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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Sparky!Family Saturday and good luck to Navy in the Army/Navy game today!

    Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
    There was a fun Stargate confession on Tumblr today:
    Love it! Curse TPTW and their inability to figure out what they want and stick to it.

    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    Yeah, computers aren't build to last and when it's time to use a page out of John Sheppard's handbook for computer repair it's also time to start backing stuff up cause it could very well be the time your comp is about to die on you.
    True fax, dat. I speak from personal experience.

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Words of wisdom. The JS method of computer repair is my fall back system until Mr. SR gets home. I think I may be too dependent on having level 4 tech support available at my beck and call. Whereas, my bro, who has never even taken a computer class, is better at troubleshooting than I am because he knows if he fails, he has to call the Geek Squad and pay them $80/hour. LOL
    LOL, now that's motivation!
    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


      Originally posted by Pearl of Atlantis76 View Post
      Wow, the story that made me cry, (in a good way ), but never the less made me cry, while on my lunch break. I shouldn't have red it while at work.

      And this story so makes me wonder why you aren't part of the SGA-R team, i still can't believe it, can't accept it!
      Just for the record, we invited ShipperWriter to be a part of SGA-Rising. She decided not to join our writing staff, and we both respect and regret her decision. She would have been a great addition to the team.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Shipper Writer, i red a few more of your fics and i just love them, you are an amazing writer. Thank you for sharing so beautiful fics with us.

        Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
        I wish I had some Sparky writing to show you guys, but I don't have any!
        So, that means no updates to your fic on a near future?

        Originally posted by drewandian View Post
        um...imo their relationship starts somewhere around 38 Minutes, but the sparks starting flying when he sat in the chair in do realize that it wasn't Elizabeth kissing John in TLG, right? She was under alien influence...(not sure we're watching the same show....)
        To me it started somewhere after Conversion, don't ask me why, but to me it seems that something changed between them from that episode on.

        Originally posted by gateraid View Post
        Turns out it was me. Falcon Horus, here's my present to you. Unbeta'd, of course.


        Pausing for a moment whilst preparing for her first client, Kate took a moment to breathe in the view from her office window. Atlantis truly was a wondrous place, and with the sunrise hitting it just right, her beauty was something to behold. Not that the view from her quarters wasn’t impressive too, but her office had that something ‘extra’.

        A knock on the door jolted her back to reality. A quick glance at her watch confirmed she still had nearly thirty minutes before her first scheduled appointment. What the.......? She thought as she headed to the door controls. Who is this early for a session? She ran her hand over the Ancient controls to reveal her guest.

        Major Sheppard! She exclaimed, not containing her surprise quite as well as she’d hoped. He waited for her to continue, with an amused look on his face.

        Did you have something you wanted to discuss with me? All expedition members were required to have a minimum number of sessions with her per year, but some people were better at coming up with ‘excuses’ for avoiding sessions than others.

        Not exactly, Doc
        . Sheppard said a little apprehensively. Kate raised an eyebrow with intrigue, which seemed to put him at ease for some reason. I have a “friend” who might need to see you. “Friend” was accentuated with air quotes, for which Kate did a better job of suppressing her amusement.

        A lot of my patients have “friends”. She said knowingly. They’re all welcome here, if that’s the way you want to play it

        No, an actual friend with a problem. It’s Teyla.

        Oh. Come in, she gestured. Is there an issue specifically that has you worried, or is this something of an ongoing nature?

        A little bit of both actually, The Major replied as he sat down. She’s been on edge for a few weeks now. I don’t really know why, it’s not like anything has changed that much. The Wraith are coming, but that’s nothing new. If anything, she should be a little more used to that than the rest of us. I don’t know, she’s been biting people’s heads off all over the show. It’s like she’s in a permanent state of PMS or something.

        Whilst her mask had failed her moments ago, she kept an almost blank expression after that remark, and resisted the urge to smack the Major on the side of the head. How do you mean...exactly?

        We had a bit of a barney the other week. She seemed to take it pretty personally. The Major exhaled deeply. It all worked out the way she wanted in the end, but I don’t know what she expected at the time. We were on a recon mission in a cloaked jumper, investigating a planet the wraith were attacking. She wanted to pick up some people that she knew, I didn’t want to risk compromising our position. Hell, I’m all for saving as many people as possible, but if we end up dead too, then it’s a pretty ineffective rescue, eh?

        He shook his head and stared at the floor as he continued. We ended up by getting a few of them out with us. We only had one jumper, so its not like we saved a village or anything. He paused, scratching at his wristband a little. She was sooo.....disappointed with me earlier though. I don’t think she quite got that it wasn’t personal, I wasn’t making a value judgement on their lives. At the time, I deemed it to be an unacceptable risk to abandon our position. She should have respected my judgement as team leader

        I see. Has she questioned your judgement before?

        Sheppard sounded surprised by the question. We work together pretty well on a mission. She’s given up a lot in order to help us, we all owe her a debt of gratitude.

        You’re talking about her position with the Athosians?

        It’s more than a position, she’s their leader. She doesn’t talk about it much, at least not to me, but I don’t think it sits too well with them. You know, her being here on Atlantis.

        That might be what’s causing her some stress.

        I don’t think so, it seems to have come on suddenly. Maybe she’ll open up to you. I hope so.

        Me too. Well, I’ll schedule a session for her.

        That might be a bit of a problem, Doc.

        Oh yes?

        I was kinda hoping you could casually bump into her, so it wouldn’t seem like this was an order or anything.

        Ah. I’m not very comfortable with that Major. Its usually best to be up front about these sorts of things.

        I know. But if I suggest it to her, she’ll just blow off the idea.

        Like you would?

        Sheppard snorted. Yeah, I guess so. Perhaps you could bump into her in the mess hall? I could arrange it so that she’s there around a certain time, you could introduce yourself, and see what happens?

        You make it sound more like a blind date than a session.

        Hey, if that’s the way you want to play it, go right ahead. I just need Teyla back to her old self.

        All right. But my objection to this stands. Don’t be surprised if this blows up in your face.

        Sheppard shrugged. It’s worth a shot.

        So, when are
        you coming in for a session? Kate said pointedly

        Oh, ummm, I’m not really very good at this sort of thing. How about after we deal with the fleet of wraith heading our way?

        Kate rolled her eyes. Sooner than that. Or someone may ask me to gatecrash your lunch


        For someone who says that is not a writer, i think you write pretty good, i liked it! And although you didn't use the "" I was still capable of understanding quite well when the characters were talking, and who was talking when. Nicely done, i liked it. Oh and i could so picture that scene in my head, too.

        Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
        That they had never included Carson and Elizabeth in a scene like that only made the Carter/Keller inclusion seem to scream "See, audience, the team loves these two so you should too."

        And when someone tells me to do something, I'm bound to do the opposite.
        I am like you, don't force me to like something that i don't, because i will do the opposite. And if they felt the need to introduce that scene in order for us to "understand"/see that the team liked them, that must have meant something, don't you think?

        Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
        In honor of that episode.... look at his happy face.
        I absolutely love these scenes!!!!!

        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
        I fast forward through that scene with Carter informing the city about Kate's death something bad that happened in a dream, and watch the scene where John is sitting in his room. And I wonder, is the unexpected loss of another teammate reminding him about Elizabeth?

        And hello, plot bunny #7,493.
        I am guessing that it probably did.

        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
        While we are not privvy to the finer details, it is generally assumed that AT was bound to the show by contract. She was signed for an 11th season of SG1, which didn't happen, and TPTW decided to bring her over to SGA instead, which generally assumed was a way to bring in more viewers who weren't already watching SGA. A few Tapping-fans indeed followed her to SGA (who hadn't previously been watching) but from hearsay I remember they weren't entirely happy with the way she was downplayed.
        So was Torri, right?
        sig by Erin Atlantis Rising: The Virtual series Thank you so much for "Primum Movens"


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          A few Tapping-fans indeed followed her to SGA (who hadn't previously been watching) but from hearsay I remember they weren't entirely happy with the way she was downplayed.
          She probably lost some of her fans there, I mean I like her on SG1, but I can’t stand her on SGA.

          Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
          Aww, thanks! Appreciate your patronage! I had a ton of fun writing M51-936.
          Finished it by now. And wow!
          I loved the end.

          Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
          I made you cry?! Sorry! *hugs* But in a good way, right?
          Yes, in a good way. I mean I really did cry, but I didn’t mind it. I love when a good story makes me cry, and your stories sure are great!

          Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
          And we don't go over any stinkin' cliffs just because TPTW want us to. We go over them because we want to.
          Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
          Damn straight. We only go over the cliffs WE want to.
          Couldn’t agree more!!!

          Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
          Made my first new sig in forever. Lyrics taken from a Taylor Swift song. Seriously, they just popped in my head while I was making it!

          I need to try different font. But I like the gist of it.
          Love it!!

          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
          They made a hash with both of their introductions. Carter's should have been more like Woolsey's (putting her foot down, but unlike him, keeping it down), and Keller's should have been 'less'
          Couldn’t agree more!! There was a point in which I thought SGA main character was Keller.

          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
          That's pretty much what I understood the situation to be too. They had an 'option' to keep her on for another year (year 11 of SG-1, or s4 of SGA), which they took. Her SGA screentime was reduced to accommodate the movie they filmed that year (AoT I think, unless it was Continuum), as well as her Sanctuary commitments (which at that stage consisted of webisodes)
          I just can’t accept it, not when it meant Torri leaving the show.

          Originally posted by drewandian View Post
          OH! AND! during my massage I pretty much wrote my Sparky Advent fic (in my head)...just gotta get it down on paper and find someone to beta it for me...
          I look forward to see it “on paper”.

          Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
          I would have thought they'd include more disagreements with Carter. *shrug* Would have made it more realistic.

          They could have included both Sam and Elizabeth in S4 and made it awesome. Gives TPTW the stink eye.
          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
          Yes to both of these. Would've added so much more in the way of conflict and emotional moments for all the characters. Instead, we got lumpy porridge.
          You are both absolutely right!

          Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
          Thanks! Sometimes it's easier than writing fics that are more onscreen canon because you feel like you have a little more freedom in regards to the situation. So they could do anything: be doctors, detectives, teachers ... the list is endless.
          But you still write them pretty well!

          Originally posted by Brie View Post
          I saw today that they have started to, yet again, re-air SGA on TV, kinda fun in some ways, bad for me since I tend to get caught up watching them when I should be doing other things.
          How I wish that would happen here.

          Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
          But the one I made for tomorrow might have some people at me.

          I used PB and Pixlr.

          *backs out slowly*
          Oh please, don’t say that. *whimpers* (Very sad but I like it.)
          sig by Erin Atlantis Rising: The Virtual series Thank you so much for "Primum Movens"


            Originally posted by Pearl of Atlantis76 View Post
            So was Torri, right?
            All of the main cast signed for 5 years, however as you may know Rainbow was booted to the kirb starting season 2, and Torri went from regular to guest in season 4. So, I guess we can assume there was a clause in their contracts which made this possible.

            BUT like I said before we aren't privvy to the finer details. All we can do, is speculate on the matter.

            Originally posted by Pearl of Atlantis76 View Post
            She probably lost some of her fans there, I mean I like her on SG1, but I can’t stand her on SGA.
            You mean, her fans might have stopped watching Atlantis (or never watched it in the first place). As a fan you are not obliged to watch everything that your favorite actor has ever played in, you know. There's no shame in it. It is perfectly okay to absolutely not like every bit of their work.

            F.e.: I absolutely adore Jewel Staite, but I just don't feel much love for the Keller-character. Or, I like Torri's work but what the frell was she thinking doing Stonehenge Apocalypse, that was just plain bad (on that same notion Claire in Vipers... oh boy!).
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              All of the main cast signed for 5 years, however as you may know Rainbow was booted to the kirb starting season 2, and Torri went from regular to guest in season 4. So, I guess we can assume there was a clause in their contracts which made this possible.

              BUT like I said before we aren't privvy to the finer details. All we can do, is speculate on the matter.
              I thought it was 6 years for the original main cast? I think that's why most people were assuming there would be a Season 6, since Joe, DH and Rachel still had one more year on their contracts.
              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                Originally posted by Pearl of Atlantis76 View Post
                So was Torri, right?
                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                All of the main cast signed for 5 years, however as you may know Rainbow was booted to the kirb starting season 2, and Torri went from regular to guest in season 4. So, I guess we can assume there was a clause in their contracts which made this possible.

                BUT like I said before we aren't privvy to the finer details. All we can do, is speculate on the matter.
                Like FH it’s all speculations, I did see an interview here on GW that Torri did right after she was let go or however you want to put it where she said that she admired the writers for their commitment to SG-1, and while it don’t say much nor was it in anything Torri said it has always been fairly obvious that SG-1 came first and that it was their main show and part of me get it it’s pretty sad at the same time. Now I don’t know why they choose to bring At over ot SGA and not some other character, maybe it was because due to ‘Sanctuary’ still hadn’t gone into production (which many people from SG worked on) that she couldn’t say no when they asked or at least still had that connection to SG when the rest of the cast of SG-1 could move on, I dunno, I can’t say that I’m that involved in SG-1 other than what I saw onscreen.

                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                I thought it was 6 years for the original main cast? I think that's why most people were assuming there would be a Season 6, since Joe, DH and Rachel still had one more year on their contracts.
                I at least read that they all had signed on for six years but I’m no expert but yeah, they all had six year contracts which is why I assumed the actors also were shocked about the quick ending, especially since the movie also got cancelled.

                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                You mean, her fans might have stopped watching Atlantis (or never watched it in the first place). As a fan you are not obliged to watch everything that your favorite actor has ever played in, you know. There's no shame in it. It is perfectly okay to absolutely not like every bit of their work.

                F.e.: I absolutely adore Jewel Staite, but I just don't feel much love for the Keller-character. Or, I like Torri's work but what the frell was she thinking doing Stonehenge Apocalypse, that was just plain bad (on that same notion Claire in Vipers... oh boy!).
                I agree with this though for me I have to say that I at least give everything the people I’m a fan of have done a chance it doesn’t mean that I like all of it. I still haven’t seen ‘Stonehenge Apocalypse’ but I defiantly will because other than Torri I also love Misha Collins from ’Supernatural’ and I am a fan of CSI:NY so Hill Harper as well, but I know it’s not maybe people who have liked it but I’m going to give it a shoot at least.


                  Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                  I thought it was 6 years for the original main cast? I think that's why most people were assuming there would be a Season 6, since Joe, DH and Rachel still had one more year on their contracts.
                  I thought it was 5... oh well, it doesn't really matter now.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                    I love them both here!

                    Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                    Balcony scene *squee*

                    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                    Simon is boring.
                    Yeah, and he also has very bad hair. LOL

                    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                    I've always assumed that John was able to get through the nanites and reach Elizabeth because he is the ATA King.
                    He sure is!!

                    :“He does it naturally”

                    Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                    Madness reigns has more great artwork today for the Sparky Advent Calendar.


                    Isn't she awesome??

                    Originally posted by drewandian View Post
                    the doctor on TRW who didn't believe Elizabeth about the Stargate? he was Cameron in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" back in the day....(great movie!!!!)
                    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                    That actor is also the Captain of the Enterprise B in Star Trek Generations (the one where Kirk dies), and he was Stuart in Spin City /useless trivia hour
                    Thank you for the info.

                    Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                    Really? Cameron fromFBDOshowed up? Cool. Looks like I'm getting some good reasons to watch TRW.
                    Don’t tell me the fact this episode is full of Sparky moments isn’t reason enough for you to watch it!!!!

                    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                    You mean that John's angst, and that final balcony scene, and the fact that through it all, John is the only one who attempts - and thus succeeds - at pulling Elizabeth out of the nanite induced world are not reasons enough?!

                    Go watch it. ASAP. Report back when you're done.

                    Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                    Cameron is only icing on the already tempting cake. I've been planning on watching it for a while now! But I can't watch it right now, its 10:30 PM!
                    You should watch it immediately, no matter what time it is!!!

                    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                    Okay, fine. First thing in the morning, then. But seriously, this episode has so many Sparky moments to it, it's a must see for any true Sparky fan.

                    Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                    Okay, okay I'll watch it!
                    That’s the spirit!! (Have you watched it? )

                    Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                    I'm going to look up that song. Sounds like a good Sparky song. Another good one is "Lonely this Christmas" especially if you're looking through the rose-colored glasses that make you see that they were together at the time of Lifeline!
                    Is there any Sparky video with that song?

                    Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                    They're all posted at the John/Elizabeth LJ community here. Click on the day's link to go to the art/story.
                    Thank you for the link. I am following the advent calendar posts. Nice work everyone!

                    Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                    "Pop up" means show up. It's a slang term. And as for the second part of your answer, I'm working on that.
                    Just a suggestion, but maybe it would be better for you not to use slang terms here, I mean there are some non native English speakers here and sometimes slang terms are not known to all non native English speakers (such it is my case). But it is only a friendly suggestion.
                    sig by Erin Atlantis Rising: The Virtual series Thank you so much for "Primum Movens"


                      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                      To celebrate 3,600 posts, I'm posting a short little Sparky snippet from my new fic. I'm not sure about John, I think I made him talk too much. SR, you mind pulling out your red Sharpie for a few minutes?

                      John Sheppard clicked his pen and someone knocked on the door.

                      "Hey. Do you have a minute?" Elizabeth Weir asked as she walked inside his classroom, her leather work bag slung over one shoulder.

                      "For you, five." He smiled. "What's up?"

                      She pulled a paper out of her bag and handed it to John. "Permission form for the play. If Taylor gets signatures from his teachers, he can audition."

                      "Great. I'll give it to him at practice later." He took the form and laid it on top of his iPhone. "So how was your day?"

                      She tilted her head in thought. "Rather good, actually. I only had to write up one student today."

                      John chuckled. "I had to break up a cat fight in the hallway just after lunch. I still don't get how some girls can be so mature, and some are still using a pacifier."

                      "I never understood it, especially when I was in school. My teachers gave me such praise for being so mature and responsible, yet I was just being myself."

                      He leaned forward in his chair, groaning in unison. "You're a unique individual, Elizabeth. Your teachers just saw it early on."

                      Elizabeth smiled, then crossed her arms. "You're being rather complementary. What's going on?"

                      "Huh? Nothing," he replied, shuffling his papers in embarrassment of being caught. And here I thought I was being subtle.

                      She perched on the edge of a student desk. "You know I don't believe that for a moment."

                      John pretended to look for something for a few more seconds, then gave up and sighed. "What were we talking about?"

                      Elizabeth smirked and gave him a knowing look. It was amazing that they knew each other so well that they were capable of figuring each other out with a single look. Usually she was better at it than he was; he wasn't good at expressing his feelings, which was the primary reason he was having such a hard time asking her out on a date.

                      He groaned. "I gotta get going to practice. I'll have Taylor drop this off to you when it's completed."

                      "Sounds good. Thanks, John, for your help."

                      As she walked out the door and he sat in his chair feeling like a moron, he brought his hands up and covered his face.

                      "Anytime," he muttered.
                      Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                      I don't think John was talking too much. I think it was just right!
                      I agree. I also didn’t think he talked too much.

                      Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                      You need actresses that are good looking but can play characters who can take his garbage and throw it right back at him. Also, we got a little spoiled with the on-screen chemistry between him and Torri I think...
                      I agree.

                      I am not sure if I will ever be able to see Joe doing something else, I mean to me he is and will always be John Sheppard.

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      FYI, Kate Heightmeyer never left Atlantis, except for that one time during the storm and she got killed in the city. So, going or not going off-world really isn't going to prolongue the life any more.
                      Agree. I forgot about Carson too, I mean he left Atlantis on several occasions, but he also died in Atlantis.

                      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                      Yeah, probably. I mean, General Hammond barely went off world and he led a pretty uneventful life. No death threats, alien kidnappings... for the most part. And yet, if Elizabeth had always stayed on Atlantis, we never would've had the following conversations:

                      "The beard is interesting."

                      "Wouldn't be the same without you."


                      "Distracted? ... Hot? ... Smitten?" which leads to one of the cutest looks ever:



                      Just sayin'.
                      Oh yes, you are right! And I haven’t forgotten those, but I guess I was just trying to see if it would have been possible for the bad things to have never happened. But of course if she had never travelled off world, we would have never “seen” those cute conversations, you are absolutely right!

                      Originally posted by Brie View Post
                      I’m actually pretty sure that Elizabeth went off-world more often than we saw, I mean there were several other teams other than Shep’s one and I bet that she had to negotiate with several of them. I base this off firstly all of the artifacts in her office, we don’t know the origin of them but I have the feeling that many of them could possibly be gifts that she reserved from either people she visited to negotiate with or people that might have come to Atlantis, I dunno, but it’s also notable especially in ‘Condemned’ by how well Elizabeth works with Lorne’s team which could mean nothing but seem to indicate that it’s not the first time they have travelled together off-world to do something, and yeah, she is the commanding officer so they know each other but it was just in the way that they worked where Lorne knew what she wanted by just a single look that tells me that it’s more than that.
                      Yeah, I also believe that she did. Too bad we never saw it though.

                      Originally posted by Brie View Post
                      But it’s also like FH said, it’s not only Elizabeth but Kate and Carson that spend most of their time on the base that gets killed off. You also have to remember that the shows first three seasons centers mostly around Shep’s team and when we got to see Elizabeth go off world she was usually with them and let’s face it, they do have the tendency to get into trouble more time than not but it’s a TV-show and it would be boring if everything just went according to plan all the time and sometimes it’s the people you least expect that gets caught in the crossfire (and in Elizabeth’s case that would be literally since she was against attacking the Asuran home world and then got hurt when the Asurans fought back, maybe if they had listened to her she would still be alive today)
                      Isn’t that ironic?

                      Like a magnet.

                      Too bad they didn’t.

                      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                      In short - it's sci fi. You're not safe wherever you are.
                      I guess so.

                      Originally posted by drewandian View Post
                      jumping into the smut convo...I have a voyeurism kink (like i've said before) and love reading smut. the idea of being caught is a major turn on for me. HOWEVER PDA, not so much. It's more the *idea* of being caught rather than the blatant "in your faceness" of PDA that's hot, imo. And I don't care who you are - gay, straight, married, dating...I don't like seeing it in RL. In a movie, on TV, in a fic or novel, sure. Right there in front of me on the bus or in line at the grocery thank you. that may make me a bit of a hypocrite but I can live with that...
                      I feel the same way. I don’t mind PDA in a movie, on TV or in a fic, but in RL and in front of me, no thank you.
                      sig by Erin Atlantis Rising: The Virtual series Thank you so much for "Primum Movens"


                        Originally posted by Pearl of Atlantis76 View Post
                        Just a suggestion, but maybe it would be better for you not to use slang terms here, I mean there are some non native English speakers here and sometimes slang terms are not known to all non native English speakers (such it is my case). But it is only a friendly suggestion.
                        FYI - I think Anuna was the first one to use "pop up" but I could be wrong... and she's Croatian.

                        Originally posted by Pearl of Atlantis76 View Post
                        Like a magnet.
                        It's always the magnets fault.
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                          There was a fun Stargate confession on Tumblr today:

                          Haha! That's fantastic!

                          Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                          What is GiMP exactly?
                          GIMP is essentially a stripped down, free version of Photoshop. Many of the tools are similar, but no fancy labeling. It's pretty much the only picture editing software I use, with perhaps a few modifications once they're loaded onto Photobucket.

                          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                          SparkySheDemon - if you decide to download GIMP, go directly to - that way it's just the program and not a lot of added on ads and rubbish.
                          I second this recommendation.

                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          I've been having the same problem with Photoshop Elements since my iMac had to be rebuilt, and I had to go back to Lion because it's too old to run Mountain Lion. If you can get yourself a good external drive for backup, you can save everything and won't lose stuff. Computers are wonderful until they aren't. With a laptop, you can backup on a USB.
                          I have a 1 TB backup drive... And all my Sparky stuff still got deleted off of it. However, it was my fault. I was deleting a file folder that I thought contained junk. Whoops. Fortunately, most of my work was already published and photos were downloadable from PB.

                          I'm not even gonna mention the 40% off coupon I got on Black Friday for Photoshop Elements and Premiere that I never used.

                          Originally posted by Pearl of Atlantis76 View Post
                          Wow, the story that made me cry, (in a good way ), but never the less made me cry, while on my lunch break. I shouldn't have red it while at work.

                          And this story so makes me wonder why you aren't part of the SGA-R team, i still can't believe it, can't accept it!

                          By the way, nice new sig, SW!
                          Thanks! And as SR explains below:

                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          Just for the record, we invited ShipperWriter to be a part of SGA-Rising. She decided not to join our writing staff, and we both respect and regret her decision. She would have been a great addition to the team.
                          I really was honored when they asked me, and I wanted to agree so badly, but RL would've been thrown on the back burner when I had a lot of responsibilities. And as much as I love our fandom, I couldn't balance both.

                          But who knows? Things could change.

                          Originally posted by Pearl of Atlantis76 View Post
                          Finished it by now. And wow!
                          I loved the end.

                          Yes, in a good way. I mean I really did cry, but I didn’t mind it. I love when a good story makes me cry, and your stories sure are great!
                          Thank you, thank you, thank you!

                          Oh please, don’t say that. *whimpers* (Very sad but I like it.)
                          Sorry and thank you. *hugs*

                          Originally posted by Pearl of Atlantis76 View Post
                          Oh yes, you are right! And I haven’t forgotten those, but I guess I was just trying to see if it would have been possible for the bad things to have never happened. But of course if she had never travelled off world, we would have never “seen” those cute conversations, you are absolutely right!
                          I usually am. *Gibbs slaps self*


                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            FYI - I think Anuna was the first one to use "pop up" but I could be wrong... and she's Croatian.

                            It's always the magnets fault.
                            She very well may have been. Anuna has an amazing grasp of American slang, as do a lot of you non-native English speakers. I am truly in awe of all of you. I have an advanced degree with most of my concentration in English, and I still make tons of mistakes. I don't know any other language well enough to actually read or speak it, but except for some areas where Spanish is spoken a lot, there is little opportunity to use another language.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              She very well may have been. Anuna has an amazing grasp of American slang, as do a lot of you non-native English speakers. I am truly in awe of all of you. I have an advanced degree with most of my concentration in English, and I still make tons of mistakes. I don't know any other language well enough to actually read or speak it, but except for some areas where Spanish is spoken a lot, there is little opportunity to use another language.
                              Anuna isn't an American or someone who comes from a place where English would be her mother tongue? Could've fooled me.
                              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                                Made this one small avi size - free for use


