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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Lazy Sunday!

    Originally posted by Morgania View Post
    When is Agent Carter back on?
    Pretty sure it'll be January again, another break between the two halves of AoS S3.

    Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
    I thought AoS started out pretty weak in season 1, but I'm much more impressed with it now, especially once they started all the Inhuman stuff and Skye got more interesting. All the characters are developing pretty nicely now and it's nice that the show is standing on its own feet story-wise.
    I wish they had developed the "Real SHIELD" storyline more and let it run for a while longer (it could've been a possible hook for Civil War), and not even gotten into the Inhumans storyline for at least another year. The Inhumans movie isn't coming until 2019 (was originally scheduled for 2018, but the new MCU Spider-Man pushed back most of Phase 3), so it felt a little early to be getting into that.

    Originally posted by Morgania View Post
    Oh will you just look at that? John's all plopping his shapely butt on Lizzie's desk and not even batting an eye. John, you wicked tease, you.

    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
    Oooh, that's awesome!
    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


      Originally posted by Morgania View Post
      I love Poldark. It's a combo of Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre but in the best possible way. Lots of smoldering hunky wandering bereft on the moors with the wind blowing his long coat. The imagery hits every button, but again I think if you just go with it, you will like it. If you like that sort of thing that is. Mr. SR just backed slowly out of the room.

      As for shows we watch, we have a ton. We DVR everything and only watch a couple per night, so we have a backlog of shows available at any given time. Most of those others have mentioned are on the list, though we gave up on The Arrow and Once Upon a Time. Mr. SR likes Gotham better than I do, and I'm also not too crazy about 12 Monkeys but I do watch. We also enjoy Scorpion.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Oh, Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre? That sounds cool actually.

        - We should watch that show.
        - *grabs popcorn*
        Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


          Ooh, Poldark takes place in Cornwall? I might have to check that out. And great, PBS shows it online. One thing that really prevents me from getting into a show that's still on air is if the network doesn't show full episodes on their website. I know it's not necessary for them to do it, but I don't currently live in the house that has our DVR or cable, so the only way I can watch TV is online.

          I'm also going to start Killjoys. It looks fairly interesting, and I think the response it's getting from here is better than for Dark Matter.

          Speaking of DM, I would have killed for Joe Flanigan to have a guest appearance like (read: with) Torri. I can imagine them being the two partners in crime commanders from the Mikkei Combine that undermine their rivals' efforts in technically legal but devious ways. Even if he's not John Sheppard, guns ablazing, his role could still be steeped in political intrigue.

          Well... at least Torri will be coming back. Can't wait for that.
          rest easy now


          everything will be all right

          // tumblr //


            Originally posted by Janet Fraiser View Post
            I'm not familiar with any superhero movies, comics, or shows, so I assume I wouldn't know anything about Agent Carter or the others you guys have mentioned.
            Agent Carter was Captain America's girlfriend, and can be seen like a prequel to Agents of Shield.

            Originally posted by Janet Fraiser View Post
            Speaking of DM, I would have killed for Joe Flanigan to have a guest appearance like (read: with) Torri.
            I have a sneaking suspicion Mallozzi will also be on Joe's list of people he'll never work with again... Just a hunch.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              No, I haven't seen very much of Rebels (no cable/satellite), but I heard/saw/got spoiled for Ahsoka's return (and it made me so so happy that she's part of the rebellion!!!)
              She's only in the season 1 finale. I don't get Disney XD so I haven't seen any of season 2 yet.
              I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

              Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                Agent Carter was Captain America's girlfriend, and can be seen like a prequel to Agents of Shield.

                I have a sneaking suspicion Mallozzi will also be on Joe's list of people he'll never work with again... Just a hunch.
                LOL and maybe vice versa.

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                  I have a sneaking suspicion Mallozzi will also be on Joe's list of people he'll never work with again... Just a hunch.
                  Darn. A girl can dream, right?
                  rest easy now


                  everything will be all right

                  // tumblr //


                    Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Canon Monday!

                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    I love Poldark. It's a combo of Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre but in the best possible way. Lots of smoldering hunky wandering bereft on the moors with the wind blowing his long coat. The imagery hits every button, but again I think if you just go with it, you will like it. If you like that sort of thing that is. Mr. SR just backed slowly out of the room.

                    Originally posted by Morgania View Post
                    Oh, Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre? That sounds cool actually.

                    - We should watch that show.
                    - *grabs popcorn*
                    Heeheehee! They really are just a couple of old romantics.

                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    I have a sneaking suspicion Mallozzi will also be on Joe's list of people he'll never work with again... Just a hunch.
                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    LOL and maybe vice versa.
                    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                      Mrscopterdoc's little Lemming helper is out and about - here to present to you Art Challenge #80

                      Lemming-gif courtesy by Nolamom

                      She told me I could pick a topic or use her back-up should I fall short on finding something exiting to have you guys/girls play around with. And it is with pride that I announce I found a topic or a theme which you can build your artwork on: stamps! I'm a bit of a philatelist so there...

                      It's summer (or winter depending what hemisphere you're in but it's summer where I'm at and it's hot too for once) and that means holidays. Over here you can create your own personal stamps to put on letters and the likes, so create your own personal stamp. You can put anything on that takes your fancy - make it artsy or keep it simple. Whichever way you want to go... and if you feel it should be sticking to a postcard or a letter - then by all means make it so.

                      It goes without saying that you don't actually have to keep the size of an actual stamp, but make it a little bigger so we can all see what's on it (in grand detail).
                      I know not everyone uses photoshop but I'm sure this tutorial on how to create an easy stamp could be used in any program (should you require some assistance on the how-to's).

                      Entries are due Monday the 6th! - Don't forget to PM your entry to FALCON HORUS instead of Mrscopterdoc as I will be the one to present your designs to the public on monday evening. Should you wish to know what time zone I'm in --> GMT +1 <-- and I generally post late so you have a lot of time!

                      Thank you for your time and off you go, be creative! Make me proud!
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        In challenge # 79 we went tropical!!













                        A huge thank you to Falcon Horus for hosting the challenge for me this week!


                          Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Smutty Tuesday!
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            Everyone's work is gorgeous The River Song postcard is especially clever. What a great pick me up for anyone who's freezing in the southern hemisphere. This my entry, (as a Probie I can't send or receive PMs):

                            Originally posted by Janet Fraiser View Post
                            Oh, hey, are you new here? Welcome to GateWorld and the Sparky ship.
                            Kinda, I've been lurking around for months. Thanks for the welcome

                            Originally posted by Janet Fraiser View Post
                            Speaking of DM, I would have killed for Joe Flanigan to have a guest appearance like (read: with) Torri. I can imagine them being the two partners in crime commanders from the Mikkei Combine that undermine their rivals' efforts in technically legal but devious ways. Even if he's not John Sheppard, guns ablazing, his role could still be steeped in political intrigue.

                            Well... at least Torri will be coming back. Can't wait for that.
                            I'd definitely tune in for that! At this point I'd settle for Joe and Torri voice acting in the same episode, of any show. I'm not sure either would be interested in that sort of thing, but Torri was Circe in Mythic Warriors.

                            Dropping off another Sparky piece:


                              Originally posted by ohalis View Post
                              Gorgeous and angsty.

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                Summer has arrived and we're going to hit 40 degrees celsius over the weekend, which is TOO HOT FOR ME!

                                Anywho, we're painting our new flat... Kitchen is done. Livingroom almost. Bedrooms need a second layer. And however much I try, there always seems to be more paint on my hands than on my brush.
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

