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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    For Bama:


    Last edited by Erised; 14 January 2006, 04:35 PM.


      Okay, I'm watching Coup D'Etat, and have a few Sparky thoughts

      first of all, Elizabeth's line when she hears about the defection

      'Well, good luck with that'

      sounds exactly like something Shep would say. Guess he's rubbing off on her

      Elizabeth and John don't even discuss their first response to his offer - they merely glance at each other, and Elizabeth knows what John's answer would be

      John's reaction to the Genii is basically 'they're the guys that tried to kill Elizabeth, twice'

      Errand-boy <giggle>. Still, he doesn't seem to have a major objection to being called Elizabeth's errand boy. He doesn't lose his rag or anything.Guess he figures that there are worse things to be than Elizabeth's Errand Boy

      John and Elizabeth are standing beside each other and glancing at each other all the time

      Interesting how the Genii plan to kill Sheppard if they know he's the most important one to her

      I like the way he perched on her desk...right next to the pot he gave her for her birthday

      re: the schweir/sheyla ambiguity this season (if you think there is any). I think it's worth remembering that most of the scripts for this season would have been written in the middle of the last season, when they were still unsure which way to go with ship. shweir as been a lot stronger this season than last seaon, but most of that is down to the actors slipping in little looks and flirting moments, and directors putting them together most of the time. Also, i don't think anyone could have anticipated that Ronan and Teyla would have such strong chemistry. Besides those two, any sheyla chemistry looks pretty weak.

      now's the time the writers start writing next season, and when they do, i think they'll look back at this season and see two things

      1) Shweir ship is going incredibly fast and is incredibly strong and obvious. Even when it's not written in, Torri and Joe play it all the time. The ship is blindingly obvious in any scene they'rei n together

      2) Ronan and Teyla are very very good together, and have amazing chemistry. Those two fit perfectly together.

      I reckon the writers will build on this, and the next season will see some very strong shweir scripts, and hopefully some good Ronan/Teyla ones, cos i really like that ship too, and the sheyla ship wll rightfully slip into obscurity
      Last edited by michelleb; 14 January 2006, 04:35 PM.
      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


        Originally posted by Erised
        John: Sorry Elizabeth, we have to use closet #6 tonight, Rodney needs #7 again tonight.


          Originally posted by alyssa
          Well, I was thinking it, but not saying it!!!
          Was just joking by the way. No way could anyone seriously honestly think Weir and Caldwell should be together. That's just too.... weird! Elizabeth and Colonel Skinner? Nooooo!
          I think Caldwell has the most enormous crush on Elizabeth, but I don't think she reciprocates it in the slightest. My impression is that she has no romantic interest in him whatsoever. When Caldwell and John are in the same room as Elizabeth, it's John she pays attention to.
          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


            Originally posted by michelleb
            I reckon the writers will build on this, and the next season will see some very strong shweir scripts, and hopefully some good Ronan/Teyla ones, cos i really like that ship too, and the sheyla ship wll rightfully slip into obscurity
            Were it belongs, tptb should stop fooling around and give the shep/teyla ship the dignified quiet death it deserves. That ship ran out of fuel before it even had the chance to take flight, and they should top being dumb about it.
            I too hope this last stupid attempts at forcing Shep/Teyla moments are what's left over of their stubborn desire to cling to a pairing with no chemistry, or UST, or anything going on for it *at* *all*.
            As i've said before, tptb can be pretty dumb, but i hope even they're not that dumb.


              Originally posted by sunny
              Dude! What happened to: DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!!!... Ahhhhhhhhhhh y'all are makin' me panic...

              *don't panic don't panic don't panic*
              This should be the motto of this thread (if it isn't already lol). And Mel's right, you should always know where your towel is!

              That Sci-fi poll is interesting. I'm gald to see so many notice Liz and John's chemistry and seem to be responding well to her character in general. The Caldwell thing is interesting, but it's out-numbered by the Shep/Weir folks quite a bit it seems.

              Well I really don't have anything more intelligent to say at the moment, so I'll head out lol.


              Signature By Amber Moon


                alyssa Elizabeth and Colonel Skinner?
                *LOL* Stranger things have happened ... Besides he's WAY too much of the straight up military type who Weir doesn't really have any fondness for ::shrugs::
                ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


                  I love the name, "Colonel Skinner" - but really, Caldwell is playing the same role that Skinner did with Scully/Mulder. Sometimes you hate him, sometimes you are thankful he is there, and you aren't quite sure if he really wants to help them or nail them to the wall. Caldwell really is an interesting character (but not with Lizzie).

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    Originally posted by sunny
                    *LOL* Stranger things have happened ... Besides he's WAY too much of the straight up military type who Weir doesn't really have any fondness for ::shrugs::
                    This is totally OT, but I just sat here or ten minutes laughing at the penguin gif i your sig. I've seen it on these boards before, and it always reduces me to a lump of quivering, giggling jelly
                    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                      I love the name, "Colonel Skinner" - but really, Caldwell is playing the same role that Skinner did with Scully/Mulder. Sometimes you hate him, sometimes you are thankful he is there, and you aren't quite sure if he really wants to help them or nail them to the wall. Caldwell really is an interesting character (but not with Lizzie).
                      I wonder, do tptb do this on purpose?, i just can't help feeling like i'm watching season two of TXF all over again sometimes. All that is missing is having Col. Skinner giving debriefings to a smoking man.


                        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                        I love the name, "Colonel Skinner" - but really, Caldwell is playing the same role that Skinner did with Scully/Mulder. Sometimes you hate him, sometimes you are thankful he is there, and you aren't quite sure if he really wants to help them or nail them to the wall. Caldwell really is an interesting character (but not with Lizzie).
                        poor mitch pileggi. I've seen him in tons of things, and never once does he get the girl
                        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                          Originally posted by michelleb
                          poor mitch pileggi. I've seen him in tons of things, and never once does he get the girl
                          Poor guy, but look at what's he's had to compete with, first Mulder, now Sheppard. There's just no way.


                            Originally posted by Luz
                            I wonder, do tptb do this on purpose?, i just can't help feeling like i'm watching season two of TXF all over again sometimes. All that is missing is having Col. Skinner giving debriefings to a smoking man.
                            What, you didn't hear about how Elizabeth is going to be abducted and returned mysteriously to the infirmary two episodes later?

                            ...just so long as we don't get a Flukeman... *shudders*
                            "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                            My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                              michelle: This is totally OT, but I just sat here or ten minutes laughing at the penguin gif i your sig. I've seen it on these boards before, and it always reduces me to a lump of quivering, giggling jelly

                              Yeah, me too ...

                              Ewwwwwwww Flukeman... Could've done w/out that just fine... Don't worry bout Col.Skinner... he got the girl in RL... *kinda weird that it was Scully's stand-in, but... :shrugs:*
                              ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


                                I agree. It was a 'nod'. Especially if you consider what they've done in Moebius.
                                I disagree. Moebus was entirely different. I believe it was unknown if SG1 was to be picked up for a ninth season, and so, taking it to be the last ever episode, 'nods' where thrown to everyone - SJ shippers, SD shippers, JD shippers, etc.

                                The sparks in Moebus follow 8 years of UST. The sparks in GUP follow 1.5 years of an unclarified ship. I think it's more likely that TPTB where looking for something new and fresh, so had the scene take place where work was being done, rather than having another 'briefing room' scene, especially the rest of the ep was in a PJ.

                                La has chapter 4 up of Letters from Milky Way!!

                                I noticed AUs being mentioned again and it's something i'd prefer not to see. Not bc i don't like the eps themselves, i just don't want to see SGA compared to SG1 again. It's a strong show that can stand on it's own feet imo. I don't want more "This is like that ep in SG1....omg, TPTB are screwing with us like they did SJ. I knew this was going to happen"

                                IMO, we have gotten so much from our ship, even if it has yet to be clarified, and bare in mind, we're only into Season 2. I don't see what all the uproar is about regarding TPTB, ship wars, etc. Hopefully, we have a long way to go (in regards to the number of seasons) and if we're getting freaked now, imagine what we could be like in five years time!

                                Melyanna, i understand what you're saying about statistics. It's no use saying "Look at the numbers on the boards" when fandom only represents a small percentage of the overall viewers, most of whom watch purely for entertainment value. IMO, TPTB priorities should be, firstly, producing an entertaining show for the general viewer, then start to think about ships, etc. It's understandable if they don't want to clarify a ship bc at the end of the day, they can't please everybody and they know this. So even if i desire otherwise, i can understand them concentrating on producing a quality show without making a ship canon, and just letting little moments from the actors bleed through on screen.

