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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Melyanna
    As for The Long Goodbye, a friend and I were looking last night night for a quote that said that

    Sheppard and Weir would be trapped together in a life support pod, but we weren't able to confirm it.
    (She swears she read that in an interview with Joe Mallozzi, but we couldn't find it in any of her print magazines or on the web.
    I can't remember or find the link but it was a French interview with Damien Kindler. He says something along the lines of
    Sheppard and team find a life pod and Sheppard and Weir end up....i've said too much.

    I was thinking walking home how short we had been on fic recently and i log on and there's fic galore! Now do i go to bed and energise for another double shift tomorrow or stay up till 3:30am reading fic? .....FIC! FIC! FIC!


      Originally posted by Bama
      Whoo! Another who sees the light! Go toward the light! ; )
      Thanks for the link Purple. We'd love for you to post with us here anytime! (as long as you want talk shep/weir...but while rodney is in the pic (namely your sig) bout he and cadman? I'm lovin that idea.

      Well I've changed it to Teyla now, not used this one before and she needs some representinng.

      I can't say I'm sold on Shep/Weir romantically, but I will go for OT3 with Shep/Weir in it (and not necessarily with McKay but I do like 'McShWeir'), wouldn't mind talk about that, but maybe I should go to the OT3 thread and not here...

      But it was a challenge to make the icon (though I don't think I'm allowed to say which I made while the voting is going on) and I can't resist challenges, it's my secret.

      And it's just possible I might try to write some S/W for Anti-OTP challenge (you heard of that at all? I think it's sort of explainatory but can explain if needed) sometime soon. So maybe I ought to hang around a bit here and see what you guys are talking about, just to get a feel for it. Would probably help me write OT3 as well, can't do a threesome without understanding all the pairings in it.


        Originally posted by Purpleyin
        Well I've changed it to Teyla now, not used this one before and she needs some representinng.

        Geez...woman! Don't you know 'Teyla' is a bad word in this thread!?
        No seriously, I dig Teyla and her badass self more this year than last and I'm diggin her interaction with Ronon. Great shot of her btw.

        I can't say I'm sold on Shep/Weir romantically,

        Oh, you poor, disillusioned child.
        Sigh...looks like a bit more work is required on you. Don't worry...just watch the magic and let it happen to you gracefully. Don't will hurt less.

        but I will go for OT3 with Shep/Weir in it (and not necessarily with McKay but I do like 'McShWeir'), wouldn't mind talk about that, but maybe I should go to the OT3 thread and not here...

        OT3? I'm lost as a goose. I do adore Rodney but I don't want him 'in bed' with my boy and girl. Any shep/weir fic you do, we need a link mind you. Can't ever have enough sparky! ; )

        But it was a challenge to make the icon (though I don't think I'm allowed to say which I made while the voting is going on) and I can't resist challenges, it's my secret.

        I gave ya a vote too. Of course, I was with the 'shippier' ones...

        And it's just possible I might try to write some S/W for Anti-OTP challenge (you heard of that at all? I think it's sort of explainatory but can explain if needed) sometime soon. So maybe I ought to hang around a bit here and see what you guys are talking about, just to get a feel for it. Would probably help me write OT3 as well, can't do a threesome without understanding all the pairings in it.

        Again, lost as a goose. Anti-OTP? And yeah, if you're writing Shep/Weir, honey you just need to hang around this place. We talk it as good as anybody...and there's plenty of us to listen to. ; )


          Originally posted by SallyLizzie
          I can't remember or find the link but it was a French interview with Damien Kindler. He says something along the lines of
          [i]Sheppard and team find a life pod and Sheppard and Weir end up....

          "making hot, passionate, explosive, love inside it while the team tries desperately to get them to unlock the friggin door!"

 I took a wee bit of liberty with his quote...

          Close enough.



            Here I am again. *smile* Well, I didn't finished to read all pages, I'm now on page 408. You're so chatty. *biggrin* But I adore you so much, great post ever and lovely pictures. What I want more! It's funny I went away on holiday at page number 268 and now 439 !! I'm at home over a month now and still reading and reading....

            Okay, I just wanted to say "HIIIIIIIII" to the incredible numbers of newbies, you know I wrote everything on my little papers.

            Welcome *AtlantisFan* (Hiiiiii!! ), LuvsJonasQuinn, DrWeir, grasshopper, Mann One, Nrwa Rebel, JxHarrison, Kookabura, leafy, kingshell, Cheyenne, Shonaille, marella, Stargate Insane, katethegater, dissie, divcon, mactheknife, Ebony Wolf, Lida, Finnstardust (Hiiiii! *huggles*), hollyshannensangel & SnoggingPicard!

            Have fun! I hope I didn't forget somebody.

            Happy belated birthday to Angel of Fire! All the best!

            Mel, great manip. Very diligent work! I love it!

            Bama, fantastic fic. Unfortunately I didn't managed to read "Best Laid Planes" yet, but I'll read it tomorrow. Can't wait!

            Athena, "Apology Accepted" was very sweet,...

            snoopoony, your link for your vid "The Gift" didn't work anymore. I really want to see it. *sigh* Do you another one for me?

            Dorka, awesome wallpaper! *wow*

            Okay, just another two cents to "Conversion", did I mention that I loved that ep?! *giggle* Yes I did! Well, what I actually wanted to say, OMG, in what trousers (dark blue one) they put John at the beginning, I think those ones wear old grandpa's at the hospital. *rofl*

            And here are some funny icons I made in the last weeks.
            Spoiler WARNING!


            Sorry, for my full packed post....

            I'm going to bed right now, sleep well!


              I am a Shep/Weir fan but not a very large one, my sister is the one obbsessed with the pairing, I'm the one obbsessed with Teyla/Ronon. I just wanted to post that from what I can tell Shep/Weir is the biggest of the pairings, I've looked at the guys Weir can choose from and John is the only one that fits, McKay is too arogant for her besides he likes Kate, Ford has gone insane and there never was a spark like the one she has for John, John is the only one that fits.

              As for Teyla, John does fit pretty well, but he does not fit as well as Ronon, so as you can see the writers in my opinons have two choices for Teyla, and only one choice for Weir. In my opinon John has to go with Weir and that leaves Ronon for Teyla, which is alright in my book

              I live in a world that is filled with constant fanfiction, its OK I like it here.


                Originally posted by Bama
       I took a wee bit of liberty with his quote...

                Close enough.

                Please, continue to take all the liberties you want. It gives others happy thoughts.

                Oh, and pss, Bama . . . check your 'personal messages.'

                Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                  Originally posted by Nerwen Aldarion
                  I am a Shep/Weir fan but not a very large one, my sister is the one obbsessed with the pairing, I'm the one obbsessed with Teyla/Ronon. I just wanted to post that from what I can tell Shep/Weir is the biggest of the pairings, I've looked at the guys Weir can choose from and John is the only one that fits, McKay is too arogant for her besides he likes Kate, Ford has gone insane and there never was a spark like the one she has for John, John is the only one that fits.

                  As for Teyla, John does fit pretty well, but he does not fit as well as Ronon, so as you can see the writers in my opinons have two choices for Teyla, and only one choice for Weir. In my opinon John has to go with Weir and that leaves Ronon for Teyla, which is alright in my book
                  Welcome Nerwen! Come, sit, pull up a chair and let us convince you that your sister is one smart gal! ; )

                  I dig Teyla/Ronon too but this one...oh honey, it's magic. (Humming with Olivia have to believe we are magic...nothing can stand in our way...have to believe we are magic...)

                  I like the way you put that. John fits Elizabeth. Puts a smile on my face. ; )

                  Stay, read with us...guarantee you we'll have you shep/weir cuddlin in no time flat. ; )



                    Originally posted by Bama
                    Oh, you poor, disillusioned child.
                    Sigh...looks like a bit more work is required on you. Don't worry...just watch the magic and let it happen to you gracefully. Don't will hurt less.
                    I think it'd take alot to convince me of this ship straight on it's own and romantic, but you can try . Mean while I still like SWAMA, OT3, and friendship.
                    Originally posted by Bama
                    OT3? I'm lost as a goose. I do adore Rodney but I don't want him 'in bed' with my boy and girl. Any shep/weir fic you do, we need a link mind you. Can't ever have enough sparky! ; )
                    One True Pairing, hence One True Threesome. Threeway, all-way loving. That way Rodney or whoever else it is doesn't get left out. I suppose I ought to explain SWAMA too, it's a term we got over on my native thread Shep/Weir with McKay angst. Basically for angsty fic or whatever where poor Rodney has unrequited love, though technically he could be pining for Weir or Sheppard. I can go for that, even on the show.
                    Originally posted by Bama
                    I gave ya a vote too. Of course, I was with the 'shippier' ones...
                    Ah, but which do you think I made...? They all look fairly shippy to me anyway, but I have an undiscerning eye considering.
                    Originally posted by Bama
                    Again, lost as a goose. Anti-OTP? And yeah, if you're writing Shep/Weir, honey you just need to hang around this place. We talk it as good as anybody...and there's plenty of us to listen to. ; )
                    Well since Shep/Weir is the ship I don't support romanticly and McKay/Weir is my OTP, it sort of makes S/W my Anti-OTP, which isn't meant to be a bad thing but the challenge is to write what you'd usuallly never write. That said I've already written one S/W fic ("Peace" ), it's friendship but you could see UST there I suppose. It was a challenge for a ficathon and now I think of it I see a pattern emerging, that I've done Shep/Weir when challenged to...


                      Originally posted by Whistler84
                      Please, continue to take all the liberties you want. It gives others happy thoughts.

                      Oh, and pss, Bama . . . check your 'personal messages.'
                      done. check yours.

                      I'm faster than Elizabeth's eyebrow twitch. ; )



                        Originally posted by Purpleyin
                        I think it'd take alot to convince me of this ship straight on it's own and romantic, but you can try . Mean while I still like SWAMA, OT3, and friendship.

                        One True Pairing, hence One True Threesome. Threeway, all-way loving. That way Rodney or whoever else it is doesn't get left out. I suppose I ought to explain SWAMA too, it's a term we got over on my native thread Shep/Weir with McKay angst. Basically for angsty fic or whatever where poor Rodney has unrequited love, though technically he could be pining for Weir or Sheppard. I can go for that, even on the show.
                        Ah, but which do you think I made...? They all look fairly shippy to me anyway, but I have an undiscerning eye considering.

                        ACK! I'm not down with the 3-some but I can dig Rodney angst. I still say Cadman is the way to go there for Rod. That woman stands up to him and has the snark to get down with him. Instant like from me to her.

                        Well since Shep/Weir is the ship I don't support romanticly and McKay/Weir is my OTP, it sort of makes S/W my Anti-OTP, which isn't meant to be a bad thing but the challenge is to write what you'd usuallly never write. That said I've already written one S/W fic ("Peace" ), it's friendship but you could see UST there I suppose. It was a challenge for a ficathon and now I think of it I see a pattern emerging, that I've done Shep/Weir when challenged to...
                        Just think...keep it up and you'll be seein 'the light' in no time gal. Or read one of our handy fic links around here and you might be seeing it real soon. We've had some shep/weir hot ones as of late.

                        I guess if I did an anti, I'd have to go with Weir/Teyla or Weir/Caldwell or Teyla/John. I don't even know if I want to write that badly though. I'm more traditional I suppose. I never got into pairing 'others' on the xfiles either like a lot of folks did.

                        Have fun!

                        -B ; )

                        Oh, and I think I voted 3, 9 and 1 on the icons. I can't remember the order.


                          Just caught the atlantis clip on late night sci/fi. The husband said, "oh, look, your 'boy' is in trouble-again." And rolled his eyes...he thinks shep gets in far too much trouble for one guy. Of course I remind him that he never complained about jack's constant trouble. Anyway, I rolled mine when I see that
                          Elizabeth and John don't *appear* to be engaging much in these two eps. What is this crap-"Colonel Sheppard's team is still missing." Crap. They go missing in the first ep obviously and Elizabeth still hasn't found them in the second where they obviously run into Ford. BTW, some dude on sci-fi boards was saying that this may be Ford's last episode for good as he's contracted to another tv show now full-time. I've never really dug ford that much so I could care less but maybe we'll get some good Elizabeth 'consoling' of John at some point after ford bites it or is lost to them for good. Yeah, I could go there. yum de la slurp.

                          Well, I see John is alone in next weeks ep in his own little virtual world it appears. Hmmm...I'm thinking that we might get virtual elizabeth in his mind after all. I do hope she comes and visits him but unless he controls his own virtual reality 'game' , it does appear that she's back on atlantis base fretting. Which...brings me to my next irritation. GET HER ASS OFF ATLANTIS! writers! Get her action team with lorne going and get her to scanning the galaxy far and wide for her man! That is why I love condemned so dang much even with no john/eliz interaction directly. She took action to get her man back! I hate to see her twisting her hands and yelling at people to "find them!" over the dang mic. As much as I love worried! Elizabeth, I want to see *her* getting tired of that crap and shake things up.

                          BTW, is Caldwell in either of these eps? Mel? anyone? If he is, I'd just bet that's who she's interacting with on base while her honey and his munchkins are out stranded in space. crap. ComeOn John! Surely you'll put her in your own virtual world! You know you want to play with your own Elizabeth doll man!

                          Which brings me to another point...playing...was it just me or did Ronon appear to have his arm around tey in one of those short snaps looking all big man-tough ass protective? Hmmmm....?

                          anyone else with any thoughts on these?

                          -b ; )

                          I cannot believe I've got to go out at 10 pm. to buy friggin pantyhose for a wedding tommorow! dang. dang. dang. cruel invention there. right up there next to the bra in cruel things invented by mankind.


                            Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                            Could someone tell my where I could find a more detailed summary of last weeks episode? I missed it and I really want to know what happined!
                            You can find a very detailed summary of the "Conversion" at Abydos Gate:Atlantis in the episode guide.

                            Here's the the synopsis for "Conversion"


                              Originally posted by Melyanna
                              I think some of it was Torri and Joe. I think they probably interpreted the characters slightly differently than the producers were intending. For one, Elizabeth was reaching out to him because she was the only one who wanted him on the expedition without reservations. John obviously saw that, and he reacted to her trust with a great deal of respect. But on that score, he also pushed her to be better. I like to think that he saw that she was capable of more, but just needed to be pushed into the deep end in order to make the tough choices.

                              So I think a lot of that initial chemistry was more a result of the actors than the writers. But in the editing process, the moments when they reached out to each other stayed in. No matter what their original intentions were, they came to that point and felt they needed to highlight John and Elizabeth's relationship in its early days.
                              Some interesting points. The actors did seem to reach out to each other at every opportunity given their characters with a realism and tangable quality.

                              Didn't that Brad dude make the comment that they weren't going to 'rush into a ship' on SGA a while back? I've got news for him...A great ship rushes onto you. And Brad my boy, Shep/Weir is a GREAT ship. All your good intentions in the world won't stop it if the chemistry is right and real and there. And it is with this one. You know it and I know it. So, stop fighting it, get out of the way and let it happen naturally.

                              -B ; )


                                Originally posted by seetheship

                                After reading it I was just wondering about them getting involved in a `ship and what the consequences thereof would be for Atlantis and its leadership? Can a possible `ship be described as a weakness considering that John already went ballistic when Liz was in trouble and she showing similar emotions in Conversion.....because really when one or the other is in trouble it becomes about "them"! If third parties like Beckett, Caldwell and even Rodney has picked up on their "special bond" what would any potential enemy (for example recurring baddie Kolya..) do with that knowledge. On the other hand , could an ever strengthening bond between our duo be Atlantis`saving grace?
                                LOL, I always think I'm in hypnosis when I read your handle. 'See..the ship...Read the pretty thread and ...*see* the ship... LOL ; )

                                Actually, I don't see that it would change much at all if the writers let them eventually move to a physical relationship at some point. Elizabeth would *still* rely on John and he would still lean on her and still argue with her. I can't see that either of them are the type people to let feelings interfere with what they know is right to do. Of course, that will be the biggest arguement against them being in a ship. Will it affect the leadership negatively? And it's a fair question. But like you nicely point out, if they already go crazy with worry will being 'with' each other make them any worse? Those feelings are only going to continue to heighten and strengthen as time goes some point, it will become mute.

                                -B ; )

                                Oh and THANKS to Whistler for my bright, new, shiny SIG box!

