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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I rarely ever have the opportunity to feel any particular brand of national pride when cheering on football uh... futbol (that was our deal wasn't it? ) matches, but two of the rare times I have were against Belgium and Portugal.

    Portugal's got an extremely difficult task this year. Because not only are they in the same group as Brazil, even if they qualify from that group in second (not a guaranteed task either given their other opponents, Cote D'Ivore, will be very strongly hoping to upset them) they'll probably have to play Spain in the Round of 16. So in order to progress past the second round they will have to defeat at least one of the two best teams on Earth.

    I'm generally still a fan of Portugal (even if I enjoyed their team from a few years ago more), but I'm hoping for Spain vs Brazil in the final, so I can't cheer for Portugal this time around. Sorry Probie.

    There was someone here who wrote a fic about Zelenka and Sheppard arguing about football or futbol wasn't there? I keep thinking about that now.

    You know, The US actually has a futbol related arch-rivalry. I suppose many Americans don't really know or care much about that, but Mexico and the USA are like bitter soccer rivals. Of sorts.
    "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

    *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

    "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



      Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
      Something small that invaded my mind when I was under the shower
      It's not smut btw
      And this really is the shortest fic I ever wrote.

      Something was different about her. He had noticed it from the moment he sat down next to her at the briefing table at the SGC. It was the first time they had set foot on Earth again (the real Earth, not the one conjured up by misty aliens) and there was definitely something different about her.
      He looked at her, yet tried not to stare.
      Her hair still looked the same, the playful bouncy curls that hugged her face.
      Her eyes still looked the same, the piercing green that could transform him into a pile of goo in a matter of nanoseconds.
      Her mouth still looked the same, the full red lips that could kiss away his every ache.
      Her nose still looked the same, the tip of which he loved to kiss very softly every now and then.
      Her neck still looked the same, the gorgeous long neck that he liked to bury his face in when he made love to her.
      Her make-up wasn't any different, not that she used a lot of it anyway.
      Her jewels were still the same.
      So what was it?
      He was baffled. Baffled until he leaned closer to her and then it suddenly hit him.
      "You smell different." He whispered softly, knowing the people on the other side of the table couldn't hear him.
      Her eyes looked surprised. "Different shampoo." She explained just as softly.
      It was then that he remember how she had once told him that one of the first things she would do when she got back to Earth was take a shower with a non-military issued shampoo. Preferably something with flowers.
      His smile grew. "I like it." He admitted and Elizabeth smiled softly.
      "Good, because I'm taking a whole load of it back with me."
      At that moment Landry began questioning them about the invasion of the Genii and John tried very much not to be distracted by Elizabeth's smell and about the prospect of new shampoo.
      That was just lovely. I know there will be lots of cute shampoo moments when they get back to Atlantis. Hee.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Evening sparkies. I just got *BEEPED* out 36 hours of overtime. (One being a holiday paid @ 2.5x base rate.) Oh, well. Probie your mom is hilarious. SR sounds like you raked in some nice finds at Macy's. Last time I bought plates at Macy's and the sales lady was my ex-boss' ex-wife. Some ot stuff.

        I've decided on the guitar. I'll just get my mom's old home gym. And speaking of shirts, should I buy the tab collar or the pin collar?
        "I only understand about 1% of what she says half of the time."


          Originally posted by Probie View Post
          I'm trying to find a refuge in this thread. My dad is yelling behind me. He's watching Football. The most frightening is that I will be like him in two weeks with the Football World cup.
          Footy? They tried to get that going here, everyone was on the same page by calling it soccer, now they've changed it back to football again. Pffft. Footy here actually means RUGBY, and not that namby pamby NFL league stuff. There's no protection here. Well, none of that massive padding anyway. When you get tackled, it actually hurts

          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
          But oh-so appropriate.
          Somebody had to say it

          Thanks! It's just not as fun without the play-by-play!
          I am going to go and watch it properly later (haven't seen it at all yet). I can't believe they're retiring these shuttles. Without (as I understand it, hopefully somebody will correct me) a replacement at least. These shuttles were made in the early 70s?? i think. Have we not been able to come up with something better, and more importantly, cheaper since then?

          And considering what Carson did the first time we saw him in the chair... oh, the irony.
          Don' get me started. While I LOVED that Carson got to do that (superfan moment), it was illogical. Surely either Lorne (freeing up Shep to fly the city) should've gone back to Earth, or Woolsey (given that it was a military threat and his command wasn't really needed) freeing Shep up, or at the VERY LEAST Lorne should've been flying the city in Shep's absence (a trained pilot and someone who has actually been in combat situations, unlike Carson). /ANTI rant (I really liked s5, just a minor nitpick)

          Originally posted by Probie View Post
          My mom wants to know if someone wants to adopt her during one month.
          If she's willing to fork out for her own airfare, then work off her board in housework, she can stay as long as she likes. I'll even treat her to the odd night out - as long as her expectations of a night out aren't any higher than me getting severely intoxicated, having tatties & shark for tea, and having an arguement with the bouncers (incidentally, if they ask how many drinks you've had, say 4, it's the goldilocks number [say more, they won't let you in coz they assume they won't make any money out of you, say less and they don't believe you]). Not into that? Not surprising

          Originally posted by drewandian View Post
          *waves to probie, gateraid and Kris*

          Probie, I'll take your mom if she's willing to help me with all the kids...and will vacuum the living room and mop the kitchen
          Drat, you got dibs on Probie's mum first. But you're probably closer, so fair's fair

          Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
          Something small that invaded my mind when I was under the shower
          It's not smut btw
          And this really is the shortest fic I ever wrote.

          Something was different about her. He had noticed it from the moment he sat down next to her at the briefing table at the SGC. It was the first time they had set foot on Earth again (the real Earth, not the one conjured up by misty aliens) and there was definitely something different about her.
          He looked at her, yet tried not to stare.
          Her hair still looked the same, the playful bouncy curls that hugged her face.
          Her eyes still looked the same, the piercing green that could transform him into a pile of goo in a matter of nanoseconds.
          Her mouth still looked the same, the full red lips that could kiss away his every ache.
          Her nose still looked the same, the tip of which he loved to kiss very softly every now and then.
          Her neck still looked the same, the gorgeous long neck that he liked to bury his face in when he made love to her.
          Her make-up wasn't any different, not that she used a lot of it anyway.
          Her jewels were still the same.
          So what was it?
          He was baffled. Baffled until he leaned closer to her and then it suddenly hit him.
          "You smell different." He whispered softly, knowing the people on the other side of the table couldn't hear him.
          Her eyes looked surprised. "Different shampoo." She explained just as softly.
          It was then that he remember how she had once told him that one of the first things she would do when she got back to Earth was take a shower with a non-military issued shampoo. Preferably something with flowers.
          His smile grew. "I like it." He admitted and Elizabeth smiled softly.
          "Good, because I'm taking a whole load of it back with me."
          At that moment Landry began questioning them about the invasion of the Genii and John tried very much not to be distracted by Elizabeth's smell and about the prospect of new shampoo.
          Smack on with that one. Aforementioned Goldilocks reference is appropriate [not too shippy, just shippy enough - for my tastes at least]

          Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
          I rarely ever have the opportunity to feel any particular brand of national pride when cheering on football uh... futbol (that was our deal wasn't it? ) matches, but two of the rare times I have were against Belgium and Portugal.

          Portugal's got an extremely difficult task this year. Because not only are they in the same group as Brazil, even if they qualify from that group in second (not a guaranteed task either given their other opponents, Cote D'Ivore, will be very strongly hoping to upset them) they'll probably have to play Spain in the Round of 16. So in order to progress past the second round they will have to defeat at least one of the two best teams on Earth.

          I'm generally still a fan of Portugal (even if I enjoyed their team from a few years ago more), but I'm hoping for Spain vs Brazil in the final, so I can't cheer for Portugal this time around. Sorry Probie.

          There was someone here who wrote a fic about Zelenka and Sheppard arguing about football or futbol wasn't there? I keep thinking about that now.

          You know, The US actually has a futbol related arch-rivalry. I suppose many Americans don't really know or care much about that, but Mexico and the USA are like bitter soccer rivals. Of sorts.
          Hey, at leat your national team has credibility. Ours has been completely ridiculed. It's okay when it's coming from us, but when other nations are doing it, that's crossing the line. But we're still poo

          Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
          Evening sparkies. I just got *BEEPED* out 36 hours of overtime. (One being a holiday paid @ 2.5x base rate.) Oh, well. Probie your mom is hilarious. SR sounds like you raked in some nice finds at Macy's. Last time I bought plates at Macy's and the sales lady was my ex-boss' ex-wife. Some ot stuff.

          I've decided on the guitar. I'll just get my mom's old home gym. And speaking of shirts, should I buy the tab collar or the pin collar?
          Re your OT

          Naturally, the guitar. Guitar = cool & chicks. Shuttup all you naysayers, you know it's true (I can't play, so am naturally jealous of those who can)

          Re home gym, it's the way to go, unless you want to get enormously bulked. A bit of running, some pressups, some situps, that's really all you need.

          Re shirts - is there a difference? I'm not kidding, if there's a difference I couldn't see it. They had the same collar? Girls notice that ****?

          Also, re overtime, are you sure you don't wanna make a fuss about that? That's not the kinda thing I'd let slide. If they know it's not cool, they won't do it again. At least that's my theory, I'm not an expert (and was quite rude to a client today [who was rude to me first but that isn't really an excuse] so could get in trouble over that)
          Last edited by gateraid; 26 May 2010, 10:34 PM.


            Actually one thing I eventually began to wonder about Carson (or anybody really) in the chair was: are we supposed to believe that he sat there constantly, concentrating in the chair for the entire trip? That was several days wasn't it? Or can it go on automatic pilot in hyperspace or something?
            "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

            *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

            "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



              Originally posted by drewandian View Post
              awwww *sigh* that made my crazy day all better....
              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
              Awww! John's right about being a pile of goo, because that's what I feel like after reading that sweet little ficlet!
              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
              That was just lovely. I know there will be lots of cute shampoo moments when they get back to Atlantis. Hee.
              Awww, thanks guys

              Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
              I rarely ever have the opportunity to feel any particular brand of national pride when cheering on football uh... futbol (that was our deal wasn't it? ) matches, but two of the rare times I have were against Belgium and Portugal.
              Against Belgium? You guys won, right? Cause like I said yesterday, our national team is a joke lately.
              But maybe if it was a couple of years ago, there is a chance we won, cause our team was better then.

              Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
              Evening sparkies. I just got *BEEPED* out 36 hours of overtime. (One being a holiday paid @ 2.5x base rate.) Oh, well.

              I've decided on the guitar. I'll just get my mom's old home gym. And speaking of shirts, should I buy the tab collar or the pin collar?
              36?? Dang!! I'd say: at least you're getting some extra money in
              But if they frakked you over with it, I'd speak up!

              About the shirt:
              go for the tab collar, but I'm biased, cause I'm not a pin collar lover
              Last edited by KrisRussel; 26 May 2010, 11:38 PM.

              Sig by me


                Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                Actually one thing I eventually began to wonder about Carson (or anybody really) in the chair was: are we supposed to believe that he sat there constantly, concentrating in the chair for the entire trip? That was several days wasn't it? Or can it go on automatic pilot in hyperspace or something?
                No. It was proven on at least three occassions. Shep piloted the city into hyperspace, then left the chair when he heard something was going on in the control room (yeah, that's right, he thought Elizabeth was in trouble, and ran [yes, ran] to help) in FS. In TR II, the replicators fired up the stardrive w/o anyone in the chair. And in EatG, it's kinda implied that Carson is not in the chair (otherwise he'd be the one briefing Woolsey, not Radek)

                Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                Awww, thanks guys

                Against Belgium? You guys won, right? Cause like I said yesterday, our national team is a joke lately.
                But maybe if it was a couple of years ago, there is a chance we won, cause our team was better then.

                36?? Dang!! I'd say: at least you're getting some extra money in
                But if they frakked you over with it, I'd speak up!

                About the shirt:
                go for the tab collar, but I'm biased, cause I'm not a pin collar lover
                No, seriously (OT)

                there's a difference? White shirt vs white shirt


                  Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                  Don' get me started. While I LOVED that Carson got to do that (superfan moment), it was illogical. Surely either Lorne (freeing up Shep to fly the city) should've gone back to Earth, or Woolsey (given that it was a military threat and his command wasn't really needed) freeing Shep up, or at the VERY LEAST Lorne should've been flying the city in Shep's absence (a trained pilot and someone who has actually been in combat situations, unlike Carson). /ANTI rant (I really liked s5, just a minor nitpick)
                  I still haven't watched most of season 5, just cause I can't be bothered by it. I've watched the first three eps, GitM, Vegas and the final one and that's it. I know that as an SGA fan, I should give it a chance, but I really cannot be bothered by it.
                  But you're right, having Carson fly a CITY!!! as a doctor with barely any training besides flying a jumper sporadically makes no sense at all... but then again, are we used to anything else from tptw?

                  Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                  Smack on with that one. Aforementioned Goldilocks reference is appropriate [not too shippy, just shippy enough - for my tastes at least]
                  Lol, thanks

                  Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                  Actually one thing I eventually began to wonder about Carson (or anybody really) in the chair was: are we supposed to believe that he sat there constantly, concentrating in the chair for the entire trip? That was several days wasn't it? Or can it go on automatic pilot in hyperspace or something?
                  Oh, good point. Maybe the chair takes over their vital functions or slows them down or something like that
                  But yes, it would be logical that on long flights there would be some sort of auto-pilot and that the actual pilot just needs to be on stand-by in case something happens.

                  Sig by me


                    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                    No. It was proven on at least three occassions. Shep piloted the city into hyperspace, then left the chair when he heard something was going on in the control room (yeah, that's right, he thought Elizabeth was in trouble, and ran [yes, ran] to help) in FS. In TR II, the replicators fired up the stardrive w/o anyone in the chair. And in EatG, it's kinda implied that Carson is not in the chair (otherwise he'd be the one briefing Woolsey, not Radek)[/SPOILERS]
                    Ah, but in FS the city had already dropped out of hyperspace. Hadn't it? Or is my memory frakking me over again?
                    And yes, the replicators did fire up the hyperdrive, but I thought that was a serious screw-up from tptw, because would the ancients really be so stupid as to let someone without the gene to be able to fire up the hyperdrive and fly away with their city?

                    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                    No, seriously (OT)

                    there's a difference? White shirt vs white shirt
                    I'm not kidding (OT)
                    There is a difference. Just watch the collar closely.

                    Sig by me


                      Unfortunately, I can't grieve it. Since a union guy makes the calls (Management still has to authorize OT opportunities), I can't do much. I can't grieve against another union worker.

                      One shirt has a tab collar, the other requires a pin to go through the collar. Not something I plan on wearing alot, but YES, girls notice that kind of stuff.
                      "I only understand about 1% of what she says half of the time."


                        Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
                        Unfortunately, I can't grieve it. Since a union guy makes the calls (Management still has to authorize OT opportunities), I can't do much. I can't grieve against another union worker.

                        One shirt has a tab collar, the other requires a pin to go through the collar. Not something I plan on wearing alot, but YES, girls notice that kind of stuff.
                        A union guy made the call?? What kind of a weird union do you guys have over there? Man, if someone would try that over here, union guy or not, the entire company would go on strike. And the other unions would definitely rise up in protest.

                        I know I notice

                        Sig by me


                          Originally posted by drewandian View Post
                          *waves to probie, gateraid and Kris*

                          Probie, I'll take your mom if she's willing to help me with all the kids...and will vacuum the living room and mop the kitchen
                          It's not so different from her life

                          Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                          I rarely ever have the opportunity to feel any particular brand of national pride when cheering on football uh... futbol (that was our deal wasn't it? ) matches, but two of the rare times I have were against Belgium and Portugal.

                          Portugal's got an extremely difficult task this year. Because not only are they in the same group as Brazil, even if they qualify from that group in second (not a guaranteed task either given their other opponents, Cote D'Ivore, will be very strongly hoping to upset them) they'll probably have to play Spain in the Round of 16. So in order to progress past the second round they will have to defeat at least one of the two best teams on Earth.
                          In my arms. Yes it will be difficult for them but VIVA PORTUGAL!!!!!!!!!
                          Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                          I'm generally still a fan of Portugal (even if I enjoyed their team from a few years ago more), but I'm hoping for Spain vs Brazil in the final, so I can't cheer for Portugal this time around. Sorry Probie.
                          Ok get out of my
                          Spain Brazil can be a good final.

                          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                          Footy? They tried to get that going here, everyone was on the same page by calling it soccer, now they've changed it back to football again. Pffft. Footy here actually means RUGBY, and not that namby pamby NFL league stuff. There's no protection here. Well, none of that massive padding anyway. When you get tackled, it actually hurts
                          Oh again. Don't start with Soccer and Football or I will be very
                          I also love Rugby.

                          Originally posted by gateraid View Post

                          If she's willing to fork out for her own airfare, then work off her board in housework, she can stay as long as she likes. I'll even treat her to the odd night out - as long as her expectations of a night out aren't any higher than me getting severely intoxicated, having tatties & shark for tea, and having an arguement with the bouncers (incidentally, if they ask how many drinks you've had, say 4, it's the goldilocks number [say more, they won't let you in coz they assume they won't make any money out of you, say less and they don't believe you]). Not into that? Not surprising
                          I'm trying to imagine my mom with you and it's very

                          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                          Drat, you got dibs on Probie's mum first. But you're probably closer, so fair's fair
                          You know it's one month? You can have her 15 days and Kris 15 days too. I'm sure she will be tired

                          Nice fic kris by the way and hi homie.

                          Oh.....time to work.bye
                          Last edited by Probie; 27 May 2010, 03:05 AM.
                          Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                            Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
                            Evening sparkies. I just got *BEEPED* out 36 hours of overtime. (One being a holiday paid @ 2.5x base rate.) Oh, well. Probie your mom is hilarious. SR sounds like you raked in some nice finds at Macy's. Last time I bought plates at Macy's and the sales lady was my ex-boss' ex-wife. Some ot stuff.

                            I've decided on the guitar. I'll just get my mom's old home gym. And speaking of shirts, should I buy the tab collar or the pin collar?
                            I'd say go with the tab collar. The pin will get to be a pain in time. Plus the spread of the collar looks the same without the hassle. It's good you're putting all that overtime pay to good use. But the Macy's sale is still going on.

                            Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                            A union guy made the call?? What kind of a weird union do you guys have over there? Man, if someone would try that over here, union guy or not, the entire company would go on strike. And the other unions would definitely rise up in protest.

                            I know I notice
                            Am I wrong to see a misinterpretation here? Isn't overtime a good thing because of the extra pay? So why would workers complain? Or do they make you do it whether you want to or not? That's not right.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              Am I wrong to see a misinterpretation here? Isn't overtime a good thing because of the extra pay? So why would workers complain? Or do they make you do it whether you want to or not? That's not right.
                              I thought pkprd meant that he didn't get payed for that... I prolly misinterpreted.
                              Overtime is a very good thing... if you get payed for it

                              Sig by me


                                Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                                I thought pkprd meant that he didn't get payed for that... I prolly misinterpreted.
                                Overtime is a very good thing... if you get payed for it
                                Didn't he say he got 2.5X the pay? So yeah, that's a very good thing. And trust me, the unions over here wouldn't approve any sort of work without pay or overtime without extra pay.

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

