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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by mandogater View Post
    How very true. I just want to know how and when the Castle PTB will let Beckett and Castle straighten out their current problem. As for Serenity, I was thinking of the "You shoot me if they take me" scene.
    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Needless to say, the Castle fandom is up in arms over the latest 2 eps.
    But, as casual viewers who are staying away from fandom, Mr. SR and I think they are being smart not to get them together too soon. I know it's been a few years and we want to see them together, but they've both admitted how they feel, so let's let them work it out. I'd hate to see them lose the chemistry by taking each other for granted.

    Sparky would have worked as a couple because there would always have been a dangerous situation to bring them closer together.
    I am part of said fandom, but I'm actually very happy with how long it's taking to make the UST RST. Because, mainly, I've seen so many shows where they jumped the shark and the relationship plummetted, the show failed ... I like the pace. It feels ... real, I guess is the best word I can use at the moment.

    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
    True fax, dat. Hickeys can be soooo inconvenient sometimes.
    I know there's gotta be a fic around somewhere about that ...

    I could've sworn irony_rocks or Shane Vansen had written a story about Elizabeth constantly wearing that red T-neck because she had a hickey, and McKay inadvertantly points it out during a staff meeting ... or maybe I made up the idea and just attributed it to them because they are much better writers than me!

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    They really are still adorable, aren't they? Here's some more in case you want to see it again.

    I think my favorite part may be the fact that Torri is wearing Converse sneakers.

    Originally posted by Brie View Post
    One episode where there is a lot of Sparky eye!sex moments is "Submersion":
    Oh Lordy yes. Those two bottom pics look like they're getting ready to jump each other in the middle of the corridor. *droolz*

    However there is one part in it that I never really understood how it worked and that is when the wraith queen find out that John and Rodney are on her old hive ship and can make it fly again, what I wondered was if it was something that happened that Teyla showed or if it was something that she made up in her mind happened, either way I bet what made the wraith queen buy it was definatly all the Sparky in the "dream", hey, if they want to make it believeble what better way to do it than show some Sparky, even the wraith knows the deal there:
    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    I think Teyla was able to influence the queen and make her think that is what John and Rodney were doing. Then she hurried to her ship and they were able to kill her.
    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
    I think you're on to something with that, Brie. While messing with the Wraith Queen's mind, Teyla showed Sparky moments the Wraith Queen. Teyla obviously sees Sparky. Therefore, Teyla is a Sparky shipper. WIN!
    Yeah, I'll go with that.

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Ooh, pretteh! I should try making a wallpaper. I took that collage I made and used it as the background on my iPod. Maybe I should work my way up.

    Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
    It's too bad we can't see John's expression clearly here. Lizzeh is obviously concentrating very hard... on where she's putting her foot.
    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    And look at the identical way they are holding their cups. Plus his mouth appears to be open a bit, like he is having trouble getting his breath.
    Elizabeth, you okay? Cause you look like you've got a lot on your mind and -- (high voice) oh, hello.
    Something wrong?
    Well, you may think that's my sidearm, but you're wrong.
    That joke's dead, John. And I know exactly what I'm doing.


      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
      Elizabeth, you okay? Cause you look like you've got a lot on your mind and -- (high voice) oh, hello.
      Something wrong?
      Well, you may think that's my sidearm, but you're wrong.
      That joke's dead, John. And I know exactly what I'm doing.
      Ohhh yeah, that's what I'm talking about!
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        Originally posted by Brie View Post
        That's what I thought as well and I always suspected that Teyla was also a Sparky shipper, I think after 'Home', when she sees how concerned John is about Elizabeth's (and the others but he only mention her) safety and wellbeing that she realise that there is something there and she does try and reassure him that Liz is fine, it's funny but she does sound a bit like sister resurging her brother in that scene.
        Yeah, John and Teyla always struck me more as "brothers in arms" and not romantic. Yes, they had a lot of similarities, but anything romantic felt awkward for me ...

        Hahaha, I also love the way she so casually leans back so that if anyone by chance would walk in they wouldn't suspect a thing, well, except the fact that those two can't keep their eyes of each other (but then again, everyone on Atlantis at least must be used to it by then).
        Everyone on Daedalus, on the other hand ... Heh. The idea makes me want to add a chapter to my "Atlantis Orientation" fic regarding being cooped on Daedalus for 3 weeks with John and Elizabeth.

        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
        And you really have to wonder just why he's having trouble breathing. Heheheh...
        *points at my post I made while you were posting*

        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
        And undoubtedly why Teyla is ever so quick to assure FRANibeth from Ghost in the Machine that Torren is not John's son. Because if FRANibeth really was Elizabeth (or at least a part of her), then you bet Teyla would totally want to assure her BFF that she didn't go sneaking around behind her back with Lizzeh's man.
        Yeah. You wouldn't wanna see FRANibeth go on Teyla. Wouldn't be pretty. And then who'd take care of Torren?


          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
          Ohhh yeah, that's what I'm talking about!
          *shakes head* So sad how well we're in sync. *bounces in chair, laughing hysterically while cat glares at SW*


            Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
            Everyone on Daedalus, on the other hand ... Heh. The idea makes me want to add a chapter to my "Atlantis Orientation" fic regarding being cooped on Daedalus for 3 weeks with John and Elizabeth.
            Doooooo iiiiiiittttttt!!!!

            Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
            Yeah. You wouldn't wanna see FRANibeth go on Teyla. Wouldn't be pretty. And then who'd take care of Torren?

            Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
            *shakes head* So sad how well we're in sync. *bounces in chair, laughing hysterically while cat glares at SW*
            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


              So a little present for y'all.

              The first 5 chapters of "We'll Always Have M51-936" are posted at Command Dynamics!!!


              Now time to start working on the third part ...


                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                Doooooo iiiiiiittttttt!!!!


                Scary Kitty -- the world's foremost Sparky enabler.

                How often did we actually see Kanaan in S5? I think "Search & Rescue" and "Broken Ties" are the only two eppys he's in. And every time afterwards, he's always offworld. Even when Michael came to kidnap his son, he was visiting the Athosians, leaving Teyla to wander around the East Pier while our favorite five year olds played with RC racing cars.



                  Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                  And undoubtedly why Teyla is ever so quick to assure FRANibeth from Ghost in the Machine that Torren is not John's son. Because if FRANibeth really was Elizabeth (or at least a part of her), then you bet Teyla would totally want to assure her BFF that she didn't go sneaking around behind her back with Lizzeh's man.
                  I so agree with that, it’s also that scene that, among many, I can’t read that Legacy book series, because I just looked though it once and the part I read Kanaan said that he and Teyla only got together after Kate died, which would be so strange since I know it affected Teyla a lot, and he also said that there wasn’t really any deeper feelings there (or something like that) but if it only happened after Kate died and nothing else happened between Teyla and Kanaan before then how did Elizabeth know about it? (and also there is the whole dream thing where Teyla keeps dreaming about him and the fact that they seem to have been sharing a quarter on Atlantis but that’s a whole other issue), but anyway, I just didn’t feel like reading the books, I also didn’t like them trying to push John and Teyla (at least that is what I got the feeling that they will do and since for me it’s the same as what ShipperWriter wrote, that they seem to be more like siblings than anything else) but if they want to write that then they can, it doesn’t do anything for me anyway but for me, like I said before at some point, I can’t picture John, who came from what at least appear to have been a broke family himself would ever want to put Torren through the same thing, now that doesn’t feel very canon to me.

                  Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                  Oh Lordy yes. Those two bottom pics look like they're getting ready to jump each other in the middle of the corridor. *droolz*:
                  I know right. In my own mind, at the end of the episode I bet John just waited until Teyla and Ronan fell asleep before he snuck away to find Liz and to do some “exploring” of their own.

                  Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                  Elizabeth, you okay? Cause you look like you've got a lot on your mind and -- (high voice) oh, hello.
                  Something wrong?
                  Well, you may think that's my sidearm, but you're wrong.
                  That joke's dead, John. And I know exactly what I'm doing.
                  Haha, now see, that I can imagine…though I probably shouldn’t…


                    Originally posted by Brie View Post
                    I so agree with that, it’s also that scene that, among many, I can’t read that Legacy book series, because I just looked though it once and the part I read Kanaan said that he and Teyla only got together after Kate died, which would be so strange since I know it affected Teyla a lot, and he also said that there wasn’t really any deeper feelings there (or something like that) but if it only happened after Kate died and nothing else happened between Teyla and Kanaan before then how did Elizabeth know about it?

                    I just didn’t feel like reading the books, I also didn’t like them trying to push John and Teyla (at least that is what I got the feeling that they will do and since for me it’s the same as what ShipperWriter wrote, that they seem to be more like siblings than anything else) but if they want to write that then they can, it doesn’t do anything for me anyway but for me, like I said before at some point, I can’t picture John, who came from what at least appear to have been a broke family himself would ever want to put Torren through the same thing, now that doesn’t feel very canon to me.
                    If I recall correctly, and someone with more seniority than me, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the author is a definite Sheyla shipper, so her books are going to be steered more in than direction.

                    And good observation about John and Torren. I tend to think that Uncle John would be very protective of Torren.

                    I know right. In my own mind, at the end of the episode I bet John just waited until Teyla and Ronan fell asleep before he snuck away to find Liz and to do some “exploring” of their own.

                    Haha, now see, that I can imagine…though I probably shouldn’t
                    You were warned. You will imagine a lot of things you probably shouldn't in Sparkyville.


                      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                      If I recall correctly, and someone with more seniority than me, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the author is a definite Sheyla shipper, so her books are going to be steered more in than direction.
                      I got that feeling as well so I’m not surprised but it’s how the author is then that’s how it will be though I don’t like it myself since I would have preferred if it stuck to canon since otherwise it’s like reading fanfiction and you can do that for free and there are so many amazing fanfic writers out there, you included that do some really great work and would probably make some great SGA books as well.

                      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                      And good observation about John and Torren. I tend to think that Uncle John would be very protective of Torren.
                      I think John would be a cool and great uncle to have, he have been great with all kids they have encountered on the show, sad we didn’t get to see more of that. I can just imagine John, Rodney and Ronan babysitting a two-year-old Torren to give Teyla and Kanaan a day of to do whatever, that I would pay to see. I know the three of them are fathers in real life and I can imagine great once at that but their characters…oy.

                      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                      You were warned. You will imagine a lot of things you probably shouldn't in Sparkyville.
                      Oh, I’m well aware of that *lol*


                        Originally posted by Brie View Post
                        I so agree with that, it’s also that scene that, among many, I can’t read that Legacy book series, because I just looked though it once and the part I read Kanaan said that he and Teyla only got together after Kate died, which would be so strange since I know it affected Teyla a lot, and he also said that there wasn’t really any deeper feelings there (or something like that) but if it only happened after Kate died and nothing else happened between Teyla and Kanaan before then how did Elizabeth know about it?
                        As ShipperWriter said, BINGO!

                        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                        If I recall correctly, and someone with more seniority than me, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the author is a definite Sheyla shipper, so her books are going to be steered more in than direction.
                        You're correct. We're starting to veer a little too far off topic (we've been modded before over discussing those books here even though we were discussing them in terms of John/Elizabeth -- don't ask, I don't get it either), but I will close this discussion by saying that I choose not to spend my money on them because of how they contradict canon in so many areas of the Gateverse, not just shipping.

                        Basically, stick with fanfiction. It's free, and you're more likely to find stories you like anyway.
                        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                          Originally posted by Brie View Post
                          I think John would be a cool and great uncle to have, he have been great with all kids they have encountered on the show, sad we didn’t get to see more of that. I can just imagine John, Rodney and Ronan babysitting a two-year-old Torren to give Teyla and Kanaan a day of to do whatever, that I would pay to see. I know the three of them are fathers in real life and I can imagine great once at that but their characters…oy.
                          If John was my uncle ... and Elizabeth was my aunt ... I'd be the happiest kid in the world!

                          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                          As ShipperWriter said, BINGO!

                          Basically, stick with fanfiction. It's free, and you're more likely to find stories you like anyway.
                          And it's a work of love!

                          I just went and posted some more older stories on Command Dynamics. Sad that no one's posted there in a while.


                            Ripping DVDs for vids. Reading Zero.Point.Snark and LMAO. Listening to part of "The Hunger Games" soundtrack. Wondering what John and Elizabeth would be doing on Atlantis right now.

                            That's about as far as my thought process goes tonight. Since there is no work tomorrow, my brain shut off when I left work today.


                              Did ShipperWriter say something about waxing Joe's chest? That's SO not funny!

                              As for books, I highly recommend Mirror, Mirror. It's a really interesting plot and all the characters act properly. There's some cute J/E scenes (though they always stay in canon).

                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              I think Teyla was able to influence the queen and make her think that is what John and Rodney were doing. Then she hurried to her ship and they were able to kill her.

                              Another couple of wallpapers I found in my PB account.


                              Ooooooh, pretty!!!

                              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                              So a little present for y'all.

                              The first 5 chapters of "We'll Always Have M51-936" are posted at Command Dynamics!!!


                              Now time to start working on the third part ...
                              Yay!! New fic to read! *scurries off*


                                Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                                Did ShipperWriter say something about waxing Joe's chest? That's SO not funny!
                                I'M SORRY!!!

                                I already washed out my mouth with soap. What more do you want from me?!?!?!

                                Just kiddin. I love you guys.

                                As for books, I highly recommend Mirror, Mirror. It's a really interesting plot and all the characters act properly. There's some cute J/E scenes (though they always stay in canon).
                                I need to find it at B&N and read for free. Yeah. I'm a cheapskate.

                                Yay!! New fic to read! *scurries off*
                                AND I brought a peace offering for my earlier blasphemy. So there.

