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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
    I know missed on Sunday - sick child, depressed kitty-kat.......

    Hey there, you! I was concerned that you didn't make it on Sunday. I figured your little girl must still be sick. Is she still sick now? Poor baby. And poor you to have so many unhappy beings to take care of.

    Made these for a challenge on the AfA thread though to try and make up for it

    These are so beautiful! Wonderful work!! I especially like the coloring on the hug one, and the blending on the Critical Mass one. Oh, and Sunday looks awesome too. Ok, they are all great!


      Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
      Hey there, you! I was concerned that you didn't make it on Sunday. I figured your little girl must still be sick. Is she still sick now? Poor baby. And poor you to have so many unhappy beings to take care of.
      Meh... the Child's better - still inconsiderately keeping me up at night with her cough, and the cat still isn't talking to me as she now has to wear her 'flowerpot' permanently until at least Friday,and by the way she looks at me you'd think it was all my fault!!

      I will try to be around for the next one.... promise
      Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


        Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
        We've got a birthday boy on the thread today!

        Happy Birthday to Infinite-Possibilities!!

        I second that. Sorry I didn't know earlier.

        Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post


        I know missed on Sunday - sick child, depressed kitty-kat.......

        Made these for a challenge on the AfA thread though to try and make up for it
        Those were just wonderful. I love all the different looks.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
          Meh... the Child's better - still inconsiderately keeping me up at night with her cough, and the cat still isn't talking to me as she now has to wear her 'flowerpot' permanently until at least Friday,and by the way she looks at me you'd think it was all my fault!!

          I will try to be around for the next one.... promise
          I remember when my dog had to wear one. She would act completely pathetic. Cats have "the glare" down, though.


            Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
            I remember when my dog had to wear one. She would act completely pathetic. Cats have "the glare" down, though.
            This is true. I was talking to my cat this afternoon as he lay, curled up on my bed, so pathetic like, trying to remind him of the mutilation he did yesterday on my forearm:

            And he just looks up at me like:

            "Yeah? And your point? Can I go back to licking my butt now?"

            *sigh* Gotta love our kitties!

            I had a Sparky vid idea pop in my head while I was doing laundry. I think I may ... need to finish the other one I start -- no, it's done -- so I may make it a short snippet with a few lines instead of the entire song. We'll see if I can manage to get on my laptop and do it.
            Last edited by ShipperWriter; 31 January 2012, 05:16 PM.


              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
              This is true. I was talking to my cat this afternoon as he lay, curled up on my bed, so pathetic like, trying to remind him of the mutilation he did yesterday on my forearm:

              And he just looks up at me like:

              "Yeah? And your point? Can I go back to licking my butt now?"

              *sigh* Gotta love our kitties!

              I had a Sparky vid idea pop in my head while I was doing laundry. I think I may ... need to finish the other one I start -- no, it's done -- so I may make it a short snippet with a few lines instead of the entire song. We'll see if I can manage to get on my laptop and do it.
              Wow!!! Bad kitty!!!



                ZOMG, Stealth!Birthday Wishes to Infinite-Possibilities! Hope you've had a great day today!

                And let's not forget THE CAKE!


                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                I still have a half-finished review of Rising on my computer, from the now dead community (or so it seems) SGA rewatch community on LJ (JT-2 knows what I'm on about). I shall post it here:

                Rising has one of the best VFX shots in the entire run of Atlantis, a very expensive VFX shot too - the rising of the city to the surface had my jaw dropping real fast. The VFX, the scoring, everything that made that scene spectacular was beyond awesome. If I had to make a top 5 of best VFX shots than this would definitely be on top.

                I was excited like a kid in a candystore about Atlantis starting - I was rapidly becoming quite bored with SG1 and could use some fresh Stargate. (of course season 10 of SG1 rekindled the love - thank you Vala!)

                We were finally going to dive into the Ancients more - what started in Frozen and would end in Atlantis. Daniel's excitement about discovering the location, to the expedition actually going there after months of waiting and researching the Antarctic site. Him trying his very best to convince Jack to let him join the expedition - too funny. Sorry Danny-boy, you have to wait a few more years before you get to go to the city of the Ancients.

                I absolutely loved the fact that the international expedition would be lead by a civilian with a military contingent as back-up. After all the SG1 years where civilians rarely had a say in the matter and the military set the rules, this was a refreshing idea to explore (though not quite sure about the way it evolved, not entirely convinced that the civilians had an actual say with all the military interventions of which the civilians were informed of <i>after</i> the decisions had been made).

                The transition from blond Jessica Steen-Weir to brunette Torri Higginson-Weir was quite smooth. Both actresses tackled the role just great and both had good chemistry with their fellow actors so that's always a winner.
                I was a little concerned about the McKay character, especially the way he had been portrayed in SG1. I wasn't a fan. But he seemed quite agreeable in the Atlantis character environment, toned him down a little maybe. At least I didn't mind his presence as much as I thought I would. I kinda liked him even (though that like has since changed to dislike over the course of the seasons to no fault of DH or the character itself).
                The ensemble cast was fun while it lasted (and it most certainly didn't last long unfortunately) and again a nice change from Stargate SG1.

                Then onto the story of Rising...

                There's a lot of information being shared with the viewers: the ATA-gene, the current whereabouts of Atlantis, more on the Ancients, the ancient drone, the characters, the general plot... more than ample information to get excited about the journey yet to come.

                Carson is hilarious and poor Rodney has to deal with the man - in hindsight it feels like a nice change. =P

                John being cleared on the spot, while before the drone he's obviously not in the known about the Stargate program or what is hidden underneath the ice in Anarctica. His boyish charm is at high levels and following orders appears not to be his strong point when he goes and defies Jack's right after it's made. Of course, his gene has to be the strongest - he's after the lead hero. No real surprises there - comes with the character territory.

                Spotting the numerous flags (and even the upside down one) when the expedition is about ready to leave on their journey. All of them seem to be pretty excited even if it could very well be the last thing they do. They step into the unknown, with no idea what is waiting for them on the other side. Now, that's either really stupid or really courageous. Humans are curious beings and who would pass up on a good ol' adventure anyway. I guess, courage and supidity go hand in hand in this case.

                They arrive in what appears to be a dorment city, which lights up when it detects the people or the arrival of ancients - always wandered whether it responded to human activity or to the ATA-gene cariers. We never really got a clear answer to that - they did mention how consoles used ancient activation but Sumner was the first to enter the city with Elizabeth and we know that she wasn't a gene carrier. Sumner could have been one but that was never discussed.

                The bottle of champagne was a nice touch. =D

                What do people do when they arrive in a new place? Exactly, they go exploring so the expedition does exactly what one would expect from a group of people stepping into a new environment. It's not just the scientists (as mentioned by someone else) that wonder off in all directions. All of them super excited.
                The fact that the city can no longer sustain such activity since the remaining ZPM has had to keep the ocean back for so long, is quite the unexpected surprise. The first crisis, of many yet to come, the expedition must deal with.

                So, time to use the gate and see if we can find a planet to relocate to - temporarily until we can fix the issue. Seems like a good plan. Randomly punching in an address, hoping for the best and ending up on Athos.

                Sumner's out for something that could help them fuel the city, to keep the shield up and to prevent the ocean from crashing down on them. The Athosians don't look like they would have such technology and thus his reaction is quite understandable. If they can't help him and the expedition, then they are of no further use to him. He truly believes to be the better in regards to how Earthlings are more advanced to what the Athosians seem to be. And he's old school - he turns his attention to the guy by Teyla's side, ignoring her leadership altogether. While John looks like he's out on a fieldtrip, ready to make new friends along the way, not too shy to use his boyish charms to get what he wants. Ford is somewhere in between, trying to be a good marine while at the same time trying to figure out Sheppard.

                The cave drawings Teyla shows John are the first indication that the Pegasus Galaxy might not be all that cracked up, with a race that seems to enjoy destroying whole civilizations in one fell swoop; the destruction returning every few generations to boot.

                I know it ends abruptly but oh well...
                And an awesome review it is, too! I'd also like to add my wish to see it finished some day.

                ShipperWriter, those are some NASTY looking scratches. What is it we always say, 'whump Shep, not self'?
                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                  Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                  ShipperWriter, those are some NASTY looking scratches. What is it we always say, 'whump Shep, not self'?


                    Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                    Yep, that's the one!
                    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      Yep, that's the one!

                      Clearly I need to go to sleep. The good drugs for my kidney stone have made me loopy.


                        Deliberate repost for discussion continuity... and because he's cute.

                        Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                        Oh John, don't you get it? It's precisely because you're cute that we want to whump you! You have such a cute whipped puppy dog face!

                        Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                        Clearly I need to go to sleep. The good drugs for my kidney stone have made me loopy.
                        Hmm, in my case, it must be the wine I had with my steak tonight that's making me loopy. Or maybe it's just Sheppy's uber cuteness.
                        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                          Yeah, I'm still awake.

                          Southern Red - about the Chicago con.... is it better to sit in the middle and a little further back or on the sides but closer?

                          This is the current gold section seating...

                          I definitely want to have an aisle seat. (Yes, I have issues, ok? ) So would it be better for us to be in seats D1/D2 or G11/G12?


                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            Oh John, don't you get it? It's precisely because you're cute that we want to whump you! You have such a cute whipped puppy dog face!
                            I have to laugh at this... "cute whipped puppy dog face"... because that pic was from Hot Zone's final scene. Whipped puppy, indeed.


                              Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                              Yeah, I'm still awake.

                              Southern Red - about the Chicago con.... is it better to sit in the middle and a little further back or on the sides but closer?

                              This is the current gold section seating...

                              I definitely want to have an aisle seat. (Yes, I have issues, ok? ) So would it be better for us to be in seats D1/D2 or G11/G12?
                              We were in row I and could see fine, but with the crappy lighting, most of our pics came out blurry. You need one of those honking big lenses back there. Those D seats close to the middle won't be bad, but personally I think over on the side is too far and you'll miss stuff. If they are standing up, it will be better on the side, but if they sit it will be a bad angle. Joe is never still but most of the others stay in one place, center stage. It's a matter of personal preference. At least when we were there, there was also a gap of several feet between row A and the stage. And I'm sure that didn't help at all. LOL

                              Oh, and we had plenty of leg room. Mr. SR usually wants an aisle seat, but he said he had all the room he needed for his long legs a couple of seats in.

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                Posting from my phone at work...

                                Ooh, poor Sheppard. Maybe I should start posting on the whump thread.

                                Or, here's a caption for y'all in connection with the scratches. I know it's a day late, but:

                                : So Elizabeth, where did you say these scratches came from?
                                : Umm, I had a minor altercation with Colonel Sheppard off duty.
                                : Oh. So does that account for the loud noises coming from the supply closet?

