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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Great video ShipperWriter, loved the use of the clips you used, and where you used them, sparks really do fly around Liz and John. How (most of) the writers never noticed the obvious that was right there is something that I will never understand.


      Originally posted by Brie View Post
      Great video ShipperWriter, loved the use of the clips you used, and where you used them, sparks really do fly around Liz and John. How (most of) the writers never noticed the obvious that was right there is something that I will never understand.
      Hello and welcome to the thread. Sparky lovers unite! The writers noticed because we told them over and over. They just didn't care.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Originally posted by Brie View Post
        Great video ShipperWriter, loved the use of the clips you used, and where you used them, sparks really do fly around Liz and John. How (most of) the writers never noticed the obvious that was right there is something that I will never understand.
        Yup, as SR said, they knew. They just didn't acknowledge it. So join the club.

        And thanks!!!


          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          *blushes* Thanks. Childish John can really be a big turn on at times. Heh.
          We love Childish John. Nothing wrong with that. It's all right to release the inner child once in a while, although sometimes John never reins him back in.

          So I got home from work and my cat met me at the top of the stairs, wrapping around my legs and purring. He laid down on his right side (his rear left leg seems to the the one that's hurt) but kept purring. It only seems to bother him when he walks. So now I can't decide if he just hurt his leg from jumping and it's a little bruised, or if it's serious enough to take him to the vet. He hates travelling, so I don't want to force him in the car for nothing.

          Oh, I don't know what to do!



            Thank you.

            And too true, I was pretty amazed even back then when the show first aired here that the writers of SGA went in the complete opposite direction than many if any writers of any other show would go. I’ve always liked those TV-show relationships where the characters start of as friends and then over time it grows and become something more and whether it was intentional or not, they did start on that, but never finished it which was sad, yet at the same time most of the writers of SG weren’t exactly known for their skills on writing romantic relationships so at least they didn’t really start something they might have ruined. Oh well, the chemistry was there, and Joe and Torri worked so well of and with each other that the Sheppard/Weir scenes were always my favorite and always fun to watch.

            One obvious thing I noticed and I did see that a few pages back that you were talking about it too, about the Siege pt 3 hug and the commentary to that episode where they said that it was “just” a hug and nothing else. I did think of it the same way you did and I did wonder what about it that was “just” a hug. I mean yeah, it could have been just a hug if they had wanted to but when you

            Start with this:

            end with this:
            seige hug small - 2.jpg

            and continue on with this:

            it’s obviously intended to be more than just a hug…the scene speaks for itself.


              Originally posted by Brie View Post
              Thank you.

              And too true, I was pretty amazed even back then when the show first aired here that the writers of SGA went in the complete opposite direction than many if any writers of any other show would go. I’ve always liked those TV-show relationships where the characters start of as friends and then over time it grows and become something more and whether it was intentional or not, they did start on that, but never finished it which was sad, yet at the same time most of the writers of SG weren’t exactly known for their skills on writing romantic relationships so at least they didn’t really start something they might have ruined. Oh well, the chemistry was there, and Joe and Torri worked so well of and with each other that the Sheppard/Weir scenes were always my favorite and always fun to watch.
              Oh so true. I was just going through pics from the Halfway Con last year in France and just flipping between the pictures, you can still see the banter and the chemistry and the looks between Joe and Torri. Now I'm not insinuating the sparks are flying offscreen -- I know he's a happily married family man. But how often do you get two actors who can bond so well and work so well together? And TPTW didn't use it to the full. Fail.

              Oh well. That's what fanfic is for.

              One obvious thing I noticed and I did see that a few pages back that you were talking about it too, about the Siege pt 3 hug and the commentary to that episode where they said that it was “just” a hug and nothing else. I did think of it the same way you did and I did wonder what about it that was “just” a hug. I mean yeah, it could have been just a hug if they had wanted to but when you

              Start with this:

              end with this:

              and continue on with this:

              it’s obviously intended to be more than just a hug…the scene speaks for itself.
              *melts into puddle of goo*

              If there had been two different actors, it could've been a "just a hug" scene. But they put so much into it, they made those characters. It still gives me goosebumps to watch any John/Elizabeth scene, even if they're fighting or talking shop or whatever it is they're doing, just because of how natural it feels. And that's how you know the actors are doing their job -- when they make the characters their own.

              And for that, we thank you!


                I was a bit surprised that they revealed that the siege end scene, when Liz moves down the stairs to be with John after Ford leaves, was all Joe and Torri though, and by surprised I mean that they would reveal it and not that the two of them were behind it, they seem to know their characters a whole lot better than writers at that point and I’m happy that they got to do, it was a great scene, you can tell that they had a connection and I think John really needed someone by his side, someone who knew him well enough to know that he have a hard time to really express himself at times like that, and Liz instead choose silent comfort and of course, since we can’t have any scenes with the two of them without at least one glance, the “look”…



                  All my couple has, are looks [sad lemming face]... but apparently Teyla has free access to Kate's room. [happy lemming face]
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by Brie View Post
                    I was a bit surprised that they revealed that the siege end scene, when Liz moves down the stairs to be with John after Ford leaves, was all Joe and Torri though, and by surprised I mean that they would reveal it and not that the two of them were behind it, they seem to know their characters a whole lot better than writers at that point and I’m happy that they got to do, it was a great scene, you can tell that they had a connection and I think John really needed someone by his side, someone who knew him well enough to know that he have a hard time to really express himself at times like that, and Liz instead choose silent comfort and of course, since we can’t have any scenes with the two of them without at least one glance, the “look”…

                    You make some very good observations. It would have been just a hug without the meaningful gazes and the liplicking and his awkwardness. But put all of that together and you get more than just a hug.

                    Joe has often said that his favorite part of the show was his scenes with Torri because they had substance and were longer than one on one scenes with anyone else. He clearly recognized how well they worked together. It's too bad he thought there couldn't be a romance because she was his boss. But who knows what would have happened in S6.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      i found an old stargate story that i wrote when a junior in high school and i noticed that i shipped john and elizabeth together. i guess i was shipper without even knowing it.


                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        All my couple has, are looks [sad lemming face]... but apparently Teyla has free access to Kate's room. [happy lemming face]
                        Well, at least you have that.

                        And this is gonna be a horrible question, but ... where does the lemming reference come from? I honestly don't know!!!

                        *runs from pitchforks*

                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        You make some very good observations. It would have been just a hug without the meaningful gazes and the liplicking and his awkwardness. But put all of that together and you get more than just a hug.

                        Joe has often said that his favorite part of the show was his scenes with Torri because they had substance and were longer than one on one scenes with anyone else. He clearly recognized how well they worked together. It's too bad he thought there couldn't be a romance because she was his boss. But who knows what would have happened in S6.
                        I actually read a bio on a Stargate wikia site that said their relationship didn't get to blossom, and I started wondering if a shipper wrote it. *shrugs* And if not, it didn't go unnoticed. All kinds of things could have happened ...

                        Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                        i found an old stargate story that i wrote when a junior in high school and i noticed that i shipped john and elizabeth together. i guess i was shipper without even knowing it.
                        *smirks* I think I started shipping Sparky when I was 18, shortly after ST:ENT ended and so did my lovely primary ship of Trip/T'Pol at the time ... and I wrote a few stories but nothing ever came of it until I started hanging out here.

                        I was writing Jack/Sam fics when I was 16. After I watched "Divide and Conquer", it pretty much sealed the deal for me and in my mind, they became my top ship. I've had ships for every show I've ever obsessively compulsively watched.

                        Well, off to bed for me! See y'all in the morning!


                          Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                          Thank you!!!

                          The song is "Sparks Fly" by Taylor Swift. I love her music, and I love Sparky, and sometimes the two go together like peanut butter and chocolate.

                          Off to work, be back later. Fics are brewing -- I may have one to post later.
                          You're welcome!

                          I thought it was Taylor Swift but I wasn't sure.
                          I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                          Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                            i found an old stargate story that i wrote when a junior in high school and i noticed that i shipped john and elizabeth together. i guess i was shipper without even knowing it.
                            How could you not be a Sparky shipper? It was pretty hard to miss. I've had people tell me I must be mistaken when I tell them they didn't ship Sparky on the show on purpose.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              1,500 posts! Yay! Another milestone reached, now only 500 more to go til the next one!

                              Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                              You're welcome!

                              I thought it was Taylor Swift but I wasn't sure.
                              A lot of stuff I do is Taylor Swift. It just fits way too easy.

                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              How could you not be a Sparky shipper? It was pretty hard to miss. I've had people tell me I must be mistaken when I tell them they didn't ship Sparky on the show on purpose.

                              Back to work, back later!


                                My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                                poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl

