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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Lida
    After watching all the episodes to date, especially the more recent ones, I have to admit that there seems to be some kind of "chemistry" between Sheppard and Weir. I could be way off base, but it just seems that her concern for him is just a tad more than professional. Just my opinion.
    An opinion that just might be shared by quite a few people here, Lida! Welcome! *hands over a Shep 'n Lizzie clone set*

    Originally posted by Bama
    They're drawn to the other whether it be bodily or simply via their constant eye contact. Whatever, they cannot keep their thoughts off the other. And in my experience when a man and woman can't keep their eyes and thoughts off the other....
    Oh you mean they eventually reach a stage in their relationship where they can't keep their hands off one another either?

    John: "When do we reach that stage AQ's talking about?"
    Elizabeth: "You're asking me? I just work here. Though, that is a good question."

    There have been other relationships on sci-fi that have gotten to that stage - I refer you again to Tom and B'Elanna on Voyager. *sighs wistfully* Those were the days...

    Originally posted by Bama
    Just a random thought but Mel, after seeing TLG, I'm *so* back into the whole 'Please, Please! let Elizabeth ask someone for some self-defense training.' I'd love for her to get a chance to physically fight against someone in the future again as herself. If she can't see by now that such would benefit her and give her that 'outlet' she so desperately needs then she's not as smart as I thought she was.
    You know, that's another good idea. In the odd episode, Lizzie does go off-world. It might be good for her to have some hand-to-hand combat training, to hold off would-be suitors/kidnappers/etc.

    I know a lot of people really want to see a friendship develop more between Teyla and Elizabeth. That might be a good way to do it. They work out, Teyla shows Lizzie how to beat people up when she has no other choice, they talk about the shortcomings and good points of their men. It's bonding!


    *revels in Teh Sparkiness*
    In Other News: Thor's been Thor-Napped and placed in TPTB's Closet of Thor-Napping! *oh noes*


      Originally posted by Luz
      That one was the same one they put on a magazine that looked like it was photoshopped?. And even when they put Sheppard in one extreme, and Weir in the other (remember that one?), they looked like mummy and daddy and the kids in the middle .
      Oh, THAT one. It was most definitely Photoshopped. I haven't seen the TV Guide cover in quite a while, but I seem to remember thinking that the picture of Joe was from the first season. I figure that TV Guide was given a stack of pictures and told to do whatever looked good. And, well, Teyla wasn't wearing a shirt that covered her stomach, so I guess that's why that picture was picked.

      It wasn't even a good Photoshop job, either. I've seen better from people in this thread than we saw on that cover.

      Originally posted by Bama
      Just a random thought but Mel, after seeing TLG, I'm *so* back into the whole 'Please, Please! let Elizabeth ask someone for some self-defense training.' I'd love for her to get a chance to physically fight against someone in the future again as herself. If she can't see by now that such would benefit her and give her that 'outlet' she so desperately needs then she's not as smart as I thought she was.
      And I'm really rather happy that I was right in my guess that Elizabeth could do a lot of damage without a weapon. She's got the right build for it, even if she is so thin and almost dainty-looking. I think it'd be really, really fun for her to get Ronon to teach her how to defend herself.

      If I had to pick two of my fics to be played out on the show, it'd be Enigma and Lessons. Both of them have to do with Elizabeth in the gym and out of her element.
      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
      Last update: 14 April 2006
      Melyanna's Multimedia
      Last update: 15 February 2006


        I got distracted.

        For Mel and Athena's upcoming birthdays.

        Wallpaper version
        Last edited by Blue Banrigh; 20 February 2006, 11:26 AM. Reason: Added a link for a wallpaper.


          Originally posted by AngelQueen
          An opinion that just might be shared by quite a few people here, Lida! Welcome! *hands over a Shep 'n Lizzie clone set*

          Oh you mean they eventually reach a stage in their relationship where they can't keep their hands off one another either?
          Well...YOU said it-not me. *grin* But, let's be logical here-it is a natural progression eventually...

          There have been other relationships on sci-fi that have gotten to that stage - I refer you again to Tom and B'Elanna on Voyager. *sighs wistfully* Those were the days...

          You know, that's another good idea. In the odd episode, Lizzie does go off-world. It might be good for her to have some hand-to-hand combat training, to hold off would-be suitors/kidnappers/etc.

          I know a lot of people really want to see a friendship develop more between Teyla and Elizabeth. That might be a good way to do it. They work out, Teyla shows Lizzie how to beat people up when she has no other choice, they talk about the shortcomings and good points of their men. It's bonding!

          Yep. Mel has brought up the idea of Teyla and/or even Ronon training her before and I'm even more sold on it now than ever before. It's just a good idea that would fit seamlessly and provide Elizabeth some scenes with two characters she desperately needs more with. It would also, I think, earn her respect from Teyla and esp. Ronon who are more natural fighters than diplomat types but it would give her a better feel for what it is they go through as soldiers. Plus, with her developing this
          more dark side
          to her upcoming in season three, it would fit in with that and as I mentioned provide her with a physical outlet for some emotions which she obviously so desperately needs. wouldn't hurt that it would raise John's eyebrows more than a fraction. Her surprising him would be a very good thing I think.


            Originally posted by Southern Red
            Good morning and a great big welcome back to the cast and crew of SGA. We here on the Sparky home world are thrilled and excited that Season 3 is about to begin filming. We have high hopes, not just for Sparky but for all aspects of the show. I think you are primed for a truly amazing season of excitement, action, character development, and dare I say romance. We love you, and above all we love Sparky.

            There, now on with the fun. My husband and I watched Galaxy Quest yesterday, and I'll tell you what if you don't see yourself in those con scenes, you've probably never visited Gateworld. Hee. I think the writers of SGA must have seen this movie a few dozen times, because I could swear I saw actual bits they have used. I love SciFi that doesn't take itself seriously.
            I LOVE that film. I hoot with laughter at the bit at the end
            where the shipper faints


              Originally posted by Melyanna
              It wasn't even a good Photoshop job, either. I've seen better from people in this thread than we saw on that cover.
              Word to that.

              And I'm really rather happy that I was right in my guess that Elizabeth could do a lot of damage without a weapon. She's got the right build for it, even if she is so thin and almost dainty-looking. I think it'd be really, really fun for her to get Ronon to teach her how to defend herself.

              If I had to pick two of my fics to be played out on the show, it'd be Enigma and Lessons. Both of them have to do with Elizabeth in the gym and out of her element.
              Yep. When I was piddle writing a little with SGA stuff, I naturally wanted to place her in a gym setting and did so. She just LOOKS athletic in her build and is obviously physically fit. (Otherwise-there's no way Phoebus could have did what she did in TLG) I have to *assume* that Dr. Weir jogs or works out in her quarters or *something* to look the way she does. Even if she's not hugely built, you can definitely see muscle tone in her arms with the short sleeves on. And fat on her? None. Of course, she may just guzzle coffee and tictacs in her office but please, those of us that have read anything on Torri Higginson know that she's an avid outdoorsman type who power hikes and all that stuff that makes me sore when I do it a few times a year. It's time they let the SGA audience in on what she's doing and they might as well make the 'why' more interesting too.


                Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                I LOVE that film. I hoot with laughter at the bit at the end
                where the shipper faints
                Yes, me too. And I forgot to mention that the hero TAKES OFF HIS SHIRT. Hear that PTB, he doesn't just have it ripped and torn open but actually partially disrobes. Just a thought. Oh look, Sparky.


                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by Bama
                  Well...YOU said it-not me. *grin* But, let's be logical here-it is a natural progression eventually...
                  Natural progression indeed!

                  Yep. Mel has brought up the idea of Teyla and/or even Ronon training her before and I'm even more sold on it now than ever before. It's just a good idea that would fit seamlessly and provide Elizabeth some scenes with two characters she desperately needs more with. It would also, I think, earn her respect from Teyla and esp. Ronon who are more natural fighters than diplomat types but it would give her a better feel for what it is they go through as soldiers. Plus, with her developing this
                  more dark side
                  to her upcoming in season three, it would fit in with that and as I mentioned provide her with a physical outlet for some emotions which she obviously so desperately needs. wouldn't hurt that it would raise John's eyebrows more than a fraction. Her surprising him would be a very good thing I think.
                  Yeah, I do believe I read Lessons. *bows to Mel's genius of fanfic writing* Have to check with Enigma.

                  And you're right, if Elizabeth is to
                  move down a darker path this season, having her grow a little more aggressive - including learning how to defend herself - would be a good thing to run with. Then add in Teyla and Ronon as her teachers, and it also gives her more screen time with two people she doesn't normally have a whole lot with. That's one reason I liked the scene in Coup D'Etat. She was interacting with other people besides Rodney, John, Carson, and Caldwell.

                  If Elizabeth were to start learning hand-to-hand from Ronon and Teyla, John would eventually find out. I wonder what his reaction would be... I figure he would probably applaud it, considering the dangerous situations they all face. And even though he'd be right there with her as much as humanly possible, he can't protect her every second of every minute when they're off-world. Knowing that she can defend herself would really be a good thing.

                  Though, he might wonder why she didn't ask him to teach her... possible angst! But there are many good reasons for her to ask Teyla and Ronon. After all, they beat John up on a regular basis. Maybe she's hoping to pick up a few tips from them...


                  *revels in Teh Sparkiness*
                  In Other News: Thor's been Thor-Napped and placed in TPTB's Closet of Thor-Napping! *oh noes*


                    Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                    I got distracted.

                    As a fan of the alternaverses (Spygate, Langford High, etc.) I love it! (Even though it's not my birthday! Tee hee.) And I just have to say.....I Beaker!
                    "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
                    "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
                    Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
                    Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
                    "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
                    Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
                    Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
                    (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


                      Originally posted by Melyanna
                      If I had to pick two of my fics to be played out on the show, it'd be Enigma and Lessons. Both of them have to do with Elizabeth in the gym and out of her element.
                      Any chance of some links please?
                      Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

                      In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

                      Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)


                        Originally posted by mentalmichael
                        Any chance of some links please?
                        Enigma & Lessons.


                          Welcome Lida, I hope your having fun here in the E/J shipper thread. Blue Banrigh nice job on the pic. Has anyone heard that we are going to meet Jeanie, Rodney's sister in S3? Is these true?

                          Icon Made By LadyBozi


                            Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                            I got distracted.

                            For Mel and Athena's upcoming birthdays.
                            Wow, you're works always turn out great! You are a sneaky one making a nice little spygate banner for us and we didn't even realize it.

                            Well, green for ou.


                              The talk of Elizabeth being taught to fight/defend by Ronon or Teyla? Have to say. I really hope not. I like that she's who she is. If she becomes kick butt like Teyla in a sense, then she loses something. IMO! I like that Elizabeth hasn't felt the need to be agressive that way. It's a part of what makes her unique. She can do other stuff as an outlet rather than learn self defense or stick fighting. So I really hope TPTB don't go that way.


                                Geh...remind me not to 'float' around to other non-S/W threads/boards too often. LOL! I just received my 'favorite' anti- S/W 'insult'.

                                'You just want them to get together because they're the lead couple on the show. How boring and predictable.'

                                Honestly, how is it any 'cooler' to hook up John or Elizabeth with some else just because they're they lead in the show? I don't follow the logic sometimes. *scratches head and does best Curious George impression*

