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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Hatcheter
    This thread is moving ridiculously fast. Welcome to all the newcomers, glad you're here. (How many more are gonna appear when the actual episode airs?) Don't eat the mints, unless you don't mind the chalky texture, and watch your fingers when petting our baby giant space dragon mascot.

    Speaking of Jor, I found him in the closet, preparing for black ops against rival ships:

    I think he used a permanent marker for his 'camouflage'. This isn't gonna wash off any time soon.
    Aww... he looks evil. yes you are a evil little baby giant space dragon...

    Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


      Originally posted by macktheknife
      Aww... he looks evil. yes you are a evil little baby giant space dragon...
      But a CUTE evil little baby giant space dragon

      Lovebar made by natz099
      My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


        Welcome to all the newbies!!

        Rose-wilde-irish:...I LOVE your fics!!...write more please

        Hatch: Love Jor!

        Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

        LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

        Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


          My word... we have been busy... Pity not everyone shares our enthusiasm for the possibilities of this relationship going to the next level. I must admit to being surprised at the fact that they're going that way so soon.
          While I am excited about the implications of TLG, I really hope that TPTB aren't going to botch this relationship up the way they did with a certain another pairing. I care a lot more about Atlantis and I really want it to do well... and I've come to appreciate both Sheppard and Weir as individuals and I certainly don't want them to sink under the weight of any "shippiness" or have their integrity compromised.

          The subtext has become the full text within a context of a pretext...
          "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


            Lookie what we have here (In the background, not the hand )

            Lovebar made by natz099
            My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


              Whaa....only 12 hours away and 5 pages to guys rock

              And by the way...we passed 15'000

              I really love you interpretations of TLG...but there was too much TLG soooo, I watched Critical mass a few hours ago and

              I totaly love this episodes...for many reasons, but I think I'll only write down the Shep/weir reasons here

              When Elizabeth was going through the member list and John stepping in and walking directly behind her desk watching at her computer I was like: "No, I wouldn't let anyone do that...not even my boss" but then I was like: "O.k it's John and she trusts him!" I mean she could have had ANYTHING on that Screen right
              They can't stop looking at each other My favourite scene was kinda more the one, when they beamed Caldwell in... Elizabeth and John were standing there like : "We can fight long es we are together" reminded me on my sig Whaaa...and the look they gave each other before Elizabeth left the room...I was melting
              The End-scene was nice too...I love John trying to comfort Liz...even if he couldn't really. He's there for her!
              That carpet thing really freaks me out first the jar with the mints and now this carpet...but hey, maybe there is a hole behind, where she has her secretly chocolat-bar ration or she has tonns of jello-pulver

              I so gonna write a post-episode fanfic...when I was lying in my bed yesterday, I had these scene in my mind... I think I have to bring it on paper...or better on viritual paper
              Last edited by Dorka; 07 December 2005, 03:34 AM.


                I don't think anybody's posted this fic before.

                Warzones by Mandy's*****. A different kind of Shep/Weir fic, nicely written and the author has a good insight into Elizabeth's thinking. Spoilers up to Seige III.


                  Originally posted by Dorka
                  I totaly love this episodes...for many reasons, but I think I'll only write down the Shep/weir reasons here

                  When Elizabeth was going through the member list and John stepping in and walking directly behind her desk watching at her computer I was like: "No, I wouldn't let anyone do that...not even my boss" but then I was like: "O.k it's John and she trusts him!" I mean she could have had ANYTHING on that Screen right
                  They can't stop looking at each other My favourite scene was kinda more the one, when they beamed Caldwell in... Elizabeth and John were standing there like : "We can fight long es we are together" reminded me on my sig Whaaa...and the look they gave each other before Elizabeth left the room...I was melting
                  The End-scene was nice too...I love John trying to comfort Liz...even if he couldn't really. He's there for her!
                  That carpet thing really freaks me out first the jar with the mints and now this carpet...but hey, maybe there is a hole behind, where she has her secretly chocolat-bar ration or she has tonns of jello-pulver
                  I'm glad you posted this, Dorka. I'm throwing in my two cent before we get back to squeeing over TLB.

                  Critical Mass
                  I thought it was a great episode, right up there with Before I Sleep character development wise for Elizabeth. For me, Carl Binder reinforced his status as the best and only writer in the Stargate franchise who can write women. I kinda liked the way Teyla's singing overlapped the plot (I know many people didn't), I only wish it hadn't been so poorly dubbed.

                  Sparky bits: I kept expecting Kavanagh to reproach her about her feelings for Sheppard when he went on the "you're driven by emotion, not reason" tirade. Long shot, I know. All those little things made me squee like when she was considering torture, she kept looking at John for support. The silent agreement between them for her to leave the room when things got rough with Caldwell. In the end, he tried his best to console her, notice how his voice changes when it gets personal, but of course one sentence wasn't going to erase the damage caused by "overstepping the line".

                  All in all, brilliant script, all my favourite guest stars (Hermiod told Kavanagh to shut up, yay), the pacing was good despite that Athosian B-plot (or was it C-plot?). They managed to squeeze in so many characters and so much plot in just 43 minutes. *claps*


                    Originally posted by Buggy542
                    Juli! You've returned!
                    Nice transcript. I must ask, did you memorize that?
                    Hey lady!! Yes I've returned and... slap! hahaha! No I downloaded it so I just went and replayed the end... 3 times... it was for accurate typing purposes of course...

                    Welcome all new people!! Mints??

                    Hah! Fancy seeing you around!!

                    I must say on every level (not just sparky... gasp!) I really enjoyed this episode it was very stargate at its best. Danger, Intrigue and
                    I was sitting there just screaming at the tv most of the time lol! I loved it!
                    Citizen of Braneville


                      OMF*******G!!!!! critical mass is sooooooooooo good, just saw it... and i think that it is definately one of my faves now.....
                      ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                        Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
                        OMF*******G!!!!! critical mass is sooooooooooo good, just saw it... and i think that it is definately one of my faves now.....
                        Yeah, mine too I'm listening to the Song over and over again while's good, that it's allowed

                        I begun my fanfic the song helps extremely


                          Originally posted by Dorka
                          Yeah, mine too I'm listening to the Song over and over again while's good, that it's allowed

                          I begun my fanfic the song helps extremely
                          i am so there when you are finished... you posting on pls... OMG that ep was awesome and after the promo and everything...oooooohhhh i am so excited.....cant wait til the next ep... 4 eps til TLG OMG OMG OMG
                          ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                            Critical Mass

                            Originally posted by Dorka
                            When Elizabeth was going through the member list and John stepping in and walking directly behind her desk watching at her computer I was like: "No, I wouldn't let anyone do that...not even my boss" but then I was like: "O.k it's John and she trusts him!" I mean she could have had ANYTHING on that Screen right

                            I so gonna write a post-episode fanfic...when I was lying in my bed yesterday, I had these scene in my mind... I think I have to bring it on paper...or better on viritual paper
                            Yeah, I really liked that scene, too. I felt like we were really seeing two leaders in their leadership positions (I'm steadily losing coherency this week) - both of them going over the passenger list to narrow it down. I really liked the way they worked together in this episode. Plus, y'know, the superficial side of me just liked the physical proximity when he was leaning on the desk beside her. _

                            And be sure to post a link to that fic when you write it.

                            Originally posted by gooner_diva
                            Sparky bits: I kept expecting Kavanagh to reproach her about her feelings for Sheppard when he went on the "you're driven by emotion, not reason" tirade. Long shot, I know. All those little things made me squee like when she was considering torture, she kept looking at John for support. The silent agreement between them for her to leave the room when things got rough with Caldwell. In the end, he tried his best to console her, notice how his voice changes when it gets personal, but of course one sentence wasn't going to erase the damage caused by "overstepping the line".[/spoiler]
                            I was kind of wondering if Kavanaugh was going to brink up John, too, but I didn't really expect it. Still, I really liked the scenes with him, because I think they were really good for Elizabeth's character development. And he didn't piss me off as much as usual for some reason. I also noticed that when the first began talking torture, she looked to John.

                            Overall, a good episode, and very good for character development. Now, if only Epiphany had done as much for John...

                            Yeah, analysis would work so much better on a full stomach...
                            ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                            The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                              Yeah, sure I'll post it...hope it won't have too much fault *lalalalal*

                              I already have a half word side *is proud*...but I experienced, that it's more and more easier for me to write in english

                              The office scene:
                              Yeah, sure their physical closeness was veeeery obvious...

                              I think, when I get home the first thing I do is rewatch this episode


                                Hmm, looks like I need to watch 'Critcal Mass' at some point tonight. In between doing my Geography coursework and updating my various fanfics.

                                Gotta ask, anyone know what the song is called that plays on the promo clip? It's been driving us all mad!
                                AKA Rhin Ariel...or something along those lines.

                                This sig is extremely dangerous and highly volatile. It may explode at any moment. The only way to keep it under control is to click the following links. Thank you.

                                My LJ
                                My Fanfic LJ
                                My stories on

