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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by katrin
    good sig vixen love the saying in it as well as sheppy


      Yeah don't worry about the Shep and Teyla icons, for the moment being until Bam says otherwise, I'm pretty sure that he doesn't have a favourite ship. I'm practicly sure it wasn't about givin' a hint for the Sheylas ( but of course they might think it is )... He just wanted to be nice with the poster....



        Originally posted by Southern Red
        I have a few random thoughts on your random thoughts on...okay here goes.
        After TRW, there's no way they can go with Sheyla.
        I wish I had the confidence you do. But, I don't.

        I still feel TPTB could easily have NO ship, at all, for anybody, (just like SG1), for the run of the whole show & they'd feel really good about it.


          Originally posted by lissa1000
          I was reading through the ask bambam thread and I ran across this:

          At the end he put Sheppard and Teyla smilies. I wonder if that was intentional. Later on in the thread, he mentions that JF's favorite part of the fight scene in Conversion was the kiss. I have a sinking suspicion that they may still be planning on going with Sheyla.
          Long ago, before BamBam came forward with who he was, he used to post in several threads and he always had a Teyla pic with hearts around it as a siggy. Whatever that means.

          As for the Conversion assault. I've read where JF said that scene was rather awkward.

          When all else fails, change channels.


            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
            Long ago, before BamBam came forward with who he was, he used to post in several threads and he always had a Teyla pic with hearts around it as a siggy. Whatever that means.
            That he's a Teyla fan?

            As far as Conversion is concerned,
            I remember hearing the scene was edited very differently than how JF thought it had been shot, if that means anything? But I agree that I'd rather be kissing a pretty girl - even if it's the assault that that scene was - than be sitting in Makeup all day having monster stuff put on my face. Wouldn't you?


              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
              As for the Conversion assault. I've read where JF said that scene was rather awkward.
              That's nice to know. By the way, bambam was saying he thought JF's favorite part of the fight scene was the kiss. He wasn't talking about JF's time spent putting on makeup. Maybe bambam is a Sheyla shipper and sees things through Sheyla shippy glasses. OK, that's weak, but I could use some hope that my favorite ship will become canon.


                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                Long ago, before BamBam came forward with who he was, he used to post in several threads and he always had a Teyla pic with hearts around it as a siggy. Whatever that means.

                As for the Conversion assault. I've read where JF said that scene was rather awkward.
                Actually I read that he said the Conversion scene
                where he had to kiss Rachel was the most uncomfortable thing he's had to do in the show because her parents were there. And Martin Gero was worried about whether it was too forceful. So even they didn't consider it romantic in any way. I'm also a little bothered that these guys keep talking about how JF likes the kissing. Isn't he still married? Or did I miss something? I know they're kidding, but still.

                Now can we please for the love of Pete stop asking BamBam the shippy questions. The poor guy made an innocent comment last week and walked into a barrage. He doesn't know. He said so. And if he did, he wouldn't be allowed to tell us. They probably haven't decided yet and won't until the last minute what ship if any they will go with. But my confidence, which may end tonight, comes from the progression of the S/W relationship. I was fully expecting after Progeny for them to go ahead with the professional distance casual friends thing. Then TRW came along. If we go back and forth like this, I won't be too upset. It is still moving forward. It's like investing in the stock market. If you follow your stocks every day, you'll go nuts. But if you look at the monthly or even quarterly trends, you see the progression up or down. Look back over the last 3 seasons. We weren't even supposed to cause a blip. Now look. They are actually admitting that they are considering it. We are now, IMHO, on equal footing with Sheyla. And I think like so many other things our input matters. So let's keep on discussing and making our presence known. Even if there's a huge setback, nothing in TV is cast in stone.

                And BTW, if they wanted to end the ship wars, all they would have to do is insert one little sentence coming out of John's mouth. "Insert woman's name of your choice is like a sister to me." End of question on ship. They're not going to do it and risk alienating a shipper group. Especially a big one. *folds hands in prayer*

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                  Long ago, before BamBam came forward with who he was, he used to post in several threads and he always had a Teyla pic with hearts around it as a siggy. Whatever that means.
                  Well, BamBam works extensively with Rachel because she has all the stick fighting scenes, so they're probably good friends, plus he'd probably be proudest of Teyla's character because he plays such a large role in her character's development (since her physicality is an important part of her character).

                  As for BamBam and his smilies, didn't some time ago he put a Shep icon by a Lizzie icon? And we were all, "What does that mean?" Truth is, they're icons - the most likely don't mean anything.


                    Originally posted by Southern Red
                    Now can we please for the love of Pete stop asking BamBam the shippy questions. The poor guy made an innocent comment last week and walked into a barrage. He doesn't know. He said so. And if he did, he wouldn't be allowed to tell us. They probably haven't decided yet and won't until the last minute what ship if any they will go with.
                    Thank God... finally someone said it...
                    I concur and beg people to have mercy on the poor guy. He's the stunt coordinator not one of the writers. I remember when Joe Mallozzi was still fielding questions here on GW and he was bombarded with "ship" questions. The man never gave a straight answer about it and he was the exec producer...
                    We will never, never get straight answers about the "ship" issue... as someone said before, they are always playing around with the show. Let's enjoy the little that we do get.
                    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                      Originally posted by Southern Red
                      5. Would it be possible for the intense close personal relationship with Elizabeth to continue while he romances Teyla? Of course not.
                      That is KEY imo. It's beyond important. Beyond HUGE. The writers- if they've done *nothing* else with J/E - have firmly and without a doubt established them as each other's 'significant other'. They've placed them together so much that they just 'feel' like a 'unit'-even to casual, non-shipper viewers. I can't speak for other shipper groups or fans but I know that if one of my pair I was rooting for ran to another man/woman all the time that I'd be looking elsewhere to ship because I'd want both my ship partners being each other's most important person.

                      People argue that it's all 'professional' stuff with them being 'leaders' and all that makes them go to each other all the time and have all these scenes together where they talk and make out have serious communication with their eyes. But alas, no. That argument doesn't hold water at all.
                      Professional didn't make John jump in that tent and risk his own life when she was in the best 'professional' doctor's care in the galaxy. Professional didn't make John go seek her out on that balcony just to see if she was ok. Professional doesn't make him tease her and flirt with her. Professional doesn't make him give her birthday gifts and discuss his 'almost' guilt over his 'almost' love life with her. Professional doesn't stare at her lips after she throws her arms around him.

                      There's just too much that says otherwise.


                        Originally posted by Easter Lily
                        Let's enjoy the little that we do get.

                        Hmmm, that's funny, I'd say we get quite a bit .

                        “Le monde a tellement de regrets
                        Tellement de choses qu'on promet.
                        Une seule pour laquelle je suis fait
                        Je t'aimais, je t'aime et je t'aimerai...”

                        ~ Francis Cabrel


                          Originally posted by Easter Lily
                          Thank God... finally someone said it...
                          I concur and beg people to have mercy on the poor guy. He's the stunt coordinator not one of the writers. I remember when Joe Mallozzi was still fielding questions here on GW and he was bombarded with "ship" questions. The man never gave a straight answer about it and he was the exec producer...
                          We will never, never get straight answers about the "ship" issue... as someone said before, they are always playing around with the show. Let's enjoy the little that we do get.
                          Also seconding SR's request. BamBam is the stunt coordinator, not a writer. He's said more than once that he doesn't know where ship stuff is going. It's silly to ask him, and I wouldn't be surprised if it annoyed him greatly. After all, who kisses whom is nowhere near the purview of his responsibilities.
                          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                          Last update: 14 April 2006
                          Melyanna's Multimedia
                          Last update: 15 February 2006


                            You know I could be way off base (it happens quite frequently) but my thought about Vengance was:

                            That perhaps Ford was returning. Everyone has been mentioning Michael, because he would certainly want vengance; but Ford is so wacked out he could be wanting it as well. Or hey, Ford and Michael could team up.
                            Ford returning, even for an episode, could be something fans would have on their wish list.
                            Does a Ford episode mean Sparky? Maybe, we have gotten some good Sparky in season 2 Ford episodes. Who knows?
                            "It's been my experience, Julia, that no matter where you go...there you are. " Suzanne Sugarbaker
                            (Designing Women)


                              Originally posted by RoryJ
                              As for BamBam and his smilies, didn't some time ago he put a Shep icon by a Lizzie icon? And we were all, "What does that mean?" Truth is, they're icons - the most likely don't mean anything.
                              A week ago, a Sheppard smiley, and I'll just say it again: Stop freaking out, it's just a smiley *lol*. Sure, ship has a lot to do with subtext and looking for different interpretations, but if we look for subtext on everything, analise every single word that comes out of people's mouths, every smiley, we're going to go insane.
                              Just watch the show, and forget about what everyone from the show's creator to the coffee lady think/say/don't say about our ship.


                                The part I found the most interesting, from a Sparky standpoint, in Common Ground was
                                when Kolya tells Sheppard he underestimates Dr. Weir. Sheppard snarks back that Kolya underestimates Elizabeth. That told me right there that both John and Elizabeth know there's something deeply personal between them. That John refers to Elizabeth by her first name to his nemesis speaks volumes. She won't give up until her man is back and John knows it.

                                I'm a bit bummed we didn't get to see him return to Atlantis, but from a dramatic stand, it worked better with wrapping it up with the Wraith.
                                I put the "M" in stupid.

