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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Bama
    Though I *loved* and adored the natural chemistry that M/S had on screen and think if they'd have turned them loose a bit more that the actors would have just built the ship better than CC ever did ,I must admit that I prefer the slow build-up approach that we've gotten in Shep and Weir's case. They have a lot of natural chemistry and so far (though I wouldn't rule it out) we've not been given the one step forward-two steps back approach used in the XF (thank goodness for small favors!). We've been given baby steps and friendship with hints of potentials.
    I think the other thing that bothered me with Mulder/Scully is what leelakin hinted at. Their relationship was almost codependent, and it always seemed like if the two of them did get together, it just wasn't going to be healthy for either of them.

    I don't get that sense from John and Elizabeth. I think they've both had their problems with the opposite sex and that they've both been to blame when a relationship crashed and burned, but I don't get the sense that either of them is just bad with people. Quite the opposite, actually. Bad at expressing themselves verbally, but not bad with people in general. And I think that's important to a healthy relationship.

    Originally posted by Bama
    I can't help but wonder though just how much longer that flirting and teasing and eyeing can go on without an ep that moves things forward in a way that they'll have to be addressed more overtly. *duh, what am I thinking -this is sci-fi (specifically SG) -it can go on unto infinity* However, having said that, I don't think it's good for them to try the deny and tease approach forever. Just either do the thing right and mean it or don't do it at all and mean it. And do it right. If the XF proved one thing to me it's that UST is good but UST unresolved too long is bad.
    In my opinion, if you leave sexual tension unresolved long enough, it stops being tension. I feel like that's what happened to Sam/Jack, too. I lost pretty much all interest in the ship because it just dragged on for too long and stopped being interesting. Chemistry's all well and good, but eventually something has to change.

    Originally posted by Bama
    *slides into thinking about Bruce-happy sigh- Boxleitner* How in the world did he and Laura Ingalls end up together? *scratches head*
    Hee, Bruce is a cutie. And it may seem weird that he and Melissa Gilbert ended up together, but the two of them had some great on-screen chemistry. She played Sheridan's wife (who had been presumed dead for some years) in the episode where Sheridan finally told Delenn that he was in love with her. It was a huge testament to the writing and acting that it all worked, because Boxleitner and Gilbert had all the chemistry and spark that he and Mira Furlan were missing.

    That show is actually the reason that I don't think Shep/Teyla is doomed simply because of the total lack of chemistry. It can be compensated for if the writing is savvy enough. With Sheridan/Delenn there was a good sense that part of the reason for the lack of spark was that there were huge cultural differences between them. But at the same time, I have serious questions about how well Shep/Teyla can work when both of them have been chemistry with... pretty much any other character in the show.
    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
    Last update: 14 April 2006
    Melyanna's Multimedia
    Last update: 15 February 2006


      Originally posted by Lizabeth
      Actually he said "I know what you mean."
      He did? Augh! Then I probably heard a "don't" inbetween.

      Wow, those are awesome caps! =D I love the squinty eyes thing they have going on in the last two caps. *lol*

      Edit: I still understand "I don't know what you mean". @_@; Oh Sheppard, why must you mumble so! XD
      Last edited by leelakin; 25 September 2006, 01:02 PM.


        Originally posted by leelakin
        He did? Augh! Then I probably heard a "don't" inbetween.

        Wow, those are awesome caps! =D I love the squinty eyes thing they have going on in the last two caps. *lol*

        Edit: I still understand "I don't know what you mean". @_@; Oh Sheppard, why must you mumble so! XD
        I heard it that way too the first time, but I just ran through that bit half a dozen times, and I think he did say "I know what you mean." Just held on to a consonant sound long enough to make it sound like there was another word in there.
        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
        Last update: 14 April 2006
        Melyanna's Multimedia
        Last update: 15 February 2006


          Originally posted by Melyanna
          I heard it that way too the first time, but I just ran through that bit half a dozen times, and I think he did say "I know what you mean." Just held on to a consonant sound long enough to make it sound like there was another word in there.
          Yeah, I listened to it a lot of times, too @_@. Although English isn't my mother language, so I can't really rely on that. XDD For anyone wanting to listen to it:
          Anyone happen to have a script of that episode? *lol*


            Transcript, you say?

            "SHEPPARD: I know what you mean."


              Originally posted by SallyLizzie
              Transcript, you say?

              "SHEPPARD: I know what you mean."
              Ah! XD Thank you. *updated her post*
              Last edited by leelakin; 25 September 2006, 01:28 PM.


                Originally posted by Melyanna
                That show is actually the reason that I don't think Shep/Teyla is doomed simply because of the total lack of chemistry. It can be compensated for if the writing is savvy enough. With Sheridan/Delenn there was a good sense that part of the reason for the lack of spark was that there were huge cultural differences between them. But at the same time, I have serious questions about how well Shep/Teyla can work when both of them have been chemistry with... pretty much any other character in the show.
                Zing. Hammer. Nail. Truth.

                But you know, if you're handed good chemistry on a platter and you think you can write a good ship (which they intended to write one originally) then why in the world wouldn't you go for it? It's not like SGA is going to just suddenly take the chance of losing zillions of fans. It's a niche based show being hard core sci-fi. As long as the sci-fi is good and the stories strong most nonshipper fans won't care who is loving whom. I honestly think they were handed the motherlode with Shep and Weir and got a lot more out of that initially than they were expecting and then decided to take a 'relook' at focus and set-up and everything. Ronon's addition is proof enough of that imo. I really think with Ronon/Teyla and Shep/Weir and Rodney/Carson that they're getting a lot of bang for the buck. The characters just flat out make this show. The formula is set. Sci-fi has hardly anything left in the arsenal that hasn't been done on one level or another.

                But then, I probably don't get all the small dynamics at work here. My worry though is that losing SG-1 that the writers will crawl back into a 'shell' with SGA's storylines and characters for fear of losing the entire franchise. SGA is different and much more reliant on character interaction imo than SG-1 was and I'm really fearful right now that the aspect I like in SGA so much more than I ever did SG-1 is going to take a big hit on the chin for the sake of franchise dollar.

                As for Teyla/ John-I don't know if anyone else but me is 'reading' a big friendship set-up this season all the way or not. I think the fact that they've *finally* decided to address their relationship in *any* capacity at this late date shows they've pretty much made up their mind to go away from any romance angle. No stick fights. No pretend UST. Just good and honest 'I appreciate you' and love you as a teammate friendship being shown between them. Bout time and thank goodness for them finally seeming to call it what it has always felt like.


                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  I heard it that way too the first time, but I just ran through that bit half a dozen times, and I think he did say "I know what you mean." Just held on to a consonant sound long enough to make it sound like there was another word in there.
                  Yeah I definitely heard "I know what you mean". He seemed down when he said it too suggesting that he had hoped for an Elizabethan response. I loved the dinner scene together too. TPTB prommised some relationship.friendship building this season and they have done an excellent job. It makes everything more meaningful.

                  I especially liked how both John and Rodney were suprised by Elizabeth's lack of response. It seemed Rodney was especially shocked that she would be so cold. I am looking forward to a "tag" scene in the near future where John and Liz set things back to normal.

                  I really like the Beckett/Weir/McKay/Sheppard team it is funny and, actually, makes things a little more dramatic since we know not all members have the fighting ability that Ronon and Teyla do. In short, it's more dangerous!

                  The Return was a great ep overall, but I particularly liked the flirting scene with Liz and Dr. Lee. It was hysterical to see Liz look to Rodney for a way out. I also loved seeing Jack again I hope we get to see more Jack/Liz interaction in the second half--their scenes are very interesting to me and have a very different vibe from Weir/Caldwell/ or Weir/Shep scenes--just another view of how she acts as a leader and a person

                  Side note: does anyone, by any chance have a link to the final part of Mel's Renaissance/period fic? I lost my link!

                  EDIT: Thanks for the heads up Mel (and the link) I completely forgot spoiler tags--I've been hanging around those episode threads too long...
                  Last edited by Royal_Nonesuch; 25 September 2006, 02:05 PM.

                  Signature By Amber Moon


                    Here you go, Royal, but you might want to add spoiler tags to your post.
                    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                    Last update: 14 April 2006
                    Melyanna's Multimedia
                    Last update: 15 February 2006


                      Guys, I just wanted to say something. (yeah, like that's unusual *shutup*)

                      When I first logged on here at GW a bit over a year ago, the counter on this thread was around 200,000 if I'm not mistaken and it lagged behind several other 'topics'. Now, wow. We're nearing a million. That's just phenominal interest in this relationship and I think a real clue as to how many people find Elizabeth and John not only fantastically interesting as a pair but also as individuals finding their way hopefully toward each other. There have been a lot of fascinating and fun 'takes' in this thread in the last year and a lot of faces-too many to even begin to keep up and that is just well...fantastic.

                      Here's to a great second half and another million hits!

                      And here's a question for you all to chew on...What happens long-term and/or 'short-term' to the ship if those cell-phones don't go off at the table?
                      Nice little fanfic challenge there too...


                        Originally posted by Bama
                        Guys, I just wanted to say something. (yeah, like that's unusual *shutup*)

                        When I first logged on here at GW a bit over a year ago, the counter on this thread was around 200,000 if I'm not mistaken and it lagged behind several other 'topics'. Now, wow. We're nearing a million. That's just phenominal interest in this relationship and I think a real clue as to how many people find Elizabeth and John not only fantastically interesting as a pair but also as individuals finding their way hopefully toward each other. There have been a lot of fascinating and fun 'takes' in this thread in the last year and a lot of faces-too many to even begin to keep up and that is just well...fantastic.

                        Here's to a great second half and another million hits!

                        And here's a question for you all to chew on...What happens long-term and/or 'short-term' to the ship if those cell-phones don't go off at the table?
                        Nice little fanfic challenge there too...
                        You keep talking about fanfic challenges and plot bunnies for everybody else to take up, Bama-chan, but you haven't posted anything of yours in quite a while now. I love your fic, it's all so hot. When are you going to write more?


                          Originally posted by Trialia
                          You keep talking about fanfic challenges and plot bunnies for everybody else to take up, Bama-chan, but you haven't posted anything of yours in quite a while now. I love your fic, it's all so hot. When are you going to write more?
                          Shuddup Tri! I'm an lover analyzer not a writer. *plugs ears* P.S. (Thanks Tri)

                          I must say that *that* resturant scene is whetting my appetite BIG TIME. I so want to see them on a *date* alone or even anything that can half be conscrewed as a 'date'...Eating waffles in the mess hall together would suffice...but I'd really like to see a candle-lit meal on a quiet balcony overlooking their gorgeous city. Sigh...The writers knew-dangit! they KNEW what they were doing to us Sparkies giving us those super sexy, casual clothing, sparkling smiles and twinkling, flirty eyes shot of the two of them! Curse you Martin Gero! I want more and you darn well know it!!

                          BTW, Could we consider this outing a first 'double date' since Carson and Rodney were there? To chaperone of course?


                            I really wish we could see more of Torri's wonderful personality in Weir at times.

                            Torri is just 10x hotter than Weir (and I love that character, I do - just the actress behind it even more) because of how funny, bubbly, and fun-loving she is. I love that woman!

                            Must-see interviews to fully appreciate Torri:

                            I get a kick out of how well she can keep a straight face during jokes.. it's awesome.


                              Originally posted by Bama
                              Shuddup Tri! I'm an lover analyzer not a writer. *plugs ears* P.S. (Thanks Tri)

                              I must say that *that* resturant scene is whetting my appetite BIG TIME. I so want to see them on a *date* alone or even anything that can half be conscrewed as a 'date'...Eating waffles in the mess hall together would suffice...but I'd really like to see a candle-lit meal on a quiet balcony overlooking their gorgeous city. Sigh...The writers knew-dangit! they KNEW what they were doing to us Sparkies giving us those super sexy, casual clothing, sparkling smiles and twinkling, flirty eyes shot of the two of them! Curse you Martin Gero! I want more and you darn well know it!!

                              BTW, Could we consider this outing a first 'double date' since Carson and Rodney were there? To chaperone of course?
                              "conscrewed"... damn is that a Freudian slip I spy there Bama? P.S. you're welcome


                                Originally posted by Trialia
                                "conscrewed"... damn is that a Freudian slip I spy there Bama? P.S. you're welcome
                                LMAO! You are mean to point out my horrid spelling error! I guess it was indeed an evil little Freudian slip! Come to think of it, I feel 'conscrewed' after working all day today! LOL!

