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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Good morning, Sparky shippers!!!

    My schedule got a little thrown off this morning, so I wasn't near a computer. Drats. And the system is slow because of a massive End of Course exam that a good portion of the students are doing, so Multi-Quote is being a pain.

    LtColSheppard -- yes, it will be EPIC. Compared to some other epic fails which I won't discuss here for fear of being mod'd.

    Irish Eyes -- good to see you again!!! How's everything???

    SR -- thank you for the GIF! And yes, we seriously need one of the kiss. I might have one saved on my laptop at home -- I'll check later.

    Back to class ... then I get to sit in the exam for almost 3 hours tomorrow, with pretty much nothing to do. Will charge my iPod Touch and write a lot.

    Be back later!!!
    Last edited by ShipperWriter; 17 May 2011, 12:06 PM. Reason: Oops. Maybe took freedom of speech a little too far ...


      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
      Congratulations on the promotion! This calls for champagne!


      : So, we've got the champagne... who's got the tasty snacks?
      : I think McKay ate 'em.
      : Hey!

      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post

      Congrats. I'm just glad to get our old titles back.
      Thanks! I'd kind of resigned myself to being a major forever, so it was a nice surprise.

      EDIT: Wait a minute, scratch all that. I just looked and I'm a major again. wtf? I know I wasn't hallucinating. Must have been a glitch. *sigh*

      On a different note, in regards to the deviantArt SGA Rising promotions, when do you think I should post the wanted ad for volunteer artists? I suppose I should have mentioned it in the general announcement, but I didn't think about it. After or before the first episode?
      Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


        Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
        Thanks! I'd kind of resigned myself to being a major forever, so it was a nice surprise.

        EDIT: Wait a minute, scratch all that. I just looked and I'm a major again. wtf? I know I wasn't hallucinating. Must have been a glitch. *sigh*

        On a different note, in regards to the deviantArt SGA Rising promotions, when do you think I should post the wanted ad for volunteer artists? I suppose I should have mentioned it in the general announcement, but I didn't think about it. After or before the first episode?
        I think you can post it now. We want to have people on board as soon as we start posting the eps. And they can start doing art ASAP.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Good afternoon, Sparkies! Happy Smutty Tuesday! And yay me, I slayed the morning errands.

          Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
          Yay! BTW, love your title for that one. LOL!

          I watched 1/2 of Siege 3 this morning to try to get me in a good head space for work today. That hug never gets old. The best part for me is John's reaction afterwards. The awkward pause with lip licking and staring at her mouth. Hee! If they didn't want that to be shippy then they should have told Joe not to act that way. And skipped the sweet music. And not have the sweeping camera action.
          This, this, and THIS! *cackles*

          Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
          Thanks! I'd kind of resigned myself to being a major forever, so it was a nice surprise.

          EDIT: Wait a minute, scratch all that. I just looked and I'm a major again. wtf? I know I wasn't hallucinating. Must have been a glitch. *sigh*
          Eh? WTF? Oh, that is so not cool! *sporks GW*

          And GW is still running slower than molasses. So. Annoying.
          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


            And it doesnt quote! We need Elizabeth's eyebrow of doom to set it straight.
            The Breeding Ground of Ships.


              Originally posted by TheLadyMore View Post
              And it doesnt quote! We need Elizabeth's eyebrow of doom to set it straight.
              Yeah, the "Ask the Mod" thread has been very busy today ...

              BTW, LadyMore, I just noticed you're already up to LtCol. Congrats!!!

              Sorry, Erin, I was all excited for you too!!!


                Originally posted by TheLadyMore View Post
                And it doesnt quote! We need Elizabeth's eyebrow of doom to set it straight.
                Hmm, it's working fine for me. Which is a first. Usually, I'm the one complaining. Sorry guys. Mr. SR explained why this happens to me one time but my head went 'splodey. Something something load balancing servers something something. Gack.

                And now back to editing my friend's book. He's so old school he gave me a printed manuscript and I am literally using my red pencil of doom. Plus, I have to figure out how to tell him he's been dubbed the "he" king because he starts too many sentences with "he". I need to read a Sparky fic for a break. Angry Birds is just making me angry.

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                  BTW, LadyMore, I just noticed you're already up to LtCol. Congrats!!!

                  Sorry, Erin, I was all excited for you too!!!
                  *Looks at Side* Oh my I am Liuetent Colonel *Smiles* I am John Sheppard now where's my Doctor Weir.

                  Speaking of which this is to all of you too. My Ex Boyfriend/Good Friend who is the John Sheppard (he looks like John too, its an Israeli thing they are hairy) to my Elizabeth Weir is taking me out tomorrow. Early Bday present, shall romance rekindle? Time will tell.

                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  Hmm, it's working fine for me. Which is a first. Usually, I'm the one complaining.
                  Maybe its Karma to us Sparkies who never have problems.

                  Angry Birds is just making me angry.
                  Maybe thats why they call it ANGRY birds.
                  The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                    Seems like the whole internet is out to be annoying. Not only GW, but also Twitter and LJ are running slow for me, too. Grrr.
                    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      Seems like the whole internet is out to be annoying. Not only GW, but also Twitter and LJ are running slow for me, too. Grrr.
                      Oh I thought I was the only one. It is driving me crazy because I want to write some prompts for Commentfic.
                      The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        I think you can post it now. We want to have people on board as soon as we start posting the eps. And they can start doing art ASAP.
                        Okay, will do. Would they have all they need on the website, or should I tell them to contact for more info (storylines, etc.)?

                        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post

                        Eh? WTF? Oh, that is so not cool! *sporks GW*

                        And GW is still running slower than molasses. So. Annoying.
                        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                        Yeah, the "Ask the Mod" thread has been very busy today ...

                        BTW, LadyMore, I just noticed you're already up to LtCol. Congrats!!!

                        Sorry, Erin, I was all excited for you too!!!
                        Yeah. I don't mind being a major (long as I have the custom avatar I'm good), but it was still a little bit of a let down. Ah well... on to more important things...

                        I know I promised the teaser for First Year a couple weeks ago and never posted it, but I figured I should now. I need to make sure I'm on the right track as far as my grasp of the situation goes. Comments/helpful criticism much welcome. As far as length, it's 3 and a line pages.


                        “Morning, Colonel.” The young lieutenant snapped off a salute as they passed by each other in the hallway.

                        “Morning, Jensen.” John Sheppard dipped his head in acknowledgement of the gesture without slowing his pace. A wry hidden smile crossed his face. Newbies. The saluting and jumping to attention at the sight of him usually lasted for about a month or so before they finally got the hint that things were run a little bit differently around here.

                        He turned down a side corridor, taking a short cut towards the nearest cluster of laboratories. The window-lined walkway crossed over an open air courtyard a story below. John glanced out the window. The city was taking advantage of the nice weather; a group of Marines jogged across the space, while gathered on the opposite side a circle of female scientists did yoga. Ordinarily John might have been tempted to join in the sun worship with a round of pier golf or two, but today he had a more pressing matter on his mind.

                        A few minutes later, the doors to Rodney McKay’s lab hissed open at his approach, revealing the scientist busy badgering one of the unfortunate lab assistants assigned to work with him.

                        “Wait, wait, wait. You misread it?” Rodney’s voice dripped with incredulous scorn at the excuse that must have just been offered to him.

                        “I just…”

                        “How is that even possible?! It very clearly states in big bold letters that those buttons should NEVER be pressed in that sequence!”


                        At that moment Rodney looked up and saw John standing inside the doorway. He turned back to the assistant, who was still attempting to explain what had happened, and cut her off with a wave of his hand. “Alright, alright! Just go away and fix it before you find some new level of incompetence to reach.”

                        With a relieved sigh, she scurried away. Rodney shook his head and put on his ‘why-was-I-cursed-with-these-idiots’ face. John walked up to him, eyes narrowed, and raised a hand. “We’re not about to blow up or anything, right?”

                        Rodney rolled his eyes. “Believe me, Sheppard, if we were you’d be the first to know.” He moved over to a vacant laptop with a sigh and began typing. “So,” he said without looking up, “what’s up?”

                        “Woolsey wants to squeeze in some kind of meeting before his report to Earth tomorrow.”

                        “Another one?”

                        “Yeah. Says there’s some kind of details he missed that he wants to go over. Mostly though, I think he just wants to apologize to Teyla some more over not being able to go to New Athos with us.”

                        McKay snorted and continued with his typing before a thought seemed to occur to him. He looked up at John in horror. “He’s not planning on throwing some kind of… surprise party is he?”

                        “I don’t think he’s that far gone, Rodney,” John smirked.

                        “No, right, of course not…” But there was still a faint trace of worry on his face as he turned back to his computer. “Besides, the Athosians usually don’t need any help to throw one heck of a party.”

                        “All too true.” Memories of all the Harvest Festivals attended over the years rose up and John grinned. Always better to stay away from the Ruus wine. Particularly if your last name started with a Mc- and ended with a -Kay. John shook his head. Reminiscing aside… now for the real reason for his visit

                        “Oh, hey...” he said, managing - in his opinion - to sound convincingly like the thought had just crossed his mind. He stepped up to the counter that Rodney was working at and leaned on one elbow against it. “Speaking of the actual party… what are you getting Torren?”

                        Rodney looked up again, confused. “What am I getting him? Oh, you mean… yeah, Jennifer’s taking care of it.” He waved a hand in dismissal.

                        John raised an eyebrow at him. “She’s buying your present for you?”

                        “Nope.” Rodney gave a superior grin. “Joint present; from both of us.”

                        “That’s cheating!” John accused, frowning.

                        The smug grin continued. “That, my friend, is one of the many advantages of having a steady girlfriend.”

                        John just rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to make an annoying comment about the unwanted implications of that statement when Rodney spoke first.

                        “So anyway, how are things getting along between Teyla and the rest of the Athosians?” He typed a string of numbers into his laptop. “I remember things were...” -he paused uncomfortably and looked up- “less than cozy the last time we were there.”

                        John nodded. “Well, the latest I’ve heard, Teyla-”

                        “Teyla and her people are doing just fine,” said a familiar voice. John turned to see the woman herself walking into the lab, a shrewd smile on her lips. She was wearing a dark blue top and a flowing skirt, her light brown hair twisted up into a bun to safeguard it from the grabby fingers of the baby slung across one hip. “While things are not what they once were, they have improved considerably over the past months.” She hitched Torren up higher on her hip and began bouncing him slightly as she stood in front of the two men. “If you are worried about being unwelcome, Rodney,” she grinned, “let me assure you that is not the case.”

                        Rodney cleared his throat, caught. “I was just...”

                        “Wondering, yeah, we know,” said John, resuming his slouch over the lab table.

                        Rodney muttered something under his breath which John thought sounded distinctly like ‘hypocrite.’

                        Teyla laughed. “Do not worry yourself, Rodney. I know you were merely expressing your... friendly concern.”

                        “Which wasn’t anything like gossiping at all,” muttered John.

                        Rodney glared at him. “Pot. Kettle,” he said through gritted teeth.

                        John ignored him. “So Teyla, what brings you and the little buddy down to this neck of the woods on such a fine afternoon?”

                        Teyla was smiling at her son, holding out a finger for him to grab, so it took a moment for her to look up and answer. “Halling is here, and he would like to speak with both of you.”

                        “About what?” asked John.

                        Teyla’s smile faltered for a second, and she tried to cover up the slightly nervous edge to her voice when she continued. “Just a few matters concerning the First Year ceremony that you need to be made aware of. That is all.”

                        John raised an eyebrow at her, suspicious. “That’s it?”

                        “Yes.” She tilted her head to one side and sighed. “However, I am afraid you are not going to like it.”

                        John exchanged a wary glance with Rodney as they followed Teyla and Torren out of the room. “I bet we’re just going to have to wear some kind of stupid hat or something,” whispered Rodney.

                        “Yeah, that’s gotta be it,” John replied, although he didn’t quite believe it. “It’s the Athosians. How bad could it be?”

                        << Opening Credits >>
                        Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


                          One of our access points for the wireless network at home here gave out last week so I don't actually notice GW going slow.
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                            I know I promised the teaser for First Year a couple weeks ago and never posted it, but I figured I should now. I need to make sure I'm on the right track as far as my grasp of the situation goes. Comments/helpful criticism much welcome. As far as length, it's 3 and a line pages.


                            “Morning, Colonel.” The young lieutenant snapped off a salute as they passed by each other in the hallway.

                            “Morning, Jensen.” John Sheppard dipped his head in acknowledgement of the gesture without slowing his pace. A wry hidden smile crossed his face. Newbies. The saluting and jumping to attention at the sight of him usually lasted for about a month or so before they finally got the hint that things were run a little bit differently around here.

                            He turned down a side corridor, taking a short cut towards the nearest cluster of laboratories. The window-lined walkway crossed over an open air courtyard a story below. John glanced out the window. The city was taking advantage of the nice weather; a group of Marines jogged across the space, while gathered on the opposite side a circle of female scientists did yoga. Ordinarily John might have been tempted to join in the sun worship with a round of pier golf or two, but today he had a more pressing matter on his mind.

                            A few minutes later, the doors to Rodney McKay’s lab hissed open at his approach, revealing the scientist busy badgering one of the unfortunate lab assistants assigned to work with him.

                            “Wait, wait, wait. You misread it?” Rodney’s voice dripped with incredulous scorn at the excuse that must have just been offered to him.

                            “I just…”

                            “How is that even possible?! It very clearly states in big bold letters that those buttons should NEVER be pressed in that sequence!”


                            At that moment Rodney looked up and saw John standing inside the doorway. He turned back to the assistant, who was still attempting to explain what had happened, and cut her off with a wave of his hand. “Alright, alright! Just go away and fix it before you find some new level of incompetence to reach.”

                            With a relieved sigh, she scurried away. Rodney shook his head and put on his ‘why-was-I-cursed-with-these-idiots’ face. John walked up to him, eyes narrowed, and raised a hand. “We’re not about to blow up or anything, right?”

                            Rodney rolled his eyes. “Believe me, Sheppard, if we were you’d be the first to know.” He moved over to a vacant laptop with a sigh and began typing. “So,” he said without looking up, “what’s up?”

                            “Woolsey wants to squeeze in some kind of meeting before his report to Earth tomorrow.”

                            “Another one?”

                            “Yeah. Says there’s some kind of details he missed that he wants to go over. Mostly though, I think he just wants to apologize to Teyla some more over not being able to go to New Athos with us.”

                            McKay snorted and continued with his typing before a thought seemed to occur to him. He looked up at John in horror. “He’s not planning on throwing some kind of… surprise party is he?”

                            “I don’t think he’s that far gone, Rodney,” John smirked.

                            “No, right, of course not…” But there was still a faint trace of worry on his face as he turned back to his computer. “Besides, the Athosians usually don’t need any help to throw one heck of a party.”

                            “All too true.” Memories of all the Harvest Festivals attended over the years rose up and John grinned. Always better to stay away from the Ruus wine. Particularly if your last name started with a Mc- and ended with a -Kay. John shook his head. Reminiscing aside… now for the real reason for his visit

                            “Oh, hey...” he said, managing - in his opinion - to sound convincingly like the thought had just crossed his mind. He stepped up to the counter that Rodney was working at and leaned on one elbow against it. “Speaking of the actual party… what are you getting Torren?”

                            Rodney looked up again, confused. “What am I getting him? Oh, you mean… yeah, Jennifer’s taking care of it.” He waved a hand in dismissal.

                            John raised an eyebrow at him. “She’s buying your present for you?”

                            “Nope.” Rodney gave a superior grin. “Joint present; from both of us.”

                            “That’s cheating!” John accused, frowning.

                            The smug grin continued. “That, my friend, is one of the many advantages of having a steady girlfriend.”

                            John just rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to make an annoying comment about the unwanted implications of that statement when Rodney spoke first.

                            “So anyway, how are things getting along between Teyla and the rest of the Athosians?” He typed a string of numbers into his laptop. “I remember things were...” -he paused uncomfortably and looked up- “less than cozy the last time we were there.”

                            John nodded. “Well, the latest I’ve heard, Teyla-”

                            “Teyla and her people are doing just fine,” said a familiar voice. John turned to see the woman herself walking into the lab, a shrewd smile on her lips. She was wearing a dark blue top and a flowing skirt, her light brown hair twisted up into a bun to safeguard it from the grabby fingers of the baby slung across one hip. “While things are not what they once were, they have improved considerably over the past months.” She hitched Torren up higher on her hip and began bouncing him slightly as she stood in front of the two men. “If you are worried about being unwelcome, Rodney,” she grinned, “let me assure you that is not the case.”

                            Rodney cleared his throat, caught. “I was just...”

                            “Wondering, yeah, we know,” said John, resuming his slouch over the lab table.

                            Rodney muttered something under his breath which John thought sounded distinctly like ‘hypocrite.’

                            Teyla laughed. “Do not worry yourself, Rodney. I know you were merely expressing your... friendly concern.”

                            “Which wasn’t anything like gossiping at all,” muttered John.

                            Rodney glared at him. “Pot. Kettle,” he said through gritted teeth.

                            John ignored him. “So Teyla, what brings you and the little buddy down to this neck of the woods on such a fine afternoon?”

                            Teyla was smiling at her son, holding out a finger for him to grab, so it took a moment for her to look up and answer. “Halling is here, and he would like to speak with both of you.”

                            “About what?” asked John.

                            Teyla’s smile faltered for a second, and she tried to cover up the slightly nervous edge to her voice when she continued. “Just a few matters concerning the First Year ceremony that you need to be made aware of. That is all.”

                            John raised an eyebrow at her, suspicious. “That’s it?”

                            “Yes.” She tilted her head to one side and sighed. “However, I am afraid you are not going to like it.”

                            John exchanged a wary glance with Rodney as they followed Teyla and Torren out of the room. “I bet we’re just going to have to wear some kind of stupid hat or something,” whispered Rodney.

                            “Yeah, that’s gotta be it,” John replied, although he didn’t quite believe it. “It’s the Athosians. How bad could it be?”

                            << Opening Credits >>

                            That was great!!! Awesome, Erin, can't wait til we get to read the whole thing!!!

                            As well as RtP, Parts 1 & 2.


                              Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                              Okay, will do. Would they have all they need on the website, or should I tell them to contact for more info (storylines, etc.)?

                              Yeah. I don't mind being a major (long as I have the custom avatar I'm good), but it was still a little bit of a let down. Ah well... on to more important things...

                              I know I promised the teaser for First Year a couple weeks ago and never posted it, but I figured I should now. I need to make sure I'm on the right track as far as my grasp of the situation goes. Comments/helpful criticism much welcome. As far as length, it's 3 and a line pages.


                              “Morning, Colonel.” The young lieutenant snapped off a salute as they passed by each other in the hallway.

                              “Morning, Jensen.” John Sheppard dipped his head in acknowledgement of the gesture without slowing his pace. A wry hidden smile crossed his face. Newbies. The saluting and jumping to attention at the sight of him usually lasted for about a month or so before they finally got the hint that things were run a little bit differently around here.

                              He turned down a side corridor, taking a short cut towards the nearest cluster of laboratories. The window-lined walkway crossed over an open air courtyard a story below. John glanced out the window. The city was taking advantage of the nice weather; a group of Marines jogged across the space, while gathered on the opposite side a circle of female scientists did yoga. Ordinarily John might have been tempted to join in the sun worship with a round of pier golf or two, but today he had a more pressing matter on his mind.

                              A few minutes later, the doors to Rodney McKay’s lab hissed open at his approach, revealing the scientist busy badgering one of the unfortunate lab assistants assigned to work with him.

                              “Wait, wait, wait. You misread it?” Rodney’s voice dripped with incredulous scorn at the excuse that must have just been offered to him.

                              “I just…”

                              “How is that even possible?! It very clearly states in big bold letters that those buttons should NEVER be pressed in that sequence!”


                              At that moment Rodney looked up and saw John standing inside the doorway. He turned back to the assistant, who was still attempting to explain what had happened, and cut her off with a wave of his hand. “Alright, alright! Just go away and fix it before you find some new level of incompetence to reach.”

                              With a relieved sigh, she scurried away. Rodney shook his head and put on his ‘why-was-I-cursed-with-these-idiots’ face. John walked up to him, eyes narrowed, and raised a hand. “We’re not about to blow up or anything, right?”

                              Rodney rolled his eyes. “Believe me, Sheppard, if we were you’d be the first to know.” He moved over to a vacant laptop with a sigh and began typing. “So,” he said without looking up, “what’s up?”

                              “Woolsey wants to squeeze in some kind of meeting before his report to Earth tomorrow.”

                              “Another one?”

                              “Yeah. Says there’s some kind of details he missed that he wants to go over. Mostly though, I think he just wants to apologize to Teyla some more over not being able to go to New Athos with us.”

                              McKay snorted and continued with his typing before a thought seemed to occur to him. He looked up at John in horror. “He’s not planning on throwing some kind of… surprise party is he?”

                              “I don’t think he’s that far gone, Rodney,” John smirked.

                              “No, right, of course not…” But there was still a faint trace of worry on his face as he turned back to his computer. “Besides, the Athosians usually don’t need any help to throw one heck of a party.”

                              “All too true.” Memories of all the Harvest Festivals attended over the years rose up and John grinned. Always better to stay away from the Ruus wine. Particularly if your last name started with a Mc- and ended with a -Kay. John shook his head. Reminiscing aside… now for the real reason for his visit

                              “Oh, hey...” he said, managing - in his opinion - to sound convincingly like the thought had just crossed his mind. He stepped up to the counter that Rodney was working at and leaned on one elbow against it. “Speaking of the actual party… what are you getting Torren?”

                              Rodney looked up again, confused. “What am I getting him? Oh, you mean… yeah, Jennifer’s taking care of it.” He waved a hand in dismissal.

                              John raised an eyebrow at him. “She’s buying your present for you?”

                              “Nope.” Rodney gave a superior grin. “Joint present; from both of us.”

                              “That’s cheating!” John accused, frowning.

                              The smug grin continued. “That, my friend, is one of the many advantages of having a steady girlfriend.”

                              John just rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to make an annoying comment about the unwanted implications of that statement when Rodney spoke first.

                              “So anyway, how are things getting along between Teyla and the rest of the Athosians?” He typed a string of numbers into his laptop. “I remember things were...” -he paused uncomfortably and looked up- “less than cozy the last time we were there.”

                              John nodded. “Well, the latest I’ve heard, Teyla-”

                              “Teyla and her people are doing just fine,” said a familiar voice. John turned to see the woman herself walking into the lab, a shrewd smile on her lips. She was wearing a dark blue top and a flowing skirt, her light brown hair twisted up into a bun to safeguard it from the grabby fingers of the baby slung across one hip. “While things are not what they once were, they have improved considerably over the past months.” She hitched Torren up higher on her hip and began bouncing him slightly as she stood in front of the two men. “If you are worried about being unwelcome, Rodney,” she grinned, “let me assure you that is not the case.”

                              Rodney cleared his throat, caught. “I was just...”

                              “Wondering, yeah, we know,” said John, resuming his slouch over the lab table.

                              Rodney muttered something under his breath which John thought sounded distinctly like ‘hypocrite.’

                              Teyla laughed. “Do not worry yourself, Rodney. I know you were merely expressing your... friendly concern.”

                              “Which wasn’t anything like gossiping at all,” muttered John.

                              Rodney glared at him. “Pot. Kettle,” he said through gritted teeth.

                              John ignored him. “So Teyla, what brings you and the little buddy down to this neck of the woods on such a fine afternoon?”

                              Teyla was smiling at her son, holding out a finger for him to grab, so it took a moment for her to look up and answer. “Halling is here, and he would like to speak with both of you.”

                              “About what?” asked John.

                              Teyla’s smile faltered for a second, and she tried to cover up the slightly nervous edge to her voice when she continued. “Just a few matters concerning the First Year ceremony that you need to be made aware of. That is all.”

                              John raised an eyebrow at her, suspicious. “That’s it?”

                              “Yes.” She tilted her head to one side and sighed. “However, I am afraid you are not going to like it.”

                              John exchanged a wary glance with Rodney as they followed Teyla and Torren out of the room. “I bet we’re just going to have to wear some kind of stupid hat or something,” whispered Rodney.

                              “Yeah, that’s gotta be it,” John replied, although he didn’t quite believe it. “It’s the Athosians. How bad could it be?”

                              << Opening Credits >>
                              That was so awesome!! Oh John, you just jinxed yourself with that last line!!


                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                It's not my title. That was done by Cutting Onions and is indeed a great title. Does anyone have an animated GIF of the kiss? We need one.

                                And yeah, that John reaction is just what made that hug special. If you want to see emotion from John Sheppard, look no further. Joe played him as trying very hard to hold it all together there, and as usual, did a superb job. Well, actually since the above eyesex moment came first, we can point to that as another example of John emotion overflowing through Joe's eyes. What made them decide to open up and just let all the feeling pour out at that particular moment? I would love to know but commentaries tend to focus on lighting or they are babbling about anything but what's happening on screen. So frustrating.
                                Or the Siege 3 commentary with Gero stomping his feet saying "THIS.IS.NOT.SHIPPY!"

                                And somewhere else, I'm thinking Brad Wright was just laughing his butt off.

