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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Bama
    I agree he should have told her but I only have a huge problem with him 'putting it off' if he SLEPT with her! You just DO NOT ! do my Elizabeth sweetie that way. I don't think he did though because I think instead of tears from her, we'd have seen her slapping the Bleep outta him. She is not a doormat type.

    Look, I love Elizabeth, but she did send the guy a video and then left him with no way of contacting her for a year. And if they'd slept together - that made what she did to him worse. Yes, technically, Simon should have told her right off, but I can understand why he would feel he didn't owe her anything. But the bottom line is that they both screwed up here. Neither of them should get a medal for the way they handled things.

    Now the difference between Simon and John is that once John got the video from Elizabeth, he'd hijack a plane, land in Colorado Springs, go black ops on everybody until he found her and forced her to repeat her message to his face. Then, after tellng her off, he'd make her take him with her.

    Good sci fi is about special effects. Great sci fi is about people.


      Originally posted by manybleemsago
      Look, I love Elizabeth, but she did send the guy a video and then left him with no way of contacting her for a year. And if they'd slept together - that made what she did to him worse. Yes, technically, Simon should have told her right off, but I can understand why he would feel he didn't owe her anything. But the bottom line is that they both screwed up here. Neither of them should get a medal for the way they handled things.

      Now the difference between Simon and John is that once John got the video from Elizabeth, he'd hijack a plane, land in Colorado Springs, go black ops on everybody until he found her and forced her to repeat her message to his face. Then, after tellng her off, he'd make her take him with her.
      heh heh...yep, somethin definitely wrong with that relationship. Pretty cheezy of her to send a video to him but maybe that was the only alternative she had because of security reasons? Dunno. I remember that the video said "*if* he got to watch it -it was because the pres. had cleared him* I took it to really mean that not all was smoozy between them and perhaps he hadn't even seen her in quite some time. Even the fact that she was seriously considering the assignment was a big fat red light indicator that it wasn't too good with them imo.

      At the same time, I really don't think he was such a cad that he would have bedded Eliz. in some 'welcome home' nookie while his current love swung in the wind.

      Regardless, he's done for her and I think that's a very good thing. He was not anywhere near what she needed it didn't appear.


        Originally posted by manybleemsago
        Yeah, I know. I was just tossin' the idea out there.

        I'm laughing at myself right now, because I said a long time ago, when I first gave into this ship, that I would be content if they just stayed friends. Oh, the paradigm shift that can occur in just a few short months...
        Heh! Yeah, I get cha. You get caught up in it sometimes and impatience bites the buttocks. ; )

        But from day ONE, I knew I'd never be 'satisfied' to see these two just be professional 'buddies'. It has been so much more from the beginning.


          Hi all! I'm new to this whole forum and posting thing but thought I'd take a moment to say hello.

          I'm a huge Sheppard/Weir shipper (aren't we all?) and have been so since, well, the earliest episode. I've read most of the oldest and newest posts and I can pretty much assume I'm a lot younger than most of you (not implying anything here) but I hope you won't mind if I join in occassionally.

          Anyway, gotta run off and do some schoolwork, even though we're on break now here in Australia, but hi and Sheppard/Weir forever!

          "Hope is the pillar that holds up the world. Hope is the dream of a waking man." - Pliny the Elder

          "Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward in the same direction." - Antoine de Exlepery


            Oookay, just some thoughts about tonight's Episodes.


            I really liked the teamwork here. And I loved how Weir was being friendly with Ronon, but I was semi-shocked that he didn't act friendlier.

            Hm... maybe he knows to stay away from John's woman.

            I thought it was a cool episode to watch.

            Now The Lost Boys

            Well what can I say? Totally awesome episode. I found it a bit amusing how Teyla and Ronon were practically beating the frak out of each other but it was more like... play fighting in their oppinion. I thought that was cute

            Now, the basics. I would have thought that Adien would have wanted to go home. I wasn't surprized that he'd told John that he had wanted to return home and how he used John like that but I was surprized that he *used* the topic to *use* John. I actually thought that he wanted to go home.

            Now, Elizabeth. And Lorne. I don't like how soft they made Elizabeth. I mean, if I was not a Shep/Weir shipper I would have thought that Elizabeth was trying too hard to get that one team back but since I am, we all know that she needs her man. So, I didn't mind that too much.

            Lorne, what can I say. What a guy! He's so sweet!!! -melts into mush-
            I love how supportive he was being when Elizabeth was being a bit troubled by Shep's absence. He's such a sweetie.

            And the last scene *may* have had the potential to be John/Teyla but I was relieved (and surprised) that it didn't happen. I mean, John was going to his death and the only word of protest was that of Ronon. (Mushy shexiness that's for sure! ) And Teyla didn't go to watch John go off but she *went* to Ronon to help him!

            And the *very* last scene... the wraith looked female and I was wondering if it could have been Ellia. Could it?


              Originally posted by Simple Hope
              Hi all! I'm new to this whole forum and posting thing but thought I'd take a moment to say hello.

              I'm a huge Sheppard/Weir shipper (aren't we all?) and have been so since, well, the earliest episode. I've read most of the oldest and newest posts and I can pretty much assume I'm a lot younger than most of you (not implying anything here) but I hope you won't mind if I join in occassionally.

              Anyway, gotta run off and do some schoolwork, even though we're on break now here in Australia, but hi and Sheppard/Weir forever!
              Well, we all have our secrets. ; )

              And welcome Simple Hope!!!!


                Originally posted by xkawaiix
                Oookay, just some thoughts about tonight's Episodes.

                Now, Elizabeth. And Lorne. I don't like how soft they made Elizabeth. I mean, if I was not a Shep/Weir shipper I would have thought that Elizabeth was trying too hard to get that one team back but since I am, we all know that she needs her man. So, I didn't mind that too much.

                Lorne, what can I say. What a guy! He's so sweet!!! -melts into mush-
                I love how supportive he was being when Elizabeth was being a bit troubled by Shep's absence. He's such a sweetie.
                I know what you mean. I'm kinda hoping they cut back on her emotional display a little. I like that Elizabeth is loosening up, but I'm an Elizabeth fan first and foremost, and then I'm a S/W shipper. I don't want the ptb to do to Elizabeth what they've done to Teyla. Teyla's character, as I've recently discussed at length in the Teyla Appreciation Thread, has become completely defined by the men of SGA. In season one, they placed all of Teyla's interactions around John, and now, she's being played around Ronon. I do not want that to happen with Weir!!!! Men, or even just a man (Sheppard), should not define Weir. She already had better development than that, so let's not regress, yes? Develop the character first, then the ship. Don't get mad at me, but tptb almost have it backwards!

                . . . But, for the season opener, I'm thinking that Elizabeth is going to come to the rescue! I can honestly see her riding in with the calvary! Ohhh, such a pretty notion.

                Originally posted by xkawaiix

                And the last scene *may* have had the potential to be John/Teyla but I was relieved (and surprised) that it didn't happen. I mean, John was going to his death and the only word of protest was that of Ronon. (Mushy shexiness that's for sure! ) And Teyla didn't go to watch John go off but she *went* to Ronon to help him!
                You know, as much as I would want to make this a minor R/T moment, it didn't do it for me.
                You know that a lot of S/T fans are going to pick up on the fact that when John woke up, his head was in Teyla's lap. But then, she practically does the same thing with Ronon after he gets stunned. So, personally, I didn't see *either* cuddling as particularly shippy. I just thought it was Teyla helping out the accident-prone men in her team! But that's R/T talk, and has no place in this thread!! Opps, my bad.
                Last edited by Whistler84; 23 September 2005, 06:47 PM.

                Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                  I dunno...usually I like to let an ep 'settle' a bit before I post anything...but this cliff-hanger one 'The Lost Boys'...I have to admit, I was a 'tad' disappointed in and I don't think that was totally because it was

                  Personally, I just don't much care for Ford and never have so that the entire ep was semi-centered on his character just didn't 'do it' for me. I hated that cheezy looking ship and those monitors of Ford's 'science' team -gag-looked like something out of a bad 1960s 'Twilight Zone' ep. I was just waiting for Rod Sterling's voice to come over the speaker:
                  "This is a team-lost in space-taking enzymes to get high-will their friend turn on them? - Will they get home? - Or- are they to be forever lost in the-Twilight Zone?" Cue music.

                  The entire ep had that sort of ...'dry' tone for me with the exception of a few scenes. Of course, before I complain too much, let me admit that I am first and foremost a characterization nutso and I love character-driven stories so anytime there is an almost total plot-driven story, I'm like half paying attention. But I noticed even my sci-fi sg1/sga lovin husband was noddin off a bit at times in this one. John, to me, even looked as if he were about to nod off in this one at various times, so maybe I wasn't alone.

                  I DID like a few things really well. Loved the Ronon / Teyla tossing/eating scene. That was pure fun.

                  Loved...Major Lorne. He is so cute and he just has a way of making an ep better and more pleasant when he's there. He and Weir had the whole big sister/little brother sweet thing goin on too and he always senses when she's worried over John. I love how he watches over her for his head honcho. He's her own little 'guarddog' while her man is away. I'd love to see Shep give him a direct order regarding his 'protection' of Elizabeth at some point.

                  Rodney bein all 'wraithed' up just got on my nerves. I like him much better 'normal'. Is that weird of me? ; )

                  Did anyone else besides me go "NO!" when Weir announced that Caldwell's ship was headed back to Atlantis? ; ) I was going, 'no babe, radio him back and tell him that he is NOT needed and to keep his bald self back on earth!' But then the other part of me was goin, "YES!" Bring you on back you old weasely ******* so Weir can tell you to bite her ass some more. ; )

                  I'm not big on all the 'fighting' stuff all the time but I must admit it was pretty well done and I wanted to see Ronon bust Ford a big one. I hope he gets his chance in 'The Hive'. Ronon was just 'doin it' for me in this ep. He's sexy in the oddest of machoman ways and I love that he loves Shep. He shows more emotion over Shep than does Teyla. (Are we surprised at this point?)
                  Oh, and that lap thingy? Sheylas can howl if they like on that one but did she not grab big man Ronon in the very next scene. Teyla has this protectiveness about her the same as most women.

                  And oh yeah boy, shep was really worried about her wasn't he? Yep, Ford, you just keep shootin her veins full of enzyme and we'll let the chips fall where they may. Again, a very evident indicator that there are no real 'deep' feelings from Shep to Teyla. Can you guys imagine if someone had even grabbed Elizabeth's arm what his reaction might have been? Much less shootin drugs in her system?

                  It's a good thing most likely they kept away from each other in this one. If Elizabeth gets too much more face to face worry with him, she might just explode. Which brings me to...

                  Get Elizabeth off her duff when she's worried and doing something. I wasn't satisfied with her pacing around and asking Lorne questions and worrying-again. I don't know...the man in distress and woman worried bit is a bit of overkill of late. Let's do some worry the opposite direction in the second half guys and get back to more of those intimate/heated conversations shall we? Yes, let's.

                  But I sense a pull back by TPTB on the 'shippy' intense throttle? I kind of felt like both the eps tonight were an intentional 'slow down' after conversion.

                  I will say the spec. effects at the end were cool. The last 10 mins of storyline were the best of the ep imo. We finally got john captured by some wraith and Elizabeth getting really upset and at wit's end and ready to do something more I sensed. I think she and caldwell are going to go toe to toe over how to get her shep when he gets his bald self back to atlantis in the next ep.
                  Now, in the conclusion, if I could get Ford killed off for good, Elizabeth barking at folks to -GET HER MAN- or she'll do it HERSELF and following thru, Ronon kicking some wraith tail, and John getting tortured just a bit before the wraith realize he's got a bit of an immunity to them, then a big ol happy John/Eliz. reunion, I'd be a happy camper.

                  Last edited by Bama; 23 September 2005, 07:35 PM.


                    Originally posted by Bama
                    I dunno...usually I like to let an ep 'settle' a bit before I post anything...but this cliff-hanger one 'The Lost Boys'...I have to admit, I was a 'tad' disappointed in and I don't think that was totally because it was

                    Bama, I think we've been spoiled. In season one, both the mid-season finale and the season finale were laced with S/W overtones. Especially, when they ended with Elizabeth in trouble in the Storm, and then in Siege II, of course, the 39:30 moment. (Not to mention this season's Siege III, which was a S/W smorgusboard!)

                    So, for this season finale, I guess I was hoping for the trend to continue. Alas, nothing particularly squee-worthy. I still thought the episode was great, though. Just not enough Weir in it. But (and I know I said this already) I've got a feeling the season opener is going to be great in that regard!!!
                    I can so *totally* see Weir-to-the-rescue!!! Ha!

                    Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                    I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                    Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                      So we're up to five people this season acknowledging something when it comes to Elizabeth and John, right? Rodney, Caldwell, Carson, Lorne, and Ford?

                      The Lost Boys was as advertised. A bit slow, as most of their two-parters are in the first half. A couple observations, though – John has obviously been paying too much attention to Elizabeth's lack of jewelry and plotting when best to get her more and too little attention to the private Wraith lessons she's been trying to give him. And as a former denizen of Star Wars fandom, the Artoo line cracked me up.

                      Hmm, there was something else... Oh yes. I don't know how involved Elizabeth will be in the rescue effort in "The Hive". I have all of one line involving her, and it's that she's in her office with Caldwell and someone else.
                      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                      Last update: 14 April 2006
                      Melyanna's Multimedia
                      Last update: 15 February 2006


                        Originally posted by Melyanna
                        So we're up to five people this season acknowledging something when it comes to Elizabeth and John, right? Rodney, Caldwell, Carson, Lorne, and Ford?

                        The Lost Boys was as advertised. A bit slow, as most of their two-parters are in the first half. A couple observations, though – John has obviously been paying too much attention to Elizabeth's lack of jewelry and plotting when best to get her more and too little attention to the private Wraith lessons she's been trying to give him. And as a former denizen of Star Wars fandom, the Artoo line cracked me up.

                        Hmm, there was something else... Oh yes. I don't know how involved Elizabeth will be in the rescue effort in "The Hive". I have all of one line involving her, and it's that she's in her office with Caldwell and someone else.
                        No, Melyanna. Don't crush my hope! lalalalala. Not listening. Not listening.

                        Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                        I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                        Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                          Originally posted by Whistler84
                          No, Melyanna. Don't crush my hope! lalalalala. Not listening. Not listening.
                          Not trying to crush your hopes, just stave off the inevitable bombardment of people asking me how much Weir's going to be in the episode. All I know is that she's got at least one scene, probably in the middle of Act III, judging from the page number.

                          Oh, I knew I forgot something! "The Hive"
                          The Wraith chick at the end? We find out in the next episode that she's the Wraith queen.
                          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                          Last update: 14 April 2006
                          Melyanna's Multimedia
                          Last update: 15 February 2006


                            Originally posted by Whistler84
                            Bama, I think we've been spoiled. In season one, both the mid-season finale and the season finale were laced with S/W overtones. Especially, when they ended with Elizabeth in trouble in the Storm, and then in Siege II, of course, the 39:30 moment. (Not to mention this season's Siege III, which was a S/W smorgusboard!)

                            So, for this season finale, I guess I was hoping for the trend to continue. Alas, nothing particularly squee-worthy. I still thought the episode was great, though. Just not enough Weir in it. But (and I know I said this already) I've got a feeling the season opener is going to be great in that regard!!!
                            I can so *totally* see Weir-to-the-rescue!!! Ha!
                            Probably so Whistler. I always 'look' for my Shep/Weir stuff in the eps and totally dig the interconnected eps like all the previous 'finales' and 'premieres' have been. I do think that was *some* of my disappointment but again, I just *do not like* Ford. I never have and I knew his 'resolution' set of eps was coming and I wasn't excited to begin with about the whole 'plot'. I'm more interested in how john reacts to the obvious impending loss of his friend and ex-teammate. I'm bettin Ford gets to finally 'deem himself hero-worthy' by giving it all to save the rest of the team. I'd so love to see john 'dealing' with that loss and Elizabeth helping him thru that. I can SO see a quiet balcony talk coming. (Oh please!) I do love how very loyal john is to his friends and he has been ford this whole time. I bet at the very least Eliz. will go to bat for both john and ford in the next ep with caldwell and his big 'You got to cut em loose' attitude. Honestly, after watching aurora, it doesn't seem to me as if Caldwell would mind a bit if John bit the big one. Growl. I'd like to bite him-and not in a sexy way. Snarl.

                            I do think the next half the ep will be much better as Mel points out. The special effects ala star wars were rather cool and well done on small budgets. Techs always amaze me on sci-fi shows at times. But hey, my heart belongs to those editors.

                            And honestly, after these two eps, if *anyone* says I'm just shipping Teyla-Ronon to keep her away from Shep, I'll give you a
                            Those two are just about ready to join the Shep/Weir 'So Doing It.' club.


                              Originally posted by Melyanna
                              Not trying to crush your hopes, just stave off the inevitable bombardment of people asking me how much Weir's going to be in the episode. All I know is that she's got at least one scene, probably in the middle of Act III, judging from the page number.

                              Oh, I knew I forgot something! "The Hive"
                              The Wraith chick at the end? We find out in the next episode that she's the Wraith queen.
                              Hey Mel, can you tell me how many scenes Elizabeth has in the next episode?

                              Just wanted to beat the 'rush'. LOL!


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                Hey Mel, can you tell me how many scenes Elizabeth has in the next episode?

                                Just wanted to beat the 'rush'. LOL!
                                In the immortal words of Joss Whedon: "Grr. Argh."
                                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                                Last update: 14 April 2006
                                Melyanna's Multimedia
                                Last update: 15 February 2006

