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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by mentalmichael
    Well I like the idea of Liz, hell, anyone wearing casual clothes. Back at the start of the show in eps like Suspicion (I think) I really liked the fact that they were showing the gang in a casual setting. I think it's a shame that they don't do much of this thing anymore, and they also seem to be cutting down on the general chitchat in the team, like the start of Intruder. Now everything is related to what happened in the ep, and I think having a few refs to them having lives outside the eps would make things better.

    Edit mark 2: Bama, tighten the shirt? are the T-shirts not quite tight enough for you?
    oh yeah!!! i miss *downtime* scenes where they are just chilling and talking to each other. little moments that they can relax and be themselves and forget about their wraith problems for a little while why loungeing around with friends. since this is a sparky thread, i wish for a little scene with john and liz on the rec room together just chilling and letting go the worries of command for a movie and good company but since i know this would never happen, i thank the god for fic!

    and no!!! no more tightness!!! we don't want swished non-breathing lizzy do we??? i didn't think so!
    sig made by samjack_girl, icons by me!


      ok, I hate it when I don't come here for a few days 'cos now I have tons of things to catch up.

      I saw a post about feminine Liz?

      Yep! She needs to be more feminine and wear that nice outfit from Coup d'Etat again! she have to dress more in civilian clothes 'cos for me since she's a leader she have to kind of stand out from the others. But I understand that if there's a situation, BDUs fit more.

      But then, if she wore more femine clothes, John would drool whenever he sees her. Ok, I'm exaggerating... not


        Originally posted by LurkerLa
        *pokes right back* Given my complete lack of progress on Family Matters, I think this fic is better left to someone who's actually, you know, writing. Like you could be.
        *pokes Family Matters* My unfinished, almost forgotten about, fic doesn't even have at title yet so I doubt I'm qualified for the job

        I think we need to gang up on someone


          Originally posted by Bama
          Yeah, and I think that's one area that Elizabeth needs to ease up a bit. As a woman sometimes over 'men', I can certainly empathize that she might not feel she can let herself be seen as a woman though. She can still have 'authority' and let herself be seen as a woman at times. She just needs to pick her spots. However, there is absolutely no other choice for her in a relationship with a man inside Atlantis other than in her top circle of command. And she's not out scouring the Pegasus Galaxy and bumping into random men so her options are limited greatly. I think it's no wonder that she's just mentally shut it down in regard to herself in that way but yet, she still yearns for it around one person only.
          I was sitting watching TV the other day (ok, I was staring straight through the damn thing, watching this boring film my partner wanted to watch...what was it now?...Sphere, that's it!) and was thinking about who could be paired with Elizabeth in a romantic way and could actually be believable.
          Needless to say I went through the usual...Rodney, Carson, Radek, Ronan, Lorne... And I know I could easily be dismissed as being bias but I honestly can't see any of them being 'good enough' for Elizabeth.

          It sounds horrible I know, but for someone as important as she is, she needs someone just as important by her side. No one else could fill that role. She needs someone who can be led and who has the ability to lead equally. She couldn't be with someone who she had to give orders to lower down the chain... yes, she gives orders to John, but he can give the orders back if the situation deems it so. They lead on an equal basis, looking to each other for comfort that they've made the right decision.

          So I came to the conclusion that, in the long run, and by that I mean 7 or 8 seasons down the line , the only person she could be with and it make John..


          Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

          LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

          Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


            Originally posted by mentalmichael
            Back at the start of the show in eps like Suspicion (I think) I really liked the fact that they were showing the gang in a casual setting. I think it's a shame that they don't do much of this thing anymore, and they also seem to be cutting down on the general chitchat in the team, like the start of Intruder. Now everything is related to what happened in the ep, and I think having a few refs to them having lives outside the eps would make things better.
            I miss the casual seens too. Shows that there is more to being in Atlantis than always going offworld, and solving one problem or another. My favourite scene from Hide and Seek was just the bunch of them sitting down and watching John's football clip eating popcorn. They seriously need some downtime, just to relax and take a break from all the chaos of dealing with the wraith and everything else. I mean, Atlantis should be about the city, and not everyone is on duty all the time. I think it'd give more insight to the characters, especially Liz and John, if we got to see them just sitting and talking casually while watching a movie or something.

            Originally posted by wannatee_1984
            and no!!! no more tightness!!! we don't want swished non-breathing lizzy do we??? i didn't think so!
            Yeah, her shirt was tight/small enough in TLG.

            Regarding DFG, having read what everyone thinks so far, I'm now in agreement with most of you. We should see Lizzie in something she'd normally wear and just have her behaviour change, but not to the extent that she isn't being Elizabeth anymore. Just show the part of her that has been supressed to allow the leader side of her to be dominant. She only lets John see this other side of her, and even then it's mostly only hinted at.


              Originally posted by mentalmichael
              Okay that really went off topic so whilst I'm there here's a link to Chris Judge + Michael Shanks discussing Jack/Daniel slash. One of the funniest things I've ever seen:


              Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

              LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

              Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                Originally posted by GateByte
                Regarding DFG, having read what everyone thinks so far, I'm now in agreement with most of you. We should see Lizzie in something she'd normally wear and just have her behaviour change, but not to the extent that she isn't being Elizabeth anymore. Just show the part of her that has been supressed to allow the leader side of her to be dominant. She only lets John see this other side of her, and even then it's mostly only hinted at.
                o_0... call me stupid k, but what is DFG???

                *runs and hides*
                sig made by samjack_girl, icons by me!


                  Originally posted by wannatee_1984
                  o_0... call me stupid k, but what is DFG???

                  *runs and hides*
                  It's a possible season 3 episode that Jo M dubbed
                  Delicious Fat Guy

                  Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                  LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                  Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                    Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                    It's a possible season 3 episode that Jo M dubbed
                    Delicious Fat Guy

                    ahh!!! i thank you from teh very bottom of my sparky!loving heart for giving the clueless a clue!!!

                    here's a icon for your troubles!!!

                    there's almost...ALMOST THERE!!!!
                    sig made by samjack_girl, icons by me!


                      Originally posted by wannatee_1984
                      here's a icon for your troubles!!!

                      there's almost...ALMOST THERE!!!!

                      Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                      LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                      Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                        Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                        oh!!! i'm glad you like my icon!!!

                        here's a funny one!!!

                        A OUT AND PROUD TORRI/ELIZABETH FAN
                        sig made by samjack_girl, icons by me!


                          Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                          I was sitting watching TV the other day (ok, I was staring straight through the damn thing, watching this boring film my partner wanted to watch...what was it now?...Sphere, that's it!) and was thinking about who could be paired with Elizabeth in a romantic way and could actually be believable.
                          Needless to say I went through the usual...Rodney, Carson, Radek, Ronan, Lorne... And I know I could easily be dismissed as being bias but I honestly can't see any of them being 'good enough' for Elizabeth.

                          It sounds horrible I know, but for someone as important as she is, she needs someone just as important by her side. No one else could fill that role. She needs someone who can be led and who has the ability to lead equally. She couldn't be with someone who she had to give orders to lower down the chain... yes, she gives orders to John, but he can give the orders back if the situation deems it so. They lead on an equal basis, looking to each other for comfort that they've made the right decision.

                          So I came to the conclusion that, in the long run, and by that I mean 7 or 8 seasons down the line , the only person she could be with and it make John..

                          Yep, the way I see it too. Now, could you stick her with Caldwell? Well sure. I don't even want to go into the reasons that isn't a good idea but needless to say some of them are logical and others are just my own personal opinion. But like with a potential John and Teyla match-up, it would have the same base problem that is just huge and I don't see it being overcome. What do you do with John as Elizabeth's significant other if she gets a case up with any other man in Atlantis or out? She'd have to drop him and turn all the attention and importance she gives and places on John onto another man. Does that really ring true to anyone given what we've seen built between the two of them the last two years?


                            Originally posted by wannatee_1984
                            oh!!! i'm glad you like my icon!!!

                            here's a funny one!!!

                            Awesome! *snags*


                              Originally posted by GateByte

                              Just show the part of her that has been supressed to allow the leader side of her to be dominant. She only lets John see this other side of her, and even then it's mostly only hinted at.
                              Exactly. We want to see and we certainly want John to see the real Elizabeth Weir being a woman in the throes of desire. How entertaining for us and how important for John would it be for him to see her like this? It would even further burn into his consciousness what he began to learn during his first two lessons in S3 and TLG: Elizabeth Weir is more than a leader-she's a whole person-she's a woman very capable of desire with the right stimuli. I want to see just the hint of him possessive of being her 'stimuli'. He's never seen her flirt with any other man but him. He's never seen her put her arms around any other man but him. He's never seen her kiss any other man but him. And he has certainly never seen her physically desire any man. This episode would allow him to perhaps be forced to watch her turn all that she's given him plus more on another man mentally asking himself, "Shouldn't it be meshe's doing that with too!?" The possible rammifications of something like this would be big for Sparky.


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                Yep, the way I see it too. Now, could you stick her with Caldwell? Well sure. I don't even want to go into the reasons that isn't a good idea but needless to say some of them are logical and others are just my own personal opinion. But like with a potential John and Teyla match-up, it would have the same base problem that is just huge and I don't see it being overcome. What do you do with John as Elizabeth's significant other if she gets a case up with any other man in Atlantis or out? She'd have to drop him and turn all the attention and importance she gives and places on John onto another man. Does that really ring true to anyone given what we've seen built between the two of them the last two years?
                                yes i totally agree with you!!!

                                if you pair these two with any other ppl besides from the other, it would be a huge (i hope this is the right term! ) jumping of the shark!!! i mean after all the little moments, the eye-sex and just their soild friendship base that is tough enough to be durable from either alien woman he kirks withs or when they agrue about different approaches to the one problem. am i wrong with this assumption???

                                and yet another icon:

                                because me trying to sound smart is dumb and painful to hear!!!
                                A OUT AND PROUD TORRI/ELIZABETH FAN
                                sig made by samjack_girl, icons by me!

