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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    We must be doing something right. We have 5 guests. I talked to someone earlier who said she lurks here. I wish she'd come out and play. Helllllooooooo! Most of us don't bite. We're an international multicultural lot of all ages, sexes, political persuasions, religions and orientations there are. You don't even have to love Sparky. You just have to not hate it and not ever have bashed Elizabeth.

    I threw that last part in. Just in case.
    Thats right. I'm not a diehard shipper of any pairing. I just see some more than others; Sparky being one of them. I like posting here because everyone seems really nice and respectful of everyone's opinion. Plus, theres always great conversation going on in here. And all of it can be related to sparky in some way. So theres no need to be shy, everyones opinion is always welcome, as long as its expressed in a respectful way.


      Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
      Well, I'm finally writing my full Shore Leave report and OMG... its' HUGE!!! I've already passed 4000 words and I only just passed Saturday noon *headdesk*
      I can't wait to read your report.


        Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
        Thats right. I'm not a diehard shipper of any pairing. I just see some more than others; Sparky being one of them. I like posting here because everyone seems really nice and respectful of everyone's opinion. Plus, theres always great conversation going on in here. And all of it can be related to sparky in some way. So theres no need to be shy, everyones opinion is always welcome, as long as its expressed in a respectful way.
        Well, we have to keep it related to Sparky, because otherwise people will start complaining about the awesomeness of our thread. *eyeroll*

        Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
        I can't wait to read your report.
        It'll have to wait until tomorrow. I wrote most of it, but I still have to include pics and all that. Will take a while to get it finished... wish there were more hours in a day...

        Sig by me


          Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
          Well, we have to keep it related to Sparky, because otherwise people will start complaining about the awesomeness of our thread. *eyeroll*

          It'll have to wait until tomorrow. I wrote most of it, but I still have to include pics and all that. Will take a while to get it finished... wish there were more hours in a day...
          We wait with bated breath. And pics. Yay!

          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


            Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
            Well, we have to keep it related to Sparky, because otherwise people will start complaining about the awesomeness of our thread. *eyeroll*

            Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
            It'll have to wait until tomorrow. I wrote most of it, but I still have to include pics and all that. Will take a while to get it finished... wish there were more hours in a day...
            Speaking of hours... 15 hours to go until I'm at Comic-Con! *bounces off the walls and ceiling*
            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
              Really, I wish you'd come to the con. I'd love to meet you. OT story which I hope will be okay to post. I can try to make it Sparky but I will fail.

              One of my tasks in Chicago is to get Joe's autograph for the 5 year old son of a friend. Colonel Sheppard is his hero and he loooveeesss the show. But his mom asked if I could get Joe to write John Sheppard on the pic because the kid won't know who Joe Flanigan is. LOL We'll see if I can accomplish that. I know he will. I just have to get it out without passing out. Maybe Mr. SR can do that one. And the mom likes him for a totally different reason. Heh.
              I would love to meet you all. Hopefully if the dates don't clash with anything, I think I might, but I'm not sure I could even speak to the actors, especially JF, let alone be intelligible.

              That's such a cute story!


                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                People! I need some cheering up, and some tasks! So. In few days I am leaving for a vacation - give me prompts? John/Elizabeth kind of prompts, any rating (you know I can write pretty much anything!)

                Ohhh! Will miss you, but hey vacation can't be beat.

                Hmmm. Maybe John discovering to his amazement, Elizabeth reverting to an earlier free-spirited, carefree persona who chases and seduces John without any inhibitions due to the effect of some Ancient gizmo? She would be very unlike her more mature, responsible recent self.


                  Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                  Well, I'm finally writing my full Shore Leave report and OMG... its' HUGE!!! I've already passed 4000 words and I only just passed Saturday noon *headdesk*
                  Oh no, I know what I will be doing this weekend. More Torri sqeee!!!


                    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                    People! I need some cheering up, and some tasks! So. In few days I am leaving for a vacation - give me prompts? John/Elizabeth kind of prompts, any rating (you know I can write pretty much anything!)

                    Have a nice vacation.
                    Prompts. ummmm. a version of The lady or the tiger (with a happy sparky ending). (can be smutty)
                    something to do with ice cream or something sweet like cookies and cream (can be smutty too lol)
                    i think nephtys said bondage, which i think would make a good story too lol.
                    i dunno lol, im not good at these


                      @SR - Heee, I bet Joe will sign the pic for a five year old boy. You have to tell us all about it! And ask him seomthing sparky related. And not faint. That is absolutely not allowed!
                      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                        Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
                        Have a nice vacation.
                        Prompts. ummmm. a version of The lady or the tiger (with a happy sparky ending). (can be smutty)
                        something to do with ice cream or something sweet like cookies and cream (can be smutty too lol)
                        i think nephtys said bondage, which i think would make a good story too lol.
                        i dunno lol, im not good at these
                        Guys, are you aware that you're making me write a naughty fic again? *makes notes*
                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                          Guys, are you aware that you're making me write a naughty fic again? *makes notes*
                          I have to admit, I rather like the idea of combining the 'lady and the tiger' with some bondage and smut. But maybe that's just me. Oh wait, no, that's not just me. We ALL like the naughty fics!

                          Anyway, I'm heading off to bed early tonight, because I have to get up early in the morning to go to Comic-Con! I'll be back on Saturday, and I expect to see lots and lots of posts!

                          Oh, and try not to burn down the forum while I'm gone, LOL!

                          See you on Saturday, Sparkies!
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            Was listening to the GW podcast and regarding the SGU/SGA crossover Darren and David would like to See Joe and David Hewlett make an appearance.


                              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                              Even though the eyesex was all over the screen... LOL!

                              Wow! That's gonna be one long report!

                              As for me, I'm watching 'Suspicion' on SyFy right now and packing my day bag for Comic-Con tomorrow. Rodney just got shot in the face with a Wraith stunner and now he's in the infirmary and talking like his mouth's full of peanut butter. Poor Rodney.
                              Have you ever wondered why nobody pee'd their pants whilst unconscious? I'm just saying, they're completely relaxed, stranger things have happened...

                              Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                              Well, I'm finally writing my full Shore Leave report and OMG... its' HUGE!!! I've already passed 4000 words and I only just passed Saturday noon *headdesk*
                              Whoa. That's scary big. But packed full of SGA goodness

                              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                              Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Screw the Angst Wednesday!

                              This time tomorrow, I'll be on the train to Comic-Con! Whee!
                              Lucky lil' you

                              That's certainly doable.
                              The only reason I suggested it was i) Lorne's probably due for it ii) it'd get Shep thinking about it iii) it's too early to promote Shep at the start of the season, although as SR says, the promotions are only once a year, so perhaps doing them at the same time (into the back half of the season) is doable too *shrugs*

                              And that may well be why TPTW ended up never introducing the kinos on Atlantis as they had planned...
                              Plus they got rid of the so called M(N)ALPS because the jumpers are so damned convenient

                              Well, we are supposed to be the second evolution of this form, so...
                              At least we know how to keep an inventory of planets, and some brief history on their inhabitants - like, say, the Asurans (although Rodney did delete Asuras from the database)

                              Sadly, that's not a joke.
                              You're right, that is sad

                              Personally, I wouldn't mind a Joe/SK/Torri hug sandwich.
                              Or a gateraid/SK/Torri sandwich? All this talk of sandwiches is making me hungry

                              That's why I suggested the Air Force Cross as an alternative.
                              That's a very good suggestion


                                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                                Speaking of hours... 15 hours to go until I'm at Comic-Con! *bounces off the walls and ceiling*
                                *iz jealous*

                                Originally posted by Flowerbud View Post
                                I would love to meet you all. Hopefully if the dates don't clash with anything, I think I might, but I'm not sure I could even speak to the actors, especially JF, let alone be intelligible.
                                Well, you need someone who's a buffer... like I was for my friends when we went up to Torri... you need someone who's down to Earth and breaks the ice, so you can chip in and say the things you want to say and not die of nervousness ;^)

                                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                                Anyway, I'm heading off to bed early tonight, because I have to get up early in the morning to go to Comic-Con! I'll be back on Saturday, and I expect to see lots and lots of posts!

                                Oh, and try not to burn down the forum while I'm gone, LOL!

                                See you on Saturday, Sparkies!
                                We'll try to behave
                                And have fun!!!!
                                Even though I'm still jealous
                                And hand out cards to the SGU actors and tptb

                                Sig by me

