yet, since anyone I'd seen mention it so far interpreted it as shippy, and I didn't want to ruin peoples hopes or anything, everybody being down and all, but I didn't see the look as shippy at all either. So now that you've said it, I'm coming out to agree with you.
                          It's logic, that's all.
                          If someone comes and stands next to you, you're going to look. It's reflexive. If someone comes and stands next to you in a situation that is extremely sad and taxes the emotions, you'll probably hold that look a little longer for quick assessment, so if that person does need support, you'll be able to spot that and offer it, in whatever form it takes.

                          Now John said himself that it hadn't really hit him yet, and I doubt it's really hit Elizabeth yet. Afterall, it had only been two days since he died (whereas funerals here average a week after death). I don't think it will really hit them until his position is taken over; until they automatically go to call Carson before realising he isn't there.

                          I read a lovely Sparky fic addressing that to a degree last night: Tuesday Night.
                          Spoilers for Sunday, obviously.


                            Originally posted by Vicky View Post
                            Exactly! Like the 'No personal space' policy they seem to have. Not sure it was in the scripts... *will write that 'no personal space' essay one day*
                            It would be so interesting to see personal notes of TPTB to that! I mean, imagining they WOULD support the 'no personal space' ... would they just shout "Move closer together already!" during shooting of scenes? Lol!


                              i found forever, I loved your first theory about
                              Elizabeth staying on 'lantis in a coma/hurt state because they're cut off from Earth. I want them to be cut off again so badly!
                              But I wouldn't like Elizabeth to be on Earth when that happens. D:

                              Of course, what I would REALLY like was to keep her as a regular and not make her recurring at all (we could have Lizzie Whumping without seeing her less)

                              Whatever will happen (well okay, I might still be shocked), I'm totally Zen right now. Maybe it's because, mentally, I've already decided to live in the world of fanfiction in terms of SGA. XD


                                Like someone already said, they can't kill Sparky, not unless they remove one of the characters. And that's what they're trying to do now. Torri and Joe have such a chemistry that shows in every single scene, it's not in the scripts, sparky isn't only defined by the actions and the words they say, it's so much more than that.
                                Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                                at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                                R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)

