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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by mandogater View Post
    SG-1 maybe but with Atlantis I think it would be more like Sheppard will always come back for any mission to have eyesex with Elizabeth! LOL!
    I second this notion!
    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      There was also Jenny Shepard on NCIS. I've noticed all the Sheppards too. But ours was the best. So they used to call the Shepherd on Grey's "McDreamy" and they called Dr. Sloan "McSteamy". What would you call our Sheppard? I'd go with McYummy.
      In the Italian version they call Shepherd "Dr. Stranamore"
      As to our Sheppard, I would call him McPuppy


        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
        I like the way this was handled. I watch Grey's Anatomy. It's my guilty pleasure along with Desperate Housewives. LOL I hate almost everybody on there but can't stop. I say I like the medical stuff but that's not the only reason I watch.

        John would indeed not have ended his marriage lightly and I'm sure our authors who cover the John/Nancy parts will go into depth on his feelings. I know JM even said they were going to revisit that relationship in S6. So who knows if they would have settled some things between them or even worked things out. I may be in the minority but I wouldn't have minded that. My thought is that John has grieved deeply for Elizabeth and if he can find happiness again I'm all for it. But it has to make sense within canon and not change canon just to satisfy a particular ship.

        Grey's Anatomy is also now dealing with PTSD. Actually has been for a few seasons in the character of Dr. Hunt. I won't go into details if you're not up to date but something big happens and this new season is going to deal a lot with the aftereffects and PTSD. Looking at Hunt and comparing him with Sheppard just reinforces that John does not have it.
        Hehe, count on me to touch upon those feelings and issues in my John - ep. I doubt this decision was easy on John, and I believe it took him quite some time to get over it. But the way I see it, he did get over it, for the most part. Right now I have tor un to work, but I can explain why I think this in more detail when I'm back - let's just say that I've seen a fair share of well divorced and badly divorced people, and John definitely doesn't fit into those who had a complicated, painful, bitter divorces that didn't end anything, but served only to prolong the agony. It's over for him, and perhaps even more for her. Out of all canon relationships that are left over in S5, John/Nancy may make the most sense, but even though these two still essentialy love each other, I think, absed on their interactions and the fact they're able to be civil around each other, that their realtionship had ended already.
        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


          Originally posted by Zangetsu-san View Post
          Yup I follow Pens over the years, Im so excited that Pens won 3 games so far! Yeah I don't mind to talk about hockey
          Great!!! Growing up in the Ohio River Valley I got interesting in hockey watching the Pens on TV. Now that I live closer to Columbus I can only get Blue Jackets games. I really, really miss Mike Lange and his goal calls. If I remember right they used to sell shirts with them. Do you know if they still do that?
          I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

          Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
            I second this notion!
            I third it!!! And yes, you are soo right.


              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
              Sorry, OT. Ignore us. But question? Do you European football fans cheer for your hometown team or do you pick a team for other reasons?
              I've followed soccer in Europe since 1996 only because four members of the soccer team where I went to college were from England. One was from Manchester and grew up in Man. United's youth system. It was really interesting watching him watch Man. United lose to an upstart German team in the Champions League. I can still sware with an English accent because of that day. The rest followed teams in the lower divisions. I can tell you one thing though, never ask a question about a team other than the one they follow. I got the death glare of all death glares just from asking what another team's record was.
              I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

              Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                Bayern Munich aren't exactly what I'd personally term "upstarts," especially when they've been European Champions more times than Manchester United have.
                "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

                *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

                "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



                  Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                  Part 2 of Chapter 58!

                  (after John drops Radek in the infirmary and he's talking to Ronon)

                  Ronon looked at him. "So, what's the plan?"

                  Letting out a sigh, John pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't know. I've gotta find McKay. I'm running out of ideas."

                  Ronon nodded toward the OR. "He just went in there."

                  Sheppard whipped his head around and his eyes seemed to flame up. "What?"

                  He ran to the OR and barged in without any notice.

                  "If you're doing what I think you're doing, I'm gonna kick your ass back to Earth from the moment we can active the gate again!"

                  Rodney looked up from his laptop. "I can save her."

                  "Can you guarantee me that they'll cause no trouble."

                  McKay cast his eyes away, clearly reluctant to tell John the truth.

                  "Then you are not reactivating those nanites." John growled, his eyes aflame again.

                  "So, you'd just let her die?" McKay shot back.

                  "Do you think I want to let her die? Do you really think I want to lose my wife after losing our baby? G*dd@mn, Rodney. Think about what you're doing! She told me about the nightmare they put her through, she begged me to never let that happen to her again. I want to save her more than anything, but not like this. Not by putting her and the city in danger."

                  "She will die." Keller told him and John clenched his jaw together, trying to fight the burning pain.

                  "Then we let her die in dignity." He said between clenched teeth. "Now get away from her."

                  Rodney was too baffled to fight him, seeing the soul searing pain on his friend's face. He closed the laptop and hurried out of the room so fast he almost tripped over his own feet.

                  Looking at Elizabeth, John let out a painful breath and fought back his tears.

                  "John..." Keller tried, but he didn't even look at her.

                  "Get out."

                  "We can do it..."

                  "GET OUT!!" He suddenly yelled at her, tears in his eyes and Keller cast her eyes away from him and hurried out of the room, closing the door behind her.

                  He turned back to Elizabeth and carefully approached her. Pulling up a chair, he sat down next to her bed and gently took her hand in his.

                  For a moment he just held her hand and played with the golden band on her finger. They had only been openly wearing their rings for such a short time.

                  He stayed quiet for a long time, thinking about everything he could say and should say. He wanted to cry, shout, curse, beg, weep, anything... if only he knew for sure it would make her better.

                  Swallowing down another lump, he gently kissed her hand.

                  "You know... I only begged once in my life and that was when Kolya threatened to kill you. But I'm gonna beg again now. Elizabeth, sweetheart, please, I beg you. Get better and wake up. Please."

                  At that moment she crashed again and only seconds later Keller burst into the room with two nurses behind her. They pulled John away from her and frantically started CPR.

                  John prayed, it was all he could do. But it didn't help, Elizabeth was slipping away. Keller was doing her best, she did what she could, but then she turned away and shut of the machines before turning back to him.

                  "Time of death: 15:36."

                  John felt his world fall apart around him. This couldn't be happening... couldn't.

                  But then out of nowhere a glow appeared around Elizabeth, fully enveloping her. John gaped at her. Could it be true? Could this really be happening?

                  Jennifer stared too. "Is she...?"

                  "She's ascending." John said and he could suddenly breath again. She wasn't dead. Not really.

                  He stepped closer to the bed, carefully touching the white glow. It felt surprisingly warm.

                  A smile appeared on his face. "Go, Lizbeth. Go kick some Ancient butt. Go show them how it's done."

                  The glow slowly rose from the bed and then advanced towards him. It enveloped him and only moments later shot up through the ceiling.

                  He stared after it and couldn't help a smile from forming on his face.

                  She had ascended and had told him not to worry.


                  As John entered the Control Room, he saw Radek standing next to a technician, leaning heavily on a cane.

                  "Radek, what the hell are you doing out of the infirmary?"

                  "There is no point in just waiting there to die."

                  At that moment Rodney looked up. "Is it true... about Elizabeth?" and John nodded.

                  "Yes, she ascended."

                  "Úžasný." Radek mumbled.

                  "Yes, that really is amazing." Rodney agreed and turned back to his console.

                  John turned back to Radek. "So, where do we stand?"

                  "Nowhere. We need power that we don't have."

                  "No other options?"

                  "There are some planets within jumper range, but I doubt they'll house ZedPM's." Rodney said, looking back up from the console. "She really ascended?"

                  John gave him a small smirk. "Yes, Rodney, Doctor Elizabeth Weir, my wife and leader of this expedition just ascended to a higher plane of existence."

                  "So, technically she's not dead?"

                  John's smile grew. "Nope, she's not." And then he became serious again. "Alright, first things first. We have to get out of here and get to that spiffy new planet. Do you brainiacs have any suggestions?"

                  "We might override the safety protocols that prevent us from activating the hyperdrive." Radek proposed.

                  John just knew there was a but. "But?"

                  "Doctor Bozo is conveniently leaving out why those safety protocols are in place in the first place." Rodney said and threw Radek a look.

                  Radek threw him a glare. "Yes, there is a small chance that the city could be ripped apart as we try to enter the hyperspace window."

                  "How small?" John wanted to know.

                  Radek shrugged. "Fifty-fifty."

                  "Fifty..." John asked baffled and sighed. "Well, I gotta be honest with you, I'm not liking those odds very much."

                  "Then we're out of ideas." Rodney stated and turned back to his console.

                  "So, all we need is a ZPM?" John asked and Rodney gave him an exhasperated look.

                  "Yes, *all* we need is a ZedPM."

                  John licked his lips and suddenly started running away from the control room, leaving a baffled Radek and Rodney behind.

                  "Does he know where to find a ZPM?" Radek asked and Rodney shrugged, tapping on his earphone.

                  "Sheppard, where are you going?"

                  *Chair room.*

                  Rodney gave Radek a weird look. "We have no power to fly the city."

                  *I'm not going to fly the city.*

                  "Then what are you going to do there?"

                  *I think I know a way to create a ZPM.*

                  Rodney's head shot up. "You what?"

                  AN: Muhaha, evil cliffhanger ;^)

                  The End! (for now )
                  Evil cliffhanger is a understatement! Yay Elizabeth ascended!!!!!!!! Now will she lose her memories or manage to keep them when she retakes human form? You can't rip John's heart out and stomp on it by having him meet her on some planet and she not remember him.
                  I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                  Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                    Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                    Evil cliffhanger is a understatement! Yay Elizabeth ascended!!!!!!!! Now will she lose her memories or manage to keep them when she retakes human form? You can't rip John's heart out and stomp on it by having him meet her on some planet and she not remember him.
                    Now, hun, don't give Kris any more ideas ... We need her lucid for this next piece! LOL


                      Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                      Bayern Munich aren't exactly what I'd personally term "upstarts," especially when they've been European Champions more times than Manchester United have.
                      Sorry, I thought I was clear I ment the 1996 Champions League game I was watching in college with the Englishmen. If I remember right it was against either Bayer Leverkusen or Borussia Mönchengladbach and I don't believe either of them have done much in the Champions League since then.
                      I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                      Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                        Now, hun, don't give Kris any more ideas ... We need her lucid for this next piece! LOL
                        Just trying to help.
                        I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                        Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                          Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                          Sorry, I thought I was clear I ment the 1996 Champions League game I was watching in college with the Englishmen. If I remember right it was against either Bayer Leverkusen or Borussia Mönchengladbach and I don't believe either of them have done much in the Champions League since then.
                          Oh right. I guess i misinterpreted the post. Leverkusen did reach the final the year before I started watching but yeah.
                          "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

                          *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

                          "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



                            Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                            Oh right. I guess i misinterpreted the post. Leverkusen did reach the final the year before I started watching but yeah.
                            No worries. I haven't typed much since I left my job at the local newspaper a few years ago, it's a wonder any of my posts are understandable.
                            I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                            Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                              KR when will you put the MM on CD?


                                Thanks everyone for the feedback. It means a lot to me.

                                Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                                Evil cliffhanger is a understatement! Yay Elizabeth ascended!!!!!!!! Now will she lose her memories or manage to keep them when she retakes human form? You can't rip John's heart out and stomp on it by having him meet her on some planet and she not remember him.
                                All I will say for now is that there will be a lot of angst. Nuff said!!

                                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                                Now, hun, don't give Kris any more ideas ... We need her lucid for this next piece! LOL
                                Lucid? Am I ever lucid?

                                Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                                KR when will you put the MM on CD?
                                Not sure yet, but from the moment I put the first chapter up, you guys will be the first to know.

                                Sig by me

