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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Melyanna
    Yeah, except the geek got the girl.

    I think most relationships can be described as cliché on some level, but the hot-guy-meets-exotic-chick version has been overdone in recent years. At this point, the two-leaders cliché seems far fresher because it brings more subtle differences between the two, instead of having really, really blatant cultural differences. And I'm all about subtleties.
    I think that's my 'favorite' (and I say that with all sarcasm) argument that anti-shep/weir people use to slam Shep/Weir or promote Shep/Emmagan.
    They talk about how much more interesting a S/E multi-cultural relationship would be as opposed to how 'cliche' Shep/Weir 'same race' would be. Please. As if *that* hasn't been done a zillion times. Actually, one of the general 'angles' I dig about shep/weir that I can't recall having seen done that much is the woman a bit 'in charge' of the guy that she's developing feelings for and vice-versa. They don't make it an over the top issue in SGA but it's there nonetheless and is just another thing that's being dealt with in the dynamic. I actually get the feel that Elizabeth sometimes is trying her darndest to trust John and bring him up on level with her while trying to keep everyone else a notch below her authority. But maybe that's just my crazy take? *shrug*


      Just a little something something I found ...
      Thought you may like it...
      Is she going to kiss him?


      Attached Files


        Originally posted by Varekai
        Just a little something something I found ...
        Thought you may like it...
        Is she going to kiss him?


        Nahh... look how scared he is
        *runs for cover before the shippers start beating me up*

        On a side note, Varekai... please read the FAQ about signatures, although everyone says that size doesn't matter, it does for Gateworld sigs


          Originally posted by Varekai
          Just a little something something I found ...
          Thought you may like it...
          Is she going to kiss him?


          i agree... but he does look a little concerned... he is mentally saying i hope she kisses me... i hope she kisses me, but no getting my hopes up....
          ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


            Thanks, I'll change it...
            Wait a sec..


              Originally posted by Varekai
              Just a little something something I found ...
              Thought you may like it...
              Is she going to kiss him?


              Love it! May have to break out the sketchpad later, based on that cap...
              "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
              My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                Originally posted by Varekai
                Just a little something something I found ...
                Thought you may like it...
                Is she going to kiss him?


                Is he.............

                Licking his lips?!?!?

                He sooooooo wanted that.

                But alas, they're both too bold to admit it.



                  Okay, I really should be packing my knee in ice but I just can't stay away.

                  Does anyone think that
                  now that Sam is going to be on Atlantis for a few episodes
                  we have anything to worry about? I personally don't think so, as she has Jack (or whomever you ship - just not Shep)! Besides, that goes back to that whole fraternization and chain of command, right?

                  I hope I did that spoiler thing right!


                    Originally posted by Suzotchka
                    Okay, I really should be packing my knee in ice but I just can't stay away.

                    Does anyone think that
                    now that Sam is going to be on Atlantis for a few episodes
                    we have anything to worry about? I personally don't think so, as she has Jack (or whomever you ship - just not Shep)! Besides, that goes back to that whole fraternization and chain of command, right?

                    I hope I did that spoiler thing right!

                    I don't think we have anything to worry about
                    Sam will be too busy annoying the crap out of McKay! She'll probably have little to do with Shep. The thing is, they have plenty of military types who are just as capable as Carter. It's the scientific side of things I can see her being used for --- she and McKay are supposed to be the smartest people in the world!


                      free siggie . . .

                      I stole this "leader-ship" line from somebody here. So, um, who was it? Gotta give credit where do.

                      One the whole Sam issue, I highly doubt that they'd ever attempt a Sam/Sheppard thing. Maybe I've been brainwashed by Melyanna's fanfics, but I do see them having some type of friction in their relationship. Their style of military execution are vastly different, and I see that as a potential strife between them. Sam's straight and narrow. John's not. If they're any fireworks to be had, it won't be sexual in nature. It'll be antagonistic. Much like the Cadwell/Weir relationship, I presume.

                      Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                      I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                      Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                        About Sam comming to Atlantis... does anyone know how many episodes that she'll be appearing in?

                        Edit: I know she'll be appearing in a few but is she, for example, going to be there for half the season, a quarter of the season...?


                          Originally posted by Whistler84
                          free siggie . . .

                          I stole this "leader-ship" line from somebody here. So, um, who was it? Gotta give credit where do.

                          One the whole Sam issue, I highly doubt that they'd ever attempt a Sam/Sheppard thing. Maybe I've been brainwashed by Melyanna's fanfics, but I do see them having some type of friction in their relationship. Their style of military execution are vastly different, and I see that as a potential strife between them. Sam's straight and narrow. John's not. If they're any fireworks to be had, it won't be sexual in nature. It'll be antagonistic. Much like the Cadwell/Weir relationship, I presume.

                          Yep, nothing to worry about with Shep/Sam. They're sooooo different. She's a play by the rules type, he's a gut feel type. They're more likely to disagree than anything else. If anything, it'll make Shep appreciate the freedom he gets from Weir!
                          Also, so much has been invested in the Sam/Jack thing over the years that it really would not go down well with fans to try something Sam/Shep. I think she'll have most of her interaction with McKay, purely because of that great snarky thing they have going o n in scenes together! And Zelenka --- imagine him seeing someone putting McKay in his place! He'd love it!!


                            Originally posted by Melyanna
                            Yeah, except the geek got the girl.

                            I think most relationships can be described as cliché on some level, but the hot-guy-meets-exotic-chick version has been overdone in recent years. At this point, the two-leaders cliché seems far fresher because it brings more subtle differences between the two, instead of having really, really blatant cultural differences. And I'm all about subtleties.

                            I blame Edgar Rice Burroughs. One of the first SciFi books I ever read was A Princess of Mars. Hot (at least in my mind) Earth guy meets scantily clad alien, Dejah Thoris, who pretty much became the archetype for all hot alien chicks to follow. Somehow SciFi writers just can't get past that. It's like they think, "Oh, yeah we need a little romance to keep the women awake. We'll match the hero with this girl. Our work here is done. But from all we've pieced together from interviews, con appearances, the Companion book, etc. it looks like no matter how hard they tried to do that in this show, it didn't work. At least they recognized the absence of screen chem in one place and its presence in another and made adjustments. Which somewhat gives me hope for where this will finally end up. Somebody needs to do a detailed timeline. I'm the keeper of the Spark-O-Meter. Somebody else can take on that little task.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Originally posted by Whistler84
                              I stole this "leader-ship" line from somebody here. So, um, who was it? Gotta give credit where do.
                              Hatcheter, I think. He's had "It's all about leadership" in his sig for a while.

                              Originally posted by Whistler84
                              One the whole Sam issue, I highly doubt that they'd ever attempt a Sam/Sheppard thing. Maybe I've been brainwashed by Melyanna's fanfics, but I do see them having some type of friction in their relationship. Their style of military execution are vastly different, and I see that as a potential strife between them. Sam's straight and narrow. John's not. If they're any fireworks to be had, it won't be sexual in nature. It'll be antagonistic. Much like the Cadwell/Weir relationship, I presume.
                              Muahahaha. I mean, wow, someone influenced by The Pacific Rim?
                              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                              Last update: 14 April 2006
                              Melyanna's Multimedia
                              Last update: 15 February 2006


                                Originally posted by Melyanna
                                Hatcheter, I think. He's had "It's all about leadership" in his sig for a while.

                                Muahahaha. I mean, wow, someone influenced by The Pacific Rim?
                                Well, it did a surprisingly impressive job of blending WW and SGA, (no easy feat, I imagine!) Seriously, though, one of the most improbable, yet believable, crossover fics I've ever read. Great job. I remember it was one of the first S/W fics I ever read, actually. At that point, I'd only been browsing, and been subjected to more than a sane amount of S/T fics. I had come to expect it in the majority of Atlantis fics. Imagine my surprise, and overenthusiastic happiness, when I stumbled onto your fantastic fic.

                                Now look at the fandom. It's mostly S/W fanfiction world, for het anyway.

                                May I ask, since the issue has arisen, when are we going to be seeing more of the sequel to "The Pam Pacific."

                                Yes, I'm evil.

                                Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                                I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                                Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!

