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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Happy Sparky Family Day! Here is a new gif that nolamom made for me:

    It's so cute!
    sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


      I come reccing a new fic (not mine)...

      Title: Whisper To Their Souls To Go
      Author: Havocthecat
      Words: 4,792
      Rating: Explicit - NC-17/M
      Relationship: John Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir
      Characters: Kate Heightmeyer, Carson Beckett, John Sheppard, Elizabeth Weir
      Serie: Valedictions
      Summary: All Elizabeth wants to do now is to lie down in her own bed and hope that Phebus doesn't whisper to her as she falls asleep.

      Notes from the author (as found in part 2):

      This is part of a series of episode-related fics I was working on back in 2008 - 2010. I lost momentum after third season, but with 20k words written, I've been doing my best to get it done and posted.

      I wrote it starting just after an Elizabeth/John story (Whisper to Their Souls to Go) and it's gone from Elizabeth/John to an eventual Kate/Elizabeth/John.
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Very nice little story. Enjoyed it immeansely!
        sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
          Hrmmm. Some interesting thoughts on those pics.

          What strikes me is that they illustrate two completely different arguments. The first is procedural, the second is personal (of sorts).

          Back in Rising, while I wouldn't describe it as a pissing match per se, both are trying to mark out their roles (Weir as leader, and Sheppard as [at that point] military guy/Sumner's 2IC). Weir gets her back up and pulls Sheppard aside because while he's technically only doing what he's supposed to at that point (exploring all military options) he's doing it in such a way that it makes it look like he's overriding her authority. And at that point, giving him an earful was the right call - if she gave him leeway there, in that pressure situation, he'd have done the same from then onwards. The same with him - he needed to push his agenda (the rescue). At that point, had he ignored her and gone ahead with it anyway, I would have fully supported him.

          But what followed that first pic was one of the most refreshing scenes from Stargate that I'd seen (at that stage). Two people who had completely different views on something entered a discussion, without insulting each other, and managed to reach a reasoned compromise. It completely won me over. Two things I especially loved were Weir's "negotiate" line (it was the right thing to say, given that she hadn't met them, but i headdesked at how innocent she was) and him calling her out about having the convo on the balcony.

          In FS (at least where that pic is) the discussion was over. Again, she didn't completely disagree with the action (a writing fail IMO - they'd have been better off having a clearer divide, one that didn't amount to "this is an ineffective first strike - let's wait slightly longer, so instead of injuring them, we can wipe them out completely", and not having the 'phone call' scene with Oberoth, but yet again I digress) but it didn't matter at that point. It seemed to me that the majority of her chagrin (given that she didn't disagree with attacking the asurans per se) stemmed from being cut out of the loop - a slap in the face considering her role. And it wasn't like Shep wasn't on her side, he just didn't agree with her (and even if he did, he couldn't have done anything about it). This wasn't like the situation with Everett during the seige - he didn't need to leap to her defence because Ellis wasn't trying to take over, he was just trying to run the mission. The disappointment that she projected seemed to be based on the fact that up until then, they'd been pretty much in sync. Here, their leadership co-op got blown to pieces.

          I do add some leeway to Rising in the fact that it was practically a movie script. Tv characters always come across as a little different in movie scripts. You can tell from scene one in The Lost City that something is a little 'off'. Rising is one of the few times where I can imagine Steen playing Weir (and Browder playing Sheppard) because it's about the very essence of the characters and how they act in the heat of the moment, rather than how they're portrayed
          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
          Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Sparky!Family and College Football Saturday! Good luck to everyone's teams!

          That is an interesting question to ponder. It certainly could've given TPTW the conflict between the two that they claimed they had been trying to write for all along.

          Refreshing is right! I remember the first time I saw Rising and being struck by just how different that moment was. I (like a lot of us, I think) was used to seeing the various members of SG-1 occasionally argue with Hammond (or an even higher-up) to let them go on a mission for some dire reason and nearly always getting their way right off the bat. So to see Sheppard get shot down, take it, and then find a way to meet Weir's criteria for a green light (with McKay's help) instead of just trying to do an end-run around her really sold me that this show was going to be different.

          Absolutely. Rising, as a pilot script, would've been written before casting began. They may have had certain actors in mind for certain roles (as they'd initially had with Steen and Browder), but you're right that the "essence" of the characters is usually made much more obvious in pilots.
          I think in Rising it's also a little bit of Elizabeth trying to be forceful with someone who she already knows has a reputation for impulsiveness. She was warned by a number of people about his cavalier behavior and in the balcony scene it definitely comes out.

          At that point, Sumner had just been taken, so John wasn't her 2IC at that point--he was just the highest ranking officer. So it's a dangerous triangle Elizabeth's in--no true military advisor to consult, and a hothead who is now in charge of military ops, plus running across a huge, deadly race that she knows nothing of. She has to take John's word that they're dangerous and absolutely impossible to negotiate with, which is placing a heck of a lot of trust in someone (and she does it).

          What I like most about that scene is how she talks to him. She doesn't talk like a politico. She uses the words 'half-assed', she calls him John and she looks directly at him and tells him that she 'hears him'. I love that. The line where she says "I see your point. Now YOU see MINE." That isn't someone who is lording authority over the whole expedition. That is someone working out a way to work with everyone in the expedition, while still directly noting that she is the leader and in control. Her way of speaking with him is I think what makes him not do with her what he's done with everyone else--defy her. He listens because she doesn't say to him 'you WILL do this' and 'you WON'T do this'. It's an actual discussion. And I think that, coupled with the credit she gave him in the first place, makes him work to her requirements. That struck me as singularly impressive--and I think probably the reason why we never got the contention the showrunners initially thought we would. Elizabeth and John began as a negotiation. Had he been forced on her, like a Sumner, and perhaps if it had been a Ben Browder or a less boyishly charming actor than Joe, it would have been more convincing.

          In First Strike, that boyish charm is mostly gone--he's a true 2IC at that point--but the reliance built upon from Rising beyond is thoroughly tested. I honestly don't think Elizabeth would have held it against John for the strike on Asuras, though. He was still military and when it was all over, had things not unfolded as they did, he would have had to admit she was right. Which I don't see him having a problem with. Her fears about being pushed out--that's also something I don't think he would have allowed to happen. I think he agreed with the military op, but if it had been an issue of Atlantis being militarized, I think he would have bared his claws. As he did in Misbegotten.

          Casting of actors can change SO MUCH. The novella for Rising I believe is based on the original finalized script, not the telecast, and in the novella Sumner is a huge jerk. He was slightly overbearing in the telecast, but that was tempered a bit with how Robert Patrick played him. He's much worse in the book. I'll have to go back and read to see if the characterizations of John or Elizabeth are any different.
          Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


            Good afternoon everyone, how are you all doing? Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

            Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post

            My fandom muse finally returned tonight, and I've been vidding for the past three hours while watching the Country Music Awards (cause I am a true Southerner LOL). Unfortunately, not Sparky. That project is still in the planning stages. Seriously. I'm taking the lyrics, double spacing and printing them, then writing which Sparky-looking scenes I will use beneath the lines.
            I look forward for your Sparky vids!

            Originally posted by Sparks of Atlantis View Post

            This all contrasts from the second photo, in which Elizabeth's gaze looks softer, though that's probably due to fatigue from lack of sleep, and in which John's gaunt visage and furrowed eyebrows signal worry and stress during dark times for Atlantis. While they were at a disagreement with each other, it was clear that Elizabeth reluctantly recognized that John didn't have much choice but to do what he had been ordered to do. Similarly, John knew that Elizabeth wasn't happy about this, and he had the decency to at least feel a little bit guilty about it. I thought that this was interesting to point out, to compare how different they looked from the beginning of the expedition and from nearly three years later, and also how the pictures clearly resemble a shift in their relationship with each other. They started out occasionally clashing with each other whenever they had conflicts, and yet they soon formed a strong bond with each other, a friendship held by understanding and support, even if they didn't completely agree with each other at times.
            Yes, he was definitely feeling a little bit guilty about the whole situation, since Elizabeth didn't agree with it. Thank you for pointing it out, how different they looked from the beginning of the expedition and from nearly 3 years later. It was interesting to read your observations. And i will have to agree with you. They sure formed a strong bond with each other throughout those years, even if they might not agree with each other all the time.

            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post

            Indeed. Words and deeds left undone and virtually impossible now to resolve it. Unless...

            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
            started to work on a little ficlet entitled "Goodbye John" takes place during the scenes of Ghost in the Machine where Elizabeth tells John, Richard and Rodney her plan and the scene at the gate room.
            I am going to cry on this one, right? But i look forward to read it, though!

            Originally posted by Sparks of Atlantis View Post

            That truly is very sad. Had Elizabeth never been injured and safely arrived at New Lantea with her expedition, I do wonder if this could have been enough to tear apart their working relationship for an extended period of time. I think that Elizabeth and John were both very hurt by each other, Elizabeth from John submitting to Colonel Ellis and going against her word, and John from Elizabeth disapproving him and giving him the cold shoulder through the rest of the episode. If only they had been able to make amends before Elizabeth got injured... after John was forced to leave her behind on the Replicator planet, he had to live with the regret that he never got the chance to apologize and ask for her forgiveness.
            If John had not agreed with this plan to attack the Replicator's world, maybe Elizabeth would still be with them/him!.... But i think this would not have been enough to tear apart their working relationship, it was not the first time they didn't agree with each other and for sure it wouldn't be the last one either, that is if she would have safely arrived at New Lantea with them.... Although Elizabeth mentioned to Teyla that she was thinking about quitting from being the leader of the expedition after this situation. But i wonder if she would really have done that.

            Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
            Happy Sparky Family Day! Here is a new gif that nolamom made for me:

            It's so cute!
            It sure is!!!
            sig by Erin Atlantis Rising: The Virtual series Thank you so much for "Primum Movens"


              In case you're wondering Pearl, that's a gif of Sparky with the twins from my story!
              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                Originally posted by Pearl of Atlantis76 View Post
                I am going to cry on this one, right? But i look forward to read it, though!
                it will be my first time writing an angsty John / Elizabeth story and i might even tweak with some canon info in that story and i actually got the idea from the
                latest Halo 4 game (actually a soundtrack to the game)
                Last edited by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard; 03 November 2012, 01:17 PM.


                  Hello everyone!

                  Great discussion about the contrast of the two images, love reading all of it and I couldn’t agree more with what you’ve all said. I can’t say that it was something I thought about a lot as I saw the separately, well, I did think of them as they were but I’ve never taken the chance to really look at them in contrast as I have now.

                  Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                  What I like most about that scene is how she talks to him. She doesn't talk like a politico. She uses the words 'half-assed', she calls him John and she looks directly at him and tells him that she 'hears him'. I love that. The line where she says "I see your point. Now YOU see MINE." That isn't someone who is lording authority over the whole expedition. That is someone working out a way to work with everyone in the expedition, while still directly noting that she is the leader and in control. Her way of speaking with him is I think what makes him not do with her what he's done with everyone else--defy her. He listens because she doesn't say to him 'you WILL do this' and 'you WON'T do this'. It's an actual discussion. And I think that, coupled with the credit she gave him in the first place, makes him work to her requirements. That struck me as singularly impressive--and I think probably the reason why we never got the contention the showrunners initially thought we would. Elizabeth and John began as a negotiation. Had he been forced on her, like a Sumner, and perhaps if it had been a Ben Browder or a less boyishly charming actor than Joe, it would have been more convincing.
                  I’ve always loved Elizabeth’s way of being a leader who doesn’t want to stand out against the rest of the people, I mean yeah she was always the leader and made all those decision but she never pretended to stand above the rest of them. I mean her office alone reveals that, how simple she kept it compared to Carter and Woolsey she didn’t have it overly decorative and she just had a simple desk and a few simple chairs and the few personal belongings on the desk but that was it and I always felt that she kept it like that to make her people more comfortable to enter it and to make sure that they felt comfortable to speak with her about anything really, but also that she made sure to keep it like that so that it didn't appear as if she had more things than the rest of them, I dunno how to really explain it, it was more of a feeling I got than anything else.


                    Managed to finally type up another pair to missing scene ficlets to share.

                    The Long Goodbye

                    While she was stuck in the infirmary waiting for Dr. Carson Beckett to declare her 100% free of Phebus, Dr. Elizabeth Weir couldn’t wait to get back to work. Now that she was out, all Elizabeth could think about was, would kissing Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard while she was actually in control of her own body be any better than when Phebus did it.

                    Feeling the need for some air, Elizabeth left her office and automatically headed for the balcony off Stargate Operations. Knowing the number of conversations she’d had with John there, Elizabeth opted for a walk instead. That is how she ended up at her current location. Sitting on the end of the East Pier enjoying the ocean breeze and listening to the waves calmly roll into Atlantis.

                    “So, this it where you’ve been hiding,” said John as he walked up to her.

                    “I’m not hiding, John,” answered Elizabeth without looking up. She knew it was John the moment the doors opened. “I’ve been thinking. In private.”

                    “Care to share with the rest of the class,” asked John as he sat next to her, their shoulders almost touching.

                    He knew exactly what was on Elizabeth’s mind since it was all he could think about as well. John was determined not to let their alien influenced kiss make things awkward between them.

                    “Were the sparks real,” finally admitted Elizabeth. “They were muted a bit, I admit. Probably because we weren’t in control of our bodies, but they were still there.”

                    “Only one way to find out,” offered John diplomatically.

                    “I guess you’re right,” said Elizabeth.

                    They slowly shifted positions until Elizabeth could comfortably put her hands on both sides of John’s face and pulled him in for a truly mind blowing kiss.

                    “Well,” asked Elizabeth a bit tentatively.

                    “I think we need to do that again, just to be sure,” answered John with a sly grin before capturing Elizabeth’s lips for another kiss. “Yes, just like I thought. Major sparks.”


                    “Hopefully that’s the last we’ll ever see of Michael,” said Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard as he moved to join Dr. Elizabeth Weir on the balcony outside Stargate Operations. He and his team had just escaped a Wraith hive ship by cloaking their Jumper after rescuing Dr. Carson Beckett from Michael and a group of hybrids.

                    “So my wondering knight has returned from once again defending Castle Atlantis from the evil Wraith Hordes,” said a playful Elizabeth.

                    “Castle Atlantis,” asked John. “I must be tired because I have no idea what you are talking about, Elizabeth. Are you alright?”

                    “I’m fine, Sir John,” answered Elizabeth, eyebrow raised as if to say, don’t you what to play with me? “You’re always riding off to right the wrongs of the Pegasus Galaxy and yet you still have time to check up on me or defend my honor against the attacks of the somewhat evil Lord Richard of Woolsey. I’m touched.”

                    “How could I not succeed in my quest of freedom for the people’s of Pegasus with companions like the loyal barbarian, Ronon; Teyla, Warrior Princess of Athos; and the wise wizard, Rodney The Complainer,” said John once his exhausted mind caught up with Elizabeth. “Please, don’t tell Rodney the last part. I’d never hear the end of it,” he added in a stage whisper.

                    “Your secret is save with me,” Elizabeth stage whispered back.

                    “Truthfully, how could I ever forget about or fail to return to the Lady Elizabeth,” continued John. “Who’s beauty is only matched by her wisdom and heart.”

                    Their moment was lost when Dr. Rodney McKay joined them. Forcing the pair back to business.

                    “Elizabeth, you would not believe all the information I was able to download while we still had that hive ship,” began Rodney once he walked through the doors to the balcony. “Sheppard, I didn’t see you there.”

                    “I was just leaving, Rodney,” said John.

                    Once Rodney turned his attention back to Elizabeth, John motioned like he was stroking a long beard thoughtfully before he left. On seeing this, Elizabeth had to use all of her diplomatic training to not fall over laughing at the image of Rodney dressed as Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings that popped into her head.
                    I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                    Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                      Very nice! Loved them both, but I liked the one for "The Long Goodbye" more!
                      sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
             Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                        Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                        Managed to finally type up another pair to missing scene ficlets to share.

                        The Long Goodbye

                        While she was stuck in the infirmary waiting for Dr. Carson Beckett to declare her 100% free of Phebus, Dr. Elizabeth Weir couldn’t wait to get back to work. Now that she was out, all Elizabeth could think about was, would kissing Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard while she was actually in control of her own body be any better than when Phebus did it.

                        Feeling the need for some air, Elizabeth left her office and automatically headed for the balcony off Stargate Operations. Knowing the number of conversations she’d had with John there, Elizabeth opted for a walk instead. That is how she ended up at her current location. Sitting on the end of the East Pier enjoying the ocean breeze and listening to the waves calmly roll into Atlantis.

                        “So, this it where you’ve been hiding,” said John as he walked up to her.

                        “I’m not hiding, John,” answered Elizabeth without looking up. She knew it was John the moment the doors opened. “I’ve been thinking. In private.”

                        “Care to share with the rest of the class,” asked John as he sat next to her, their shoulders almost touching.

                        He knew exactly what was on Elizabeth’s mind since it was all he could think about as well. John was determined not to let their alien influenced kiss make things awkward between them.

                        “Were the sparks real,” finally admitted Elizabeth. “They were muted a bit, I admit. Probably because we weren’t in control of our bodies, but they were still there.”

                        “Only one way to find out,” offered John diplomatically.

                        “I guess you’re right,” said Elizabeth.

                        They slowly shifted positions until Elizabeth could comfortably put her hands on both sides of John’s face and pulled him in for a truly mind blowing kiss.

                        “Well,” asked Elizabeth a bit tentatively.

                        “I think we need to do that again, just to be sure,” answered John with a sly grin before capturing Elizabeth’s lips for another kiss. “Yes, just like I thought. Major sparks.”


                        “Hopefully that’s the last we’ll ever see of Michael,” said Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard as he moved to join Dr. Elizabeth Weir on the balcony outside Stargate Operations. He and his team had just escaped a Wraith hive ship by cloaking their Jumper after rescuing Dr. Carson Beckett from Michael and a group of hybrids.

                        “So my wondering knight has returned from once again defending Castle Atlantis from the evil Wraith Hordes,” said a playful Elizabeth.

                        “Castle Atlantis,” asked John. “I must be tired because I have no idea what you are talking about, Elizabeth. Are you alright?”

                        “I’m fine, Sir John,” answered Elizabeth, eyebrow raised as if to say, don’t you what to play with me? “You’re always riding off to right the wrongs of the Pegasus Galaxy and yet you still have time to check up on me or defend my honor against the attacks of the somewhat evil Lord Richard of Woolsey. I’m touched.”

                        “How could I not succeed in my quest of freedom for the people’s of Pegasus with companions like the loyal barbarian, Ronon; Teyla, Warrior Princess of Athos; and the wise wizard, Rodney The Complainer,” said John once his exhausted mind caught up with Elizabeth. “Please, don’t tell Rodney the last part. I’d never hear the end of it,” he added in a stage whisper.

                        “Your secret is save with me,” Elizabeth stage whispered back.

                        “Truthfully, how could I ever forget about or fail to return to the Lady Elizabeth,” continued John. “Who’s beauty is only matched by her wisdom and heart.”

                        Their moment was lost when Dr. Rodney McKay joined them. Forcing the pair back to business.

                        “Elizabeth, you would not believe all the information I was able to download while we still had that hive ship,” began Rodney once he walked through the doors to the balcony. “Sheppard, I didn’t see you there.”

                        “I was just leaving, Rodney,” said John.

                        Once Rodney turned his attention back to Elizabeth, John motioned like he was stroking a long beard thoughtfully before he left. On seeing this, Elizabeth had to use all of her diplomatic training to not fall over laughing at the image of Rodney dressed as Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings that popped into her head.
                        Love them both, but I think I like the Misbegotten one just a tiny bit better. The analogy may be tortured, but they could pull it off. I so see John joining in the teasing and Rodney being clueless.

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Lazy Sunday and S-minus 5 hours and 42 minutes to Misbegotten!

                          On this week's College Football Round-up: Georgia beat Mississippi 37-10, Virginia Tech lost to Miami 30-12, USC lost to Oregon 62-51, Tennessee beat Troy 55-48, Air Force lost to Army 41-21, and Navy beat Florida Atlantic 24-17. So... not such a good week for some of us. I'll be over in the corner with SR, John, and Lorne crying into our beer.

                          Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                          Managed to finally type up another pair to missing scene ficlets to share.

                          The Long Goodbye

                          While she was stuck in the infirmary waiting for Dr. Carson Beckett to declare her 100% free of Phebus, Dr. Elizabeth Weir couldn’t wait to get back to work. Now that she was out, all Elizabeth could think about was, would kissing Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard while she was actually in control of her own body be any better than when Phebus did it.

                          Feeling the need for some air, Elizabeth left her office and automatically headed for the balcony off Stargate Operations. Knowing the number of conversations she’d had with John there, Elizabeth opted for a walk instead. That is how she ended up at her current location. Sitting on the end of the East Pier enjoying the ocean breeze and listening to the waves calmly roll into Atlantis.

                          “So, this it where you’ve been hiding,” said John as he walked up to her.

                          “I’m not hiding, John,” answered Elizabeth without looking up. She knew it was John the moment the doors opened. “I’ve been thinking. In private.”

                          “Care to share with the rest of the class,” asked John as he sat next to her, their shoulders almost touching.

                          He knew exactly what was on Elizabeth’s mind since it was all he could think about as well. John was determined not to let their alien influenced kiss make things awkward between them.

                          “Were the sparks real,” finally admitted Elizabeth. “They were muted a bit, I admit. Probably because we weren’t in control of our bodies, but they were still there.”

                          “Only one way to find out,” offered John diplomatically.

                          “I guess you’re right,” said Elizabeth.

                          They slowly shifted positions until Elizabeth could comfortably put her hands on both sides of John’s face and pulled him in for a truly mind blowing kiss.

                          “Well,” asked Elizabeth a bit tentatively.

                          “I think we need to do that again, just to be sure,” answered John with a sly grin before capturing Elizabeth’s lips for another kiss. “Yes, just like I thought. Major sparks.”


                          “Hopefully that’s the last we’ll ever see of Michael,” said Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard as he moved to join Dr. Elizabeth Weir on the balcony outside Stargate Operations. He and his team had just escaped a Wraith hive ship by cloaking their Jumper after rescuing Dr. Carson Beckett from Michael and a group of hybrids.

                          “So my wondering knight has returned from once again defending Castle Atlantis from the evil Wraith Hordes,” said a playful Elizabeth.

                          “Castle Atlantis,” asked John. “I must be tired because I have no idea what you are talking about, Elizabeth. Are you alright?”

                          “I’m fine, Sir John,” answered Elizabeth, eyebrow raised as if to say, don’t you what to play with me? “You’re always riding off to right the wrongs of the Pegasus Galaxy and yet you still have time to check up on me or defend my honor against the attacks of the somewhat evil Lord Richard of Woolsey. I’m touched.”

                          “How could I not succeed in my quest of freedom for the people’s of Pegasus with companions like the loyal barbarian, Ronon; Teyla, Warrior Princess of Athos; and the wise wizard, Rodney The Complainer,” said John once his exhausted mind caught up with Elizabeth. “Please, don’t tell Rodney the last part. I’d never hear the end of it,” he added in a stage whisper.

                          “Your secret is save with me,” Elizabeth stage whispered back.

                          “Truthfully, how could I ever forget about or fail to return to the Lady Elizabeth,” continued John. “Who’s beauty is only matched by her wisdom and heart.”

                          Their moment was lost when Dr. Rodney McKay joined them. Forcing the pair back to business.

                          “Elizabeth, you would not believe all the information I was able to download while we still had that hive ship,” began Rodney once he walked through the doors to the balcony. “Sheppard, I didn’t see you there.”

                          “I was just leaving, Rodney,” said John.

                          Once Rodney turned his attention back to Elizabeth, John motioned like he was stroking a long beard thoughtfully before he left. On seeing this, Elizabeth had to use all of her diplomatic training to not fall over laughing at the image of Rodney dressed as Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings that popped into her head.
                          *flails* OMG, I love them both! I think I like the Misbegotten one just a little more, too. The "Atlantis gone Dungeons & Dragons" imagery is just too funny!
                          Last edited by Scary Kitty; 04 November 2012, 06:59 AM. Reason: apparently my clock-reading skillz are off this morning...
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            Hello everyone!

                            I'm looking forward to tonights post-a-thon.

                            Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                            Managed to finally type up another pair to missing scene ficlets to share.

                            The Long Goodbye

                            While she was stuck in the infirmary waiting for Dr. Carson Beckett to declare her 100% free of Phebus, Dr. Elizabeth Weir couldn’t wait to get back to work. Now that she was out, all Elizabeth could think about was, would kissing Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard while she was actually in control of her own body be any better than when Phebus did it.

                            Feeling the need for some air, Elizabeth left her office and automatically headed for the balcony off Stargate Operations. Knowing the number of conversations she’d had with John there, Elizabeth opted for a walk instead. That is how she ended up at her current location. Sitting on the end of the East Pier enjoying the ocean breeze and listening to the waves calmly roll into Atlantis.

                            “So, this it where you’ve been hiding,” said John as he walked up to her.

                            “I’m not hiding, John,” answered Elizabeth without looking up. She knew it was John the moment the doors opened. “I’ve been thinking. In private.”

                            “Care to share with the rest of the class,” asked John as he sat next to her, their shoulders almost touching.

                            He knew exactly what was on Elizabeth’s mind since it was all he could think about as well. John was determined not to let their alien influenced kiss make things awkward between them.

                            “Were the sparks real,” finally admitted Elizabeth. “They were muted a bit, I admit. Probably because we weren’t in control of our bodies, but they were still there.”

                            “Only one way to find out,” offered John diplomatically.

                            “I guess you’re right,” said Elizabeth.

                            They slowly shifted positions until Elizabeth could comfortably put her hands on both sides of John’s face and pulled him in for a truly mind blowing kiss.

                            “Well,” asked Elizabeth a bit tentatively.

                            “I think we need to do that again, just to be sure,” answered John with a sly grin before capturing Elizabeth’s lips for another kiss. “Yes, just like I thought. Major sparks.”


                            “Hopefully that’s the last we’ll ever see of Michael,” said Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard as he moved to join Dr. Elizabeth Weir on the balcony outside Stargate Operations. He and his team had just escaped a Wraith hive ship by cloaking their Jumper after rescuing Dr. Carson Beckett from Michael and a group of hybrids.

                            “So my wondering knight has returned from once again defending Castle Atlantis from the evil Wraith Hordes,” said a playful Elizabeth.

                            “Castle Atlantis,” asked John. “I must be tired because I have no idea what you are talking about, Elizabeth. Are you alright?”

                            “I’m fine, Sir John,” answered Elizabeth, eyebrow raised as if to say, don’t you what to play with me? “You’re always riding off to right the wrongs of the Pegasus Galaxy and yet you still have time to check up on me or defend my honor against the attacks of the somewhat evil Lord Richard of Woolsey. I’m touched.”

                            “How could I not succeed in my quest of freedom for the people’s of Pegasus with companions like the loyal barbarian, Ronon; Teyla, Warrior Princess of Athos; and the wise wizard, Rodney The Complainer,” said John once his exhausted mind caught up with Elizabeth. “Please, don’t tell Rodney the last part. I’d never hear the end of it,” he added in a stage whisper.

                            “Your secret is save with me,” Elizabeth stage whispered back.

                            “Truthfully, how could I ever forget about or fail to return to the Lady Elizabeth,” continued John. “Who’s beauty is only matched by her wisdom and heart.”

                            Their moment was lost when Dr. Rodney McKay joined them. Forcing the pair back to business.

                            “Elizabeth, you would not believe all the information I was able to download while we still had that hive ship,” began Rodney once he walked through the doors to the balcony. “Sheppard, I didn’t see you there.”

                            “I was just leaving, Rodney,” said John.

                            Once Rodney turned his attention back to Elizabeth, John motioned like he was stroking a long beard thoughtfully before he left. On seeing this, Elizabeth had to use all of her diplomatic training to not fall over laughing at the image of Rodney dressed as Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings that popped into her head.
                            Great fics, I loved and enjoyed them both becuase they were very different from one another but fit them well.

                            The part when John says “the loyal barbarian, Ronon;” reminds me of Rodney’s little “Conan” line from ‘Epiphany’ and fits well with another character Jason have portrayed


                              Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                              In case you're wondering Pearl, that's a gif of Sparky with the twins from my story!
                              I figured as much.

                              Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                              it will be my first time writing an angsty John / Elizabeth story and i might even tweak with some canon info in that story and i actually got the idea from the
                              latest Halo 4 game (actually a soundtrack to the game)
                              I look forward to it, I love angsty stories!

                              Originally posted by Brie View Post

                              I’ve always loved Elizabeth’s way of being a leader who doesn’t want to stand out against the rest of the people, I mean yeah she was always the leader and made all those decision but she never pretended to stand above the rest of them. I mean her office alone reveals that, how simple she kept it compared to Carter and Woolsey she didn’t have it overly decorative and she just had a simple desk and a few simple chairs and the few personal belongings on the desk but that was it and I always felt that she kept it like that to make her people more comfortable to enter it and to make sure that they felt comfortable to speak with her about anything really, but also that she made sure to keep it like that so that it didn't appear as if she had more things than the rest of them, I dunno how to really explain it, it was more of a feeling I got than anything else.
                              Yeah, I know what you mean! I always loved the way Elizabeth had her office decorated, she was definitely a much simple person than Sam or Woolsey (i never liked the way Sam and Woolsey decorated the office, too many things, too many things to remind other people they were superior to them), and Elizabeth always treated others as equal although she was the leader of the expedition. I also liked the fact she would ask for the opinions of others before making her final decisions.

                              Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                              Managed to finally type up another pair to missing scene ficlets to share.

                              The Long Goodbye

                              While she was stuck in the infirmary waiting for Dr. Carson Beckett to declare her 100% free of Phebus, Dr. Elizabeth Weir couldn’t wait to get back to work. Now that she was out, all Elizabeth could think about was, would kissing Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard while she was actually in control of her own body be any better than when Phebus did it.

                              Feeling the need for some air, Elizabeth left her office and automatically headed for the balcony off Stargate Operations. Knowing the number of conversations she’d had with John there, Elizabeth opted for a walk instead. That is how she ended up at her current location. Sitting on the end of the East Pier enjoying the ocean breeze and listening to the waves calmly roll into Atlantis.

                              “So, this it where you’ve been hiding,” said John as he walked up to her.

                              “I’m not hiding, John,” answered Elizabeth without looking up. She knew it was John the moment the doors opened. “I’ve been thinking. In private.”

                              “Care to share with the rest of the class,” asked John as he sat next to her, their shoulders almost touching.

                              He knew exactly what was on Elizabeth’s mind since it was all he could think about as well. John was determined not to let their alien influenced kiss make things awkward between them.

                              “Were the sparks real,” finally admitted Elizabeth. “They were muted a bit, I admit. Probably because we weren’t in control of our bodies, but they were still there.”

                              “Only one way to find out,” offered John diplomatically.

                              “I guess you’re right,” said Elizabeth.

                              They slowly shifted positions until Elizabeth could comfortably put her hands on both sides of John’s face and pulled him in for a truly mind blowing kiss.

                              “Well,” asked Elizabeth a bit tentatively.

                              “I think we need to do that again, just to be sure,” answered John with a sly grin before capturing Elizabeth’s lips for another kiss. “Yes, just like I thought. Major sparks.”


                              “Hopefully that’s the last we’ll ever see of Michael,” said Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard as he moved to join Dr. Elizabeth Weir on the balcony outside Stargate Operations. He and his team had just escaped a Wraith hive ship by cloaking their Jumper after rescuing Dr. Carson Beckett from Michael and a group of hybrids.

                              “So my wondering knight has returned from once again defending Castle Atlantis from the evil Wraith Hordes,” said a playful Elizabeth.

                              “Castle Atlantis,” asked John. “I must be tired because I have no idea what you are talking about, Elizabeth. Are you alright?”

                              “I’m fine, Sir John,” answered Elizabeth, eyebrow raised as if to say, don’t you what to play with me? “You’re always riding off to right the wrongs of the Pegasus Galaxy and yet you still have time to check up on me or defend my honor against the attacks of the somewhat evil Lord Richard of Woolsey. I’m touched.”

                              “How could I not succeed in my quest of freedom for the people’s of Pegasus with companions like the loyal barbarian, Ronon; Teyla, Warrior Princess of Athos; and the wise wizard, Rodney The Complainer,” said John once his exhausted mind caught up with Elizabeth. “Please, don’t tell Rodney the last part. I’d never hear the end of it,” he added in a stage whisper.

                              “Your secret is save with me,” Elizabeth stage whispered back.

                              “Truthfully, how could I ever forget about or fail to return to the Lady Elizabeth,” continued John. “Who’s beauty is only matched by her wisdom and heart.”

                              Their moment was lost when Dr. Rodney McKay joined them. Forcing the pair back to business.

                              “Elizabeth, you would not believe all the information I was able to download while we still had that hive ship,” began Rodney once he walked through the doors to the balcony. “Sheppard, I didn’t see you there.”

                              “I was just leaving, Rodney,” said John.

                              Once Rodney turned his attention back to Elizabeth, John motioned like he was stroking a long beard thoughtfully before he left. On seeing this, Elizabeth had to use all of her diplomatic training to not fall over laughing at the image of Rodney dressed as Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings that popped into her head.
                              Loved the first one!

                              As for the second one:

                              I loved Rodney, the Complainer, LOL!!!

                              Why does Rodney have to always interrupt?! LOL!

                              Very nice, both of them!
                              sig by Erin Atlantis Rising: The Virtual series Thank you so much for "Primum Movens"


                                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                                Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Lazy Sunday and S-minus 5 hours and 42 minutes to Misbegotten!

                                On this week's College Football Round-up: Georgia beat Mississippi 37-10, Virginia Tech lost to Miami 30-12, USC lost to Oregon 62-51, Tennessee beat Troy 55-48, Air Force lost to Army 41-21, and Navy beat Florida Atlantic 24-17. So... not such a good week for some of us. I'll be over in the corner with SR, John, and Lorne crying into our beer.

                                *flails* OMG, I love them both! I think I like the Misbegotten one just a little more, too. The "Atlantis gone Dungeons & Dragons" imagery is just too funny!
                                It's gonna take something stronger than beer to get me through this football season.

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

