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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    O.K here some extracts from the's too long, I don't want to write down the whole thing


    [Through Radio] (They are in different Corridors)

    WEIR: We both want a shot at the same thing.

    SHEPPARD: You mean each other.

    WEIR: Neither one of us will have that chance if you keep running...

    SHEPPARD: You didn't have any plan, you just wanted me dead!

    WEIR: Still do. As a matter of fact I can't wait to see that look of defeat I saw on your face one more time.

    SHEPPARD: You mean the look on my face when you rammed my fighter and made sure neither one of us could win !
    That was hatred, not defeat.

    WEIR: Is that any way to talk to your wife Halan. Run if you like, but the moment I find you, you DIE.
    I can't really imagine Elizabeth speaking these sentences (even if I know it's not really Liz!)

    I'll have some more, Kat is still writing it down to me, so I haven't yet read those too


      *squee!* Dorka, I think
      it's just worth hearing "your wife" said by Elizabeth's voice. It would sound so sparky, I think, even thought it's not really them.

      Originally posted by Bama
      Absolutely Finn. That's why I say constantly that they're already in essence 'married' to each other. I think TPTB are setting us and them up to see just how true that is. Caldwell is exactly who I was thinking of when I typed that. But you could sub his name with just about any other military leader and the result would be the same. We've already seen in eps as early as 'Rising' and later in 'Conversion' that 'Atlantis' doesn't function properly unless it's John and Elizabeth-together-running the show.
      Good point, Bama, although I keep thinking about "Hot Zone." John didn't listen to Elizabeth, and like she said, didn't trust her. And the problem would be solved faster if they trusted each other. But after that I think their relationship and trust has developed even further.
      But you're right, the problems are solved better when John and Elizabeth are both in charge. I'm, not sure if they realize it, but this trust and understanding between them is very healthy for the developing friendship, and later, into something more.
      Last edited by Erised; 29 December 2005, 12:44 PM.


        Dorka, loved the spoiler! Great.

        Bama, you're so right (as always I'll never get used to your amazing analysing abilities *bows again* <- like I did in my very first post ).
        That's why I loved Hot Zone so much cuz it showed that the whole thing only works if they're working together.


          Originally posted by Dorka
          O.K here some extracts from the's too long, I don't want to write down the whole thing

          I can't really imagine Elizabeth speaking these sentences (even if I know it's not really Liz!)
          Wow! Dorka! That's great stuff!!! Two things stand out to me in this.
          First, interesting that she, even sarcastically, continues to refer to herself as halan's "wife". Makes me more and more curious about their previous personal relationship. And, I love how halan and phoebus are like an 'antonym' for Shep and Weir's feelings of trust and care for each other.
          And boy are you right, Torri had to have had a ball doing this! These lines are to die for! She gets to 'act' completely opposite of Elizabeth!!


            Woaaaaaah Dorka !!
            The "you die" is just huge !!


              Originally posted by Erised
              *squee!* Dorka, I think
              it's just worth hearing "your wife" said by Elizabeth's voice. It would sound so sparky, I think, even thought it's not really them.

              Good point, Bama, although I keep thinking about "Hot Zone." John didn't listen to Elizabeth, and like she said, didn't trust her. And the problem would be solved faster if they trusted each other. But after that I think their relationship and trust has developed even further.
              But you're right, the problems are solved better when John and Elizabeth are both in charge. I'm, not sure if they realize it, but this trust and understanding between them is very healthy for the developing friendship, and later, into something more.
              I think Hot Zone was a very important episode in terms of their mutual leadership and development of trust. I just wish they wouldn't have been interrupted in the discussion they had in the end.

              Dorka - awesome stuff!! I can't really imagine Elizabeth saying those things either but it makes me want to see this episode even more - if that is in any way possible anymore
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                ^^I so can't wait to see this ep!
                You're right Dorka, these words from Liz's lips...
                I know that the result will be many many sweet fics...


                  Originally posted by Finnstardust
                  I think Hot Zone was a very important episode in terms of their mutual leadership and development of trust. I just wish they wouldn't have been interrupted in the discussion they had in the end.
                  That's exactly what I thought! They are always interrupted by other people when something big or sparky is about to be said. First it was in 38 Minutes. I think the way Ford interrupted was kind of cheesy though. People don't normally interrupt when someone wants to say his/her last words .
                  "I need you to trust me" was a very, very important line (and sparky!). I haven't really noticed any more problems with their trust towards each other, unless I'm forgetting something.


                    Ha, I just got 10 Pages... I cyberhugged Kat for it

                    So, here the most interesting lines:


                    Teyla, it’s me.

                    Don’t waste your breath trying to convince me you are John Sheppard. I do not believe you.

                    Don’t you see what they’re doing here? They’re pitting us against each another. You know me…

                    WEIRS VOICE – booms into the corridor, interrupting.

                    Oh, please, you call that acting?

                    Weir SEES Sheppard staring at her onscreen.

                    Halan. There’s that look of defeat again.

                    Wrong again. Still hatred.


                    Sheppard pleads to Teyla.

                    She’s just going to come for me, you can’t leave me like this…

                    I will not let her harm you.

                    You don’t understand how determined she is…
                    (he grimaces in pain)
                    You can’t let her win…



                    Is that really you…?

                    Well… There’s just no way you’re gonne believe me, so I’m not even going to try.

                    WEIR (S.O.):
                    Stand away from him and up against the wall.

                    ON TEYLA – the stunner in her hand, her back still to Weir, leaves it surreptitiously on his chest near his bound hands.

                    He’s unconscious…

                    I don’t know how many bullets are left in this thing, or I already would have shot you. I said BACK OFF!

                    Teyla does, slowly, hands up in the air.

                    WEIR – steps forward, slowly from the far end.

                    CLOSE ON SHEPPARD’S BOUND HAND – grasping the handle of the stunner…

                    Unconscious or not, I want to see his face.

                    SHEPPARD – raises the stunner and BLASTS WEIR before she can get off a shot at him.

                    She collapses to her knees wearing a shocked expression, and then falls.


                    I've got the whole ending scene too...but it's long so I'll separate it


                      WOW Dorka I'm not even going to be able to see TLG in a few days and reading all these goodies I'm getting so excited!!!!!! Thanks for all the great sparky spoilerage!!!!! Your so good to us.

                      I can't wait to find out the reactions of the other people who witness the kiss. That should be interesting!


                        Dorka, wow! thank you!!!
                        that's just amazing! Ok I can't wait for the episode anymore
                        he shoots her???? Oh no! Damn it

                        The ending? ooh... I don't know how about you guys, but I can't resist highlighting all the spoilers. Do we really want to know the ending?


                          Dorka, did I ever tell you how much I love you?
                          It's time for a squee!

                          If you go on posting lines I'm gonna squee myself to death.
                          C.O.D.: squeeing caused by Dorka


                            O.K here the ending scene of TLG ....soooo sweet!

                            I made the font a little smaller so it won't be tooo big!


                            Sheppard enters the infirmary to see Weir, who’s in bed.

                            Good morning.

                            There you are. Whats-her-name sure hung in there for a while.

                            It was the strangest feeling… The entire time I was shouting to everyone but nothing would come out of my mouth.

                            I know, it was awful. Especially when you shot Ronon.

                            I wasn’t the one who –

                            I know, I know, it was her.
                            He’s gonna be fine, by the way, I just came from post op. Teyla and Rodney are still there…

                            Did he believe you were you?

                            To be honest I think the only people who believe one hundred percent are you, Beckett and me.

                            CALDWELL (O.S.):
                            And me.

                            Caldwell enters having overheard.

                            In fact, I can safely say that I know how you feel.


                            Thank you for everything, Colonel.

                            I los complete control of the city and nearly got half your personnel killed.

                            On the contrary, you kept a potentially explosive situation from getting out of hand.
                            You forget we were there. Sort of.

                            For what it’s worth, McKay says you did good.

                            Caldwell seems almost touched by that.

                            Did he? Well… maybe there’s hope for me yet.

                            Oh, please don’t believe what –

                            I’m kidding, Doctor. Don’t give it another thought.
                            Well, I’m headed back to Deadalus. I’m sure you’ll agree with me the paperwork is going to be a nightmare on this one.

                            Yessir… it is.

                            Don’t try to kill each other while I’m gone.

                            Caldwell leaves the room...


                              Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
                              ^^I so can't wait to see this ep!
                              You're right Dorka, these words from Liz's lips...
                              I know that the result will be many many sweet fics...
                              Oh my...if there were EVER an episode to watch every single facial expression in, THIS IS IT. With
                              J and E 'inside' them and you know trying to 'fight' the possession with all their might, albeit unsuccessfully, there is always a chance that J and E will 'peek' thru and that's yet another thing that makes this episode fascinating. When and where do those glimpses of the 'real' J and E still inside 'happen'?


                                Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
                                Dorka, did I ever tell you how much I love you?
                                It's time for a squee!

                                If you go on posting lines I'm gonna squee myself to death.
                                C.O.D.: squeeing caused by Dorka
                                That was my last one... I hope you are still alive...don't want to have Grissom & Co before my door

