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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Bama
    Can I just Ask...WHAT is Elizabeth lookin at in that shot?! : 0
    your guess is as good as mine *ROTFL*


      Originally posted by Southern Red
      Allies spoiler coming up.
      Do you mean to tell us that Ronon has become personally involved with the Athosians? Something we have no evidence that John has done in 2 years beyond asking about a year ago if they were settled on the mainland? Hmmm. Very interesting.
      Yup, the episode opens with the following dialogue:
      TEYLA: All of my people have been safely relocated to the city.
      ELIZABETH: Did everything go smoothly?
      RONON: Yeah – they’re pretty used to it, back and forth, by now.

      I can't remember John ever seeming to notice when she was doing something related to her people.

      And the picture that was posted earlier, with John and Elizabeth on the catwalk, is a manipulation of a shot from Inferno.

      It seems the review of The Tower was removed because of some factual errors. Mind you, the factual errors had little to do with how bad the episode was. It'll probably be corrected and reposted. I have serious doubts that TPTB had anything to do with it being removed. I've been in fandoms where that kind of thing happens, and it usually exacerbates the situation when the truth of it inevitably comes out.

      Finally, I think Jor might throw a hissy fit if we tried to name another mascot. And you all remember what happened the last time Jor got a black magic marker.
      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
      Last update: 14 April 2006
      Melyanna's Multimedia
      Last update: 15 February 2006


        ah too bad. it was such a good newbie teaser


          Originally posted by Erised
          Liz thinking...

          *Bunnies on his short...that's interesting*


          *Does he even know his fly is unzipped?*

          Okay, my braincell has walked if these are a little stupid...well, not entirely my fault...
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            Originally posted by Erised
            AQ, you will?
            *giggles* Turns out I won't need to. The all-knowing Mel knew its origin. *bows before Mel's awesome knowledge of Sparky pics*

            Originally posted by Erised
            Oh man I forgot.. it's friday!
            Let's do some Coup'd'Etat preparation! I hope ya all won't lose your voices from squeeing
            need I say more?
            I think he is remembering what happened....last week... heeee
            OMG! *squees* I've still got another five hours until I get to see this... *taps foot*

            As for losing my voice, it's already half-gone, so no worries! All the rest of it is reserved for Teh Pretty Lizzie and John tonight! *glees*


            *revels in Teh Sparkiness*
            In Other News: Thor's been Thor-Napped and placed in TPTB's Closet of Thor-Napping! *oh noes*


              Someone read my mind about Coup prep.

              Looks like she's contemplating where to lick.

              Looks like she's not the only one.

              The feeling seems to be mutual.

              I mean just who could resist.

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Originally posted by Erised
                It's really sad I just squeeed over a pic...

                Please tell me this is not a manip!

                A little over seven hours until Coup. Or ten if tonight is family time...

                Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  And the picture that was posted earlier, with John and Elizabeth on the catwalk, is a manipulation of a shot from Inferno.
                  Mel!!!! Ruining the Shipper Baiting! I was enjoying that!

                  AQ That pic was a manip that Erised did. It was a request after Inferno aired. Most people know the pic, which is why it's funny to tease people with it. I don't think Erised's ever had a reaction like "I must watch every episode to find it" yet. She must have been squeeing herself silly. I know I was.

                  Anyway, delurking for a few mins to post, just thought I'd give you the brief history of the photo!
                  Yepp, it's blank down here.


                    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                    Mel!!!! Ruining the Shipper Baiting! I was enjoying that!

                    AQ That pic was a manip that Erised did. It was a request after Inferno aired. Most people know the pic, which is why it's funny to tease people with it. I don't think Erised's ever had a reaction like "I must watch every episode to find it" yet. She must have been squeeing herself silly. I know I was.

                    Anyway, delurking for a few mins to post, just thought I'd give you the brief history of the photo!
                    Evil! Erisid is evil!!!

                    *sigh* That's what I get for taking all those months off trying to live spoiler free...

                    Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                      Elizabeth: Look at this, John, they're still talking about us? Look at the number of pages. It's insaine.
                      John: Maybe we should just send them that closet tape we did last week. That should shut them up for a while.

                      Elizabeth: Hm, but what about when the period of staring passes? It'll only get worse.
                      John: Got a point. There will probably be about a dozen pages with them disscussing just the beauty mark on your -
                      Elizabeth: John!
                      John: Sorry.


                        Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                        Evil! Erisid is evil!!!

                        *sigh* That's what I get for taking all those months off trying to live spoiler free...
                        Awwww, sorry, honey (((hugs)))
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Tracy, wow, you do lurk quiet a bit don't you? LOL! I didn't know you knew the story!

                          Vixen, ahahaha!! I love that! Yeah! Closet tape will shut us up for about five minutes after it is over

                          gwenhwyfar, teheee *huggles*


                            Originally posted by Erised
                            Tracy, wow, you do lurk quiet a bit don't you? LOL! I didn't know you knew the story!

                            Vixen, ahahaha!! I love that! Yeah! Closet tape will shut us up for about five minutes after it is over

                            gwenhwyfar, teheee *huggles*
                            I keep my ear to the ground. If I hear something funny, I'll poke my nose in.
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                              I keep my ear to the ground. If I hear something funny, I'll poke my nose in.
                              Yeah. It's really funny to tease us shippers... *glares at Tracy and Erised*

                              VIXEN: Funny! Yeah, I think GW would crash for good if we evr got our hands on a closet tape...

                              Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                                Goin' back a few hundred pages: and sorry I forgot who actually said this...

                                John and Lizzie have always been able to understand one another in a way that outsiders cannot always comprehend. Just look at Siege 2, when he wants to run off on to blow up a Wraith ship with himself inside of it. He never comes out and says it, but she takes one look at him, and knows right away what he's talking about doing. And of course, she freaks out, telling him he can't do it. Insert moment of angst and woe before she slowly, reluctantly surrenders and lets him go off and get himself killed for her sake and the sake of Atlantis. She knew what he wanted to do, and he never had to say a word.
                                My mum watched that with me. She, the woman of all things womanly intuitionly was going: "Huh? Where's he going? What's he doing? Is he coming back? Does she know what he's doing? He IS coming back right?" To which I had to reply: "Mum, just watch!" GAH, she didn't get it, until when Rodneykins went, "You let Sheppard pilot the jumper?" 'Twas the look on Elizabeth's face that gave it away for her... Then she went: "Ahhhhhhh, her man's goin' on a suicide mission." After which I proceeded to ROFLMAO.
                                So yes, the Sparky is evident even with those that don't ship, that and what this person,*sorry don't remember* said 'bout that unspoken communication. Well, I think me mum ships them now ::shrug:: We'll have to wait for SeigeIII
                                ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~

