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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
    And based on your reputation total, you're working on Extremis. Better watch out for Aldrich Killian! (for that matter, so should I!)
    Yeah, you should!!!


      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
      I finally got my Internet back at home, and I can now post this:

      *singsongs* JT, I think you're gonna like this!


      The iPhone on the antique mahogany table buzzed. At first, Elizabeth thought that it was her sister's; after all, Ann had a terribly chronic habit of leaving her belongings all over the house. And despite moving into a new house, in a new city, it didn't seem that old habits were going to change.

      But Elizabeth reached for her phone in the back pocket of her jeans and realized it wasn't there, and the vibrating continued, so she paced across the floor and grabbed her phone.

      It wasn't a voice call, but a lengthy text message from Mary.

      "Lizzie, I think I'm coming down with something. My head hurts and my nose is stuffed up. If there's any chance you could swing by and keep me company for awhile, I would really like that. But if you can't, you know, I understand. I'm sure there is something more exciting for you to do than hang out with your sick sister. Oh well. Let me know."

      Elizabeth hung her head and groaned. Mary had been a hypochondriac since she was a child, ever since she found out that it was the best way to get their mother to pay attention to her. Even after their mother's death and their entrance into adulthood, it had not lessened. Elizabeth was frequently finding herself feeling pity for Charlie, as well as amazement that he had been able to sanely bear it this long.

      Without replying, she slid the phone back in her pocket.

      Then someone knocked at the door.

      Her eyes darted to the mess in the entryway. Knowing that Ann probably expected her sister to clean it up, she sighed and made her way to the door.

      When John Sheppard looked up at her with sad hazel eyes, she almost took a step back. "John."

      He nodded at her, wringing his hands. "You got a minute?"

      "Umm, sure." She backed up just far enough for him to walk in the doorway. "Sorry about the mess."

      "Don't worry about it. I'm only here as a favor to Sophie and Edward. Can we talk?"

      Elizabeth gestured to the empty dining room.

      He walked in and paced to the end of the table, sighing heavily before turning around. "I don't know how else to say this than to just spit it out, so here goes. Sophie heard that you and Wallace were getting married."

      Elizabeth gasped as quietly as she could.

      Apparently it wasn't quiet enough as John gritted his teeth. "And they're under the impression that he wants you to live back in Kellynch after the wedding. So they sent me to ask if this true. And if it is, they'll start looking for a new place immediately."

      Her jaw hung open for a moment. "I ... I don't know what to say."

      John cocked his head to the side. "Yes or no would suffice."

      Elizabeth shook her head. "Yes. I mean, no."

      God, why was it so hard to concentrate when he was around?

      "I don't know who told Sophie that, but no. I'm not engaged. And I'm definitely not marrying Simon."

      His eyes widened. "You're... not?"

      "No," she quietly replied, finally raising her head to meet his gaze.

      And for the first time in years, she saw hope.

      The door rapidly opened and shut behind her, and she saw the familiar mask cross John's face, which meant it was probably only one of two people.

      "Elizabeth?" an unwelcome voice asked from behind her.

      Her eyes closed and she sighed.

      Diana Russell walked around her and shot a harsh glare at John. "I apologize for interrupting your conversation, but I really need to speak with Elizabeth."

      "Can't it wait?" Elizabeth asked, refusing to take need eyes off of John's.

      He held up a hand. "It's all right, I need to get back to Sophie's anyway," he said by way of farewell, carefully winding his way around the table to get to the door.

      Elizabeth waited until he was closest to her, then leaned towards him. "Can we talk later?"

      He nodded quickly. "Yeah, I think we should."

      The door hadn't even shut behind him before Diana started speaking. "So it's true? Simon proposed?"

      Elizabeth nodded, even though she didn't want to. The thought of being married to him, though at one time attractive, was now causing her stomach to turn.

      "He did, but I didn't say yes."

      Her godmother's eyebrows rose in disbelief. "You turned him down?"

      "No. He didn't give me enough time to."

      Diana scoffed and threw her arms up. "I don't believe this. You would turn down the first man to ask for your hand in marriage?"

      "The first reputable man, you mean," Elizabeth retorted, placing her hands on her hips as she glared back. "You know full well he wasn't the first."

      Angrily, Diana raised her hand and pointed an accusatory finger at her. "Don't even go there. That was eight years ago."

      "Yes, it was. We were both young, and eight years ago was not the right time to get married." She raised her eyes to meet Diana's and frowned angrily at her. "But he is the same man today that he was then. Tell me, was there anything you found objectionable about him aside from his lack of fortune?"

      Diana began to reply, but the look on her face was one that she had seen on her father's a thousand times whenever he would begin discussing his disdain of anybody in the military.

      So Elizabeth cut in.

      "And don't even think about using the 'military makes them heroes when they're not' argument. That had absolutely nothing to do with it then, and it doesn't now."

      Diana's jaw snapped shut and she ran a hand through her short blonde hair. "Elizabeth, you know that I have always looked out for you like you were my own daughter. But I could never have lived with myself, knowing that I supported a match that you would've regretted in the years to come. And you finally came around to understand as well, if I recall correctly."

      "I never came around," Elizabeth spat out with a vehemence she didn't realize she had. "You, and my father, and Ann, and Mary, everyone did everything in their power to persuade me that it was wrong. And I finally gave in because I didn't like the feeling of knowing that my family, and my closest friend, were against me." She stopped walking, not even realizing that she had been pacing around the room, and turned to look at Diana. "But that was a long time ago, and I've seen more than my fair share of hypocrisy in the world since then. I've watched as my sister dismissed me as nothing more than a servant. My father started dating a woman who has nothing to her name, except for the fact that she is loaded and fertile. And you encourage a match between me and Simon, knowing full well that he is the last man in the world that I would ever want to marry."

      Diana set her jaw rigidly and narrowed her eyes. It was obvious that she did not like her goddaughter regaling her of all the bad conduct of her family over the course of the last eight years, but Elizabeth didn't care anymore. She was done being told what to do by people who did not have her best interests at heart.

      "So if you don't mind, I have a social appointment to keep with Charlie's mother, and I don't want to be late." And with that, she snatched her coat off a chair and marched out the door, allowing herself a small smirk as it slammed shut behind her.
      Only one thing to say. FULL. STORY. PLEASE.


        Originally posted by Annelantis View Post
        Okay, time to show how I am still new to this. How do I check my reputation points (I have checked my profile and can't seem to find this bit)? I only see it when someone gives me points. also, how do I give someone else points? Can I as a newbie?


        Plus, is Dummy in the list - higher or lower than Harley?
        Haven't spotted DUM-E anywhere yet.

        As to checking your reputation, just rest your cursor over the little green boxes under your name. The flavor text should pop up in a few seconds.

        Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
        Well, let's see what Iron Man character I am. Who is Iron Monger?
        Obadiah Stane.

        Originally posted by Annelantis View Post
        Erin, this design is beautiful. When I went to London Film and Comic Con the other week I went looking for a T-shirt for myself but ended up getting nothing but bags (oh, three bags, but I could have got more!) because there was nothing for in ladies' fittings that i wanted. I don't like wearing mens shirts and the T-shirts I could see that were for women did not have any designs I liked. Yours is lovely. Have you had it made into a T-shirt yet?

        I have been in touch with a company that make T-shirts here in England. I saw some of their designs at the con and they were good. I have sent them my ideas and they are working on it. however, I am in no way talented like you are so I had to describe it to them so a graphic artist can give it a go.
        Have you looked at WeLoveFine and Her Universe?
        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


          Have you looked at WeLoveFine and Her Universe?
          Wow, those are both awesome. I have bookmarked them. The R2-D2 dress particularly grabs me! Thanks, SK!


            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
            Obadiah Stane.
            Oh, come on!!!


              Originally posted by Annelantis View Post
              Wow, those are both awesome. I have bookmarked them. The R2-D2 dress particularly grabs me! Thanks, SK!
              *salutes* Gotta spread the goods for my fellow fangirls.

              Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
              Oh, come on!!!
              *snickers* And apparently you're my stylist. That could be...interesting...
              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                *snickers* And apparently you're my stylist. That could be...interesting...
                Yeah, that's clearly not good news for you.


                  Just popping in to see who I am.

                  EDIT: War Machine. Haha, I'm Rhodey!!!


                    Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                    Yeah, that's clearly not good news for you.
                    But I can outrun you in high heels. And watch out if my skin starts glowing red.
                    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                      Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                      I gave you some green but figured you should get a public JOB WELL DONE from me as well. Nice!!!

                      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                      Oh, so now I get it. I loved your story but felt like I missed something also. Persuasion is one of the few Austen books I've never read. I will have to rectify that right away.
                      Thanks, and yes, you should!

                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      Count me as another who's never read Persuasion. After reading your fic snippet, I think I'll have to remedy that.
                      Originally posted by Erin87 View Post

                      And yes, all those who haven't should definitely read Persuasion. *loves Jane Austen*
                      Jane Austen should be paying me commission for all these new fans she's getting.

                      Originally posted by Sparks of Atlantis View Post
                      I read this in one go, and I loved it. Combining this with what you just wrote, and I have some AU story ideas brewing in my mind right now.

                      I'd green you for the fic rec and for your AU preview, but I can't, so huge mental green.

                      Originally posted by Annelantis View Post
                      Only one thing to say. FULL. STORY. PLEASE.
                      When I have the time to write more, I will!

                      Anyhow. I'm gonna be out of town til Sunday night, so hold down the fort, don't burn it down, and go read "Persuasion".


                        and i am Iron Monger. Cool he was played Jeff "The Dude" Bridges. but then again it sucks because i tried to kill Tony.




                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            Looks like we've got a new theme for this weekend... Iron Man! *cheers*

                            ETA: And... I'm Pepper Potts and a Test Pilot for the Mark 43! WHOO HOO!!! *does a happy dance*
                            I had no idea there were themes. And I'm Happy Hogan, whoever that is.


                              Awesome, Nola!


                                Originally posted by Luz View Post
                                I had no idea there were themes. And I'm Happy Hogan, whoever that is.
                                Happy's great! Love him! Tony Stark's bodyguard and friend (head of security in 3 - oh, poor Happy!)

