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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Typical... I come back to the forum and already I disappear again for three days *headdesk* My life really is too busy.

    Anyway, thx to everyone for the kind welcome back words and it's great to see new faces here. That means Sparky is still very much alive. And yes, I will be checking out season 6 and I'll try to participate in some way.

    And OMG, Probie!!! *hugs* We still need to have our sparky weekend!! *headdesk*
    I'll keep my fingers crossed for your aunt.

    And as some people already revealed:
    *freaks out just a bit*
    After meeting Torri in November, I'm now going to meet the other part of Sparky :^D :^D :^D
    I still can barely believe it!!!
    *jumps around like crazy*

    And talking about meeting Torri... I don't think I've told you guys about that, did I, seeing as my last posting was in august (shame on me).
    I told her about John's interview in SG Magazine and his Sparky answer. And she was totally surprised by it, saying that when the show was still running, he always said there was nothing going on between John and Elizabeth besides a good solid friendship.
    I still need to upload the pics somewhere (shame on me again), but after I did that, I'll let you guys know.
    Oh, and she's a total Sparky too :^p

    I also have a question, I once posted a part of a fic here called 'Leaving', it was a two parter and the second part was called 'Returning'. I managed to recover most of the second part, but the first part is gone. I can't find it with the search option, so I'm sorta hoping that someone here saved it and could send it back to me.

    Sig by me


      To show that I really am writing fic again, this is the first one I wrote after my writing-breakdown. I'm not sure if this is going to be the final version, so all opinions are welcome.
      Title: Mistletoe
      Author: Kris Russel
      Rating: PG
      Category: Romance
      Spoilers: none
      Summary: It’s all McKay’s fault… and Chuck’s too in a way…
      Disclaimer: Not mine and will never be mine.
      Author's note: Originally written for the Advent Calendar on LJ, but I was too late with my entry.

      It wasn’t that John had expected this, let alone plan this.

      No, kissing Elizabeth Weir under the mistletoe had not been in his mind when he had giving Chuck permission to hang the damn thing up.

      He didn’t mind kissing Elizabeth, far from really, but still, it wasn’t something he had expected.

      If it had been up to him or Elizabeth, he was pretty sure they both would have deftly ignored the mistletoe and would have kept moving down the corridor, but his team had spotted them and McKay had yelled: “Mistletoe! Now you have to kiss!”, just like a five-year old would.

      John wanted to kill and hug the man at the same time, because thanks to him his lips were now fused together with the lips of the woman of his dreams, with the woman he never thought he could have, with the woman he knew was far out of his league.

      With a soft pop and clear reluctance, they parted and John suddenly realized she wanted this as much as he did. It took every fiber of his being not to close the distance between them again and deepen the kiss. Not like this, not when they were on display for the whole city in one of the busiest corridors. He wanted her all to himself without any witnesses.

      “Tonight.” She whispered barely audible and he nodded, barely believing she wanted this too.

      When she walked away from him, he was dazed for a moment, not sure what to do with himself and when he saw McKay’s cocky grin, it annoyed him to no end.

      “What?” John asked, the annoyance clear in his voice.

      McKay’s cocky grin grew and he almost seemed to bounce. “You owe me one.”

      John rolled his eyes and turned away from his team. “In your dreams, McKay.”

      It was hours later, when the sun had cast its last rays over the city and the ocean that John found himself in front of Elizabeth’s quarters.

      He wrung his hands and hesitated when he wanted to ring the chime.

      What if she wanted to see him so she could tell him this couldn’t be? What if she was going to tell him she didn’t feel the same? What if she was going to send him back to Earth for misconduct towards a superior? Hey, if she was going to send him back, she should send McKay back too… and Chuck because it was his initial idea to hang that stupid plant up… of course he had sanctioned it.

      John sighed and stared at the closed door that would lead towards the answers.

      But what if she was going to tell him she did want this and she did feel the same? Would they be able to pull it off? Would he be able to stay detached when the city was under attack or when she needed to go off-world? Would she be able to stay detached if she needed to send him on a dangerous mission?

      Before he could ponder over anything else, the door opened and he looked in the surprised eyes of the woman who had been occupying his mind all day… make that every day since he joined the expedition.

      “Oh, hi John. Euhm, I just wanted to get some fresh tea from the cafeteria.”

      He gave her a small smile. Was she nervous? That was good, wasn’t it?

      “Let me walk you.” He proposed and she nodded, returning his smile.

      For the first few moments they walked in companiable silence. It was strange how it wasn’t awkward as both tried very hard to avoid the same subject.

      “Lt. Fornell asked for relocation back to Earth. Do you know the reason?” She eventually asked.

      John shrugged. “He wants to start the whole marriage, dog, kid, white picket fence thing with his fiancee.”

      “And that is really difficult when you’re a galaxy away from each other.”

      “Exactly” John agreed. “He’s a good soldier and his team is a well-oiled machine, but if he wants the family-thing, then who am I to stop him?”

      Elizabeth gave him a smile. “Family-thing? You make it sound like you would never want it.”

      John shrugged again. “You read my file. You know the sort of family I come from. Are you surprised?”

      “A bit, yes.” She admitted. “Especially considering how good you are with children.”

      Was it him or did she look and sound disappointed? Without really thinking about it, he started talking.

      “Well, you know. That’s how I think about it now. You never know what might happen if I run into the woman of my life. Who knows, maybe she’ll be able to convince me otherwise.”

      Suddenly the silence between them was deafening and very awkward. John wanted to run away as fast as he could and as far away as he could. But he stayed by her side, ignoring his childish tendencies and trying to finally face his feelings and the woman inflicting them.

      “Look, Elizabeth…” He began and stopped walking. Elizabeth stopped too, but he could clearly read her hesitation. “I’ve never been any good at this… but… you know…” He nervously racked his hand through his hair. “What happened before… under the mistletoe.”

      “It can never happen again.” “I want it to happen again.”

      Both looked shocked for a moment.

      “Right, I see…” John let out a breath. “You’re right, it can’t happen again. Professionalism and all that… I get it.” With that he turned around and walked away from her.

      “John…” She called after him, but he didn’t look back and kept on walking. “I want it to happen again too.”

      That made him stop in his tracks and he slowly turned back to her, hesitation and unbelief clear in his demeanor.

      “You what?”

      She took in a breath and looked him straight in the eye. “I want it to happen again too.”

      Slowly he started walking closer to her. “Then why did you say it could never happen again?”

      “Because that’s what I thought you were going to say and I … I didn’t want to hear you say it…” She admitted shyly.

      He approached her carefully and stood in front of her. "If we do this, there's no turning back."

      "Do you want to turn back from this?" She hesitantly asked.

      "Never." He answered without a single doubt.

      "Neither do I." She said with a smile which he returned.

      As he cupped her cheek, he inched closer to her. "I've been wanting to do this for a very long time."

      Her smile was a bit cheeky as she whispered: "Me too."
      They closed the distance between them. At first the kiss was soft and tentative, but soon they let it deepen.
      Time and everything around them disappeared until there was only them, lips and tongues playing, hands exploring.
      John found a trace of bare skin on Elizabeth's back between her pants and shirt and when he slowly traced it, both couldn't help but moan and sigh.
      When someone coughed, they barely noticed it. It was only when the cough sounded again, a bit louder this time, that they seemed to get out of the trance they were in and very slowly let go of each other. It took them a few moments before they turned to the one who had interrupted them.
      Ronon stood there, leaning against the wall and grinning from ear to ear. "Isn't there supposed to be a plant hanging above your heads or am I not getting your weird Earthly customs again?"
      John glanced at Elizabeth and the slight blush on her cheeks made him smile. "We don't need a plant above our heads anymore, Ronon."
      Although it seemed to be impossible, the warrior's grin grew even more. "Good for you."

      The End

      Sig by me


        Eeeee! *hugs Kris* I hope you have fun when you get to see Joe! He's a crackup! I'm still hoping I can swing a trip to the autograph show tomorrow to see Torri... it's looking 50-50 right now. *wibbles*

        I'm afraid I don't know where your missing fic might be... do you remember what month you posted it? That might help narrow the search a bit.

        Speaking of fic, awwww, your mistletoe fic is so sweet! They're both just so awkward and shy with each other... makes me melt into a happy puddle of goo!
        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
          I have an SS6 question: Before 'What Dreams May Come,' what does everyone else in Atlantis know about what happened to Elizabeth while she was a prisoner of the Replicators, and when are they going to know it? I'd kind of like for the command staff to have at least a basic idea of what happened to her before we get to WDMC.

          In 'Primum Movens,' they're going to find Elizabeth in a secret location where she was hidden before Asuras went kaboom in BAMSR... could that location also hold information about what was done to her? Computers with files that Atlantis will need to decode before they can read them? McKay and Zelenka start breaking the codes on the files, and they turn out to be Oberoth's records of the experiments that were done on Elizabeth, using her nanites to create her duplicates, the mental connection between the duplicates and the original Elizabeth, etc.

          We won't actually reveal any of that information to the audience until WDMC, we'll just show the team's reactions to the information. They're horrified and afraid to say anything to Elizabeth. Perhaps they're still working on decoding some files so they don't have a complete picture that they can give her. Kate could have concerns that Elizabeth may have blocked the memories because it was too traumatic, and that telling her instead of letting her remember on her own might damage Elizabeth's recovery. So there's some tension among Sheppard and the others that Elizabeth will start to pick up on, with her sensing that there's something they're not telling her, something bad. This would help feed the feelings of mistrust in the others that we want to have growing in her leading up to WDMC.

          We're currently discussing 'Found in Translation,' and that's probably too early to have a mention of the files actually being cracked, though there might be a mention of McKay and Zelenka working on the files. I'd like for it to be closer to WDMC so that they're not keeping secrets from her for too long, but just long enough that they're starting to regret not saying something to Elizabeth right away. Maybe somewhere around Episodes 15-17?

          Showrunners and fellow writers, what say you?
          I say it sounds good. And I wonder if they would perhaps have a few disagreements among themselves about keeping things from her.

          Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
          Typical... I come back to the forum and already I disappear again for three days *headdesk* My life really is too busy.

          Anyway, thx to everyone for the kind welcome back words and it's great to see new faces here. That means Sparky is still very much alive. And yes, I will be checking out season 6 and I'll try to participate in some way.

          And OMG, Probie!!! *hugs* We still need to have our sparky weekend!! *headdesk*
          I'll keep my fingers crossed for your aunt.

          And as some people already revealed:
          *freaks out just a bit*
          After meeting Torri in November, I'm now going to meet the other part of Sparky :^D :^D :^D
          I still can barely believe it!!!
          *jumps around like crazy*

          And talking about meeting Torri... I don't think I've told you guys about that, did I, seeing as my last posting was in august (shame on me).
          I told her about John's interview in SG Magazine and his Sparky answer. And she was totally surprised by it, saying that when the show was still running, he always said there was nothing going on between John and Elizabeth besides a good solid friendship.
          I still need to upload the pics somewhere (shame on me again), but after I did that, I'll let you guys know.
          Oh, and she's a total Sparky too :^p

          I also have a question, I once posted a part of a fic here called 'Leaving', it was a two parter and the second part was called 'Returning'. I managed to recover most of the second part, but the first part is gone. I can't find it with the search option, so I'm sorta hoping that someone here saved it and could send it back to me.
          I'm jealous that you get to meet him first. But we want every excruciating detail.

          I'm glad Torri supports Sparky. She's a smart lady. And Joe has been saying interesting things a lot since the show went off. He joked around with SK in Burbank about "getting the girl" in relation to Elizabeth and gave us the idea for our Sparky S6 by saying if we could come up with the money he was ready to do our version of S6. So we're writing it for him. LOL

          Every time one of us meets him we need to bring it up and let him know of the widespread support that ship has.

          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


            Kris you're back! *Eric Berry-spear-tackle-hug* You got to meet Miss Torri... cool. I don't suppose you know if she likes goofy hillbillies with funky hair that wear black horn rimmed glasses. (A thunker can dream right ) Cute fic too. Anyways, since we're all so happy, here's some more Sir John and Lady Elizabeth.

            Fairytale part III

            Lady Elizabeth went aground on a beach and exited the small craft. She had no idea where she was. But seeing a large forest in the horizon Lady Elizabeth decided hiding was her best chance. With a brisk pace she went on her way.

            After wandering the forest for several hours, Lady Elizabeth sat down. Leaning against a large tree trunk, she took a deep breath to gather herself. Her muscles ached and a feeling of exhaustion was taking hold. Lady Elizabeth had no food or water and sleep was out of the question.

            Trying to massage away some aches in her thighs, Lady Elizabeth heard some rustling in the brush behind her. A large insect went whizzing by Lady Elizabeth’s ear as she ducked. The large insect turned and came at her again.

            A perfectly timed burly arm reached out and grabbed the insect. The good Samaritan crushed the life from the insect and threw the creature to the ground.

            “Thank you,” Lady Elizabeth looked up at her savior.

            “Welcome,” the stranger grunted.

            “I’m Elizabeth,” she introduced herself.

            “Ronon,” the creature reciprocated.

            “Do you know where I can find food and water?” Lady Elizabeth asked as she looked over her new friend. His clothes were torn and dirty. Long, thick dreadlocks came down to his shoulders. Two large incisors from his lower jaw reached nearly half way up his face. But Elizabeth saw a kindness in his eyes the belied his frightening appearance.

            “You follow,” Ronon motioned for Lady Elizabeth to follow.


            “Wake up Sir John,” an enchanting female voice called.

            “Ugh,” Sir John groaned as he tried to open his eyes.

            “You’ve been sleeping nearly a day,” the woman ran her hands through Sir John’s hair.

            “Where am I?” Sir John asked rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

            “You’re in my palace,” the woman informed, “I am Chaya. Ruler of this land.”

            “Thanks for the warm welcome,” Sir John quipped.

            “We have many enemies. My soldiers were only following orders,” Chaya said.

            “I see,” Sir John shook his head trying to clear the cobwebs.

            “Supper will be served in an hour. I’ll see you then,” Chaya smiled and made her way to the door.

            “Alright. Thanks....” Sir John stopped when he saw he had no clothes.

            “Your welcome,” Chaya laughed as Sir John tried to wrap himself in the sheets from the bed.

            “Where are my clothes and armor? And my weapons?” Sir John asked with a skeptical look.

            “Our master smiths are repairing them. I’ll have some new clothes brought to you,” Chaya turned and left.

            After receiving new clothing, Sir John found himself being lead to supper by a P.O.U.S. Taking in his surroundings, Sir John noticed the entire palace was made of ice. With a renewed appreciation for his fur lined garments Sir John went to supper.

            “Sir John,” Chaya greeted as the entire table of P.O.U.S.’s stood.

            “Chaya. Thank you for your hospitality,” Sir John took his seat.

            “Sir John, you come from the land of warmth,” Chaya stated more than asked.

            “Yes, I do,” Sir John surveyed the food on the table. Every meat, soup, appetizer was cold.

            “Close your eyes. Think of your favorite dish from home,” Chaya instructed.

            “Okay,” Sir John let his hunger overcome his skepticism.

            “Now open them,” Chaya smiled in satisfaction.

            “Uh, thanks,” Sir John placed a hand over his corn bread and chili to make sure the warmth was real.

            “Your welcome. You have nothing to fear Sir John. I am a good sorceress,” Chaya smiled at Sir John.

            “I bet you are,” Sir John grinned as he enjoyed his chili.

            In the forest...

            Lady Elizabeth followed Ronon into a cave set inside a small hill. She could see a small fire burning and the smell of meat cooking saturated the air. Ronon dusted of an old log for Lady Elizabeth to sit. Elizabeth took her seat as Ronon checked on their dinner.

            “Smells good,” Elizabeth tried to be pleasant.

            “Uhhh,” a grunt was Ronon’s only reply. He went over to a corner in the back of the cave and grabbed a large jug. He handed it to Lady Elizabeth and motioned for her to drink.

            “Thank you,” Elizabeth discovered the jug contained water.

            “Why you here?” Ronon asked.

            “I escaped from the Asurans,” Elizabeth replied after a few drinks of water.

            “Ronon HATE Asurans,” he pounded his fists on the ground.

            Lady Elizabeth reached out to comfort her angry savior. Ronon screamed and continued pounding the ground.

            “Asurans destroy Sateda. Turn me into ogre,” Ronon calmed after a few pats from Elizabeth.

            “My friend Sir John is looking for me. We can try and help you,” Elizabeth offered.

            “Promise?” Ronon asked.

            “I promise,” Lady Elizabeth smiled.

            “We eat now,” Ronon began serving up supper.


            “Mommy, that’s it.?” Torren whined.

            “Bring home some goods when you go trading with your father and I’ll tell you more,” Teyla tucked in her son. She planned on telling more regardless of what her son brought home.

            “Okay mommy,” Torren’s eyes lit up.

            “Maybe we’ll find out how John escapes Chaya and what happens when the Asurans find Lady Elizabeth and Ronon,” Teyla kissed her son goodnight.

            *Back to practicing guitar. Dang "Peggy Sue" solo. And trying to sing and play is harder than I thought *
            Last edited by pkprd869; 23 April 2010, 04:56 PM.
            "I only understand about 1% of what she says half of the time."


              Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
              Kris you're back! *Eric Berry-spear-tackle-hug* You got to meet Miss Torri... cool. I don't suppose you know if she likes goofy hillbillies with funky hair that wear black horn rimmed glasses. (A thunker can dream right ) Cute fic too. Anyways, since we're all so happy, here's some more Sir John and Lady Elizabeth.

              Fairytale part III

              Lady Elizabeth went aground on a beach and exited the small craft. She had no idea where she was. But seeing a large forest in the horizon Lady Elizabeth decided hiding was her best chance. With a brisk pace she went on her way.

              After wandering the forest for several hours, Lady Elizabeth sat down. Leaning against a large tree trunk, she took a deep breath to gather herself. Her muscles ached and a feeling of exhaustion was taking hold. Lady Elizabeth had no food or water and sleep was out of the question.

              Trying to massage away some aches in her thighs, Lady Elizabeth heard some rustling in the brush behind her. A large insect went whizzing by Lady Elizabeth’s ear as she ducked. The large insect turned and came at her again.

              A perfectly timed burly arm reached out and grabbed the insect. The good Samaritan crushed the life from the insect and threw the creature to the ground.

              “Thank you,” Lady Elizabeth looked up at her savior.

              “Welcome,” the stranger grunted.

              “I’m Elizabeth,” she introduced herself.

              “Ronon,” the creature reciprocated.

              “Do you know where I can find food and water?” Lady Elizabeth asked as she looked over her new friend. His clothes were torn and dirty. Long, thick dreadlocks came down to his shoulders. Two large incisors from his lower jaw reached nearly half way up his face. But Elizabeth saw a kindness in his eyes the belied his frightening appearance.

              “You follow,” Ronon motioned for Lady Elizabeth to follow.


              “Wake up Sir John,” an enchanting female voice called.

              “Ugh,” Sir John groaned as he tried to open his eyes.

              “You’ve been sleeping nearly a day,” the woman ran her hands through Sir John’s hair.

              “Where am I?” Sir John asked rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

              “You’re in my palace,” the woman informed, “I am Chaya. Ruler of this land.”

              “Thanks for the warm welcome,” Sir John quipped.

              “We have many enemies. My soldiers were only following orders,” Chaya said.

              “I see,” Sir John shook his head trying to clear the cobwebs.

              “Supper will be served in an hour. I’ll see you then,” Chaya smiled and made her way to the door.

              “Alright. Thanks....” Sir John stopped when he saw he had no clothes.

              “Your welcome,” Chaya laughed as Sir John tried to wrap himself in the sheets from the bed.

              “Where are my clothes and armor? And my weapons?” Sir John asked with a skeptical look.

              “Our master smiths are repairing them. I’ll have some new clothes brought to you,” Chaya turned and left.

              After receiving new clothing, Sir John found himself being lead to supper by a P.O.U.S. Taking in his surroundings, Sir John noticed the entire palace was made of ice. With a renewed appreciation for his fur lined garments Sir John went to supper.

              “Sir John,” Chaya greeted as the entire table of P.O.U.S.’s stood.

              “Chaya. Thank you for your hospitality,” Sir John took his seat.

              “Sir John, you come from the land of warmth,” Chaya stated more than asked.

              “Yes, I do,” Sir John surveyed the food on the table. Every meat, soup, appetizer was cold.

              “Close your eyes. Think of your favorite dish from home,” Chaya instructed.

              “Okay,” Sir John let his hunger overcome his skepticism.

              “Now open them,” Chaya smiled in satisfaction.

              “Uh, thanks,” Sir John placed a hand over his corn bread and chili to make sure the warmth was real.

              “Your welcome. You have nothing to fear Sir John. I am a good sorceress,” Chaya smiled at Sir John.

              “I bet you are,” Sir John grinned as he enjoyed his chili.

              In the forest...

              Lady Elizabeth followed Ronon into a cave set inside a small hill. She could see a small fire burning and the smell of meat cooking saturated the air. Ronon dusted of an old log for Lady Elizabeth to sit. Elizabeth took her seat as Ronon checked on their dinner.

              “Smells good,” Elizabeth tried to be pleasant.

              “Uhhh,” a grunt was Ronon’s only reply. He went over to a corner in the back of the cave and grabbed a large jug. He handed it to Lady Elizabeth and motioned for her to drink.

              “Thank you,” Elizabeth discovered the jug contained water.

              “Why you here?” Ronon asked.

              “I escaped from the Asurans,” Elizabeth replied after a few drinks of water.

              “Ronon HATE Asurans,” he pounded his fists on the ground.

              Lady Elizabeth reached out to comfort her angry savior. Ronon screamed and continued pounding the ground.

              “Asurans destroy Sateda. Turn me into ogre,” Ronon calmed after a few pats from Elizabeth.

              “My friend Sir John is looking for me. We can try and help you,” Elizabeth offered.

              “Promise?” Ronon asked.

              “I promise,” Lady Elizabeth smiled.

              “We eat now,” Ronon began serving up supper.


              “Mommy, that’s it.?” Torren whined.

              “Bring home some goods when you go trading with your father and I’ll tell you more,” Teyla tucked in her son. She planned on telling more regardless of what her son brought home.

              “Okay mommy,” Torren’s eyes lit up.

              “Maybe we’ll find out how John escapes Chaya and what happens when the Asurans find Lady Elizabeth and Ronon,” Teyla kissed her son goodnight.

              *Back to practicing guitar. Dang "Peggy Sue" solo. And trying to sing and play is harder than I thought *
              So you and Joe have something in common, funky hair and horn-rimmed glasses. Check out the con pics.

              Loved the story and the POUS.

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Hooray, more of the Sparky Fairytale! pk, that was awesome! Poor Ronon, being turned into an ogre by those nasty Asurans! *hisses at the Asurans and pets Ronon* And gee, Chaya stripped down Sir John, eh? Naughty wench!

                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                I say it sounds good. And I wonder if they would perhaps have a few disagreements among themselves about keeping things from her.
                You know, I think they would definitely be disagreeing amongst themselves over keeping secrets from Elizabeth. Let's see, Kate doesn't want to tell her because she thinks it would be better for Elizabeth's recovery if she remembered on her own... what would the others think? I get the feeling Ronon would want to tell her... I think Rodney would too (probably because he's still feeling guilty over turning the nanites back on and sending her into that hell, so he doesn't want to screw up again). Teyla... I wonder if she might also be feeling guilty, about the way she evaded/lied to FRANibeth in GitM, and want to tell her. John, I'm guessing, would be in ultra-protective mode and not want to tell her. Keller, Beckett and Woolsey I'm not sure about.

                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                I'm jealous that you get to meet him first. But we want every excruciating detail.

                I'm glad Torri supports Sparky. She's a smart lady. And Joe has been saying interesting things a lot since the show went off. He joked around with SK in Burbank about "getting the girl" in relation to Elizabeth and gave us the idea for our Sparky S6 by saying if we could come up with the money he was ready to do our version of S6. So we're writing it for him. LOL

                Every time one of us meets him we need to bring it up and let him know of the widespread support that ship has.
                Definitely need to let Joe know about SS6. He is our hero, after all!
                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  I'm jealous that you get to meet him first. But we want every excruciating detail.

                  I'm glad Torri supports Sparky. She's a smart lady. And Joe has been saying interesting things a lot since the show went off. He joked around with SK in Burbank about "getting the girl" in relation to Elizabeth and gave us the idea for our Sparky S6 by saying if we could come up with the money he was ready to do our version of S6. So we're writing it for him. LOL

                  Every time one of us meets him we need to bring it up and let him know of the widespread support that ship has.
                  Up until a couple of days I didn't know he'd be at the con. Fedcon is always a yearly thing I do, so I always book my tickets a year up front without a single clue who the guests will be (never been disappointed ). David Hewlett was one of the first big guests they announced, so I was happy there'd be at least one SG actor. But then suddenly on thursday, a week before the con starts, I got this newsletter from Fedcon saying Joe Flanigan would be coming too. I was bouncy and happy and giddy all day And still am
                  And yes, I will let you know every excruciating detail Especially when I talk to him about Sparky... and season 6

                  Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
                  Kris you're back! *Eric Berry-spear-tackle-hug* You got to meet Miss Torri... cool. I don't suppose you know if she likes goofy hillbillies with funky hair that wear black horn rimmed glasses. (A thunker can dream right ) Cute fic too. Anyways, since we're all so happy, here's some more Sir John and Lady Elizabeth.

                  *Back to practicing guitar. Dang "Peggy Sue" solo. And trying to sing and play is harder than I thought *
                  *huggles* It really has been too long!! I'll see Torri again in July, so I'll ask her then
                  Do you have a link to the other parts of the fic, cause I'm totally lost :-/
                  You play guitar? Cool! I used to play too, but lack of time is keeping me from playing :-/

                  Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                  Definitely need to let Joe know about SS6. He is our hero, after all!
                  Oh, he'll know!! No worries about that
                  Does anyone have ideas for S6 t-shirts?

                  Sig by me


                    Kris: Why we don't do the Sparky week end, the next week end wit Joe?lol I'm available in august. Pick a day and I will be in your house.

                    It's interesting how Joe can say a lot of different Can't wait to see your report, Kris.
                    Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                      hehe, Joe definitely should know he inspired us to create our own S6 - one that doesn't piss on canon and commit character assasination.
                      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                        Kris The spoiler has the first two parts of the fairytale fic.

                        Fairytale Part I

                        Sir John crept slowly through the sulfur ponds making sure to avoid any geysers that would randomly spew from the ground. The rotten smell had taken hold of his senses; Sir John wrapped the scarlet sash of Lady Elizabeth around his face. Her scent lingered on the silk. Sir John could not identify the fragrances but it renewed his strength to carry on.

                        "Who dares intrude upon the shrine of Lord Neoptolemus!" a voice boomed from over head.

                        "Tis I, Sir John of Gaea!" John searched for the source of his interrogator.

                        "What is your business here!" the voice boomed again.

                        "I didn't mean to trespass..." John saw a large shadow flying over head.

                        Sir John jumped back as a burst of fire rained forth from the sky.

                        "All people of this land know the sulfur ponds belong to Neoptolemus!" the voice scolded.

                        "Gaea is from far away. I only wish to cross this land safely," Sir John spoke as he saw the sentry's form for the first time.

                        A large dragon like the story books landed in front of Sir John. Its scales rough as the most rugged leather. Two horns like an elephant's tusks topped its head. The large wings produced winds that nearly blew Lady Elizabeth's scarf from Sir John's face.

                        "I will grant you safe passage Sir John, but only if you can defeat me in battle!" the dragon boomed.

                        "Uh, maybe if I just said, 'please'?" Sir John replied sarcastically.

                        The only response Sir John received was another wall of fire. Once again he jumped away to dodge the attack. Sir John brought his shield to port and readied his lance as the dragoon took flight. Sir John's foe swooped by with an stretched claw. Sir John rolled away and trust his spear at the dragon's belly. Thought the weapon found its mark it merely glanced away from the hard scales of the dragon.

                        "Sir John, I admire your spirit! Perhaps I will let you live!" the dragon taunted.

                        "Didn't realize dragons were so chatty," Sir John quipped in return.

                        The two fought to a stalemate for hours. The dragon's fire and dive attacks being evaded by Sir John. And Sir John's lance and sword thrusts and slashes all being deflected by his foe's natural armor. Finally Sir John had an idea.

                        After dodging another few attacks Sir John made it to a sulfur pool. He felt a tinge of guilt using his shield as a bowl, but there was no man on his left to protect in this fight. He filled up his shield with the sulfur liquid and waited for the dragon to return.

                        "Sir John, time to end this!" the dragon screamed as he came diving in at John once more.

                        "Don't see a reason not to," John yelled as he flung the contents of his shield at the dragon's face.

                        Then with a terrible roar the dragon crashed to the ground. He began pawing at his eyes trying to wipe the burning sulfur away. Sir John had turned to continue his journey until he heard a soft whimper.

                        Sir John returned to the dragon's side and confirmed it was him softly crying.

                        "Uh... you gonna be alright?" John tone was hesitant.

                        "I need clean water to rinse my eyes," the dragon had tears running down his face.

                        "Gah," John shook his head, "hold your eyes open and I'll rinse them out."

                        "How can I trust you?" the dragon asked.

                        "Because to further harm a defeated enemy would be dishonorable," John replied as he opened his jug of water.

                        "You may proceed," the dragon answered meekly.

                        "Alright," Sir John spoke as flushed the dragon's eyes.

                        "Sir John, I will take you myself across the sulfur ponds," the dragon stated as he regained his vision.

                        "How can I trust you?" John raised a brow.

                        "Because to betray one that has shown mercy is a great dishonor," the dragon replied.

                        "Good enough," Sir John agreed and was lifted onto the dragon's back.

                        "May I ask where you are going Sir John of Gaea?" the dragon took off.

                        "I need to reach a place called Asuras. I'm not sure where it is though. I've been asking people as I go." Sir John replied.

                        "I know it well. I can take you as far as I can then give you directions from there," the dragon informed.

                        "Thank you. May I ask your name?" John became interested in his new friend.

                        "I am Tyndareus. I can take you as far as the frozen palisades of the P.O.U.S.'s" the dragon said.

                        "My new friend Tyndareus, what are P.O.U.S. 's?" Sir John asked.

                        "Penguins Of Unusual Size," Tyndareus answered.


                        "Ok time for bed," Teyla tucked her son.

                        "But mommy, I want to know more about Sir John and the giant penguins," Torren whined.

                        "Tomorrow night dear. And if you're good maybe I'll tell you about Lady Elizabeth's escape," Teyla tucked her son in and kissed him good night.

                        Fairytale part II

                        Lady Elizabeth stood and moved to the small window in her room. The view of the great city below would have been breathtaking under normal circumstances. But the bars on the window and bolted door took away from the ambiance. She sighed waiting for her captors to return.

                        "Wasting your time again I see," Oberoth entered Lady Elizabeth's prison.

                        "So are you," Elizabeth raised a defiant brow.

                        "We do not waste our time lost in silly day dreams," Oberoth closed the door.

                        "Your time," Elizabeth emphasized.

                        "You are one of us now. Our elixir is part of you. We are connected," Oberoth moved closer.

                        "I'm nothing like you," Elizabeth prepared herself for another session of indoctrination.


                        "Below are the palisades of the P.O.U.S's. I can go no further," Tyndareus started his descent.

                        "I appreciate the ride. But why can't you fly over their lands," Sir John inquired.

                        "There is an uneasy truce between my master and the ruler of the P.O.U.S's. I risk a war encroaching upon their land," the dragon gently landed on the frozen ground.

                        "I see. Thank you my new friend," Sir John slid from Tyndareus to the ground.

                        "Your welcome Sir John. After you make it through this territory you must go by ship to Asuras. There is a small town on the dock where you can charter a vessel. Do you have any money?" Tyndareus asked.

                        "No I don't," Sir John replied.

                        "Then take this," Tyndareus pulled a shedding scale, "anyone will take it in trade. Think of it as a gift from our battle."

                        "Thank you," John reached in a small bag, "take some of these. In my land they're called cookies."

                        "Good luck sir John," Tyndareus took the cookies and flew away.

                        Sir John began his journey toward the fortification in the horizon. There would most likely be an inn of some kind where he can rest and resupply within the walls. He stifled a laugh thinking of giant penguins. Giant penguins seemed on par with life sucking bugs to Sir John.

                        After several hours Sir John stopped at an unfrozen creek for water. He heard some rustling and turned to see a large penguin staring back at him. He shook his to make sure the four foot tall penguin was not an illusion. The bird jumped and turned around. Thinking nothing of the encounter Sir John continued on.

                        Another few hours later he could see the doors to the fortified city.

                        "Hey there... guys," John was at a loss for words when five giant penguins appeared with bows drawn on the walls.

                        "Who encroaches upon our land?" one of the penguins barked.

                        "Sir John of Gaea. I only seek rest and provisions in your city," Sir John answered.

                        "There is no such place as Gaea," a penguin yelled.

                        "There is it's..." John brought his shield up as a volley of arrows came at him.

                        "I've done nothing to provoke..." Sir John was interrupted again when he got knocked to the ground.

                        Sir John jumped to see three giant penguins in chain mail rushing at him. He readied his shield and spear. But he was knocked over once again from behind. Sir John scrambled to his feet to see another penguin come dashing at him. The penguin jumped on its belly and came sliding at him. Sir John gave a mighty swing with his shield and sent the penguin bouncing into the city walls.

                        The other penguins began similar attacks on Sir John. In a matter of moments dozens of penguins had encircled him.

                        "Penguins Of Unusual Size. Didn't think it was possible. But there's a squad of them trying to beat the hell outta me," John vented aloud as he sent more penguins careening around.

                        The penguins kept sending reinforcements and Sir John could feel his shield and spear getting heavy. One final attack sent him airborne and Sir John looked up to see more than a platoon of penguins before losing consciousness.

                        On Asuras...

                        "You are finally beginning to see things our way," Oberoth smiled.

                        "The impure will be torn asunder. Only we Asurans deserve to rule," Lady Elizabeth grinned darkly.

                        "What lands lie beyond the realm of Pegasus?" Oberoth asked.

                        "Many. Ripe with resources to build our empire," Elizabeth answered.

                        "And will you lead our army there?" Oberoth continued.

                        "The people of Gaea will tremble at the sight of our forces," Elizabeth spoke cold and hallow.

                        "And you will conquer them. For the Asuran Empire." Oberoth stated as final satisfaction.

                        "Not quite..." Elizabeth smiled as her form disappeared.

                        "What stratagem is this?!" Oberoth yelled.

                        Lady Elizabeth had escaped the tower and was moving as fast as possible for the gates of the city. The control over her new powers were minimal. But she learned enough from Oberoth's mental attacks to use the Asuran ability against him. She knew if the Asuran elixir allowed thoughts to be shared, Oberoth could easily track her.

                        Lady Elizabeth looked back to see uniformed Asurans fanning out from the prison tower. Finding a small boat Elizabeth sprinted on board. Unsure of how to pilot the vessel, she closed her eyes. A set of controls appeared in front of her and the boat began moving.


                        "Mommy that was great. What happens next," Torren eyes lit up.

                        "Well, tomorrow night I'll tell you about how Lady Elizabeth meets the friendly ogre Ronon and Sir John becomes prisoner the Ice Queen Chaya," Teyla smiled.

                        And what guitar do you play? Being a beginner, I play an acoustic right now, but I want to get an electric here in the coming month or so. I'm leaning toward the Fender Strat. The '57 reissue is my first choice, but I'll try some others too. And maybe you can help, I'm having trouble with the alternate picking in "Peggy Sue" during the solo. On upstrokes it's like my pick is getting caught so end up skipping strings. I did notice I'm holding my pick with a downward angle to it. Should it be parallel with the ground? (I'm a self teaching beginner)
                        Last edited by pkprd869; 24 April 2010, 05:26 AM.
                        "I only understand about 1% of what she says half of the time."


                          Originally posted by Probie View Post
                          Kris: Why we don't do the Sparky week end, the next week end wit Joe?lol I'm available in august. Pick a day and I will be in your house.

                          It's interesting how Joe can say a lot of different Can't wait to see your report, Kris.
                          August? Cool! I'll check to see what weekend I'm free.
                          And I can't wait for next week

                          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                          hehe, Joe definitely should know he inspired us to create our own S6 - one that doesn't piss on canon and commit character assasination.
                          I will let him know he was out inspiration
                          And I will let him know we'll respect canon and we definitely won't commit character assassinations

                          Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
                          Kris The spoiler has the first two parts of the fairytale fic.
                          Thank you!! It's pretty cool and I really want to read more

                          Sig by me


                            Actually, don't dump too much info on him, lol. I imagine being an actor and doing all those cons must be hard. because we'd all want to tell them somethign and why they're so important for us. It must be overwhelming.
                            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                              Oh, no worries, I know how to handle actors and when I can or cannot bother them

                              Sig by me


                                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                                Actually, don't dump too much info on him, lol. I imagine being an actor and doing all those cons must be hard. because we'd all want to tell them somethign and why they're so important for us. It must be overwhelming.
                                Personally, I will probably forget everything I meant to say as soon as he looks me in the eye. Maybe I'll wear a Sparky button and wait for him to ask. LOL

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

