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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Two more parts to the Joe/Paul talk in Chicago:

    The sound is pretty bad on these. I found it works better with earbuds.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
      Erin, your poem is beautiful! I think you captured John's habit of wearing his heart on his sleeve perfectly.
      Originally posted by Probie View Post
      Aaaahhhhh! I can't see the vid because I'm at work.
      Lovely poem. You can draw, write're a talented person
      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      Thanks for posting those vids. They were awesome. And your poem was just lovely and so perfect.
      Thanks everybody! I wrote it with both of their points of view in mind – since they're so in-sync most of the time, it seems like they would have similar feelings.

      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      How annoying when someone spoils the few seconds you have with them like that. David H is just like Paul. He talks and talks and his line takes forever, but you don't mind. Joe's shyness seems to kick in when he's the center of attention off stage, but if you talk to him first, he will talk back. And he is such a gentleman in the way he relates to you. Sometimes the handlers make you want to kick them though.
      Oh dear. I'm horribly terribly shy myself and so if he doesn't say anything first nothing'll be said at all, lol! Ah well... I think just seeing him in person will be enough.
      Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


        Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
        Thanks everybody! I wrote it with both of their points of view in mind – since they're so in-sync most of the time, it seems like they would have similar feelings.

        Oh dear. I'm horribly terribly shy myself and so if he doesn't say anything first nothing'll be said at all, lol! Ah well... I think just seeing him in person will be enough.
        Well, when I met him he stuck out his hand and said "Heeelllooo" Somehow I managed not to pass out and talked to him. I'm sure he's used to people going suddenly speechless when they meet him.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          I remember Joe saying hi to me with this sort of drawl... which I returned with a very short hi back. That's all. And then we gave him Belgian chocolate and his face lit right up.
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            Originally posted by Brie View Post
            I’ve always loved her character(I mean even for only two episode appearances her character got along great with the rest of them and really fit in, and one just have to love someone who can get under McKay’s skin, quite literary in ‘Duet’ but even in CM she did that) and I do wish we would have seen more of her.
            Same here. Watching Cadman mess with McKay was great television. I'm sure John would have egged her on plenty if he didn't have to risk the eyebrow raise of doom from Elizabeth.
            I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

            Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


              Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
              Con report for the Q & A is up here.
              Great reports, Irish Eyes!!! I have really got to find a way to get to one of this things.
              Last edited by mandogater; 27 August 2012, 04:41 PM.
              I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

              Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
                Irish nice report. Sucks I missed Joe and Paul. I planned asking Joe which is his favorite guitar since he plays. I'm a Strat guy but Gibson makes great instruments. I don't know that I shamelessly flirted with all the women. I just thought I was being nice. But if you and JT say so I'll not argue

                Some more con stuff:

                Steve Bacic was funny as hell. He thought my Sox shirt said sex. So he decided my name was sex sox. Seems like he works a lot with all the projects he was mentioning.

                Andee was cool. She reminded me of a taller version of my neighbor. Just don't ever mention UPS around her though.

                Alex and Dan played off each other really well. I wasn't sure who they played. Turns out they played alot of characters like Unas, Wraith, etc. I think Alex said he's doing work on Grimm. (or is it Once Upon a Time?)

                Mike Shanks was good. This girl had some hiccup laugh thing that had us all on the floor. The puff and ruffle story was funny. He's also playing Gordy Howe in a biopic. I'm not a huge hockey guy but I'll check it out.

                Photo op that Kate Hewlett autographed was cool. That girl must really like muscles. (as Irish said she wanted to play Mrs. Ronon because Jason is, "just sooooo hot.") I'm definitely not WWF muscle guy, but her face lit up and she said, "mmm; muscles," while she signed. She even wrote a nice complement about my beach muscles (which I think are least developed muscle group) on the picture. She was most likely just being nice. But for the sake of my ego I'll continue to think she thought I was a cutie pie. Either way she is officially one of my favs.

                I liked Cadman also. If you want more of her she had a cool arc on season 3 of Veronica Mars.
                Thanks for the reports as well pk!!!

                Just for the record its spelled Gordie Howe. Spelling the name wrong of a guy that had a goal, assist and a fight in the same game so many times it's now called a Gordie Howe hat trick is probably not a good idea.
                I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                  Originally posted by Probie View Post
                  Thanks for the report!

                  Too bad the guy ruined your Joe/Torri moment.
                  I'm glad I did a small convention (sweden with Joe). I had time to talk to him during two days in french. I had the chance to have many pics of me and him. (yes even the one when I'm trying to explain "Atlantis Rising" to him and he did a strange face lol).
                  You don't have time to do this in a big convention. But I so want to do one with many SGA actors and to see all of you one day.
                  You're welcome! A small convention would be an awesome way to spend some time with the actors. And yes, we all need to meet at a con someday.

                  Originally posted by Brie View Post
                  That was a great report, thanks for posting it and it sounds like the whole weekend was awesome. I loved the Joe and Paul part, those two are hilarious, and I though the part where Joe mention having a ‘Galaxy Quest’ movie night as fun, I mean it’s always great to hear about the cast doing fun stuff BTS together.

                  I heard rumors about Torri being sick and I have to say how relieved I am to hear that she’s doing better now.

                  Sucks that there were moments that were ruined by other people but I’m glad that it seem to have been more positive experiences than not, love the little parts you got to share with all of them still though.
                  You're welcome!

                  Torri seemed fine and was definitely in good spirits. Hopefully whatever was wrong is behind her.

                  I expected that some things wouldn't go right so.....but, yeah, the little moments were gold.

                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  How annoying when someone spoils the few seconds you have with them like that. David H is just like Paul. He talks and talks and his line takes forever, but you don't mind. Joe's shyness seems to kick in when he's the center of attention off stage, but if you talk to him first, he will talk back. And he is such a gentleman in the way he relates to you. Sometimes the handlers make you want to kick them though.

                  I found some vids of first Joe and Paul in Chicago and then Joe in Canada. They promise more, so I'll keep an eye out for those. I'm both annoyed and tickled by the part when Joe complains that he never had a girlfriend on the show. They were talking about the women and Joe says he wanted more women, so that tells me he didn't think of either Liz or Teyla as a love interest. *mixed feelings*
                  Quite annoying. Sigh. And I wanted to tell a couple of the handlers to just chill.

                  Yep, poor Joe talked again about being alone on the show.

                  Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                  OMG, those wretched punks who wrecked your special moments! That just steams me! Sorry to hear about that. *hugs* But hey, I guess that means that you're destined to go to another con to make up for the not-so-good moments, eh?

                  I hear you about the camera. Mine is also pretty good for what I usually do, but it just isn't enough for cons, no matter how close I sit to the front. Oh well.
                  I know, right? Argh!!!!!!!!!!! But yes, I could see another con in my future.

                  Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                  Oh dear. I'm horribly terribly shy myself and so if he doesn't say anything first nothing'll be said at all, lol! Ah well... I think just seeing him in person will be enough.
                  Oh, it's definitely worth it. Wish I was going with you!

                  Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                  Great reports, Irish Eyes!!! I have really got to find a way to get to one of this things.
                  Thank you! Yes, if you get the chance, go. So. Much. Fun.
                  sig by SueKay

                  My Team:


                    It's strange because you said "Joe is shy and we have to talk first".
                    I did this small convention and he was in a good Always talking or laughing.

                    Erin: I thought I was shy but when I was front him, I talked and talked. Maybe too I just asked him if I can speak in french and he gave me a big smile and said "yes of course" in french. We talked about SGA Rising (and I thought he didn't understand me), his kids, France, my city (he was in my city grrr), he laughed because of my jokes.....I just read my report of this convention and I realized I was crazy.
                    i'm sure when you will meet him, you will be as crazy as me. You will forget your shyness.
                    Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                      Originally posted by Probie View Post
                      It's strange because you said "Joe is shy and we have to talk first".
                      I did this small convention and he was in a good Always talking or laughing.

                      Erin: I thought I was shy but when I was front him, I talked and talked. Maybe too I just asked him if I can speak in french and he gave me a big smile and said "yes of course" in french. We talked about SGA Rising (and I thought he didn't understand me), his kids, France, my city (he was in my city grrr), he laughed because of my jokes.....I just read my report of this convention and I realized I was crazy.
                      i'm sure when you will meet him, you will be as crazy as me. You will forget your shyness.
                      Maybe he's only shy in the US. LOL We scare him.

                      But you were outgoing and talkative. He responds well when you do that. I saw it happen a number of times, but especially when going through the autograph line, when you only have a few seconds and the handler is glaring at you, unless you catch Joe's eye and say something to him he usually just signs the pic, gives you that little nod and half a smile and off you go. I think the way they do cons here, at least the Chicago one, keeps the guests too "controlled." People like Picardo and Andee Frizzell wander around and you might turn around and there they are, but Joe is very carefully "protected" by the handlers. And the guy who was in charge and stuck to Joe like glue when I saw him is HUGE. I also think that older people like me and Mr. SR are considered less likely to scream and grab him inappropriately (Some girl did this right after I got my photo done.) than some of the younger, bouncier people. Kids also get special treatment, so if we go in 2013 my friend and I are hoping to take her little nephew. Hee.

                      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                        Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Smutty Tuesday!

                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        Two more parts to the Joe/Paul talk in Chicago:



                        The sound is pretty bad on these. I found it works better with earbuds.
                        How the heck do people get these videos when they're not allowed to be shooting video? That said, yay for videos!

                        Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                        Oh dear. I'm horribly terribly shy myself and so if he doesn't say anything first nothing'll be said at all, lol! Ah well... I think just seeing him in person will be enough.
                        I'm very shy myself. I decided to ask him about things that I knew mattered to him. At the photo op, I asked about his bees. At the autograph session, I asked about Weir (and rescuing her) in relation to his earlier comment about Sheppard being alone at the end of the show. Something that'll engage him. Worked pretty well.

                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        I remember Joe saying hi to me with this sort of drawl... which I returned with a very short hi back. That's all. And then we gave him Belgian chocolate and his face lit right up.
                        You know how the old saying goes, "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

                        Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
                        I know, right? Argh!!!!!!!!!!! But yes, I could see another con in my future.
                        We MUST make sure it happens!

                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        Maybe he's only shy in the US. LOL We scare him.

                        But you were outgoing and talkative. He responds well when you do that. I saw it happen a number of times, but especially when going through the autograph line, when you only have a few seconds and the handler is glaring at you, unless you catch Joe's eye and say something to him he usually just signs the pic, gives you that little nod and half a smile and off you go. I think the way they do cons here, at least the Chicago one, keeps the guests too "controlled." People like Picardo and Andee Frizzell wander around and you might turn around and there they are, but Joe is very carefully "protected" by the handlers. And the guy who was in charge and stuck to Joe like glue when I saw him is HUGE. I also think that older people like me and Mr. SR are considered less likely to scream and grab him inappropriately (Some girl did this right after I got my photo done.) than some of the younger, bouncier people. Kids also get special treatment, so if we go in 2013 my friend and I are hoping to take her little nephew. Hee.
                        Ah, there's nothing like some good juicy bait to get the ball rolling.
                        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          Maybe he's only shy in the US. LOL We scare him.

                          But you were outgoing and talkative. He responds well when you do that. I saw it happen a number of times, but especially when going through the autograph line, when you only have a few seconds and the handler is glaring at you, unless you catch Joe's eye and say something to him he usually just signs the pic, gives you that little nod and half a smile and off you go. I think the way they do cons here, at least the Chicago one, keeps the guests too "controlled." People like Picardo and Andee Frizzell wander around and you might turn around and there they are, but Joe is very carefully "protected" by the handlers. And the guy who was in charge and stuck to Joe like glue when I saw him is HUGE. I also think that older people like me and Mr. SR are considered less likely to scream and grab him inappropriately (Some girl did this right after I got my photo done.) than some of the younger, bouncier people. Kids also get special treatment, so if we go in 2013 my friend and I are hoping to take her little nephew. Hee.
                          I hate those girls.

                          Hey I have an idea. Joe likes kids. Like you said, they have "special treatment". I'm your daughter.....Do you think I can tell him I'm 8 years old?
                          Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                            Originally posted by Probie View Post
                            I hate those girls.

                            Hey I have an idea. Joe likes kids. Like you said, they have "special treatment". I'm your daughter.....Do you think I can tell him I'm 8 years old?
                            Works for me, but there may be one problem. Nobody is going to believe I have an 8 year old. We'll have to tell him you're my granddaughter.

                            Last two Joe/Paul vids:



                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              I can't believe I haven't been on the thread in all this time! I'm a bad Sparky *Slaps wrist* But I'm back now, so what have I missed!


                                Originally posted by ShWeir View Post
                                I can't believe I haven't been on the thread in all this time! I'm a bad Sparky *Slaps wrist* But I'm back now, so what have I missed!
                                Alright that'll be 10 lashes then. How do you wanna 'em? LOL

