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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SallyLizzie
    Oh yeah! I have Red's fic page saved to faves, and i'm reaaly looking forward to ZPS updates. I've been meaning to read them again when each ep airs but there has been so much great fic recently that i just haven't had chance.
    Those ZPS reviews have totally ruined the rerun experience for me. As I watched "Instinct" the other night, I kept thinking, "OMG, its Kaylee Ingalls Wraith!"

    When all else fails, change channels.


      Originally posted by Suzotchka
      When I was watching Atlantis season 1 the first time around, I almost thought that Teyla and Sheppard would be good together. But, as time went on, and more episodes aired, it just didn't feel right. Teyla and Sheppard could be great friends. It just didn't seem like there was anything there (romantically speaking).

      Now Sheppard and Weir, on the other hand have great potential (and great sparkage)! I just don't know how to say it better than .. they fit. They just fit well together. I think we have a lot to look forward to next year.

      Hi, Sue! I think you'll find that a lot of people here went through pretty much the same process and ended up in this thread. It's the accidental ship or something. Have fun here!
      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
      Last update: 14 April 2006
      Melyanna's Multimedia
      Last update: 15 February 2006


        Originally posted by Melyanna
        Hi, Sue! I think you'll find that a lot of people here went through pretty much the same process and ended up in this thread. It's the accidental ship or something. Have fun here!
        Yes ! You are right Melyanna. A lot of people went through the same process ---> me

        I'm agree with you, Suzotchka
        In the pilot, i think that the writers leade up to relationship John/Teyla and John/Liz... but in the rest season 1, John and Teyla are friends and they consider leaders. As Liz/John, it's different... there is something other... a look... a sentence... discussions... a fear to lost each other... (sorry for my english... i don't know how to say )

        JOHN/LIZ POWA !!!!!!!!


          Originally posted by EnfantTV
          Yes ! You are right Melyanna. A lot of people went through the same process ---> me

          I'm agree with you, Suzotchka
          In the pilot, i think that the writers leade up to relationship John/Teyla and John/Liz... but in the rest season 1, John and Teyla are friends and they consider leaders. As Liz/John, it's different... there is something other... a look... a sentence... discussions... a fear to lost each other... (sorry for my english... i don't know how to say )

          JOHN/LIZ POWA !!!!!!!!

          I must be the only one who didn't see the John/Teyla thing! I already thought he was cute with Elizabeth before Teyla even arrived on the scene! The wave, going through the gate, etc..


            Originally posted by alyssa
            I must be the only one who didn't see the John/Teyla thing!
            Nah, you're not the only one. I was watching Rising with two guys and one of them changed the channel when the cringeworthy cave scene happened.


              Originally posted by alyssa
              I must be the only one who didn't see the John/Teyla thing! I already thought he was cute with Elizabeth before Teyla even arrived on the scene! The wave, going through the gate, etc..
              I'm agree with you but in the first episod, there was the Teyla's medallion scene in cave... but it's one scene that I found But there were more John/Liz scenes. In my french forum, with a friend, we maked out a shipper moment list lol !


                Originally posted by gooner_diva
                Nah, you're not the only one. I was watching Rising with two guys and one of them changed the channel when the cringeworthy cave scene happened.
                That's funny! See to me the whole Shep/Teyla thing seemed really contrived. Like "Oh, okay. Touching scene. We're supposed to see chemistry here". Never saw it. I know Joe and Rachel are supposed to be pretty good friends. Maybe that's the problem (though they wouldn't have known each other long at that point... though she did audition with him... Oh, who knows!).... He connects on screen way better with Torri.


                  Originally posted by alyssa
                  That's funny! See to me the whole Shep/Teyla thing seemed really contrived. Like "Oh, okay. Touching scene. We're supposed to see chemistry here".
                  I couldn't agree more. I swear I could almost see the script saying: "Now here's where the hot Earth guy falls for the hot alien gal and you're supposed to like it because we'd decided to shove it down your throats in the promos."
                  On the other hand, Shep and Weir had that natural chemistry from the beginning; little things like the wave, the way he follows her around etc. Even in the balcony scene which probably read as "Here's where they're supposed to have The Power Struggle" I saw great potential. Especially when she called him John so early on, sort of trying to reach out to him on a personal level.
                  On a side note, I really wish Martin Gero (or was it Joe Mallozzi?) had answered that question about how much time had passed between the Antarctica scene and departure to Atlantis.


                    Originally posted by gooner_diva
                    I couldn't agree more. I swear I could almost see the script saying: "Now here's where the hot Earth guy falls for the hot alien gal and you're supposed to like it because we'd decided to shove it down your throats in the promos."
                    On the other hand, Shep and Weir had that natural chemistry from the beginning; little things like the wave, the way he follows her around etc. Even in the balcony scene which probably read as "Here's where they're supposed to have The Power Struggle" I saw great potential. Especially when she called him John so early on, sort of trying to reach out to him on a personal level.
                    On a side note, I really wish Martin Gero (or was it Joe Mallozzi?) had answered that question about how much time had passed between the Antarctica scene and departure to Atlantis.
                    Oh, absolutely. They'd obviously set it up that way. That's why they would have tried Rachel out with Joe so many times. (like the whole RDA/AT "what do they look like together?" thing at her audition)
                    You can tell from that whole power struggle balcony scene that they were trying to set Shep/Weir up as people who'd be at odds about various things. All that scene did though was show just how well Torri and Joe work together. There's no way they were going to be able to go down the Jack/Daniel track after seeing the way they interacted in those early scenes.


                      Originally posted by gooner_diva
                      Shep and Weir had that natural chemistry from the beginning
                      I love your sentence. That describe fine the John/Liz relationship


                        john and liz do have that sparky chemistry that makes us go "awww"
                        ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                          Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
                          john and liz do have that sparky chemistry that makes us go "awww"
                          So you've joined us again! I'm checking what's happening online while watching my new DVDs. So cool! McKay, passing out from manly hunger. Oh, he's so funny. And Shep and Weir are cute from day one..


                            Originally posted by alyssa
                            You can tell from that whole power struggle balcony scene that they were trying to set Shep/Weir up as people who'd be at odds about various things. All that scene did though was show just how well Torri and Joe work together. There's no way they were going to be able to go down the Jack/Daniel track after seeing the way they interacted in those early scenes.
                            It really backfired on them, didn't it? Shep and Weir are working far better with each other than against each other which must have been a real shock for TPTB. Poor them, all their plans collapsed. But I'm glad they've recognised it isn't going the way they'd originally planned. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Characters grow and develop, who says they should push something that clearly isn't working? The introduction of Caldwell is a definite sign they have moved on from trying to make Shep/Weir relationship antagonistic. An outsider like him can only unite them in the long run which makes me happy for the shippy reasons, not to mention it will also allow Teyla to develop into a proper character (eventually) now that she's been freed of that S/T clutter. I would certainly hate if 50% of the female cast served only as a romantic interest for the male lead.


                              Originally posted by alyssa
                              So you've joined us again! I'm checking what's happening online while watching my new DVDs. So cool! McKay, passing out from manly hunger. Oh, he's so funny. And Shep and Weir are cute from day one..
                              *waves* yes back to the 'puter where i live apparently (according to my parents)... did i mention that the commentaries are great... watching another to tonight when i go to bed...
                              ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                                Originally posted by gooner_diva
                                It really backfired on them, didn't it? Shep and Weir are working far better with each other than against each other which must have been a real shock for TPTB. Poor them, all their plans collapsed. But I'm glad they've recognised it isn't going the way they'd originally planned. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Characters grow and develop, who says they should push something that clearly isn't working? The introduction of Caldwell is a definite sign they have moved on from trying to make Shep/Weir relationship antagonistic. An outsider like him can only unite them in the long run which makes me happy for the shippy reasons, not to mention it will also allow Teyla to develop into a proper character (eventually) now that she's been freed of that S/T clutter. I would certainly hate if 50% of the female cast served only as a romantic interest for the male lead.
                                So true! It makes sense for Shep/Weir to have a strong bond. They're the leaders. They have the responsibility of making sure their people are safe. They have to have a connection, whether they like it or not. The fact that they compliment each other, and have grown to be more open to each other's ideas (Shep as the military man, Weir as the pacifist) makes them a formidable team.

                                Interesting with Caldwell. He can only serve to unite them even more, against outside interference. They've run their city under their rules for a season. As much as the contact with earth must be a relief, it must also lead to a fear of being 'reigned in' or 'controlled' by those who don't completely understand the situation, or the lengths they've had to go to to take care of themselves.

                                Also, you're right about Teyla. She absolutely needs to be able to develop without the Shep card being played. Elizabeth was already pretty well developed as the leader of her people. I know Teyla's also a leader, but her purpose has been mainly as a member of Shep's team.

