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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Bama
    I figure he has to be ready for one at his age but just hasn't stopped to smell the roses so to speak yet. I know the random girl thing has a lot of us irritated at tptb because it's just not needed to make him an interesting and dynamic man and it's not yeilding anything fruitful characterwise. But I think when you're 'weighing' Sparky, you have to look at the bigger picture. Shep hasn't shown any real interest in any of these women shall I gently put this?... their 'gender offerings'. And yet, he's building a 'marriage type' relationship with a woman (yes, 'wandering in the wilderness' Sheylas, that would be Elizabeth) at the same time but yet refuses to lay that natural male desire at the feet of her due to position, respect, friendship, fear etc. My grandmother used to say that a man can 'want' a lot of women in his life but he'll only love just one. Elizabeth appears to be his 'one'. He's just got to be willing to open his eyes to the possibility of admitting it to himself and then, to her.

    Hopefully the Spark will light your shippy darkness soon...
    Until then...have you ever considered penning Sparky fic?
    Sparky fic? I'm afraid I'd only do smut. Unless, of course, that's what you're looking for. than, my dear naughty friend, i'm the girl of your dreams! (no, not Weir.)

    Anyway, i can get where you're saying that his best adult relationship is with Weir. honestly, out of everybody else; Rodney, Ronon, Teyla, Carson, whoever else, the only person he acts remotely adult-like around is Weir. with rodney, he teases and a kinda kids around - like an older brother tries to constantly hark on his younger brother type of way. (i'm especially thinking about the last episode here, when i say that.) Ronon, he seems to try to keep on a leash most of the time, but I haven't seen enough of their interaction to gauge any sort of relationship dynamic. Same with Teyla. I feel like i'm missing huge big parts because i haven't seen season one, and people keep on telling me that there use to be a lot of interaction between them. i don't know what type, though. did he interact with her like does around every other space-babe? :shrugs: i hope not, but i honestly wouldn't put it past him. i'd like to think he treats her with more respect than that.

    but the only person he treats like an adult (that i've seen!)? with respect and all that jazz? is Elizabeth. pretty good foundation for ship, if you ask me. he may just need a real good kick in the a** first, to get his *ahem* business in the right state of mind, like you say. But honestly, i see all his "romantic relationships" as more of a reflection of who he is - a man who's too old to be swinging his way across the galaxy, but hasn't realized it yet. thus, i'm not sure if i'm willing to put enough faith in him to see the type of woman Weir is, and what a good thing it could be to have any type of romantic relationship with a realistic adult female like her.

    i'm hoping someone, anyone, can slap some sense into the writers come the next season.
    Last edited by emotionallydisturbed; 07 March 2006, 04:17 PM.
    Sig by Whistler84, RIP.
    You believed in me when it seemed only I could. You stood by me when no one else would.
    Even though we are two friends who did tragically part, I know your loving memory will forever survive in my heart

    Poem by Rachel Cooper.


      Ok peeps I just stumbled upon "Stargate Atlantis - The official Companion" on and i was just wondering does anyone have it and if they do can they tell me if there is any sparky information in it?

      I have all the seasons of Stargate SG1 companion book, well not season 9 but I loved reading them because there was always some shippy info concerning Sam and Jack, so if anyone could tell me any news on John and Liz that would be great as I can order it straight away!



        My more complete synopsis of "Sateda" information is available here. Thanks to Erised for pointing out that quote from Joe Flanigan regarding the episode.
        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
        Last update: 14 April 2006
        Melyanna's Multimedia
        Last update: 15 February 2006


          Originally posted by Angela
          Ok peeps I just stumbled upon "Stargate Atlantis - The official Companion" on and i was just wondering does anyone have it and if they do can they tell me if there is any sparky information in it?

          I have all the seasons of Stargate SG1 companion book, well not season 9 but I loved reading them because there was always some shippy info concerning Sam and Jack, so if anyone could tell me any news on John and Liz that would be great as I can order it straight away!

          Angela, I have the book, and since it's all about season 1 there's not a lot of Sparky. But there are some good tidbits like the statement from Rob Cooper that no matter how hard they tried to make John and Liz antagonists, it just didn't work. It's worth the price to read JF's preface. He writes very well and from the heart, and there are loads of behind the scenes things.

          Originally posted by emotionallydisturbed
          i'm hoping someone, anyone, can slap some sense into the writers come the next season.
          Believe me, some of us have been slapping them upside the head for months. Have you been on the Shep Appreciation and Discussion thread or the STAKS thread? Some fans don't like the way Shep has been taken to task and don't understand our frustration and desire to improve the character. You know when Joe takes off that uniform, John ceases to exist. It's the writers who are to blame for anything that's wrong with his character, and because we care so much we want better for him. They've got to be aware of how most of us feel by now.

          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


            Originally posted by emotionallydisturbed
            Sparky fic? I'm afraid I'd only do smut. Unless, of course, that's what you're looking for.
            *looks around innocently*

            Anyway, i can get where you're saying that his best adult relationship is with Weir.
            Oh, no doubt about it. Seems she gives him the confidence to let the mask down and share more of himself. Yeah, to me, that's a real indicator of what could be a 'brewin.

            Same with Teyla. I feel like i'm missing huge big parts because i haven't seen season one, and people keep on telling me that there use to be a lot of interaction between them.
            A lot of interaction between them? As in Teyla and John? Er...honey who have you been talkin to about this? 1-800-Delusional? :grin:

            i don't know what type, though. did he interact with her like does around every other space-babe? :shrugs: i hope not, but i honestly wouldn't put it past him. i'd like to think he treats her with more respect than that.
            Since John 'accepted' Teyla as a member of the team, he's been supportive and very respectful but the interaction betwixt them has been limited to a few grunts on his part and a few bland lines on hers. Other than an early supposed to build UST stick fight or two for 'training', there's been no other deeper relationship between the two of them even attempted on either side. Neither exactly goes out of their way to learn or be with the other. But then, don't believe me, watch season one-all the 'lack of anything' between them is right there for all to see in between all the Sparky hints.

            but the only person he treats like an adult (that i've seen!)? with respect and all that jazz? is Elizabeth. pretty good foundation for ship, if you ask me.
            You'd have to elaborate for me to quite grasp it here but the gist I get is that he was and continues to be surprised by what he's slowly discovering with Elizabeth and doesn't know quite what to do with it.

            he may just need a real good kick in the a** first, to get his *ahem* business in the right state of mind, like you say.
            I don't know about a kick in the glutes but I'd rather like to think a little 'jolt' of a threat to either Elizabeth or their relationship in some way would do the trick even more effectively.

            But honestly, i see all his "romantic relationships" as more of a reflection of who he is - a man who's too old to be swinging his way across the galaxy, but hasn't realized it yet.
            See, that's where the lack of backstory on John really hurts us who like to project on him and his 'role' in the SWR. I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt on all of the women chasing stuff and know that there are issues beyond what we know that have lead him to be where he is in his personal life. Things have been hinted at in so far as his military problems but nothing has been built on . We really need that. I think Atlantis is perhaps the real 'growth' opportunity that John has needed all his life. We just need to be patient with him as he works his way thru the fake to get to the 'real'.

            thus, i'm not sure if i'm willing to put enough faith in him to see the type of woman Weir is, and what a good thing it could be to have any type of romantic relationship with a realistic adult female like her.
            Time is a wonderdrug. Experience is a good chaser.

            i'm hoping someone, anyone, can slap some sense into the writers come the next season.
            I've been thrilled with the writers in some respects and they've only let me down truly in regard to giving us more 'meat' on Shep's bones in season two. I think they realize the audience craves it and they'll produce more meat with him and across the board for our beloved group in S3. I'm hopeful the writers will chart a more clear course for the characters and the relationships as we see S3 progress.
            Last edited by Bama; 07 March 2006, 06:29 PM.


              Originally posted by Southern Red
              Angela, I have the book, and since it's all about season 1 there's not a lot of Sparky. But there are some good tidbits like the statement from Rob Cooper that no matter how hard they tried to make John and Liz antagonists, it just didn't work. It's worth the price to read JF's preface. He writes very well and from the heart, and there are loads of behind the scenes things.
              Honestly though much Sheyla is in there?


                Originally posted by Melyanna
                My more complete synopsis of "Sateda" information is available here. Thanks to Erised for pointing out that quote from Joe Flanigan regarding the episode.
                Yes I realized I shouldn't hold my breath for it as soon as I saw the official spoilers Would have been cool if they actually did it though.

                Originally posted by SR
                Angela, I have the book, and since it's all about season 1 there's not a lot of Sparky. But there are some good tidbits like the statement from Rob Cooper that no matter how hard they tried to make John and Liz antagonists, it just didn't work. It's worth the price to read JF's preface. He writes very well and from the heart, and there are loads of behind the scenes things.
                I remember TPTB saying that too. And yes their intentions SO failed. The chemistry between Joe/John and Torri/Liz is too natural to ignore


                  Originally posted by Southern Red
                  Angela, I have the book, and since it's all about season 1 there's not a lot of Sparky. But there are some good tidbits like the statement from Rob Cooper that no matter how hard they tried to make John and Liz antagonists, it just didn't work. It's worth the price to read JF's preface. He writes very well and from the heart, and there are loads of behind the scenes things.

                  Oh thanks for the info, yeah am gonna go ahead and purchase it am just hoping there is not a lot of Sheyla in there!

                  Hopefully the second book will have lots of sparky info because come on this season was sooooo SPARKY material i.e. The Long Goodbye woooo and also hopefully season 3 will be even better.

                  Good nite all


                    Originally posted by Erised

                    I remember TPTB saying that too. And yes their intentions SO failed. The chemistry between Joe/John and Torri/Liz is too natural to ignore
                    i remember that too... trying to turn them against each other sooo did not work!!!!!!! they work too well together!!!!!
                    ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                      Originally posted by Bama
                      Honestly though much Sheyla is in there?
                      Surely you don't think I can remember something I read months ago? There are hints of Sheyla. Like Bam Bam talking about the stick fight in HZ being done to show UST and uh,uh crap, where's my book? *mutters under breath*

                      Ok, I'm back with my book and a really bright light. *mutters some more* In The Rising chapter, no mention of the cave scene or any other references to Sheyla. H&S is all McShep comedy team. 38 minutes: poorJoehe'satrooperteameffortsnarkymcshep. Suspicion emphasized that Shep's support of Teyla was as an ally. *skipping skipping* Home Sheppard shows Teyla Earth. Eureka! Sheyla! This is where Torri talks about how she and Joe talk politics on the set. And that Elizabeth is very lonely. Storm/Eye: water everywhere Joe likes being wet sidetracked. Oh yeah, Robert Davi is a scary guy. Ford,Teyla,Beckett to the rescue. Whumped!Shep must skip to Hot Zone: much discussion on the Weir/Shep conflict. Sanctuary: I love this sentence "For ONCE,too, Major Sheppard found himself distracted by thoughts of something other than the defense of the city..." Joe wasn't thrilled with romance. BIS: lots of stuff on the technical areas. LFP: states that Shep agreed to help those people because they were stuck on the planet and couldn't leave. Nothing Sheyla. Gift: Rachel worked hard to lose a stick fight to Joe. *snicker* Sieges: I got nothin'. So other than those little things, no Sheyla and no Sparky not even a hint. Can't wait for season 2 to see the difference.

                      Now that my book report is done, I'm going to bed.

                      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                        Thanks SR!!!!!!!! i cant wait until the next one is out of season 2!!!!!! i think that it will be great!!!!
                        ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          My more complete synopsis of "Sateda" information is available here. Thanks to Erised for pointing out that quote from Joe Flanigan regarding the episode.
                          Thanks for the awesome report Mel. You should go into journalism--your reporting is far more careful than most media outlets lol.

                          I'm hoping we will get some of
                          Shep's backstory in "Sateda". We reallyneed to see something from him. See a little of what drives him.

                          This did remind me of a quesiton I have always had, does Weir know what the "black mark" on Sheppard's record is? I think that info could open up an entirely new range of emotion between the two.


                          Signature By Amber Moon


                            Originally posted by Southern Red
                            Surely you don't think I can remember something I read months ago? There are hints of Sheyla. Like Bam Bam talking about the stick fight in HZ being done to show UST and uh,uh crap, where's my book? *mutters under breath*

                            Ok, I'm back with my book and a really bright light. *mutters some more* In The Rising chapter, no mention of the cave scene or any other references to Sheyla. H&S is all McShep comedy team. 38 minutes: poorJoehe'satrooperteameffortsnarkymcshep. Suspicion emphasized that Shep's support of Teyla was as an ally. *skipping skipping* Home Sheppard shows Teyla Earth. Eureka! Sheyla! This is where Torri talks about how she and Joe talk politics on the set. And that Elizabeth is very lonely. Storm/Eye: water everywhere Joe likes being wet sidetracked. Oh yeah, Robert Davi is a scary guy. Ford,Teyla,Beckett to the rescue. Whumped!Shep must skip to Hot Zone: much discussion on the Weir/Shep conflict. Sanctuary: I love this sentence "For ONCE,too, Major Sheppard found himself distracted by thoughts of something other than the defense of the city..." Joe wasn't thrilled with romance. BIS: lots of stuff on the technical areas. LFP: states that Shep agreed to help those people because they were stuck on the planet and couldn't leave. Nothing Sheyla. Gift: Rachel worked hard to lose a stick fight to Joe. *snicker* Sieges: I got nothin'. So other than those little things, no Sheyla and no Sparky not even a hint. Can't wait for season 2 to see the difference.

                            Now that my book report is done, I'm going to bed.
                            Wow, I was about to go to bed meself. Glad I stayed up long enough to read your 'report'. Thanks. I'm actually surprised that there wasn't at least a bit more Sheyla stuff from early on when it was sooooo obvious that they were trying desperately to 'create' some kind of 'hot chem vibe'. Strange. They wrote that after S1 didn't they? Looks like they'd given up on it by then already. Good to know Shep didn't think any more of that contrived 'romance' in Skank than we did.

                            LOL on the 'wet Joe'! Good visual for 'night night' in my head. *glances quickly toward the husband to make sure he's not peekin over shoulder*


                              Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                              Thanks for the awesome report Mel. You should go into journalism--your reporting is far more careful than most media outlets lol.
                              I do try to be meticulous with this stuff. It's remarkable how much information about the episode was in a few (very early) pages and the casting breakdown.

                              Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                              I'm hoping we will get some of
                              Shep's backstory in "Sateda". We reallyneed to see something from him. See a little of what drives him.
                              I'm not sure I'd really want it in this episode. I'd like to see a whole episode devoted to his back story, when we've learned so very little about him. Still, it could be interesting to try to blend the two into one episode, but I'd like to see an entire episode devoted to him. I'm just hoping we don't get five or six back story episodes in a row, as that would get kind of repetitive, as much as I want the history.

                              Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                              This did remind me of a quesiton I have always had, does Weir know what the "black mark" on Sheppard's record is? I think that info could open up an entirely new range of emotion between the two.
                              In Rising, she told Jack that she knew about the black mark in Afghanistan, that he was trying to save the lives of three servicemen, and Jack points out that it was in defiance of a direct order. It seems that she knows at least as much about the incident as is in his record.
                              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                              Last update: 14 April 2006
                              Melyanna's Multimedia
                              Last update: 15 February 2006


                                Speaking of backstory... There was a fic I read that talked about that. His friends name was 'Doogie' as in Howser(?) Does anyone remember that? I think it was one of those: 'Ohnoes! they get taken and tortured' fics. But it served the backstory well, explained why he defied orders and his mistrust in TPTB. Kinda satisfactory for now. We just need the 'official' backstory. Meh.
                                ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~

