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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Melyanna
    On The Philadelphia Story, I'm not sure I could see it as a Shep/Weir story. Just can't see John as the lead in that story. It's easy to picture Torri Higginson in any Katherine Hepburn role, though, because she resembles Hepburn. Oddly, I can see Elizabeth and John as leads in film noir, or a romance with antagonists-turned-lovers. Or maybe I'm just thinking along those lines because I'm working on more Spygate fic.
    I just adore Katherine Hepburn. There were so few good roles for women in the early days of her career. It still seems to be a challenge to write good female characters.


      Originally posted by Rubicon
      I totally agree
      Thanks Rubicon.


        Originally posted by Bama
        No. Really?! We're getting action figures?!!!

        Too good! Now, we don't have to just imagine what Shep and Weir could do to each other-we can act it out!

        Nekkid Barbie!Elizabeth and Nekkid Kendoll!John can get quite the work out together! LOL!!!

        My Mulder and Scully dolls are still gasping for breath. *evil grin*
        You would be the one to think of that.

        BTW a big ROLL TIDE Beat Mississippi for tomorrow. VT doesn't play until Thursday. Fun for all, check out Even you people who don't like or understand football will love this. I'm guessing Bama is one of those yelling "Dammit, you slow sumb**ch..." I know I usually am. So much for the myth of the delicate Southern belle.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Originally posted by Rubicon
          I totally agree

          Why do I want to see a Wallace & Grommet/Corpse Bride style movie starring the SGA action figures?!
          Someone will HAVE to do a stop-motion vid! *ROTFLMAO*

          When all else fails, change channels.


            Originally posted by Southern Red
            Backing up a bit as usual. I seem to do a lot of that. Anyway the Katherine Hepburn comparison had me pumping my fist in the air. I've thought that also. A while back we watched some old movies including The African Queen. I couldn't stop picturing Torri and Joe in those roles. What they could do with that story! All the Hepburn/Tracy movies where they spit and spar are crying for a remake with these two. Make them R rated and we'll all be storming the doors. We also watched a number of John Waynes which could use a redo with Joe. Interestingly enough, my husband commented that he seems more of a Gary Cooper type to him. High Noon anyone?
            Dang, I love Philly story. Such a zing type movie and imo, anything with Cary Grant or Kate Hepburn was wonderful! I did my highschool senior term paper final on Grant 20 years ago such was the depth of my admiration for him!

            I see Joe as being a bit more like more like Cary Grant than Jimmy Stewart though. Grant used his charm and good-looks so well in his roles but still had a quiet intelligence about him that served him best when he surprised his friends and enemies with it.

            I love High Noon with Cooper and the gorgeous Grace Kelly but I'm having trouble seeing Joe has a cowboy. LOL!

            I think I could see Torri and Joe doing great in a film like 'It Happened One Night' with the wonderful Gable and Lombard. They have that great 'zing' in their dialogue and heated looks that couples need.

            And hey, southern-did I ask you about your Mae West line? She was a hoot!!! What film is this line from? I think it's my fave by Mae West!!:

            "Why don't cha come up and see me some time BIG boyyyy? ....You can ring mah bell any time?"


              Originally posted by Southern Red
              You would be the one to think of that.

              BTW a big ROLL TIDE Beat Mississippi for tomorrow. VT doesn't play until Thursday. Fun for all, check out Even you people who don't like or understand football will love this. I'm guessing Bama is one of those yelling "Dammit, you slow sumb**ch..." I know I usually am. So much for the myth of the delicate Southern belle.
              Are you kidding! LOL! I wrote that list! Naw, seriously, I've had it saved on my computer for years! It's so funny to me because it's so true. And believe, me YES, I most definitely *am* one of those women yelling that out! LOL! We're crazy at the games. When we score, we just turn and hug who ever is near us-and it matters not if we know em. I got grabbed by some honey of a college boy this past week! But yeah, we have a lot, lot of fun at our games!

              delicate southern belle! Pah! We're firebrands down this way-anyone with a lick of sense would tell ya that!

              And...back on topic...AHEM....

              I'm hopeful that we get can buy assessories with our atlantis barbie dolls. John's should come with a removeable gun belt and boxers (removeable as well) Liz's should come with a big ol Black boot for kickin ass and her palm pilot of course. And then, in the add-on set we could have desk assessories and get the mint jar.


                Once Caldwell mentioned that they were "close" and she hesitated to answer, I knew it. Besides, Weir was the one who went to visit mutating Shepperd the most.


                  Originally posted by BigBoy
                  Once Caldwell mentioned that they were "close" and she hesitated to answer, I knew it. Besides, Weir was the one who went to visit mutating Shepperd the most.
                  Hey Big boy! Jump right in here! You 'knew' what? Do you mean that was the 'moment' you became a shep/weir shipper?

                  We're gonna have to squeeze in more room here on the bandwagon looks like folks...suck in those guts...


                    Originally posted by Bama

                    I love High Noon with Cooper and the gorgeous Grace Kelly but I'm having trouble seeing Joe has a cowboy. LOL!

                    And hey, southern-did I ask you about your Mae West line? She was a hoot!!! What film is this line from? I think it's my fave by Mae West!!:

                    "Why don't cha come up and see me some time BIG boyyyy? ....You can ring mah bell any time?"
                    Trouble seeing Joe as a cowboy huh? Check this out.

                    I don't know what movie the Mae line is from. I've just always loved it and her.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Originally posted by Bama
                      We're gonna have to squeeze in more room here on the bandwagon looks like folks...suck in those guts...
                      No way. . they are handing out Krispy Kremes in the Rep Points thread!

                      Joe F. as a cowboy? Hmmm. Didn't zero.point.snark write Elizabeth as a western-type bartender once? *LOL* I've seen some photo manips where JF is in Indiana Jones attire and it really suits him well, especially since he resembles a young Harrison Ford.

                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        Originally posted by Southern Red
                        Trouble seeing Joe as a cowboy huh? Check this out.
                        Whoo honey...and look at the pretty five o'clock shadow deluxe. Yum de la Yum. That scruffy look is good on him. Goooooood...We need more of that in SGA.

                        That's a good 'morning after' look. "Elizabeth honey, hand me my pants would ya..."

                        Oh yeah, I'll take it back with pleasure and I'll take Cowboy Joe and that belt-buckle he rode in on too...


                          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                          No way. . they are handing out Krispy Kremes in the Rep Points thread!

                          Joe F. as a cowboy? Hmmm. Didn't zero.point.snark write Elizabeth as a western-type bartender once? *LOL* I've seen some photo manips where JF is in Indiana Jones attire and it really suits him well, especially since he resembles a young Harrison Ford.
                          Funny...we were just joking yesterday in the Torri/Eliz. thread about John and a 'donut'.

                          My favorite KK donut is creme-filled. And if you guys choose to take that dirty, then it's on you! I mean it in a totally honest and innocent way-per usual.


                            Originally posted by Southern Red
                            Backing up a bit as usual. I seem to do a lot of that. Anyway the Katherine Hepburn comparison had me pumping my fist in the air. I've thought that also. A while back we watched some old movies including The African Queen. I couldn't stop picturing Torri and Joe in those roles. What they could do with that story! All the Hepburn/Tracy movies where they spit and spar are crying for a remake with these two. Make them R rated and we'll all be storming the doors. We also watched a number of John Waynes which could use a redo with Joe. Interestingly enough, my husband commented that he seems more of a Gary Cooper type to him. High Noon anyone?
                            That was me with the Katherine Hepburn comment, about 100 years ago! I just think there's a Hepburn vibe with our Torri --- it's all about that voice, and the way she moves! She just screams 'class'


                              'Class' is what she screams (if screaming were considered classy). It's funny, I never thought of the Hepburn vibe before, but you guys are absolutely right. Not only does Torri/Weir have the style and grace, but she's got the classic-movie-star look as well. Can you imagine Weir dressed up in all the glamore and glitz that the 50s brought? Her in one of those gorgeous retro gowns, in deep rich red color? OMG, she would look stunning! Her beauty would fit right in with the legendary actresses of that time.

                              Not that she doesn't hold her own in this day and age!!

                              Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                              I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                              Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                                No way. . they are handing out Krispy Kremes in the Rep Points thread!

                                Joe F. as a cowboy? Hmmm. Didn't zero.point.snark write Elizabeth as a western-type bartender once? *LOL* I've seen some photo manips where JF is in Indiana Jones attire and it really suits him well, especially since he resembles a young Harrison Ford.
                                So glad you are comparing JF to a young Harrison Ford......that guy took my sci-fi virginity a long time ago in a galaxy far far away!

                                ......i'm in New York next month & can't wait to sample these 'Krispy creme' things!
                                sailing the ship to Sparkyville!

