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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Bama
    Agree about this thread zooming. But it's the best SGA thread on the net!

    As for 'where' this
    kiss leads...I hope folks don't think of this kiss as one that should inevitably lead to a lot of sudden sexual progression for them. That's not what it will do. Imo, what it will do for them is give them and the mass audience a first look at sexual contact between the two. Up until this, many casual viewers, unlike us shippers have a hard time 'creating' a vision of Shep and Weir as potentially lovers because well...some people just don't glean eps for the little things we all see and others don't understand what the little things we all know are 'signs' really mean. In other words, many people need whopping up the side of the head as to the possibility. THAT is what this scene does. It introduces a possibility of such eventual personal action between the two for the mainstream to taste and start becoming accustomed to. I've been chewing on the timing of this 'first glance look at a sexual kiss' and I think now, if indeed TPTB are going with Shep and Weir as it seems, that this is a smart move on their part. The longer a pair goes without anything sexual being shown between them, the harder it is sometimes for the audience to buy into it later.

    Another great thing this kiss does for Shep and Weir personally is that it will l create a memory marker for them to use later. A second kiss won't seem as jarring to them either when the opportunity arises because they've done it before-even if it wasn't their choice. Actually, this may make the second kiss and first 'chosen' kiss between them be even more meaningful because the first was forced upon them.

    Does any of this make any sense?
    Yes!..I totally see where your going!


    I've been lurking on a couple of threads and the whole Kiss scene was a total shocker for them ( I could hear their Jaws hitting the floor!) They never saw it coming..
    And while it was a shock for them, they weren't against it either!...Their only concern was that TPTB would make the same mistake and go about the romance the wrong way.

    Everyone can argue that 'it wasn't them was the Aliens' And yes, they're was the aliens. BUT both felt the kiss whether they wanted to or not...they can't ignore that!
    I think this will be a huge wake up call for them both. People can't tell me that they can go about their normal routine and NOT ever think about that kiss and how good it felt...

    what do you think?

    Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

    LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

    Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


      Well, I'm back. Two days with the 87 year old parents, and I come back to this. I wonder if Doc Beckett has any of that retrovirus that keeps people lucid left? Anyway, I thought my Sparky senses were tingling on the way home. I haven't unpacked. There's no food in the house. But I've got frozen pizza and wine, and Hubby is out of town. Good times!

      Welcome to all the new folks. Pooh, you are one of my favorite people. Even my husband enjoyed your unfortunate turkey incident story, and Rose, love your fics.

      I'm living proof that you're never too old to squee!

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Originally posted by Major_Moomin

        what do you think?
        I totally agree.

        Considering that they fight against and try to kill each other the kiss is the only good memory they'll have imo. I guess TLG pushes them to their limits. Liz recognizes that she uses violence if needed and *is* able to hurt people physically and John that he has feelings for Liz. They both do things they normally wouldn't but they did and they have to deal with this fact. And the consequences.

        Other thoughts?


          I made 2 TLG (SPOILER!) icons...wanted to make a Wallpaper first, but picture quality freaks me out

          Here we go:


            Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
            I totally agree.

            Considering that they fight against and try to kill each other the kiss is the only good memory they'll have imo. I guess TLG pushes them to their limits. Liz recognizes that she uses violence if needed and *is* able to hurt people physically and John that he has feelings for Liz. They both do things they normally wouldn't but they did and they have to deal with this fact. And the consequences.

            Other thoughts?
            I guess that moment in "Crictical Mass" where
            she crosses that line in authorizing the torturing of Kavanugh. Kind of leads in to and hints at a darker Elizabeth. So when Phoebus has control of Elizabeth's body, it just shows that Elizabeth can do a lot more than she lets out. Since we all know Elizabeth is always holding back. Who didn't want Elizabeth to just deck Kavanaugh in that one scene? Imagine if Kavanaugh was in "TLG" he would total get his butt kicked, and Elizabeth can say Phoebus made me do it!


              Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
              But I'm really lookin' forward to vids I have to admit.
              And you'll see plenty of them when the episode airs.


                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                You write some of the best fan fic. . .welcome!!

                We need a Christmas Jor!
                Thanks! Been around for a while, I just find LJ easier to work with/keep up with.


                  I watched Critical Mass and I really liked that last scene
                  where John goes to Elizabeth's office to tell her about Zelenka. It was cute that he went to her to have a laugh about Zelanka. It was also nice that she confided in him her feelings about her actions. I also loved the scene when they find out that Caldwell is a goa'uld. John just looks at Elizabeth and she looks back at him and she knows to leave because he and Ronon are going to beat the crap out of Caldwell to get the code from him. It was tacit and I just love that they can communicate that way.
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                    Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                    Welcome to all the newbies!!

                    Rose-wilde-irish:...I LOVE your fics!!...write more please

                    Hatch: Love Jor!
                    Hee. I'm always writing or trying to find time & inspiration to. Problem is I suck at updating. LJ always has my stuff, but Command Dynamics and Atlantica are behind. *shame*


                      Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
                      Considering that they fight against and try to kill each other the kiss is the only good memory they'll have imo.

                      Other thoughts?
                      JenSyn, that is a good point as well!
                      I do think this kiss will serve as something a bit different for each of them. With John, I think it helps continue his 'wake-up' call that began with The Eye and continued in Siege 3 (hug). This woman is special to him in ways he can't grasp the totality of yet. John seems to see himself in a certain, concrete way and I think that may bleed over into the way he sees himself with women in his life as well. His relationship with Elizabeth began deep and has just gotten deeper. For him to have a guilt-free opportunity to have physical sexual contact with her this way gives him a chance to continue to further digest what she is coming to mean to him-and accept it.

                      In Elizabeth's case, I think she's much more 'in tune' with her own emotions but here, she's seeing her professional life and her personal ideals spiralling out of her control. You say this will be the only good memory she'll have of this horrific and emotional event, and that would be correct though I'm not positive she'll even look at it at first glance as a good thing. She has to watch as *her* body agressively initiates the kiss on John's. That may terrify her actually. It may make her believe that John may want out of her corner. It may make her doubt that she's what he needs. But, I think in the long-run, she'll have the memory and it will serve to strengthen the bond between them. When he's there to help her thru the dark period she's about to enter into, she may grasp that brief memory and her true feelings about him to help her hold to John even tighter as her lifeline.

                      Last edited by Bama; 07 December 2005, 11:27 AM.


                        Wow, this TLG spoiler news has really eclipsed any discussion on Critical Mass. I thought that there would be a little pause to talk about the recent episode, but this
                        is really big news. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but I'm just surprised that there isn't much talk about any cute moments from Critical Mass. Well, I haven't gone through all of the pages, so maybe I missed something.

                        Edit: Yup, I just went back 2 pages and found the discussion for Critical Mass. I should really look harder.
                        Last edited by ranchan2; 07 December 2005, 11:22 AM.
                        Shop through Big Crumbs for your online purchases to receive a little bit of your money back.


                          Originally posted by ranchan2
                          Wow, this TLG spoiler news has really eclipsed any discussion on Critical Mass. I thought that there would be a little pause to talk about the recent episode, but this
                          is really big news. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but I'm just surprised that there isn't much talk about any cute moments from Critical Mass. Well, I haven't gone through all of the pages, so maybe I missed something.
                          Well, there wasn't really much shipwise in "Critical Mass". Other than
                          some moments when John and Elizabeth are alone talking about the impending doom of the city about to be blown up...again. And the nice ending when John comes and talks to Elizabeth and she confides him him.

                          Not much shippy conversations, but I guess John and Elizabeth haven't failed us yet when it comes to the body language department. Lots of nice looks to each other for support or mind reading. Also this episode really shows, how John and Elizabeth have become more comfortable around each other.

                          He walks over to read over her shoulder, sitting on her desk, coming to tell her she has to go see what the kids did to Zelenka's face, comforting her uneasiness for making a tough decision.

                          Okay, I guess there was quite a bit of stuff. But I think most of our brains are broken from "TLG" spoilers.


                            Originally posted by ranchan2
                            Wow, this TLG spoiler news has really eclipsed any discussion on Critical Mass. I thought that there would be a little pause to talk about the recent episode,
                            but this kiss is really big news
                            . I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but I'm just surprised that there isn't much talk about any cute moments from Critical Mass. Well, I haven't gone through all of the pages, so maybe I missed something.
                            Don't worry too much, we'll definitely get to it. So far Critical Mass has only aired in Canada so many people still haven't seen it, whereas spoilers are open to anyone who wants to read 'em. Wait till the screen caps and...various other stuff are out and there'll probably be more of a stir.


                              Originally posted by hail_dorothy
                              Don't worry too much, we'll definitely get to it. So far Critical Mass has only aired in Canada so many people still haven't seen it, whereas spoilers are open to anyone who wants to read 'em. Wait till the screen caps and...various other stuff are out and there'll probably be more of a stir.
                              I would post up some more screen caps, but alas I'm at work. No access to the episode. Maybe tonight. I'll get some up.


                                Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                                Dude, it was in the bunch of the newest spoielrs. If you missed that then there could be other stuff you've missed TLG spoilers
                                I can see why the discussion for TLG hasn't died down. I just finished reading these new spoilers and I could feel my heart beating faster in my chest.
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