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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Dorka
    Owwwkay now, I have new really really great spoilers, someone from a german board also bought a script (or maybe it's the same) never mind:

    Here some S/W-facts (I haven't yet read these Spoilers here, so I guess they are new!): Warning...really massive!!!!


    - When Phoebus infiltrates Liz's body, it's John who catches her from not to fall to the floor (*sweeett!*)
    - Phoebius tells Caldwell what she thinks about him: Caldwell: "I'm not lying." Phoebus: "Oh, please, even Weir thinks you're hopeless. She can't hide it."
    - When Liz wants to kill John (O.K Phoebis vs. Talan) John/Thalan:"He cares for you more than you know. If you kill me, you're killing him." *SQUEEEEEE*
    - John visits Elizabeth in the infirmary at the End of the eps... sooooo an ending scene

    I thought I was excited before, but now I'm even more!!!!!!!!!
    Oh my to the second power! Major new SQUEE!!!! Has Santa come early for us this year or what!?! We must have been some very good girls and boys!!! Dorka! honey, I'm loving you! This is great stuff! I have to think at least some of this stuff will make the final cut! That line from
    John/Thalan is fantastic!!! And it's one of those multi-layer things. It sounds/reads like Thalan and Phoebus are able to 'read' the thoughts/feelings of their host bodies -John and Elizabeth very well which makes this just even more awesome! In that line, is it Thalan talking or is it John? In this case, I *hope* like heck it's Thalan talking *for* John!!! It sounds as if he's trying to appeal to the 'Elizabeth' side of Phoebus!Weir!!! DADGUM! that is fantastic stuff! We're getting john *Acknowledgement of feelings!*-Granted-they're being shared against his permission but if Elizabeth sees and hears along with phoebus-she is sure going to get her ears full!!
    Work is SO not a good time for me to be reading these spoilers! I have the most *stupid* ass, can't wipe it off my face grin!


      Originally posted by alyssa
      Hey, does this latest spoiler development inspire any fanfiction

      And Bama?? When you drop by --- you need to clear out some PMs, woman!!
      Done Alyssa. And imo, this ep may have the greatest fanfic inspiration line of all time with:
      "They were husband and wife you know-anything could happen."


        Originally posted by Pooh
        First: Hi! According to a couple of people, I'm not supposed to be scared of posting on GW, especially in this thread. So, erm, here I am. *waves*
        OMG. .it is THE Pooh!

        *Bows before my Goddess*

        When all else fails, change channels.


          Originally posted by Bama
          Oh my to the second power! Major new SQUEE!!!! Has Santa come early for us this year or what!?! We must have been some very good girls and boys!!! Dorka! honey, I'm loving you! This is great stuff! I have to think at least some of this stuff will make the final cut! That line from
          John/Thalan is fantastic!!! And it's one of those multi-layer things. It sounds/reads like Thalan and Phoebus are able to 'read' the thoughts/feelings of their host bodies -John and Elizabeth very well which makes this just even more awesome! In that line, is it Thalan talking or is it John? In this case, I *hope* like heck it's Thalan talking *for* John!!! It sounds as if he's trying to appeal to the 'Elizabeth' side of Phoebus!Weir!!! DADGUM! that is fantastic stuff! We're getting john *Acknowledgement of feelings!*-Granted-they're being shared against his permission but if Elizabeth sees and hears along with phoebus-she is sure going to get her ears full!!
          Work is SO not a good time for me to be reading these spoilers! I have the most *stupid* ass, can't wipe it off my face grin!
          *g* yay!

          As far as I understand, it's Thalan talking to Elizabeth (who's still ruled by Phoebus) about Johns feelings So it's exactly the optimal way for us! ... I think it will be much fun when Thalan and Phoebius know exactly what Elizabeth and John are thinking/feeling poor Caldwell

          This Thalan and Phoebus-names reminds me more of the Mathematic/geometry-classes... Pythagoras, Pi, Thales etc


            Originally posted by parsifal


            ETA: In case it's not obvious, all these links contain spoilers for the second half of S2.
            Sweet. Looking forward to the 100 machine gun episode.

            Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


              Has anyone seen Critical Mass yet?
              The last scene should have taken place on the balcony, but I won't mind.

              Here are some stills. No spoilers, I promise.



                Loved the ending for Critical Mass.
                How Elizabeth confides in Sheppard the line she crossed.


                  Originally posted by gooner_diva
                  Has anyone seen Critical Mass yet?
                  The last scene should have taken place on the balcony, but I won't mind.

                  Here are some stills. No spoilers, I promise.

                  I have.

                  My thoughts can be seen in the appropriate section.

                  Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


                    I have to wait till I get home in an hour... but I'm really looking forward to this episode too....especially after your Pix Gooner-Diva Thanks for posting

                    This...well....carpet...thing in the background looks really really bad!
                    It's o.k in mongolia in a museum or so... but in atlantis....


                      Originally posted by Dorka
                      This...well....carpet...thing in the background looks really really bad!
                      It's o.k in mongolia in a museum or so... but in atlantis....
                      There's a carpet? I guess I was too busy looking at my two pretties.


                        Originally posted by gooner_diva
                        There's a carpet? I guess I was too busy looking at my two pretties.

                        Sort of a just looks more Out of place than the rest folkloric-stuff in her office
                        I'll start study Film in January so I have to concentrate on backgrounds too


                          Hi guys! Back for another quick visit! I watched the promo, and there was some really good stuff in there for both series. Oh and the ::ahem:: moment -- all I could think of was how amazing Torri's expression was.
                          She planted one, that's for sure!

                          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                            OMG OMG OMG OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's all I can say for the moment...
                            But, now that I've my brain back in my head, I can tell that I'm so happy about what is gonna happen in TLG... the fact that people like caldwell are watching the scene is a really good thing, and the fact that we don't know if they (J/L) will remember anything more than a good thing because it open a lot of possibility for season 3... Hope I haven't said too much for the spoiler free even thoug i have a doubt about the number of peapole in this thread who are spoiler free.
                            I've also seen the promo trailer, OMG...


                              Originally posted by Dorka
                              This...well....carpet...thing in the background looks really really bad!
                              It's o.k in mongolia in a museum or so... but in atlantis....
                              OMG make. it. go. away. And the tray of fat people?!

                              Her office just keeps getting worse!! Aak!


                                Aww, I kind of like the eclectic mix of objects from various cultures. Makes it seem more like she actually was a renowned diplomat. All she's really missing is an antique chess set from India – wait, wrong fandom.

                                And I think the wall hanging is supposed to be Native American, but I couldn't begin to speculate on what tribe. Except that I don't think it's mine.

                                Anyway, I managed to watch Critical Mass this morning, so I'll have detailed thoughts on it later if people can tear themselves away from the .85 seconds of bliss in the promo. My first impression is that I loved the whole thing, but it's really the kind of story I thrive on. Leadership and intrigue. Can't get much better than that.

                                ...well, there's the thing that came up yesterday.
                                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                                Last update: 14 April 2006
                                Melyanna's Multimedia
                                Last update: 15 February 2006

