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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
    Thanks! Actually, no, this was the first part I've written. I've had the idea in my head for months to write a Sparky AU fic based off Jane Austen's "Persuasion", and I watched one of the movies a few nights ago, and this popped out.
    Oh, so now I get it. I loved your story but felt like I missed something also. Persuasion is one of the few Austen books I've never read. I will have to rectify that right away.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Pretty Friday!

      Originally posted by mandogater View Post
      I get the felling somebody at MGM fumbled the ball big time and if it was with a series with a more widespread fan base they would be looking for a new job right about now.
      I thought I'd heard somewhere that the current leadership at MGM doesn't really care about Stargate in comparison to their more lucrative film properties.

      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
      Thanks! Actually, no, this was the first part I've written. I've had the idea in my head for months to write a Sparky AU fic based off Jane Austen's "Persuasion", and I watched one of the movies a few nights ago, and this popped out.
      Count me as another who's never read Persuasion. After reading your fic snippet, I think I'll have to remedy that.
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        Originally posted by Pearl of Atlantis76 View Post
        Oh so cool, I really love it!! Kanaan is so sweet and understandable.

        I never forget how supportive he was, when Teyla was trying to decide whether to remain on John’s team or not.

        Quite lovely!!!!

        And yes, all those who haven't should definitely read Persuasion. *loves Jane Austen*
        Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          Just to clear this up. I never said it's going to happen. I said we resisted the urge to jump right in and do it. And if it is something we might think about way in the future, it certainly won't be happening any time soon. The enjoyment of just having her back will have to suffice for quite some time yet.

          Also, there has been plenty of hating on our pair. Luckily, most of you guys missed all that. And it's likely to happen again no matter what we say here or do in SGA-R. The hate comes from not wanting to believe what you can't miss with your own eyes. IMHO, of course.
          That's fine with me. I'm really happy that we have her back, and I'm definitely not taking that for granted. If John and Elizabeth actually got together, for me, that'd be tantamount to an all-expenses paid trip to France. (It's my dream vacation.) The point is, it'd be overwhelming and almost too good to be true, even more so if it's done in a manner true to the spirit of the show.

          Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
          Thanks! Actually, no, this was the first part I've written. I've had the idea in my head for months to write a Sparky AU fic based off Jane Austen's "Persuasion", and I watched one of the movies a few nights ago, and this popped out.
          That completely explains it. I've just started my foray into classic literature this summer with Edith Wharthon's The Age of Innocence, so I was completely lost when reading this. Looks like there's much more for me to discover.

          Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
          Do it!

          And I was browsing while my mom's getting ready to go to the doctor (she's had this insufferable shoulder pain for a few days that hasn't even allowed her to sleep), I found this little gem from KrisRussel. It's fantastic!!!
          I read this in one go, and I loved it. Combining this with what you just wrote, and I have some AU story ideas brewing in my mind right now.

          I'd green you for the fic rec and for your AU preview, but I can't, so huge mental green.
          Please visit for a Season 6 of Stargate: Atlantis
          View my projects on || AO3 || YouTube

          (Formerly known as Sparks of Atlantis)


            Persuasion is my favorite of Jane Austen's. Go. Read.


              This is from Tao of Rodney right? When I'm watching that scene, I always get distracted by how beautiful they are.


                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                Now there's a one-of-a-kind activity they could offer attendees... Surfing School with Joe Flanigan and Jason Momoa!
                Haha, that would be awesome, I’d definitely sign up for that.

                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                On a slightly different note, since we have some newer folks and it's been a while since we've discussed it: have you read any of the published SGA novels? If so, which ones and did you find that they felt more canon, like something you could've or would've liked to have seen on screen??? And did any of them seem to feel more Sparky than others? LOL
                I recently bought ‘Casualties of War’ but I haven’t had the time to read it yet but after what you wrote I’m looking forward to doing it. There are a few other SGA books that I’ve heard good things about and that I would like to read, I have, however, no intentions of ever reading the ‘Legacy’ – books or anything else by that author.


                  Looks like we've got a new theme for this weekend... Iron Man! *cheers*

                  ETA: And... I'm Pepper Potts and a Test Pilot for the Mark 43! WHOO HOO!!! *does a happy dance*
                  (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                  Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                    Hi guys,

                    Been at work so only checked in today. Wow, so many threads going on I shall try to comment on what I can remember from my catch-up read.

                    I liked Teyla and Kanaan's relationship. However, at the tme I was unaware of a lot of things that were going on behind the scenes and what TPTW wanted. Kindred was a good pair of episodes but had a couple of issues for me. I loved Carson being back as I thought they were crazy to kill him off in the first place - but the whole perfect cloned personality thing didn't really make sense. I think if they were to have brought a character back I would have preferred Elizabeth. Also, the whole Teyla getting kidnapped thing - I love Lorne and I do not believe he would have lost her like he did. He certainly would have at least tried to protect her when diving out of the way of the dart's beam!

                    Okay, that rant's over. What next?

                    Cons. I was looking at the Chicago con link and it looks really good. We have one here in England called Chevron. The hubby and I went in June for the first time. The next one is in April and we are going to that too. Here's the link


                    There are still more guests to be announced. I have been on Massive Events' forum to suggest Torri Higginson - I think I said it would make for an interesting weekend to see Sparky v. Sheyla!

                    I have been to three cons this year. Collectormania was on the last day so it was really quiet and not busy. Chevron had about 500 people and was absolutely great. London a couple of weeks ago was so busy I ended up going alone because my husband is disabled and on crutches. He never would have managed all the queuing I ended up doing and even missed a panel with the STS9 cast because of it (we had bought tickets in advance). Chevron is a far more intimate event and I we could relax more because we got away for the weekend and met like-minded people. I am really looking forward to next year. I am so getting my picture taken with JF *swoons at the thought*.

                    Novels: I have never read the Legacy series and was looking into getting them a few months ago until it was mentioned on this thread and everyone went nuts. I have since vowed never to read them and am even more convinced now. But the most surprisin fact for me is that the writer is a former fanfic writer. Really? Perhaps there is hope for us all!

                    As for novels when the show was still going: I have read both Casualties of War and Mirror, Mirror. I liked them both a lot and still re-read them. While there is more with John and Elizabeth together in Mirror, Mirror, there is a line that always brings me back To Casualties:

                    I would like to type the line but not sure I can... basically John has quit and Elizabeth is sad because she has lost something...

                    BTW: At the time I watched the show I was very much unaware of the way to internet world worked and did not know of forums, fanfic, fanvids,fanart, etc. My love of Sparky was all my own and I still cannot see how they saw the canon pairing as Sheyla. Chemistry? Some, but not like John and Elizabeth.

                    One more reason I am posting: IRON MAN THEME! What will I be? Can't wait!
                    Last edited by Annelantis; 26 July 2013, 01:04 PM. Reason: Spoiler


                      Harley? HARLEY???


                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        Since TPTB were planning to someday get John and Teyla together, it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that the books were allowed to go in that direction. However, the way it was done destroys Teyla as a character and makes John look stupid, weak and indecisive.
                        And this, I see this, in this book (Death Game) and also (like you said) in “Homecoming” and “The Lost”. I feel almost as if the author of this book doesn’t know or doesn’t even like John at all.

                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        You would be grateful she didn't write much about Elizabeth also if you had ever read how she was written in her fanfic. And Rodney gets not so great treatment all through the Legacy books also.
                        We can also easily see that the author doesn’t like Rodney. We barely “see” Rodney in this book (Death Games) and I am not even going to mention Elizabeth (who is probably there in maybe only one or two scenes of the book).

                        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                        I just started re-reading "Casualties of War" which, literally, feels like the novelization of an episode.
                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        I have read Mirror Mirror, which I found very Sparky as
                        John and Elizabeth were together for most of it. They were careful to not hint at any romance though.
                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        I read the novelization of Rising also, which pretty much follows the script right up to the end where
                        instead of staying on the balcony with Elizabeth, John is led away by the hand by Teyla. Interesting change, wouldn't you say.
                        Now I wonder why that happened.
                        Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                        Casualties of War was pretty good. Nice plot. Good characterization for the most part.
                        Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                        Mirror, Mirror had the most Sparky fun. It was confusing for the first few chapters but if you keep going it'll all make sense. And like SR said, Sparky's together through most of the book and while it's not outright ship, it's the same level as on the show. Take of that what you will.
                        Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                        I've read the Rising novelization also. There were some good bits where John was reflecting on how he liked Elizabeth as a person. And of course, that bit at the end made me gape when I read it and just thank my lucky stars that the episode ended the way it actually ended - with an iconic screen shot of our duo on the balcony.
                        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                        That's amazing, and so worth it. I'm sincerely jealous of her writing style, and it is a good book. Still re-reading it right now. It portrays Sparky exactly the way that we saw on screen: a partnership, a team, two people that had to come together unexpectedly and made the decision to work together and support each other. And there may be a moment in the book when they touch hands for a little while that made my inner fangirl squee but anyhow.
                        I will definitely have to get a copy of these three books: “Mirror, Mirror”, “Rising” and “Casualties of War”. I am now curious to know what kind of surprises, will I be able to find in these books. Thank you all for your opinions about these books.

                        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                        Unlike some fanfic writers turned "pro" who do not seem to possess the ability to write unbiasedly about characters they ship. *shakes head*
                        A writer who is a true professional should be impartial. I agree that it is natural to an author to have his/her favourite character, pairing and so on, but that, should not be given to see to the ones who are reading the book/story.
                        sig by Erin Atlantis Rising: The Virtual series Thank you so much for "Primum Movens"


                          Originally posted by Annelantis View Post
                          Harley? HARLEY???
                          And based on your reputation total, you're working on Extremis. Better watch out for Aldrich Killian! (for that matter, so should I!)
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            And based on your reputation total, you're working on Extremis. Better watch out for Aldrich Killian! (for that matter, so should I!)
                            Okay, time to show how I am still new to this. How do I check my reputation points (I have checked my profile and can't seem to find this bit)? I only see it when someone gives me points. also, how do I give someone else points? Can I as a newbie?


                            Plus, is Dummy in the list - higher or lower than Harley?


                              Originally posted by Annelantis View Post
                              As for novels when the show was still going: I have read both Casualties of War and Mirror, Mirror. I liked them both a lot and still re-read them. While there is more with John and Elizabeth together in Mirror, Mirror, there is a line that always brings me back To Casualties:

                              I would like to type the line but not sure I can... basically John has quit and Elizabeth is sad because she has lost something...
                              I know exactly what line you're talking about. That was a great scene.

                              Well, let's see what Iron Man character I am. Who is Iron Monger?


                                Also, I did a t-shirt design for Atlantis. Wanted something pretty and feminine, since the official retailers are a bit lacking in that department.

                                Erin, this design is beautiful. When I went to London Film and Comic Con the other week I went looking for a T-shirt for myself but ended up getting nothing but bags (oh, three bags, but I could have got more!) because there was nothing for in ladies' fittings that i wanted. I don't like wearing mens shirts and the T-shirts I could see that were for women did not have any designs I liked. Yours is lovely. Have you had it made into a T-shirt yet?

                                I have been in touch with a company that make T-shirts here in England. I saw some of their designs at the con and they were good. I have sent them my ideas and they are working on it. however, I am in no way talented like you are so I had to describe it to them so a graphic artist can give it a go.

