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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I love screwing with history in my stories anyway. Its interesting.
    The Breeding Ground of Ships.


      Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
      My freaking kidney stone is STILL bothering me. It's moving, but way too stinking slowly! I need Carson to use some Ancient voodoo and zap it.

      I'm really loving the Everybody's Fine story. You've managed to make me like the last 2 seasons, and EATG. That's quite impressive.

      *snort* Subtle. Yeah just let me know how many acts you're going to break up each episode into (or best guess) and I'll figure it out. I have to say I am quite saddened by everyone's fear of math.

      Yes! Because New England is awesomesauce. Actually, with Torri's Canadian accent, I always figured Elizabeth grew up in the NorthWest US. Then went to college on the East Coast. Maybe Brown for undergrad, then Georgetown for her upper degrees. (I just want her to have lived in my state for awhile, ok? )

      That's so exciting!!!!

      LOL!! I'm really enjoying Glee, and I think of you each time Sue comes on screen.

      That sounds cool! A nice arc.
      *sends a ZAP for that stone*

      SK covered the 5 acts/episode explanation. We try to include 4-6 scenes per act also.

      I'm not afraid of math either, though my high school geometry teacher, Mr. Murphy, would probably beg to differ. It's just that my brain doesn't have room for math and verbal skills. I leave the math to Mr. SR and he leaves the verbal skills to me. Perfect partnership.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
        *sends a ZAP for that stone*

        SK covered the 5 acts/episode explanation. We try to include 4-6 scenes per act also.

        I'm not afraid of math either, though my high school geometry teacher, Mr. Murphy, would probably beg to differ. It's just that my brain doesn't have room for math and verbal skills. I leave the math to Mr. SR and he leaves the verbal skills to me. Perfect partnership.
        I'll figure it out tomorrow. Way too tired tonight.

        Well I'm horrible at languages. Maybe that's one of those things where you can only be good at one or the other. A left brain vs. right brain thing? I took 4 years of Spanish and can only speak a few words of it. I'm definitely more like John than Elizabeth in that regard. Wonder if Elizabeth ever tried to teach John Ancient? Hmm, I think I read a fic about that once....

        Nighty-night, Sparkies!


          Soooooo, I just finished watching a pretty depressing documentary about post WW2 Germany. The fascinating thing about it were ordinary people who lived and survived the post war chaos, and then I got this idea. we are about to throw Atlantis somewhere out there and cut it off from Earth. there will be a new enemy - I suppose there will be battles too? Now, how about a real war? One where they get to rely upon themselves and their Pegasus allies and after it get to experience post - war chaos and separation from one another, and Atlantis? I know, it's not the typical thing for this show, it would be more of a long story arc... but think of possibilities. What if they decided to drown Atlantis under the sea in order to hide it or something similar? Think of what we could do with emotional growth of each and every one of them! Uhhh SO MANY possibilities!
          I like the idea. i think when you guys cut off atlantis from Earth, that they really will need to rely on one another and they really need to learn that personnel will be lacking if they lose someone, every gun every bullet will count, and i would like to see that in season 7. them dealing with the fact that they wont be getting any back up from earth. i think that was one of the many things i liked about SGU was that part of the story. you have 80 people trapped a billion of light years away from home whats wrong with having 200+ people stranded from home.


            Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
            Well I'm horrible at languages. Maybe that's one of those things where you can only be good at one or the other. A left brain vs. right brain thing? I took 4 years of Spanish and can only speak a few words of it. I'm definitely more like John than Elizabeth in that regard. Wonder if Elizabeth ever tried to teach John Ancient? Hmm, I think I read a fic about that once....
            Nighty-night, Sparkies!
            I remember seeing one along those lines on before the site tried to kill my computer.
            I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

            Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


              Inspired by a comment said by the love SK who said (and I don't think I have it word for word but the concept) "John was craving for this touch for a long time so he was taking it in like a man thirsty for a drink of water." and having the song "Heavy In Your Arms" by Florence and The Machine stuck in my head all day.
              The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                Doh! On teacher work days we used to always say school would be great if there were never any kids. Pesky little ankle biters. What? I told you Sue was my favorite character on Glee.
                Haha, one of the women I work with LOVES "Glee" ... so I'm slowly getting a Glee education from her.

                Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                My freaking kidney stone is STILL bothering me. It's moving, but way too stinking slowly! I need Carson to use some Ancient voodoo and zap it.
                And it's lines like that that made SGA memorable.

                I'm really loving the Everybody's Fine story. You've managed to make me like the last 2 seasons, and EATG. That's quite impressive.
                Thank you, I appreciate it!!! And we all know, if we'd written the ending ... well it wouldn't have been an ending.

                *snort* Subtle. Yeah just let me know how many acts you're going to break up each episode into (or best guess) and I'll figure it out. I have to say I am quite saddened by everyone's fear of math.
                I love math! I just don't like interpreting Algebra I into sign language, that's all.

                Have I ever mentioned that? I'm a sign language interpreter. FYI.

                Yes! Because New England is awesomesauce. Actually, with Torri's Canadian accent, I always figured Elizabeth grew up in the NorthWest US. Then went to college on the East Coast. Maybe Brown for undergrad, then Georgetown for her upper degrees. (I just want her to have lived in my state for awhile, ok? )
                And I forgot that, too. She has a doctorate; she could've gone to a few different universities.

                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                Holy smokes, YESSSSSS!!!!! That sounds epic to the nth degree!

                I'm probably driving all of you nuts with the comparisons to Babylon 5, but I think it's called for in this case. It sounds very B5-esque, and I can't think of a better series to take our 'spiritual' inspiration from.

                We believe in heroes being heroes. Sure, they're not superhuman, they still have weaknesses and faults, but their struggles to overcome those faults makes their triumphs all the more compelling.

                Oooooh, that's evil!
                I could definitely go for that to level the playing field before we finally, really, we mean it this time, get them together for good. 'Cause hey, we've got to prolong the agony keep the UST simmering for as long as we can instead of rushing them into a relationship. There's nothing like the slow burn to keep the audience's interest.

                Excellent! Time to break out the wetsuits and dust off some more tributes to "The Abyss!"
                I didn't multitag all of them, but I like all the spitballed ideas for Season 7. Sounds awesome!

                Actually, that reminds me of something rather interesting on John's background that I stumbled onto a while ago. The U.S. Armed Forces currently use one's Social Security number as an ID number on dog tags, and John's dog tags (sold on Propworx) have the number 163 23 4111. Then I found this fun little page about how Social Security numbers are allocated. Based on that, it seems that John would've applied for his SSN in the state of Pennsylvania; presumably, that would be the location of another Sheppard family home, and may possibly even be John's birth state. Pretty cool.
                Interesting! Too bad Elizabeth was a civilian; the only dog tags she wore were John's.


                Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                All the ideas about season 7 sound REALLY interesting!!

                I don't know why but I always thought of Elizabeth as having gone to Cambridge or Oxford.
                She totally could've done that too ... I can see her spending a year abroad at Cambridge.


                  Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                  I'll figure it out tomorrow. Way too tired tonight.

                  Well I'm horrible at languages. Maybe that's one of those things where you can only be good at one or the other. A left brain vs. right brain thing? I took 4 years of Spanish and can only speak a few words of it. I'm definitely more like John than Elizabeth in that regard. Wonder if Elizabeth ever tried to teach John Ancient? Hmm, I think I read a fic about that once....

                  Nighty-night, Sparkies!
                  I think I remember that fic too but don't know where or what it's called.

                  And yeah, it is possible to be good at both. SR Jr. got the best of both of us and his girlfriend Miss M is good at both too. My grandchildren are going to be geniuses.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Quick question for a ficlet I'm working on. For the USAF dress uniform, is there a proper name for the hat that they wear? The one that's similar to a cop's hat? Anyone know?

                    I'll give you green or chocolate chunk cookies ...


                      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                      Quick question for a ficlet I'm working on. For the USAF dress uniform, is there a proper name for the hat that they wear? The one that's similar to a cop's hat? Anyone know?

                      I'll give you green or chocolate chunk cookies ...
                      Yeah, and it's usually not called a "hat". It's a "cover". LOL Though the Air Force isn't as constant in doing that as the Marines. All the covers have names. Some have multiple names with slang names to complicate things. The officer's service dress uniform is worn with the "peaked cap". It looks like this and this describes how to wear all the uniform. The cap will have various insignia added depending on rank. And fun fact, the "clouds and darts" they mention are sometimes called "farts and darts". LOL I am a font of useful military facts.

                      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        Curses mutliquote - work you stupid button...

                        Okay, not then...

                        That is important.


                        @ JT-2 - I'm not afraid of math. Math just doesn't love me. I'm not a numbers person, I'm a language person.


                        @ mandogater - I don't know if the golden spurs are on display but Kortrijk does have an interactive museum (site is unfortunately only available in Dutch) dedicated to the battle.
                        I haven't been there but should... but I (like so many other) did read the Lion of Flanders by Henrik Conscience which is a fictional retelling of the story. There was also a film made of it... film dates back to 1985...

                        For those interested, the first 10 minutes of the battle from the film... english subtitles are free.

                        DITTO. I have tried math and we just don't get along. I don't avoid him but he has never been nice to me, so I play hard to get.

                        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                        Hello guys... I had a rather depressive day, but I may have a possible idea about season seven... I know we're still deep in work with season 6, but this is one of those ispirations/ideas you don't wanna pass up.

                        Soooooo, I just finished watching a pretty depressing documentary about post WW2 Germany. The fascinating thing about it were ordinary people who lived and survived the post war chaos, and then I got this idea. we are about to throw Atlantis somewhere out there and cut it off from Earth. there will be a new enemy - I suppose there will be battles too? Now, how about a real war? One where they get to rely upon themselves and their Pegasus allies and after it get to experience post - war chaos and separation from one another, and Atlantis? I know, it's not the typical thing for this show, it would be more of a long story arc... but think of possibilities. What if they decided to drown Atlantis under the sea in order to hide it or something similar? Think of what we could do with emotional growth of each and every one of them! Uhhh SO MANY possibilities!
                        I like it! Though if I have to be completely honest I'm not allowing my mind to traipse anywhere near Season 7 until at least half our S6 stories are written and put to press. There's way too much to worry about in-between.

                        But I like the concept and especially taking Atlantis where it's never really gone before--especially if the enemy is on their level and not really a 'monster' type like the Wraith. Might actually be a cool parallel to the Ancients who suffered the siege of Atlantis for so long--we could have the same, but have the enemy be on par with our Lanteans rather than the mega-enemy.
                        Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                          Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Fluffy Thursday!

                          Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                          Interesting! Too bad Elizabeth was a civilian; the only dog tags she wore were John's.


                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          Yeah, and it's usually not called a "hat". It's a "cover". LOL Though the Air Force isn't as constant in doing that as the Marines. All the covers have names. Some have multiple names with slang names to complicate things. The officer's service dress uniform is worn with the "peaked cap". It looks like this and this describes how to wear all the uniform. The cap will have various insignia added depending on rank. And fun fact, the "clouds and darts" they mention are sometimes called "farts and darts". LOL I am a font of useful military facts.
                          Oooh, more costuming resources! *makes grabby hands*

                          Speaking of costumes, I don't know if Eri or I have mentioned it, but Atlantis Rising writers, take note that the expedition will be going back to the classic-style uniforms (or rather, a modified version of them) starting with Return to Pegasus, Part I. In Part II, I'll be noting that military personnel have switched to the same uniforms now being worn by military personnel on SGU (including those at Homeworld Command, like O'Neill, so the changeover in SGU appears to apply to everyone in the Stargate program). John will be sticking with his usual uniform blouse (yes, it's called a blouse, not a shirt) with the sleeves rolled up as seen in Seasons 4-5, albeit with name tapes and rank insignia as seen on the SGU uniforms. You can take a look at the SGU cast promo pics to see what I mean.

                          Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                          I like it! Though if I have to be completely honest I'm not allowing my mind to traipse anywhere near Season 7 until at least half our S6 stories are written and put to press. There's way too much to worry about in-between.

                          But I like the concept and especially taking Atlantis where it's never really gone before--especially if the enemy is on their level and not really a 'monster' type like the Wraith. Might actually be a cool parallel to the Ancients who suffered the siege of Atlantis for so long--we could have the same, but have the enemy be on par with our Lanteans rather than the mega-enemy.
                          Honestly, I always thought that was what the Genii were supposed to have been, a more immediate threat that was on the Lanteans' level, while the Wraith stayed in the shadows as a distant but slowly growing menace. Of course, since the Genii are now presumably our "allies"... Heheheh...
                          Last edited by Scary Kitty; 05 May 2011, 06:20 AM.
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                            DITTO. I have tried math and we just don't get along. I don't avoid him but he has never been nice to me, so I play hard to get.

                            I like it! Though if I have to be completely honest I'm not allowing my mind to traipse anywhere near Season 7 until at least half our S6 stories are written and put to press. There's way too much to worry about in-between.

                            But I like the concept and especially taking Atlantis where it's never really gone before--especially if the enemy is on their level and not really a 'monster' type like the Wraith. Might actually be a cool parallel to the Ancients who suffered the siege of Atlantis for so long--we could have the same, but have the enemy be on par with our Lanteans rather than the mega-enemy.
                            Oh i know what you mean!
                            I didn't mean to detract us from our more immediate goal, I really didn't. But it was just a too-good idea to let it slip from my memory. And I'm so glad you like it, it definitely is something that ahsn't been done before on the show.
                            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                              Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Fluffy Thursday!


                              Oooh, more costuming resources! *makes grabby hands*

                              Speaking of costumes, I don't know if Eri or I have mentioned it, but Atlantis Rising writers, take note that the expedition will be going back to the classic-style uniforms (or rather, a modified version of them) starting with Return to Pegasus, Part I. In Part II, I'll be noting that military personnel have switched to the same uniforms now being worn by military personnel on SGU (including those at Homeworld Command, like O'Neill, so the changeover in SGU appears to apply to everyone in the Stargate program). John will be sticking with his usual uniform blouse (yes, it's called a blouse, not a shirt) with the sleeves rolled up as seen in Seasons 4-5, albeit with name tapes and rank insignia as seen on the SGU uniforms. You can take a look at the SGU cast promo pics to see what I mean.

                              Honestly, I always thought that was what the Genii were supposed to have been, a more immediate threat that was on the Lanteans' level, while the Wraith stayed in the shadows as a distant but slowly growing menace. Of course, since the Genii are now presumably our "allies"... Heheheh...
                              LOVE THEM! They look tidy and professional. I love that they also have name-tags, that's what RL military has too. I do have a question, what about Ronon and Teyla? I can imagine Ronon would stick to his own clothes (I did like seeing him in a suit! YUM.) but how about Teyla? I liked that she wore partial uniform back in early seasons. Can we do that again?
                              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                                .... and I am working on BoD as we speak. For some reason my inspiration wants to deal with final part of the episode.
                                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.

